6—Th«' Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, July In, 19 «4 Pets CLASSIFIED RATES For Rent Churches, bazaars, suppers, RENT’ — 1 bdrm, duplex auahukiz ED CATALOG bake sale, etc., will be run FOR First and last month and! MERCHANT STORE under special announcements cleaning / security deposit, j 10x8 LAWN BUILDING classification with a mini- Phone 897-2792. 29 I Big Red Barn ______________________ mum charge of 75c per| ____ NOW — $238.70 insertion. FOR RENT — Two bedroom, was $299.50 Fifteen cents per line each partlv furnshed trailer home 1 One Only in Stock insertion, No advertisements Phone 897-2048 29 Ph. 897-2348 160 N. 1st accepted for less than 75c MiU City FOR RENT — Furnished, one per week Minimum charge bedroom apt. Utilities paid. for Cards of Thanks $1.00. Ph 897-2961. 30 ALUMINUM Screen Doors Count five words to the line complete with hinges, latch tn ordering your ad Telephone set, grill and door closer, 897-2772, MUI City or maU Miscellaneous $14.50. Sublimity Building your advertisement to The MiU Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf City Enterprise, Mill City, TO GIVE AWAY — 10 wks. Oregon 97360 old puppies. English Terrier 1 LJCT US do your glass work and Cocker mix. Ph. 897-! We cut window glass to your 2159 evenings. 29 ' measurements. We will in­ Real Estate stall the glass in frames BARN and FENCE Redwood brought to the store. Mill stain $2.98 gal White in­ FOR SALE BY OWNER-Two City Hardware. Phone 897 terior Latex wall finish Bedroom. 3360 Duncan Ave., 2977 31tf $3.49 gal. Sublimity Build­ N.E., Salem. Redecorated in ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph. and out. Fenced yard, bus at 769-2174. 17tf OVERWEIGHT? Lose ugly fat with the Diadax plan — Re­ door. Near schools. All Sa­ __________________________ I COMMUNITY duce excess fluids with Flui- lem Electric. $14.850. Own­ CREDIT UNION dex at Mill City Pharmacy. er will carry' contract at 8%, int. Ph 897-2870, after­ Join the North Santiam Fed-1 41p eral and avail yourselves of noons. 29tf ROOFING its many advantages. Sav­ GALVANIZED FOR SALE — Duplex, 2-bdrm. ings and Loans — Federally- 2W corrugated, 4V corru includes appliances. 562-570 gated custom cut to length. Insured Accounts. Call 769- Douglas St.. Mill City. Close Ask about our new lower 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st to schools and shopping prices. Sublimity Building /.venue. Stayton. Ore. 6tf $24,500. 364-0141. 897-2355. - Supply. 769-2174. or 585-8030. 20tf WANT TO BIT TIMBER | IU-PICK CHERRIES. Royal Small or large tracts NEED CASH’ Loans available Anns, 15c lb. Etzel Bros. 4 We have self loader on older homes and ranch- i mi N. W. of Mehama on to haul vour logs. ettes. Call debenture mort-1 STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I Fem Ridge Rd. Phone 769- gage co., Stavton, 769-6377. H Mile West of Mehama, Ore. 6718 or 769-6606. 30 3DW; - OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — FOR SALE — Wringer washer BUYERS we have and two galvanized wash $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity Listings we need tubs on a stand $25.00. 897- Building Supply. Phone 769- Offices Coast-to-Coast 2397. 29 2174. 41tf Na^on,-! Advertising Brings__________________________ BUYER? from everywhere SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Work Wanted Call Today installation. Gravel, Topsoil, STROUT REALTY, Inc. Bulldozing Free Estimate. WORK WANTED — 15 yr. old Vivian M. Kreien. Manager boy will do yard work, odd Low rates. L. M. Walker, Gates. Oregon 97346 50tf jobs, etc, phone 897-3149. 29p Lyons. 