City Enterprise IWe »« cono P ostage P aio . M ill C itv . O regon ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREGON'S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND g clam — i | I I VOLUME XXIV —.Ml NUMBER 29 L '! ■ n — w - ii , in « ' ■■ ..».n- Il !■ ■ 1 I !■ I ■" . i . ------- -------------,, , ,,j, , ■ , ■ » ' . ■ ■■ - THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 1«, 1974 School BoardOtiæns Cmmittee All Hoses r)içri|ççpç Open Under New Management Discusses Sewer $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Frank VanPelt, Sr. To Serve As Detroit Councilman The Mill City Citizens Com­ mittee (a fact finding group i interested in the sewer prob­ DETROIT — The regular Patton Street deeded to the lem) met last Thursday even­ Rampant inflation, disloca­ monthly meeting of the De-1 city. Layman said the county ing at city hall with twelve tion in production and distri­ troit City Council was called will turn over the street to members present. Vern Shaw, bution, the energy shortage to order by Mayor Jim King the city if a formal request is The Mill City School and a host of other ills have Board meeting was held July chairman, presided with Alice at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 9, made. Councilwoman Crist Farmen as secretary. been visited upon the United 11, 8:00 p.m. at the Santiam 1974. Council members present. made a motion to ask the Councilman James Jaquette, States in recent years. Most High School. Present were were Joyce Crist, Robert Lay- county to turn Patton Street I sanitation commissioner, was are directly traceable to pub­ Fred man and Joe Arsenault. Wa­ over to the city. The motion Krecklow, chairman, lic and governmental disre­ board members Martin Han­ present to report on his latest ter Commissioner Dave Wild was seconded by Councilman findings. He said that on a gard of the need to temper po­ sen, Robert Lavon and Ray I I was absent. There were nine Arsenault and the motion priority list of 145 cities, Mill litical and environmental ac­ Porter. Wesley Jahn, superin- citizens present. Minutes of carried. tion with a reasonable regard tenciant and Edna Ross, deputy II City was 41st but, because of of the June meeting were read A discussion was held on problems, our priority could for the needs of the American clerk. Joyce Presler and a treasurer ’ s report given. I bids for gravel for the city. be delayed a year to check into business and enterprise system represented the press, I other The minutes were approved as Councilman VanPelt made a government grants or by which we all live. read by city recorder, Ruth motion, seconded by Arsen­ The meeting was called to possibly to have a regional I ault, to have Layman purchase I order. The reading of the June sewer system. The first step i Larry and Wanda VanAntwerp have taken over I Thomasson. Currently, the storm warn­ ' 27 minutes were dispensed | 1,000 yards of gravel at the Letters were read from John is a land use plan which is ' management of the Philips 66 service station located ings are flying in the timber I with. However, copies were best price. Motion carried. industry. Here public policies | available for reading. The being prepared by the city at- I on Highway 22 just West of Mill City. The VanAn- Pfoff and Co., quoting insur­ A discussion was also held for the city in the amount twerps purchased the station from Wes Flanders and ance and confusion over the dif­ minutes were accepted as pre­ torneys. on getting the state highway of $531. Since the city ’ s pres-1 ference between preservation John Young gave a report on began operation of the business the first of July. insurance is lower than I department to paint the traffic and conservation are permit­ sented. Now called Larry’s Phillips 66, the new owners are ent A discussion on the repairs the evaluation of property in the price quoted by Pfoff & lines on the city streets again. ting an appalling waste of one of the football bleachers was the city which clearly showed looking forward to serving the local area and invite the Co., the council voted to stay Street Commissioner Layman of the nation’s most important first. A problem concerning the city’s financial position. old customers, and new ones, to stop in and get ac­ is to contact the department resources — our forests. Hun­ dryrot in a section of the | Discussion was also held on quainted. They will be open seven days a week during with their present insurance about this. company. dreds of millions of acres of lower bleachers has meant.------- having <= the classes — at Erin Street was discussed — science -------- ----------- A letter of resignation from commercial timberlands are cutting out part of the beams1 the high school do regular tile summer, 7c00 a.m. to 7:00 p. m. weekdays and 8:00 further. Layman stated that a m. to 8:00 p. m., Sundays. city hall custodian Phyllis denied the benefits of modern and replaceing them plus add- I testing of the river water for Mr. and Mrs. VanAntwerp, who are former Salem Wright was read and accepted. the city was still trying to get forest management in the ed under-support of these sec- pollutants. 