| Lundquists Host Celebrates Birthday Mrs Sylvia Duncan cele Large Gathering brated her birthday last week Sylvia Duncan •—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday. Aug. 15. 19“4 Rebekahs Hold Disi Gates Reunion Wemani Patje. Phone 897-2772 Norma J. Long, Woman s Page Editor "YOUR LAND ou\ e ( Àmie a Lon** W a*. America AND MY LAND by Hasel Bayes Dist. Deputy President Visits Rebekah Lodge Sant.ur. Rebekah Lodge 155 met ir. regular meeting August 7± with Mrs. Luther Yates. Noble Grand presiding M-s Lee Lugtatfoot. District Deputy President of District 7A from Eva Reoekan Lodge -S2 paid her official visit and presented ter comm .sson freer Mrs Reth^ Kirby, presi­ dent of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon Sne was a ream par­ ted by Mrs. June Bartow past Assembly Marshal Following the meeting re­ freshments were served by Glenn Anderson. .Albert Carr.* Tan. Daugherty Orti Koeneke Furnishings & Complete Home Appliances NEW- -USED Open Evenings By Appointment Ra-.k Ame-irarri Welcome I owns his goes with wees. She the mom- Phone 749-2975 Subscribe to The What’s New This Week Back To School Sweaters By Fritzi $8» .$14« To Pierre Shoes Leather Wedgies in Ten or Bieck Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel 400 3rd Ave. Calendar Of Events Mrs. Joel Vincent Mill City Enterprise Read it Every Week Sdbfimity-AnmstiUe Junction Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lund quist were hosts for a family reunion at their home Sunday, August 11. About 60 family members and guests attended, coming from throughout Ore gon and other states, the far­ thest being Colorado Attending were: Mr and Mrs Howard Petterson, Denver, Coto., Mr. and Mr*. Reynold Engrail. Tacoma, Mrs. Blanche Peterson and Mr. and Mrs Bill Johnston. Bonners Ferry. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pet­ erson. McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson.Rhonda Peterson and Bob Bishop, Coos Bay; Mr. and Mrs Robert Ei ans and Mr. and Mrs Tam Evans, Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs George Chambers, Tam; and Nick Chambers, Mrs. Ida Chambers, and Mr and Mrs Brad Chambers and infant son of Albany; Mr. and Mrs Chester Douglas of Lake Os­ wego. Mrs Golda Heater, Mr and Mr*. Dell Farleigh and Mr and Mrs. Scott Farleigh of West Linn; Mr and Mrs Rob- | ert Peterson, Basil Saunders and daughter, LuAnne, Karen McCloskey, and Susan Evans from Beaverton, Mrs Florence About 150 people dropped £vans Woodbura; Mrl Mar. by to congratulate Mr Mr and garf>t Mr wd ^s- 1-^*_ 11 R011 Lawson, Mr and Mr* Sam ' new home during the calling' Weisen back. Don We.sen back. hours Saturday afternoon and Mr and Mrs. Mark Rogers. ' early evening The beautiful Mark, Angie apd Amy Rogers. weather added much to 1— Mrs Marian Hart and Theresa occasion, with the river-front and Lisa Hart, all of Portland I location being at its sparkling Also attending were Rey. I best, the guests enjoying the Billi, Tonya. Annie and Mar . view from the spacious deck go Porter of Mill City. Answering the door was a ' nephew Daryl Ross of Stay- ton. with his wde, Tish, as­ sisting with hastes* honors Preparation of the refresh­ Why teat TOC ment* was ably handled by Mr*. George Davis and Mrs T Leo Poole The Rosses received numer­ ous cards and gifts, many of the well-wishers coming from out-of-town. Many at Ross Open House Sat I Furniture with two former co-workers. Helen Fletcher of Salem, and E.hel McKeon of Stayton. who teaches at the School for the Deaf in Salem the luncheon being held at the home of the latter. On Saturday. August 10. the actual date oi the birthday anniversary. Mrs Golda Mar­ tens took Mrs. Duncan out to dinner, and on Sunday her brother and sister in-law. Mr. ■ and Mrs. Earl Gooch of Salem, brought dinner to her home A telephone call from then daughter and son .n-law. the John Cloyds iTwyla Gooch), who are located in Kansas City, Mo., was also greatly ap­ preciated. Mrs Duncan was to be feted on Wednesday of this week when the birthday club meets at the home of Olivia Kapling- er for luncheon. 