859-2436. P. O. Box 516 KEYS MADE WHILE YOU Phone 897-2164 Livestock WAIT. Better get an extra #1—Reduced to $12,900. on 2 key made for your house FOR SALE — Quarterhorse bdrm. home. lOO’xlOO’ cor­ i or automobile today, Bring I mare. 11 yrs. old. Spirited. ner lot. State Vet. Ln. can Mill I $250. Ph. 897-2617. your key with you. 29p be assumed or refinanced. City Hdwe.. Mill City. tf Owner very anxious. Make M A Y T A G APPLIANCES offer. Mill City. CARDS available at Western Auto #2—7% ac. 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, Associate Store, Mill City, lg. liv. rm. w heatolator ■0FM Phone 897-2785. 7tf frplc. 4 yr. old home. $37.500. State Vet. Ln. can be assum­ FOR SALE — Two 5 mo. old THANKS ed or refinanced. Owner an­ ewes, $35 ea. Canaries, $15; xious. All offers considered. Finches. and. deeDest sin- . Vacant. Mill City area. Doves $5 pr. Parakeets Phone 897-286?:° ‘thank Ps to and mov the won _______ i derful people who sent condol- NUMBER ONE prefinished 1 ences, flowers, food and took paneling. All 4x8 sheets I time to convey their respects $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity ______ I to the family. You gave us ntn . » a * ' added >-> «J Building Supply, Sublimity. strength. The family Phone 769-2174. “ * “ of A. T. Barnhardt REMOVE carpet paths and spots: fluff beaten down nap think of CARD OF THANKS with Blue Lustre. Rent think of Many thanks for the shampooer $1. Mill City flowers, plants, cards and DRUSHELLA'S Hardware, ph. 897-2977. 29 visits from friends and family Drushella Real Estate FOR SALE — 30" Zenith Elec­ during my accident confine­ 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton tric Range: five nursing ment. Leora Z Stevens Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 buckets (calves); two chain Salesman — Gates, Oregon binders; one heavy chain. Call day or evening Phone 897-3150. FOR SALE — St. Bernard puppies. Will be seven weeks old July 20. $75 ea. Large litter. Ph. 859-2202. 29p Lost and Founo Would the people who found David Pantovich’s wallet please call the Gingerbread House at 859-2247. We have lost your address. 29 Automotive FOR SALE — 1965 Chevrolet, 4-door hard top. Good con­ dition. Ph. 897-2520. 30 FOR SALE — 1973 Honda ATC 90, $400 or best offer; Ford 8N Tractor w/rotovator and trailer, $1200 or best offer; Mossberg 30.06 w/scope, $100or best offer; Midland CB radio w 'power supply, $125 or best offer; Webster typewriter $35; new, com­ plete Standard Encyclopedia set, $400 or best offer; 1974 Honda CL 360. $1300 or take­ over pmts.; 1974 Honda XL 70, $525 or take over pmts. Ph. 897-2806. 30 improvements to sites, addi­ trative School District 129J, tions and alterations to build­ both Linn and Marlon Coun­ ings, and acquistlon and re­ ties. Dated this 27th day of June, placement of equipment. Before any expenditures ex­ 1974. ceeding $10.000.00 are made Attest: Wesley Jahn for the serial levy fund, an NOTICE OF District Clerk election will be held to de- SCHOOL ELECTION William R. Morgan termine the wishes of local Upon Question of Levying school patrons. Chrmn. of Bd. of Directors A Tax Outside the Limitation (Published in the Mill City Polling places: SANTIAM of the Oregon Constitution HIGH SCHOOL — for all re­ Enterprise, July 18 and 25, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV­ gistered voters of Adminis- 1974.) EN that an election will be held in Administrative School District No. 129J of Linn and Maron Counties, State of Oregon, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Aug. 6, 1974, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said district the question of levying a tax for the fiscal year 1974-75 out­ side the limitation of Secton 11. Article XI. Oregon Con­ Vosi ran cmik> stitution in the amount of $45,000.00 per year, for five successive years, beginning with the year 1974-1975. The reasons for such levy are: to continue the serial levy previously authorized, to be used for acquisition of and 'I can! say much about Safeco. They saved me $115 on house insurance. However. I can tell you all about mumps FOR SALE — Must sacrifice 1974 Yamaha 125 MX $550 Ph. 897 2228. 