14 inch steel culverts to fix residents name of preservation. Only tions for safety. No decision At the present time, much-------- . . where he was employed , at . So. Salem rm. Chevron, i:„____ King said he thought he knew streets as well as gravel. He someone who may be interest ­ the forests owned by the tim­ was reached and more discus­ more research and preparation moved to Mill City in October of la3t_year. They said the city needs a grader ber industry — approximately sion is due at the next regular must be done before Mill City Fairview street and have one daughter, six year old ed in the job. Interested per­ and that, at the present, all sons may contact any council 13 percent of total forest lands could afford a sewer system. Teresa. member or Mayor King. Mrs. graders have been busy. Lay­ —are being managed to pro­ meeting. A motion was carried by the All interested citizens are in- Wright resigned due to a full man made a motion, seconded duce maximum output of wood board to designate the Mill vited to the meetings. by Frank VanPelt, that the 'Local Christian Church time job she has now. I products on a sustained-yield City Branch of the U. S. Na­ city post the ten mile speed Water Commissioner David sign on Erin Street. Motion basis. The importance of high tional Bank as the depository j Group To Visit Turner production from U. S. forest Wild’s letter of resignation carried. the school district funds Memorial Home resources is emphasized by an for was read and accepted. His during the 1974-75 school year, j Councilwoman Crist asked The Mill City Christian letter stated that due to a job executive from a leading for-1 The board carried a motion, the council if a bulletin board Church Womens Missionary promotion which leaves him est products company, who ob-' to appoint Wesley Jahn to I be put up on the front Fellowship is going to visit no time to attend evening ) could serves that : “No other coun- l 1 represent the board of direc-1 of city hall for notices. Coun- the Turner Memorial Home on meetings, he felt that it would try in the world has timber-1 tors in matters pertaining to il granted the request. Thursday, July 18. All ladies be to the city’s best interest lands like those in our south the department of health, edu­ Discussion was held on the interested in going on this Registration for the next and west for growing softwood cation and welfare, school hot if he resigned. Councilman running of the water system. visit are asked to contact Layman made a motion to ac-' After some discussion on the timber, the premium wood lunch agreement, national de­ session of swimming lessons Grace Hutchinson, so as to cept Wild’s resignation and it will be held at the Gates Pool both here and abroad, The fense education the council decided act, public know what to bring. They will was seconded by Councilman matter, only other areas in the world laws 874 and 89-10, and ap- i on Friday, July 19, between Frank VanPelt, newly ap­ meet at the church at 11:00 Arsenault, and carried. where softwood timber grows i pointment as budget officer' 1:30 and 3:30 in the afternoon. pointed water commissioner, will This two week session a.m. and will have lunch with to any extent are in Canada, i and purchasing agent for the Frank VanPelt, Sr., who was do what is necessary for the residents at the home, and present at the meeting, was would the Scandinavian countries | district. This is a yearly ap- begin Monday, July 22, and the best of the city and water end Friday, Aug. 2. The cost then will go on a tour of the asked by the council if he system. and Russia. However . . . | pointment. facilities. Their timber grows much j The dinner honoring past for the session is $5.00 might be interested in the po­ Meeting adjourned at 9:45 The Turner Memorial Home sition on the council. Van-I p.m. slower and quality is inferior. I chairman William Morgan was child. A tentative schedule is a retirement center support ­ Because of this, products from I changed to July 19 at the Pelt was agreeable. A motion I lows. Those desiring classes ed by the Christian Churches was made then by councilwo- | our forests will continue in Frontier Inn. of Oregon for retired pastors man Joyce Crist to accept other than those scheduled and great demand throughout the ( A motion was made people with questions con- and laymen of the Christian VanPelt as a council member, world and, best of all, they passed to pay the bills. Church. Continued building and it was seconded by I cerning the program, should come from a constantly renew­ The motion then moved ml° I contact Cathy Heil at the pool and expansion of the facilities councilman Arsenault. Follow­ ing resource . . . .” executive session. Discussion during this registration time. has taken place in recent ing the acceptance, Mayor The U. S. can grow trees followed on the receiving of, 10:00—Intermediate years, with the Harry Benton King gave VenPelt the oath of a resignation from Jepson and produce wood products 10:30—Advanced Beginner Hall being the latest improve­ office and appointed him wa­ for both domestic and export; Lonnquist. The board also 11:00- Beginner ment, which was dedicated ter commissioner. I discussed replacement of requirements — the latter is', r?