Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1974)
Mrs. Albert Toman, Sr., re-1 turned home last Thursday, from having spent two weeks Joyce Prosier — «97-2707 with her son-in-law and dau ghter, Art and Virginia Robi Spending Tuesday, July 16, son, at their home at Spray, and Wednesday, July 17, with Ore. near Fossil in the eastern Clare and Margaret Rush was part of the state. The Robisons their son Bill Rush from Cor-1 brought her back, remained , vallis. A fishing trip was taken I GATES ; Shipler Logging Co. D E T R 01T Picnic Hosted By IDANHA Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Boots Champion 5—The Mi'l City Enterprise, Thuntday, July 25, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Don Cree Parents Of Son Born Tues., July 23 ed at home by his three year old brother, Anthony. Maternal grandparents are, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ragsdale of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree of Mill City are paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Rags dale, Sr. and Mrs. J. C. Dickinr son of Mill City are great- grandparents. Attending the 1964 tenth A son was born to Mr. and A 150 pound class reunion Saturday at Mrs. Donald Cree of Mill City Mrs. Eleanor Laddusaw of Centennial High School, Port bl'VuXan»..h'1Kub“ Brbíta b‘rb'W'd £“» »' 5“' San Jose, Calif, arrived Tues land, were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Tuesday, July 23. He has been Spr., .„Fnd.,. Ju,, , h , s ¡or ÄK .?"SZ July 16, for a visit with day, Knudsen of Detroit. The first named Andrew Lawrence and weighed nine pounds, three her brother and family, Mr. daughter, Kathy Hayward Logging Co. officials, emplo reunion was held five years ounces. Andrew will be greet- Mrs. ________ Howard _________ Morrison , 1 Mr. an;l Mrs. Merle 11am- from Sandy. She arrived on yees and___ ago and this was the second and their families. from McMinnville Sunday, July 21, with Mr. and Mrs. Laddusaw plans to visit m°nd l | The event was hosted by Mr. reunion for the 1964 class. the weekend at the home Mrs. Delbert Warn bold and about two weeks. I ' spent - Visiting the past week at the and Mrs. Lyle Rogers, Sr. in of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe. plans on staying a week. Walton, Oregon, home of her ___ __ _ I the back yard of their Detroit Mrs. Hammond is Mrs. Howe’s Enjoying the weekend on mobile home. The celebration grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Mc- Mrs. Wallace Hovey return- sister. their property below Rushs Was also in observance of Caully, was Jeanette Lichly- ed to her home here Thurs- ’ ______ _ ________ MrS' VirgU' Shipler Logging Company’s day night from Topeka, Kans., | Mr. anl Mrs. Wilbur Harlan Miller and Shane from Salem. | 25th anniversary of logging where she and Mr. Hovey have entertained last Wednesday They were visited on Sunday , operations been living since the end of evening with a birthday din- I afternoon by Margaret Rush. | Some 100 company officials, California Residents May. Mr. Hovey is employed ner honoring her son, Edwin n Thought for the day: A little j employees and their families Visit Whiteleys Sunday there in the carpentry busi-, Watkins of Salem. Present house well filled, a little field _... A attended the picnic including I ness and Ann came to take were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wat- well tilled, and a little wife DETROIT — Arriving here I care of their home here before kins, Billy and Michael, Mrs. well willed, are great riches. crews and their families from Sunday 'evening for a visit j Lincoln City, Estacada, and returning to Topeka. Alice Watson and the hosts, Riddle of the week: What is two operational crews and through Monday at the home | Mr. and Mrs. Harlan. the difference between a milk families operating near Green of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White-I I maid on the farm and a seagull Peter Dam. Glenn Humes, Jr., a Santiam ley were Mr. and Mrs. Robert One skims High School graduate of 1974, I Mrs. Ralph Budlong and in the harbor? Andolsik, Sr., and Mr. and who left recently for the navy, I and Mrs. Lowell Cree visited milk, and the other skims wa Mrs. Robert Andolsik, Jr. and is spending his nine weeks of Mrs. Cree’s neice and nephew, ter. children of Newhall, Calif. Regular S’le . . . $169.00 u-haul’ Detroit Residents Did you know? On July 26, basic training in San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. John Wehrli and This was the senior Andol-1 I Queen Size by Sealy . $369.99 u-haul and very much enjoys receiv family Monday afternoon. 