The Mill City Eeterpràr. ThttrMÌay, Jun»* 13, 1974 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DETROIT State Purchases IDANHA Highway Sign from P. O. BOX 34« PHONE 897-2772 MILL CITY, ORE. 97360 Published at Mill City, Marion County, Ore. every Thursday Boots Champion Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Applications for a city re- The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility Gary Ruch, right of way for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without i corder are now being taken charge or cancel the charge for that portion of ar. advertisement 1 by the Idar.ha City Council. agent for the State Highway which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault An independent Interested persons may apply department attended the Wed newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber industry by attending the city council nesday noon board meeting of __ _ to be _________ - ___ meeting the first ____ Mon- ’.he North Santiam Chamber and agriculture in this area. day of t le month, or by mail- of Commerce. Ruch brought ing their application to the with him a proposition for the F NATIONAL NEV.SPAPER-1 MFM9ÇB________ Idanh : City Council. Box 335. ’ State to purchase the Chamber i Lite.-bl« Oregon zip ci oe 97350. City Recorder sign which has beer, located "7 Reba Synder’s resignation will on the east side of Pacific Newspaper g. into effect September 1. Highway near Salem Th< __ Publishers A number of friends and °ffered $1,860 for the sign and ■I Association neighbors attended the fare- agreed to stand the expensi SUBSCRIPTION RATES uell coffee held last Tuesday * removal . After discussion Marion-Linn Ciunties. per year---------------- at the home of Rev and Mrs. by the board members present Uutaide Marion-Linn Counties, per year — Harold Roth, honoring Mrs it was decided that the sign Outside Oregon, per year______________ Out-of-town had served its purpose and Irene Paullm agreed to sell it to the State ......... Editor and Publisher guests included Mrs. Roth’s The State is purchasing signs GEORGE LONG_________ mother. Mrs. Frances Richards RAYMOND E PRESLER .__ Printer the right of way to com NORMA LONG .... ..... ........... _. Society and News Editor of Canby. Mrs. Harold Wilson. along ROSE CREE ........................ ............... Local News..Editor Mrs. Nellie Allen and Mrs ply wi.h their highway beauti June Barker all of Mill City fication program. MARY KELLY.................... ...... Local News Editor ........... .. for _ There was some discussion Mrs. Paullm left Saturday CORRESPONDENTS Rogue River where she will be 0,1 sonie other means of adxer- Detroit-Idanha -------------------------------- Boots Champion ?^®hway Jerri Gates_______ ------------------------------------- Joyce Presler making her nome. Address Box | Coffman is going to look into Lyons ______ --------------------------------------Eva Bressler 15. zip code 97537. ‘ these and report at a later Mehama____ Chief Petty Officer. Don meeting. ------------------------------Mrs. John Teeters Snyder, son of Mr and Mrs Coffman will also be master Albert Snyder of Idanha, was of ceremonies at the annual home from Japan on a two nstallation banquet which will weeks leave in May Don has lie held at Santiam Golf course served for tnree years in Ja- on June 18 The banquet com pan He is stationed now at mittee is asking that those the Navy Base Command planning to attend call in for School at San Diego. Calif. reservations 859-2878 or 769- Sunday visitors at the De 9340 on or before June 15 troit home of Mrs June Wil- I.amson were her granddaugh ter. Mrs. Melanie Erikson, and | daughter. Meagan, and friend. FISHING GEAR .Alan, of Eugene RECLINERS Edna May returned home Saturday f. .. wing a two- J SPORTING EQUIPMENT month stay in Pendleton at ' The Mill City Lions clue the home of her sister. Mae held a dinner meeting at The LAWN CHAIRS Wutson Mrs Watson suffered Frontier Monday, when plans a broken ankle in a fall, and f°r [he Fourth ^>f July Mrs. May went to take care discussed. Dur mg the meeting. of her while she was recuper-1 Miss Verlene Peterman, who will be the Lions representa , ating from the injury. I Sunday visitors at the De- , tive as princess, was intro troit home of Mr. and Mrs. duced Tickets for the Lions John Henzel were Mr and breakfast at the park on July Mrs Ciyde Brown. Mrs Eliza 4th were passed out to mem beth Brown Clydes Mother) bers. who were urged to get all of Portland, and Mr out and make an advance sale Brown’s aunt. Miss Anna to help them determine how Pneskoff. of Crawford. Neb. many would be coming to the Their visit here in the can usual pancake feed from 6 a.m. The Family Store and Catalog Order Stor yon was the first for Mrs. Eli to 10 a.m. This year the menu zabeth Brown and her sister. will be hot cakes, scrambled eggs and ham. coffee and milk Miss Prieskoff. There was some discussion Tne Hengels and their guests drove to Marion Forks Inn on the float and Fred Kreck- where they enjoyed a delight low was chosen to make the i design. ful dinner Merr. ers v t.