Firewood Permits Held Up During Fire Season MEHAMAi Cub Scouts LYONS 7—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, July II, 1974 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ro- by Eva Bressler Last Saturday, June 29, a ten. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmer of family gathering and picnic Albany were weekend guests was held at Fishermens Bend Park honoring Mrs. Carrie at the home of her mother, Naue of Salem on her birth­ Mrs. Percy Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blum day anniversary. Present were Mrs. Naue, the honored visited at the Vernon Luckey guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave home at Central Point from Mills and son Brett of La- Wednesday through Sunday.| at Selma on; comb, Mr. and Mrs. Donald They stopped their way home Sunday to ) Naue, and family from Mm. John Teeters stead returned home Sunday evening after spending a week at Summer Lake in Central Oregon. They were accom­ panied by their son Walter Olmstead from Leesburg, Va. also their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Olmstead and four children from Auburn, Wash. Mrs. Bessie Jobe returned home Monday after spending the Fourth of July at the home of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wylie of Corvallis. They all spent the remainder of the week at the summer home of the Wylies at Waldport. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Elmer and family returned home Sunday evening. They visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerel Haynie at West Minister, Calif, as well as other places in the Los Angeles area. Most ranger districts on the Mrs. Karl Schutzwohl Willamette National Forest Klamath Falls visited a few will issue no permits to gather days recently here at the home firewood during the summer of her son and daughter-in- fire season from July 1 law, Rev. and Mrs. Frank through September 30, forest Schutzwohl and Heidi. supervisor, Zane G. Smith, Jr., Guests Saturday evening, announced recently. June 29, at the home of Mr. Oakridge Ranger District and Mrs. Donald Teeters were will continue the free permit . their son and daughter-in-law, system on a restricted basis, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Teeters of as long as fire danger remains Stayton and her parents, Mr. low. District officials stressed i and Ms. Lennard Anderson that this applies only to the I and daughter, Drew, of Ta­ Mrs. Howard Naue, Donald use of hand powered equip- I coma, Wash. Naue, Mrs. Lydia Culwell, days at the coast. ment to cut the wood. No per­ Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hughes of Mrs. Jessie Short and Harlin Mr. and Mrs. John McPheeters mits will be Issued for use of) Newberg visited Sunday after­ Gibson of Lyons. power equipment of any kind. 1 noon, June 30, at the home of i Mr. McPheeter’s two Mr. and Mrs. Ward Buchan- I were Smith said, “Because of the ! Mrs. E. J. Hughes and Mrs.1 Miss Barbara Me- neices, on from LaGrand, Iowa, spent Pheeters from South San continued need for fuel, we I M. V. Frame when they were • several days at the home of his Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. are anxious to continue the I on their way home from a brother and wife, Mr. and . Scottie Atkins from Alameda, free firewood permit system, i cumping trip.” Cub Scout Pack 49 won third place in the youth Mrs. Wayne Buchanon. However, we are asking peo-1 Mr ancj Mrs, Tom Lawrence 1 Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danforth pie to curtail their wood ga-! were hosts at their home Mon- i division with their float entitled “The Year of a Better Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux and family have purchased the ft-om Keaau, are Hawaii thering until fall when the ¡day evening, July 1, for the | Environment.” Dale Prichard house located spending two weeks in Lyons. use of power equipment is no I meeting of the church council back of Lavenders Market on They are working on their longer a fire hazard.’’ ED LEWIN of the Mehama Community 10th St. place building a barn and plan Church, Auctioneer, Inc. Mrs. Katie Skillings enjoyed 1 to get things in readiness for Hattie Golliet was hostess at a family gathering held at the i I building a house. They are Complete Auctions her home July 4th to a large home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. i former residents here and plan Phone 769-5466 group from the Salem Horse­ Delmer Skillings at Gates. I ! cn moving back in the future. less Carriage Club for a picnic Sale every Sunday ; Others attending were Mr. and Fourth of July guests at the after they had taken part in j Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson, Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen 10 A. M. the parade at Mill City. and Mrs. James Mowry and Julian were Delbert Witt and Consignments Welcome Tom Hayden of Salem was baby of Lyons, and Mr. and son Perry Witt, Mr. and Mrs. 1050 Wilco Road Stayton guest speaker at the morning Orville Floyd Brosig Mrs. Jerry Hutchinson of Gene Ward of Albany, Mr. and worship services of the Me­ I Gates. Funeral services were held Mrs. Mike Watson, Brian and! hama Community Church I Mrs. Anne Pietrok and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford (Week of July 4) Tuesday at 2:00 p.m, at the Sunday, July 7. .. u T with , Mr- n™1 Mrs- Bratton, Kathy and Bob of Whitewater Road 1044 is Unger Mortuary ... in Silverton j Louise, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Golliet of for Orville Floyd Brosig, 1203 -2‘0rbet Lechers and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Glen open to the trailhead of Jef ­ Tumwater, Wash, left Friday, ferson Park Trail 3429. Brei- East Main Street, Silverton. I Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Julian, Jr., Paul and Bradley July 5, after a few days visit -------- Mr. Brosig was born jn ^nce Petrok of Aumsville en- from Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. over the fourth at the home of tenbush Road S46 J® °Pen u16 *°urth °f July at Joe Johnson of Albany who Mrs. K. J. Golliet. j t through -------- to Estacada. However, Scotts Mills. He was 55 years are camped at the Julian I Weekend guests at the home caution is advised when tra-'of age and had lived in the, T___ „ , mm » »»#•%. ____________________ v— area ..... 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grif- I veling g this road because there Silverton his entire ...v, life. I Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manning farm. . j * - -__— »-AiitTn T-T a vara» »w»al Tom Caldwell returned Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bassett fiths were her grandson and „.c are some very rough spots. He was a real estate broker.1 Duffy Lake Road 1264 is still He was a veteran of WWII, h0lr *e Thursday evening after and family from Pierre, S. D., wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bor­ snowed in Pamelia Lake Road a charter member of the Sil-; pending several days in Reno. are spending this week visit­ FOLKS TUT WANT SURE-FIRE ing of Springfield. _ Dorothy Christensen return- 109 and Manon . Lake Road verton Elks Lodge #2210, a . Mrs E11zabeth Hudson from ing relatives in Lyons. They ■HOLTS KNOW AN AO IN THIS Masonic Lodge Minot, N. D. is spending some will also visit in Gates and ed home Sun. evening, July 7, 1157 are open. Twin Meadows member of They have their from a six days trip to Cali-1 Road 1167 is open to the June- . «45 and Hillah Temple Shrine, time at the home of her sister Mill City. KWSFAKR IS A FAST, DEPENOABU and brother-in-law, Mr. and camper parked at the home lornia. She visited a short time ,tion of Road 110. Big Meadows ( at Ashland of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I with her sister, Susee Engdahl, Road 110 is open from High-j He died last Saturday tn a; Mrs. Ernest Schiewek. •ARTO MT, SRI OR RENT Weekend visitors at the Leo Floyd Bassett. and children at Healdsburg ' 1 way L_ 22 — Mrs. Sylvia Burmester and , 110C is open to Presley Lake. ’ went heart surgery about four Cruson’s were her sister and and then went to the home of —Uli NOW 1 husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sid daughter, Mary Ann, were I French Creek Road S915 is \ months ago. her son-in-law and daughter, Wilkerson from Darby, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid at open for approximately six ( He was owner of the Brosig Additional guests on Sunday Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mrs. Florence miles, but Tumble Lake is not Realty in Silverton. I Lemoore. Her son Stuart of were the Wilkerson’s son, Mr. Burmester. | yet accessible. Quartzville ‘ He is survived by his wi- San Louis Obispo came to Le­ Mrs. Effie Nydegger of Sa­ J \ ( 1 Cl CT 111 Aw o still Ö snowed A A *z — w —- —* in VA dow, Vz TV , A Ione; VilV , one w son, VZ A A4, Wayne • • ^“ez * • —— , z and as Mrs. - Roger Wilkerson and 1177 i is moore to see his mother. Garth Road lem is spending several days *from the Detroit side. South , Brosig of Salem; two daugh- ! Central Point, Engdahl returned home with this week at the home of her his aunt for a few weeks visit Breitenbush Road S918 is open ters, Mrs. Sharon Decklen-i :?re- Als0’ Mr. and Mrs. David son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Phone 897-2772 to Trailhead 3375. ; man and Cathie Brosig, both 3^nnett and family, Beaver- here. John ” Bry­ and Mrs. William Grimes. NOTICE: Kinney Creek of Salem; three sisters, Mrs.,’ ton; "" Mr. " and Mrs. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm- Telephones 897-2772 Road 1049 and French Creek Walter (Estella) Kay of Mill | ant and Gaby, Salem; Mr. and Road S915 are closed to public City, Mrs. Nelma Moberg of! Mrs. Buddy Cruson and fam­ traffic Friday San Jose, , — Calif, iraini. Monday .vwuuoj through ---------- . — ——. and — Mrs. —— ; • T ily, and Charles Cruson, > all of I I from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,TwylaParkerofRoseburgandi1^J'<’ns- 1 because of heavy logging traf- two brothers, Joe Brosig of! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harper,. I fjc Detroit, Ore. and Roy Brosig wbo have been living on Fifth j I Marion Lake Trail 3436 is, of Ukiah, Calif. The family ,River Next To The Gates Trailer Ranch I clear to Lake Ann. There is suggests contributions to the I bridge, have moved to a house I some patchy snow from Lake Masonic Lodge, -45, building on Dogwood Street. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glisher of Ann to Marion Lake. Pamelia' fund or cancer socity. Seattle, Wash spent several I Lake Trail 3439 is generally, days at the home of Mr. and clear to the lake. Independence j f .™« Mrs. Alvine Rijnicks. Kock Trail 3438 and Stahlman Neil Frederick Farmen Point Trail 3449 are both open, j Funeral services were held I Mrs. Nancy Wickwizer from Lake of the Woods Trail 3493 at 2:00 p.m., Friday after­ Springfield and Miss Maurine is under about four feet of noon, July 5, 1974, at the Brown from Crescent City I snow. Bowerman Lake Trail Fisher Mortuary in Albany for were weekend guests at the : 3492 has patchy snow for Neil Frederick Farmen, 1 2? I home of their grandparents, and Mrs. Orville Down- roughly three miles. Blue who drowned on Christmas ’ Mr. With Hash Browns, Toast, Butter and Jelly . Lake Trail 3422 is under about Day while fishing in the North ln^- 7 A. M. — 11 P. M. four feet of snow. Blue, Jenny, Santiam River here. The son Robert Roten from Iron- Seven Days A Week I and Melis Lakes are still of Mr. and ___ MILL CITY, Mrs. _________ Frederick wood, Michigan has returned » frozen over. Estimated snow Farmen, 1070 23rd St’Albany^ 10 Michigan after spending ten 1 depths on trails are: Jefferson the body was recovered early: daFs a* the home of his par­ Park Trail 3429, 4Vi feet; last week on Sunday, June 30, Duffy Lake Trail 3427, 3-4 after being spotted by fisher­ feet. men four miles below Stayton • For Only Hoover, Southshore, Whis- ¿'.ccording to a report by Linn pering Falls, Humbug and County sheriff’s deputies. An With This Coupon ■ Marion Forks Campgrounds all-out search had been made I■ are open and have water. here just the previous day as TIMBER_CROP c ROTATION Shady Grove, Whitewater and a final effort. He was identi­ Coupon Good Only Fri., Sat, and Sun., July 12-14 1 Cleator Bend are open, with fied from dental charts Mon­ means water