29p I FOR SALE — 1973 250 Yama- ha Enduro. Ph. 859-2842. Help Wanted WANTED — Woman for part time work. Wilson’s Hatch­ ery. Phone 859-2134. lltf Jerry Pittam Insurance BERRY PICKERS WANT­ ED — 25 acres Northwest. Bus transportation from Gates, Mill City, Lyons and Mehama Platoon leader Jenny Neal 897-2540 or Neil­ son-Hartmann 769-6600. 26tf Phone 897-2324 or 897-2754 Mill City, Oregon Summer Sale Is Now On Flyers Should Be In The HELP WANTED — Full time secretarial position. Salary commensurate with exper­ ience. Phone 769-6311 be­ tween 8:30 and 5:00 p.m. weekdays. 29 BUY YOUR TIRES NOW All Types and Sizes of TIRES Shop Our Terriffic Savings At Competitive Prices Credit Terms Are Available FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service R&R Chevron Service Mill City Hardware Phone 897-2786 Everett and Iola Hamilton 508 N. E. Santiam Blvd. Phone 897-2977 Mill City, Ore GATES 2 Ac. plus with double wide Mobil home, 3 bdrm., family room, 2 full baths, shop building with 2 bdrms., lg. den area, fruit trees, and a year ’round creek. $29, BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY «- - - - - MT. SILVERWOOD REALTY 1089 First Ave. Stayton, Oregon SALESMEN John Roten—897-2653 Glenda Roten—897-2653 JOHN W. REID, M. D. DOUBLE WIDE Ifl’x44’ Mobile home, 2 Bdrma., full bath, panelling and carpeting. Ample storage space. Cabana cover makes porch in front and patio in back. Separate utility room. Electric, forced air furnace. City water. Refrigerator, range, washer and dryer in­ cluded in price. Detached garage All this on 1.08 Acres for $16.500.00. j Box 267 480 Center Street, Sublimity ENVELOPES Ph. 769-5883 ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr, Gates. Ore. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- I BOOKLETS We Upholster Furniture, Boats, Cars and all Farm Equipment FREE Estimates and FREE Pickup and Delivery Service 30 Years Experience ACCOUNTING FORMS i 4 BEDROOM home on lge. lot. 3 bedrooms and bath up- I stairs. Kitchen, utility, living room, bedroom, and bath down. $18,000. APPROX. % ACRE, lovely 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floors and carpeting throughout. lVfc baths, dble. gar­ age. Close to schools. $27,000.00. SEVERAL LOTS from $2,650.00 on up. Weddle Funeral Home RULED FORMS Modern Funeral Service INVOICES Stayton The Mill Gty Enterprise Phone 897-2772 Mill Ci+y—Gates American Legion Post Gate«, Ore. CARL'S UPHOLSTERY ----------------------- ~ LETTERHEADS STROUT REALTY, INC. North Santiam Real Estate Mill City, Oregon PERSONAL STATIONERY MANY BUYERS for homes with amali acreage. LIST NOW. MILL CITY Physician and Surgeon For meetings and Sottialn Th«> Gates Community Cen­ ter Is Now Available. PHONE 897-3198 Mill City, Oregon 7 GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 858-2222 Mornings or Evenings Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service Oregon We will meet all competit­ ive Prices and nervi«* Satini action Guaranteed Ph. 769-6659 Stayton 24 hr. Towing Call 769-5757 Chuck Osborn R*e. 1, Bn 4M iTfn », On. Berry's Shell Service 24-HO UR TOWING Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregon