Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1974)
THEY'RE ALL IN , IF Carpets look dull and M A Y T A G APPLIANCES dreary, remove spots as they available at Western Auto ——— . appear with Blue Lustre. Associate Store, Mill City. CLASSIFIED RATES Phone 897 2785 7tf NEED CASH? Loans available Rent electric shampooer $1. Churches, bazaars, suppers, on elder homes and ranch- Mill City Hardware, phone NUMBER ONE prefinished bake sale, etc., will be run «972977 30 ettes. Call debenture mort paneling. All 4x8 sheets under special announcements gage co.. Stayton, 769-6377 $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity 39tf i FOR SALE — Gibson electric classification with a mini. Building Sapply, Sublimity. I range, full size. $20. phone nuim charge of 75c per Phone 769-2174. 41tf BUYERS we have 897-2233 36 tf insertion. Ltattaga we need | Fifteen cents per line each 10x55’ Tip mo YARD SALE — August 2 8c 3, FOR SALE Offices Coast-to-Coast insertion. No advertisements bile home $2.000 for quick I 356 N. Dogwood St., Ly°ns Nationa l Advertising Brings accepted for less than 75c sale Ph. 897 2294 31 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 30p per week Minimum charge BUYERS from everywhere Call Today YARD SALE — Fridav and FOR SALE — Wringer washer for Cards of Thanks $1 90 STROUT REALTY. Inc. Saturdev. July 26 & 27. at | and two galvanized wash Count five words to the line Vivian M Kealen. Manager tubs on a stand $25.00. 897- 1185 S E 4th Starting tn ordering your ad Telephone Gates Oregon 97346 30 aan. Misc. household items | 2497. 897-2772. MUI City or mail P O. Box 516 and odds and ends. 30p your advertisement to The Mill Phone 897-2184 MOVING SALE — Kitchen City Enterprise, Mill City. table and six chairs $20: FOR SALE — Shopsmith with Oregon 97360 coffee table $5; corner tier sander and jointer attach Miscellaneous table $8; davenet: $25; metal ments $75; ping pong table, twm bed; lamps and misc. folding roll-awav with pad Real Estate Phone 897-3180. 30p dles and rack. $35 Phone BARN and FENCE Redwood 897-2431 11 1TTt-r1rTTT1TT1>1B<> FOR SALE — Duplex. 2-bdrm. stain $2.98 gal White in includes appliances. 562-570 terior Latex wall finish FOR SALE — 1972 15* Kit Automotive Douglas St.. Mill City Close $3 49 gal. Sublimity Build-. camping trailer. Used very to schools and shopping mg Supply, Sublimity. Ph. | little Electric brakes and FOR SALE 1965 Chevrolet. 1M $24.500. 364-0141. 897-2355, two propane tanks Phone 4-door hard top. Good con Or 585-8030. 20t( 897-2247 80 dition. Ph 897-2520. 30 COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION FOR SALE — 30" Zenith Elec .hi Kedueed te on 2 FOR SALE 1973 Honda ATC tric Range; five nursing 90. $401» or best offer; Ford bdrm home. lOO’xlOO’ cor Join the North Santiam Fed eral and avail yourselves of buckets calves); two chain 8N Tractor w renovator and ner lot State Vet Ln. can I its many advantages. Sav binders: one heavv chain. trailer, $1200 or best offer; be assumed or refinanced ings and Loans — Federally Phone 897-3150. 30 Mossberg 30.06 w'scope, Owner very anxious Make Insured Accounts. Call 789- $100or best offer; Midland offer Mill City 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st Cakes for all occasions — CB radio w power supply. #2—7% ac. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. specializing in wedding Avenue. Stayton. Ore. 8tf $125 or best offer; Webster Ig liv. rm w heatalator cakes Josephine Hampton. typewriter $35: new, com frplc. 4 yr old home, $37 500. Phone 897-2569 30 State Vet. Ln can be assum plete Standard Encyclopedia set. $400 or best offer; 1974 ed or refinanced Owner an ORDER NOW— Honda CL 360. $1300 or take xious All offers considered * I Vacant Mill City area over pmts.: 1974 Honda XL Locker Beef 70, S525 or take over pmts. Half or Whole USDA Good Ph. 897-2806. 30 89c lb. OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — FOR SALE — 1961 A.-ton Cu’ and wrapped to your $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity Chev. factory box. new specifications Building Supply Pnane 769- battery, new tires. 8 ply. 3 HIRTES MARKET 2174. 41 tf I speed. Needs short block Phone 887-31» SEPTIC TANK and drainfield $350 Phone 897-2614 or 887- 844 S. First. Mill City installation. Gravel Topsoil. 2985 31 Bulldozing Free P.m mat* FOR SALE — Green sofa, good think of condition 540 Phone 897- Low rates L M Walker. think of 2925 30 Work Wanted Lyons 859-2436 SOtf 6—The Mill City Enterprtie, Thumday, July 25. 