— < 11:30— Beginner I last fall. A letter was read requesting essential to stem the threat of^«, P08?1“08 foJ sec.ond George Strozut 12:00—Beginner Erin Street to be graded and .. | and fifth grades. Executive a disastrous balance of pay-1 12:30 Pre-Beginners George Strozut of Salem graveled and a ten-mile an ments deficit. We did not heed session was then closed and the (4-5 years) was elected charman of the hour speed sign be erected. board made a motion to accept The July 10 city council the warnings of an energy Chemeketa Community Col­ The letter was signed by nine Mr. Lonnquist ’ s resignation meeting was taken up with the shortage. The problem was de­ lege Board of Education for concerned citizens. bated endlessly for years, but and to hire Claudia Powell of 1974-75 at its regular monthly Arsenault reported that reading of four resignations. Councilman John DeMain’s nothing was done. “Now,” as Corvallis, to teach second i meeting Thursday (July 11), Marion County Health sprayed DETROIT — A Salem man for mosquitoes just before the letter of resignation was read. the industry spokesman notes, grade, William Smith of Ti­ evening. Frank Crow Jr. of “we face a timber crisis, a gard and Suzanne Fish from Stayton was elected vice-chair­ was injured Wednesday of Fourth of July. But, there Mr. DeMain said that the to teach choice of artificial shortage or Vancouver, Wash. man. Strozut, who was the last week on Blowout Rd. have been several complaints work load of the Free Metho­ I increased timber growth to fifth grades. The meeting ad­ I 1973-75 vice-chairman, replac­ when the pickup he was driv- that the spraying was gener­ dist Church had increased so help meet ... a crucial, na­ journed at 9:00 p.m. es Robert Sawtelle of Wood­ 1 ing collided with a dump- ally ineffective, Two years that he was unable to devote At about 6:20 Sunday even­ burn. i truck. tional economic need . . . How ago the city was sprayed by any time to being a council­ ing, the Mill City Fire Dept, I H. A Dye, 47, of 4160 Flecher machines which were notic- member and felt he should re- long will we debate this Mill City Weather was called to the Eagles Hall Rd., Salem, was taken about ably effective, time?” Thjs years sign. Date Hi Lo Pep here in Mill City. However, by 2:00 p.m. to Salem Memorial spraying was reportedly done The next resignation read July 7 75 49 0.00 the time they had arrived, lo- Hospital Emergency Center by by helicopter. was that of the city recorder­ July 8 75 55 0.12 cal residents had put out the Idanha Rural Fire District Mayor King read an ordin­ treasurer, Judith Bogle. She Wouldn’t you know it! Con- July 9 49 .....60 0.80 small fire with garden hose. ambulance for treatment of a ance which, if passed, would stated she had accepted a full gress may let politics over- July 10 ......65 52 0.13 Not all was lost though, leg injury and head lacera­ be Ordnance No. 54. This or­ time position with the City of ride common sense once again July 11 .. ......66 50 0.10 sixteen firemen were present, tions. The report said he was dinance would amend Ordin­ Hubbard and would be moving this time in the matter of a July 12 I employed by the sand and 44 . 74 0.00 a very good turn out. The ance No. 33 of the City of De­ shortly. tax cut. Some thought is being (July 13 .. ..... 79 45 0.00 smoke-eaters were back at the I gravel operation located be- be­ troit setting annual water i Resignations were also ac­ I given to cutting taxes for mil­ Total Pep. for the week ... 1.15 file station by 6:30. tween Detroit and Idanha. rates. Following are the an­ cepted from Sue Gillenwater lions of people in the middle nual rates for water within and William Bogle from the to lower income range. It commission, both I the city limits as set forth in planning New Manager At Hirte's Market sounds good. But the cut for giving reasons that they were the new ordinance if paid by each taxpayer would not be moving out of town. the year. big enough to help much, The council also voted to Houses, cabins, dwelling while the total number of dol­ grant the Malt Shop permis­ units and connections for lars released for spending The annual Santiam Chap- dwelling units, including, but sion to hold a dance after a would add materially to the recommendation ' ter. AARP picnic will be Wed­ not limited to, connectioss for favorable pressures of inflation. To make from officer Grossnicklaus, nesday, July 24, at the John campers, trailers and mobile up for the tax loss, taxes The Neal Park in Lyons at 11:00 homes — $60 a year; U. S. Post Linn County deputy. would be raised on oil pro­ council said they would see 1 a.m. Office and Telephone Office ducers, on those who invest in Frank Crow I A potluck dinner will be $60 a year; Laundromat — what the report on the first new plant and equipment or Robert Barnes of Dallas was served and members and $200 a year; schools — $500 a dance was before they granted securities and, in general, on sworn in as a new member of friends are asked to bring food year; taverns with restaurant them permission to hold one many facets of business opera­ the board Barnes defeated and their own table service. facilities — $200 a year; re­ monthly. tion. Such a tax cut would Discussion came up on how Anne Bell of Coffee will be furnished. encumbent sorts, trailer courts, motels, work to boost inflation and This will be the last gather­ offices and permanently occu­ to get in touch with the local | Rickreall in the May 7 primary iaise costs while reducing the •lection. She had served two ing for AARP until their regu­ pied units — $60 a year; trailer police if one was needed. The production of goods and serv­ i terms. Barnes was elected to lar meetings begin in the fall, spaces, motel units rented on council stated they were try- ices. I the position of a four-year . the first one being the fourth a transient basis, $200 a year. ing to get a commerce line A tax cut might spruce up Wednesday in September. term. All other businesses — $100 to Albany, and, when this was accomplished, they would no- the image of politicians this In addition, two new ex- a year. ___ election year. But, in the long officio members were seated. The new ordinance was read tify the local citizens. The run, it would almost surely They are Betty Berg of Sa­ three times and a discussion council had originally discuss­ make a bad situation a little lem, the faculty association followed on the water change ed a direct line but this proved worse for everyone. president, and Darrell Acker­ rates. The new Ordinance No. to be too costly for the city. Taking over management of Hirte’s Market this man of Salem, president of the Wally St. Clair asked that i 54, was passed by all council past month is Jim Dolby. He is the son-in-law of Bill Associated Students of Chem­ The Mill City High School members. The ordinance will the end of Second St. be clos­ and Viola Hirte Who first started the business over 20 eketa Community College. ed, or barricaded, as it was not class of 1944 is planning a be posted at city hall. Detroit Dam-Weather years ago. Jim and Cheryl moved from Philomath in It was reported that sum­ class reunion Sunday. July 28, Robert 1-ayman, street com a thoroughfare and people are Pool June with their three children, Brian, six, Brent, three, mer enrollment has reached an at the Cottonwoods Shelter at missioner, reported on the going on up the street and i streets. Layman stated that he getting stuck, causing a hazard Max Mln. Elev. Pep ' and Brenda, 18 months. Jim is a graduate of Sweet all-time record of 2,817. A sec­ Fishermens Bend Park. The potluck picnic will be­ 1 had been looking into the to the children who live in the July 10 73 49 1567.34 0.12 Home High School and Oregon State University where ond five-week session is July 11 60 45 1567.37 0.22 he majored in marketing and management. He has nine scheduled to begin on July 22. gin at 1:00 p.m. and teachers street paving of D and Patton area. 48 1567.29 0.05 years in the grocery business, two as assistant grocery Last year 2,177 enrollments and friends of the class are St. He found however, that on In other councl action, the July 12 61 51 1567.39 0.00 manager for Albertson Food Stores in Corvallis. Cheryl were reported at the same also invited to attend. all records. Patton St. still be­ city granted Davis & Corder- July 13 71 Albert Toman or Jane Davis, longs to the county. So, be­ man, attorneys-at-law, author­ July 14 79 51 1567.41 0.00 graduated from Santiam High School. They are now re­ time. The enrollments includ­ ed 250 in Yamhill County, both of whom reside in Salem, fore the state would even con­ ization to draw up a land use July 15 75 51 1567.58 0.00 July 16 65 49 1567.63 0.00 siding with Bill and Viola Hirte until further arrange­ which recorded 160 enroll­ may be contacted for further sider giving a $25,000 grant, plan for the city at a cost of ments at this time last year. | information. the city would have to get I $3,000. Total Pep. for Week ___ .0.39 ments can be made. (by Georffe Georrc Long) Bleachers Chemeketa Board Swimming Lessons ’ Of Education Elects Chairman Firemen Called Out Sunday Pickup-Truck Crash i Injures Salem Man AARP Picnic Set For Wed., July 24 John DeMain Resigns From City Council