available from nearby day by a Linn County medical I Creeks and/or rivers. Piety examiner. Gates, Oregon 1 Island Campground is open Extensive ground and boat i but there are no garbage cans searches were abandoned in available. Breitenbush Camp­ Jannary after Marion and ground is still closed while Linn County sheriffs’ deputies J _ MILLION MAN PLAN FEO new toilets and waste water failed to find any trace of thei CONIFER SEEDLINGS ANNUALLY sumps are being installed — body. Farmen never returned' SUPPLEMENT" MANS AND NATURE'S about two more weeks. Please from a Christmas afternoon j RESEEPlNô IN NORTHWEST'S do not use the campground fishing trip on the river, but I PRIVATE- AND 6OVERM6NT I until installation has been com- police suspected drowning at FORESTS THIS WELL-MANAGED I pleted. Riverside Campground the time after a motorist re-| PROGRAM SY MORE THAN js still closed while the water ported seeing a body floating. system is being repaired. Esti­ in the river near the bridge mated opening date is July 4. that day. Elk Lake Campground will Farmen, who would have HEALTHIER GROWTH OF ! not be open until mid-July be- been 18 in February, was a M9UN6 TREES TO MATURITY | cause of snow. senior at South Albany High APR HARVESTING ON A CROP «5 ! There is a $1 a day charge School. He was born in Al­ 6ASlS. ALSO, THE INVENTORY ' for camping at Humbug, bany, and lived there until his IS MAINTAINED OF OUR MOST Southshore, and Marion Forks death. His parents formerly REMARKAHLE, RENEWABLE Campgrounds. There will also lived here. RESOURCE — TREES I be a $1 a day charge for camp­ Survivors include the par­ 6Y EMPLOYING THIS ing at Riverside and Breiten­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Monday Through Saturday IMPORTANT CROP bush Campgrounds when they Farmen; sisters, Mrs. Karen rotation PLAN, From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. are opened. There is a $2 a day Schueller and Mrs. Linda OUR FORESTERS charge for camping at Hoover Wyatt, all of Albany; grand­ ARE PROVIDING Sunday Hours — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Whispering Falls Camp­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy 0EAUTIEULTREES grounds. Sorensen (Goldie) of Mill Until Further Notice! THAT WILL ALWAYS Fishing has been fair on the City, Mrs. Helen Imel of Bea­ BRING BENEFITS district. ver, Raymond Case of Albany; AND ENJOYMENT Campfires are not to be left great - grandmother, Mrs. TO FUTURE unattended whether you are George Linn of Salem; and GENERATIONS camped in a designated camp­ three nieces and one nephew. AS THEY DO ground or on a trail outside a Mr. and Mrs Howard Farmen TODAY? of Mill City are an aunt and campground. And if you build uncle. a campfire outside a camp­ ground you must have: Keep Your Car in Top Running Condition 1) One ax, not less than 26” streams. Warm weather and long, with a head weighing 2 rapidly melting snows make For The Best Performance. rivers and streams very high lbs. or more. Young & Morgan Timber Company Frank Lumber Co 2) One shovel not less than and very swift. One careless 36” long, with a blade not less I I footstep along a river bank Mill City—Idanha, Oregon Mill City, O^gon could very well mean your than 8” wide. 3) One water container with life! Stout Creek Lumber Co. Wills Sh'ngle Mill All hikers going into the Mt. a capacity of at least one gal­ Jefferson Wilderness over­ lon or more. Lyons, Oregon—Mill at Mehama Mill City, Oregon Phone 897-2786 PUT YOUR FIRES DEAD night need a Wilderness Per­ OUT! mit. Pick up one at the Detroit . ■ » ni J • n I S08 N. E. 8antfaun Blvd. Mil Chy Mill City Enterprise All fishermen be wary when Ranger Station before entering U. S. rlywood-GhampiOn rdpers, Inc Mill City, Oregon Idanha—Lebanon, Oregon fishing forest rivers and the Wilderness OBITUARIES «mu Advertise where people LOOK to but) HOOLIES COOK SHACK BREAKFAST SPECIAL HAM AND EGGS jTwo Breakfasts SPECIAL SALE ITEMS Shop our Daily In-Store SPECIALS $185 OUR fABUlMS FORESTS & ANNOUNCING - - NEW HOURS! For Your Convenience We Will Be Open POOR GAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today R&R Chevron Service