1775 the U. S. Postal Service Attend Arkansas Picnic siks first visit here and their I By Sealy with Sealy Innerspring Mattress I ing mail from family and Mr. Wehrli had just arrived began. On July 28, 1914, WWI DETROIT — Those attend hosts said they fell in love with friends, it is reported. He is home from the Salem Memor started. We Take Special Orders our beautiful scenic country What’s in a name? In the ing the annual Arkansas picnic and certainly would have liked expected to be able to spend a ial Hospital following surgery from here held at Avery Park days of the pioneers, a bread brief time at home in Septem for a broken ankle. to have been able to spend Furniture & Antiques was made of corn meal, usual in Corvallis Sunday were Mr. more time. ber before being assigned to and Mrs. Charley Lichlyter, On Highway 22 at Sublimity-Aumsville Jet. 749-2975 ly in a flat cake shape. These sea duty. The visitors, who were on a NEXT TO SANTIAM MOBILE HOME SALES Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt cakes were easily packed for Mr. and Mrs. Lynn William combined pleasure and busi OPEN Tues, thru Fri. 10:00 ’til 5:30; Sat. Close at 4:00 Mrs. Frank Homar (Brenda) went to Camas, Wash., Sun journeys and quite nutritious. son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hop- ness trip drove to Spokane to Convenient Terms On Approved Credit was the vocal soloist at the day where they attended the Today the bread is called son and family, Mrs. Jake View Expo 74 following a Closed Mondays — Open other hours by appointment Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff _ ____ _ “ johnny cake ” , a name which Christian Church Sunday , (>Oth wedding anniversary of business appointment at Seat morning, accompanied by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Evanson,1 was derived from the original Leming, Carrie Storey, Mr. tle. Their itinerary included a and Mrs. Fred Taylor and name, “ journey cake. ” formerly of Watford City, N. Donald Sheythe. Some of the ladies of the family, Joe Lkhlyter and vist to Montana. D. Over 100 relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly re- guests were present for the Christian Church have been daughters Wendy and Jea- cently returned from a sever- event whch was held in the working these past weeks to nette, all of Idanha. Some 300 people attended If the number following al week’s visit with members Lutheran Church. Following make improvements on the in of their family including Mr. the reception, a family picnic side of the church. They have the all day session which in- your name on The En and Mrs. Ken Hadden (Jeanie was held in a nearby park. been making new curtains, eluded a number of out-of Kelly) and small son, Scott Two daughters of the Evan- painting, polishing and new staters. label reads The Taylors visited Mrs. terprise Patrick, In San Mateo, Calif., sons were celebrating wedding carpets have been put down. Taylor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. and also with Mr. and Mrs. anniversaries on the same day. I This is to be commended. Church Chick Mason of Sweet Home 7-74 it's time to send Christian Carl Hall Kelly in San Diego. One a 20th and the other a i Gates 25th. The Moffatts especially holds church services each over the weekend, drivng to the Avery Park event on Sun a check for renewal Mr,. Helen Sander spent a enjoyed visiting with Mr. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and day. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Iver A. Eide, from Ta Sunday School services at 11 Mr». Ralph Budlong. Mrs. coma. Mrs. Eide worked at a.m. The church is growing ■r Saucier now makes her home The Enterprise when the Mof-1 and attendance is now above ¡50. fatts took it over some 21 years at Mt. Angel Towers. Gates City Council will hold ago. their next meeting on August Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gorton 1, 7:30 p.m. at the Gates City from Salem stopped to visit Billy Watkins visited his ■ Hall. their grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Dickinson, at the Lowell Cree grandparents from Wednes- home Sunday evening. They | day until Sunday when his Word has been received that had been on a motorcycle trip father, Edwin Watkins came Mrs. Clyde Rogers (Dora B.) I 735x15 Firestone $19.99 over in the Redmond area and ifor him. former long-time resident here e were on their way home. ' who has been living at the Mt. I 735x14 General $19.99 Mrs. Alice Watson, mother I Angel Towers for the past few $19.99 I— E78xl 5 Firestone Wayne Alban was a dinner of Mrs. Wilbur Harlan, suf I years, is now making her home guest Thursday evening at the fered a light stroke Sunday af ' with her daughter, Mrs. Troy $19.99 I 775x15 Uniroyal home of Mr. and Mrs. William ternoon. Mrs. Harlan called ' Wambaugh (Mildred Rogers), $ I 1.99 1—825x15 Snow Tire McClintock, Mark and Sue. He her mother to invite her for I in Hubbard. Mrs. Wam- Everett and Iola Hamilton visited his granddaughter, I dinner and when she was un- i baugh’s husband passed away Prices INCLUDE Mounting Balancing plus F.E.T. Danelle Rose Alban, from able to answer the phone the i last May as the result of can- (From $2.53 to $2.97) Hillsboro while there. Danelle Harlans went to investigate i cer. Phone 897-2977 has been with her grandpar and found her. Mill City 654 Santiam Blvd. 897-2321 ents the past two weeks while Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ohmart her baby Bitter was on vaca Al Yankir, spent Tuesday in and son, John, recently return- tion. Her mother, Mrs. Fred Salem and Albany on busi- | ed from a vacation trip to the Alban, II, is now working as ness. Los Angeles area where they • e a a teller at the U. S. National j _________________ visited at the home of their 1 Bank at Tigard. Friday eve- _______ ____ Spending the weekend at son and famly, Mr. and Mrs. ning her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the" home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ohmart, Jimmy and Fred Alban II, and her uncle Floyd Shepherd were Mr. and I' Karen. Doug ~ __ is employed _ . ' , ' at J. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Clinton Miller from | El Segundo, a 45 minute drive McMorris from Oregon City, Campbell, Calif, and Mr. and each way. While in Southern I’•*'1 came and took her home. Mrs. Lester Hall from Watson-1 California, the Ohmarts visit- ville, Calif. Joining the | eu Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Mr. and Mrs. Al Yankus group Sunday morning were1 Farm, the Bush Gardens, and spent Saturday fishing at Archie Ream from Prineville | the Annhouser Brewery which Suttle Lake. and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ream1 they viewed from a tramway from Post. All attended the | cable-car. An additional slde- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Yank us I Shepherd family reunion at at( trip was enjoyed when the en from Seaside spent from Fishermen’s Bend Park. tire family flew to San Diefo Tuesday until Thursday at the to make a tour of Sea World. *2 home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Yankus spent last | -------------------------- Mrs. Al Yankus. Wednesday in Portland at the Mr. and Mrs. Merle Garton, home of her son-in-law and (Mr. and Mrs. Charlie French daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James ; and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wil- Bryan. Mrs. Yankus’s sister,1 liams from Seattle spent most Mrs. Violet Donaldson from of last week fishing at Clear Maple Valley, Wash., was also ’ Lake. They reported fishing at the Bryan home while she' was good, was receiving medical treat By Frank Stroinquist Mrs. Joel Vincent (Lucille ment in Portland. On Thurs PER ANNUM day, Mrs. Yankus and her sis Horner) of New York City is ■Multiple Sclerosis, a pro ter and their sister, Mrs. Jessie visiting here at the homes of gressive disease of the brain; Adams of Portland, had lunch her sister, Mrs. Shirley Laird, may be transmitted from ani together before Mrs. Yankus and her mother and husband, mals to huma os when people 1 eturned to Mill City. i Mr. and Mrs. D<> •> Clark. ingest its “slow-virus” lodged in diseased sheep brain, warns Dr. David A. Prince of Stanford University, Calif. Ri DETROIT w. Sleepers that make into full and queen size beds ANN’S Our Summer Sale Continues Through This Week Only. LARRY’S PHILLIPS 66 Shop Our Terrific Savings 1 of a kind Tire Clearance Mill City Hardware is r 1 4 big Pharmacy Topics. JÌV' ’Drinking hard water seems to prevent hypertension and heart disease, says Dr. H. Mitchell Perry, Washington U. Medical Services, St. Louis. He adds, though, he is not yet able to explain the mechanism or offer clinical recommendations. 1® I $l,000 minimum Monthly income if desired 'Some highly toxic wild mushrooms and plants are be ing promoted as edible by health-food enthusiasts, says Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, phar macy professor, Purdue Uni versity. He will lead a Na-, t tonal Science Foundation | project to investigate over 60 possible poisonous plants and classify them for public safety. Here’s your chance to get a big 7V a % annual return on as little as $1,000 with Western Security Bank’s new 4-year Certificate of Deposit. Take advantage of this offer to let your savings earn the maximum legal limit. Interest paid every month if you wish. Since early withdrawals are subject to a substantial interest penalty, you’ll find a wide choice of terms on CD’s at Western Security Bank. Available at all offices. I When Your Doctor Prescribes The Best, We Do the Rest at Mill City Pharmacy Wç Western Security Bank "SALEM State Street Office State A Liberty • Candaiana Office 27L5 Commercial S.E Broadway Office 2955 Broadway N E. • Lancaster Office 750 Lancaster Drive N E Bankmobile locations in Aumsville, Lyons. Sublimity and Turner TELEPHONE 5B5 5512 • MEMBER FDIC Phone 897-2812 Your Home Town Drug Store 807-2324 or 897-2754