1974 DRUSHELLA'S Drushella Real Estate KEYS MADE WHILE YOU ALUMINUM Screen Doors WORK WANTED — Reliable complete with ranges, latch woman desires position in WAIT Better get an extra 1905 N First Ave_ Staytan set, grill and door closer, ■ Mill City area. Experienced key made for your house ESydia E. Smith 897-2460 or automobile today, Bring $14.50. Sublimity Building secretary with light book Salesman — Gates. Oregon Supply Phone 769-2174. tf your key with you. keeping. Please call 897- Mill Call day or evening City Hawe., Mill City. 2711. 30tf tf LET US do your glass work We cut window glass to your measurements. We will in GATES stall the glass in frame» 2 Ac. plus with double unde Mobil home. 3 bdrm., family CARDS room. 2 fuL baths, shop bmldir.? with 2 bdrms lg gar brought to the store Mill Hardware. Phone 897 ■0F» den area, fruit trees, and a year round creek. $29.o00 I City 2977. 31tf OVERWEIGHT? Lose ugly fat I THANKS with the Diadax plan — Re- i duce excess fluids with Flui- ' I wish to thank the Mill City 1089 First Ave. Stayton Oregon dex at Mill City Pharmacy. | public for their understanding SALESMEN 4Ip and future thoughts towards John Roten—897-2653 Glenda Roten—897-2653 my life. GALVANIZED ROOFING Sincerely, 214" corrugated, 4V corru Mr. Bob Smith gated custom cut to length. MILL CITY Ask about our new lower 2 LOTS 82x100, ^vei gr-nmd AT utihti«? available CARD OF THANKS prices. Sublimity Building Total price 33.456 Cash. A sincere thank you to the Supply, 769-2174 many friends for their words BEDROOM home on 50x100’ lot. Full bath. Nat- U-PICK TIERRIES Royal of comfort and kind expres L’-al ras Heat. City water. Newly painted exterior. Must Anns, 15c lb. Etzel Bros 4 sions of sympathy at the loss see. --------------------------- --------- $6.860.00 mi. N W. of Mehama on of our beloved Red Mrs Irene Asher Fern Ridge Rd. Phone 769- MANY BUY EKS for home* with small and family 6718 or 769-6606 MT. SILVERWOOD REALTY For Rent FOR RENT - Country home, three bedroom, full base ment, furnace. fireplace. $200 mo REFERENCES RE QUIRED North Santiam Real Estate Ph 897-2497 80 FOR RENT — Furnished, one bedroom apt Utilities paid. Ph. 897 2961. 30 Help Wanted WANTED — Woman for part time work Wilson's Hatch ery Phone 859-2134 11 tf STATE LAW requires that anyone who contracts for work on your residence be registered with the Oregoa Builders Board This is for your protection Check to be certain the individual with whom you contract is so re gistered by celling the De partment of Commerce office in your area or contact the Builders Board. Room 204. Commerce Building, Salem 26 tf W .ANTED — Particular print ing form buyers for our par ticular printers. We have the most particular and as tute printers in the business ready and eager to do yaur printing needs. Call the Mill City Enterprise, 897-277? i'TWfic'TWtoe I J- ■r—— ■ y ■ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ASSESS FOR WATER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that the Council of the City of Gates, Oregon, de clares its purpose and inten tion to assess certain proper ties benefited by municipal water system extensions and improvements heretofore con structed and made in Assess ment Districts Numbered one (1) and two (2) in said City; and the Council hereby ascer tains and determines that the properties benefited by such extensions and improvements will be all of the lots, parts of lots, and parcels of land more particularly described in Or dinance numbered 73-8 adopt ed by the Council on July 18, 1974, and by this reference, made a part of this notice. At 8:00 pjn. on August 22, 1974, in the Council Chambers at the City Hall in Gates, Ore gon, the Council will hear and consider objections, if any there be, to the proposed assessments, or any part there of, against any particular pro perties. The proportionate shares in- LIST NOW. Vivian Kealen, Mgr. tended to be assessed against the properties benefited by such extensioss and Improve ments will be as follows: In Water System Assess ment District No. 1, on a front-foot or benefited basis of $7.5977 per foot. In Water System Assess ment District No. 2, on a lot or land parcel basis of $265.20 for each lot or par cel. The said Ordinance, propor tionate shares intended to be assessed, and proposed assessment rolls forming u part of said Ordinance, may be examined by any interested property-owner at the office of the City Recorder in the City Hall at Gates, Oregon. BY ORDER of the Council of the City of Gates, Oregon, this 18th day of July, 1974. ALEXIS WTNN City Recorder City of Gates Published in the Mill City Enterprise July 25, j Au«. 1, 1974 NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Upon Question of Levytag A Tax Outside the Limitation of the Oregon Constitution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that an election wifi be held in Administrative School District No. 129J of Linn and Maron Counties, State of Oregon, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m on Aug. 6, 1974, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said district the question of levying a tax for the fiscal year 1974-75 out side the limitation of Secton IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OR OREGON 11, Article XI, Oregon Con stitution in the amount of FOR I III COUNTY $45,000.00 per year, for five OF MARION successive years, beginning PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of with the year 1974-1975. The reasons for such levy AUBREY T. BARNHARDT, are: to continue the serial levy Deceased. previously authorized, to be No. 27546 used for acquisition of and NOTICE TO improvements to sites, addi INTERESTED PERSONS tions and alterations to build NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV ings, and acquistion and re EN that the undersigned have placement of equipment. been appointed personal rep Before any expenditures ex- resentatives of the above ceeding $10.000 00 are made estate All persons having for the serial levy fund, an claims against the estate are election will be held to de- required to present them to termine the wishes of local the undersigned personal rep school patrons. resentatives at the office of Polling places SANTIAM Bell & Bell, Attorneys at Law, HIGH SCHOOL — for all re P. O. Box 497, Stayton, Oregon gistered voters of Adminis 97383, within four months af trative School District 129J, ter the date of first publication both Linn and Marton Coun of this notice or they may be ties. barred. Dated this 27th day of June, Your rights may be affect 1974. ed by this proceeding and ad Attest: ditional information may be Wesley Jahn obtained from the records of District Clerk the court, the personal repre William R. Morgan sentatives or the attorneys Chrmn of Bd. of Directors representing the personal (Published in the Mill City representative». Enterprise, July 18 and 25, DATED and first published 1 1974.) BUY YOUR TIRES NOW All Types and Sizes of TIRES At Competitive Prices Credit Terms Are Available FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service R&R Chevron Service Phone 897-2786 For meeting« and Socials Hie Gates Community- Cen JOHN W. REID, M. D ter Is Now* Available. PHONE 897-3166 Physician and Surgeon Mill Ci+y— Gates BEDROOM DUPLEX close to schools, recently re modeled Ideal rental property. Each side renting for $125.«) Ful price 324,00606. LTHTINOS NEEDED American Legion Post PERSONAL STATIONERY 4M Center Street. Sablhnity ENVELOPES Hi. 769-5883 ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS NESVLYWEDS OR RETIRED—Excellent starter home with 2-BDRMS.. trees, garden earjort and ample stor age. Mutit see to appreciate. Just $7.500 and good terms Evenings 769-6990. BOOKLETS We Upholster Furniture, Boats. Cars and all Farm Equipment FREE Rattmatm and FREE Pickup and Delivery Service 30 Years Experience ACCOUNTING FORMS A RARE FIND—This apic and span 1-BDR.M. home is completely furnished and ready to move into. Has a shop double garage and easy maintenance yard. AU for $11,500 with some terms. Evenings 709-5146 Weddle Funeral Home RULED FORMS 719 N. 1st. Ave Ph. 769-6355 GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 859-2222 Mornings or Evenings Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Oregon We will meet all competit ive Prices and service Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph- 769-6659 Stayton The Mill Qty Enterprise Phon« 897-2T72 | Gates, Ore. Prompt Service INVOICES FAMILY SIZE & COUNTRY STYLE—Gives this 4-1 BDRM home real appeal. Extras include heavy shake , rorf, small barn, Large garage & shop, shade trees, etc. AU this on % acre Total price is $23,900. Evenings 769-6146. Stayton, Oregon Box 267 CARL’S UPHOLSTERY LETTERHEADS REALTORS MBl €X BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ------ 1 DIRECTORY <------ 2 BEDROOM Home ideal for small family’ or retired coqple. 50x100 ft. lot Room for garden some raspber- nes and blueberries. Close to mkto. and schools Onlv Í- ASSOC I AT €S David Bamharth Gates. Oregon 9734« Personal Representatives BELL & BELL Attorneys for Personal Representatives P C. Box 497 Stayton, Oregon 97388 (Published July 25, Aug 1, 8, 1974) Gates. Ore. MILL CITY RON BENTZ this 25 day of July, 1974. Olive E Bernhardt P. O. Box MH Gates, Oregon 97346 5Ö8 N. E. Santtam Blvd. STROUT REALTY, INC Ph. 897-2124 J Mill CHy. Oregon 24 hr. Towing Call 749-5757 Chuck Osborn Barry's Shall Service 24-HOUB TOWING Phone 854-3361 Datrott, Oregon