769-2762 Stayton I Visits Relatives Here from New Yirk City American Legion i Homer) has spent the past month in City with her parent*. To Honor District Mill Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark, and her sister, Mrs Shirley Two Aux. President Laird Mrs V.ncen: and Mr* Laird Mrs. Joe Vincent California Relatives roads'. Ah. the roads' Visit at Kimmels Guests Sunday for dinner at the J. C. Kimmel home were his nephew and his wife. Mr and Mrs. Lee McClintock from | The Mill City-Gates Ameri­ San Diego. Calif, and their 1 can Leg.on Post and Auxiliary granddaughter. Colleen Mc- will honor the district two lk Clintock from the Burbank. j auxiliary president. Mrs Rose Baker of Canby. Friday even­ er California area. ing. August 16. when she Colleen is the daughter of makes her official visit here “c Mr. and Mr* Michael Me­ A turkey dinner potluck is re Clintock. planned for the occasion at tr. They also visited his brother 7:30 p m. at the Gates Legion id and famly. Mr and Mrs. Wil Hall The turkey will be furn­ .tan-. McClintock. Sue and ished by the auxiliary with n- Mark. Mr. and Mr*. Lowell members to bring potluck ty Cree and Mr and Mrs Al Yan- ■ dishes. i- Eu£ ■ Members of the Idanha Post —. — ■ . . , . - a.nc Auxiliary have been in- >r v,The„.Mr\hciocts “lilted and all legtor. and auxJ- K *' iOT > ear? tary members and their guests r- be was employed f or tbe ^ welcome -nomas Brotaers -«oggmg Co , _________________ moving to San Diego about, e- n S^.(K) High School Reunion To Be Held Sunday The Coldest Drink Known To Man. USED ITEMS Mahogany table and 5 chaira____ Other Seta front_____________ -___ Maytag Wanker Bo Wood rocker» from_____________ 30" ELectnc Range_______________ Copperton* Refrigerator - ------------ Used Bedroom. net ---------------- — Good Uaed Stereo and Portable TV ANN’S Furniture A Antique* ORDERS TO GO Phone 769-5311 Last caL for the scheduled reunion and picnic of Mill City High School claaaes of 1931. 1832. 1933. and 1934. to be held at the old city park near the school on Sunday. August IS. beginning during the noon hour Thoae attending are asked to bring their picmc lunch and aemce. and any folding chairs available Any teachers of that ume are especially in­ vited to attend In fact, any­ one who attended the old h.gh school before 1934 would be welcome In case of inclement weath­ er, the affair will be held in the high school common* Hull. 8:OC' 21— Lodge 1« vacationed in British Colum­ Sponsored as a public service ba while sne was here. By She also visited relatives in Saiem and with former Mili City neighbors and friends. Mrs Vincent live* in the New York suburbs in an apart­ ment house witn over 100 ten­ BEAUTY CENTER ants. She says she m.sses ML1 City but feeis quite safe where Phone 897-2137 she lives across from a large 239 S. W Broadway park where they are able to ELLEN HOWELL go and enjoy themse.ve* with­ Now Working 4 Days Weekly out the fear of crime Monday through Saturday She returned to her home srOO a.m. to 5:01) p.tn. the last of the week nvenings by appointment J.’S I LUNCHEON SPECIA Rve Days A Week Slop in and try our Luncheon Special BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER VIV’S STEAK HOUS! —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— Santiam Hwy Freeze or Float (Lucille Mill City »