-e asked to come i out Monday night at 7:30 for a . work night at the park, when ' the cook shack will oe cle. ned in readmess for the Fourth. | There will be an initiation of new members at the meet- ; ing to be held at the Frontier ' on Monday. June 24th. Gil Schachtsick of Stayton Brides ’ déliant beautiful ■ was present and he brought DETROIT—According to a with him a sampL of the Can report. Oregon hopes to real yon souvenir plate which has ize about $80.000 from the sale recently been completed. The assets of convicted Salem plate shows several scenes stockbroker Harold Smithers, from the Canyon. The Lions said Del Weaver, attorney for club has ordered 100 of the the Oregon Corporation Com plates and will have them for mission. The funds will help sale Proceeds from the sale repay losses estimated at $90 - of the plates here will go into 000 to the four surviving vic the Canyon Scholarship fund. tims of Smither, who is serving a year in jail for 11 counts of Caretakers Mow federal securities law viola- Fairview Cemetary Hons. Although Evelyn and Wil Smither. 52. plead guilty in January and was sentenced to bur Harlan have been doing six months at the Multnomah the mowing for the last year. County maximum security in they now have complete stitution in Troutdale, plus an charge of the cemetery and other half year term in a com Mrs Harlan says there is a munity treatment center map available at their home a*</d%é**o¿¿ 2 Smither was accused of con ana they will be glad to help verting to his own use money anyone at any time. Lots may from his clients’ mutual fund be purchased from them and appointments made to go over accounts. a*J Most of the loss will be paid the cemetery Mrs Harlan spem three days by the Firemans' Fund Insur ance group which held the sur over Memorial Day, at the ety bonds for Smither’s em cemetery She helped people one find their plots and gave out ployer, First California Co. The state has in receivership donation slips with the hopes that enough money would be property owned by Smither TICr ar>J JTTs Tlrtftur Ti TjrwhricÁ According to the report, the raised to keep the cemetery bulk of the $80.000 will come mowed the year around, in Kl from the sale of a fancy com stead of just a few times a pound of building at Detroit, year. The Cemetery Associa Wher vov choose from our iamoui Regency Flower Wed- near the lake. The complex is tion reports that the dona appraised at $65.000. the re tions have been corr ng in very dir.q Line you need have nc qualm« about quality—this rich, «ell and it looks like there port says raised HELIOGRAVING* ha* all the diitinctrzr of the fin The state inventory list com might be enough to keep it est craftsmanship—yet coats about half aa much a* you 4 piled also shows Smither own- mowed, if more comes in later. guess' Do see the many other elegant type «tyies for your The Harlans have been very ed a $45,000 beach condomin complete wedding atationery needa. *Ha/»ogm rax t» ium at Otter Rock plus the happy at tne many compli ments they received on the family ranch at Salem. be confuaed with engrevmg. Outdoor vehicles and equip cemetery during tne holidays. Mrs Glen Henness is the ment comprise many pages of the Smithers inventory, ac secretary for the cemetery and donations should be sent to cording to the report. her. N. Santiam C. of C. See Us For That Special GIFT FOR FATHER — Lions To Have ' Work Night Monday See Our Many Advertised Specials In The Red Tag Circular WESTERN AUTO State May Get | Timber Sales Slated at Detroit Big Catch ' DETROIT — Two timbei sales, with an estimated 18,- j i 700.000 board feet of Willam ette National Fores: timber I will be conducted at Detroit | Ranger station June 26 Sealed bids will be received by the Detroit District Rang er up to and not later than 101 i a. m on the above date. Both i i sales have an acreage of all I species of logs which the bid- der is required to purchase. I Oral bidding will follow the | opening of the sealed bids at I ' 10 a m. Largest of the two sales is the Mansfield Intermediate Lester Fisbeck holds 34 meh with an estimated 13,500,000 salmon he caught last week at board feet of federal timber. the bridge in Mill City. The The sale, located approximate salmon weighed 144 pounds ly 10 miles northeast of De- ' troit Ranger station consists of 10,700 MBF or Douglas Fir ad- Lyons Land Use vertisel at $107.97 per thou- : sand, and 2.800 MBF of West -1 Plan Is Accepted ern Hemlock and other coni LYONS At the Lyons City ferous species advertised at Council meeting the final pub $60 02 per 1.000. Included in lic hearing on annexation of the sale is 502 acres of all spe the west side area between 5th cies of logs advertised at $111- and 13th street that was not in 75 per acre. The western hem the Lyons city limits was ac lock and coniferous spe cepted, with no objections. cies and other the acres of all spe Final draft of land use was cies of logs will be sold at a accepted with the present ex fixed rate iting zoning to be extended Creek Ridge No. 2 tim With prospects of city ber Fox sale has an estimated 4,-; growth, the city is also mak 700,000 board feet of timber I ing applicaiton for flood in The sale, located approximate-1 surance. 10 miles north of Detroit Building permits for May ly involves 3.700 MBF of Doug were $8.675 Comprehensive las Fir advertised at $116.10 planning is in the process of per thousand and 1,000 MBF of typed. Western Hemlock and other Liquor permits were issued coniferous species advertised to Walton's Grocery. Laven at $73.50 per thousand. In- der's Market and Lyons Tav c luded in the sale is 96 acres ern. of all species of logs alvertiscd at $202.85 per acre. Detroit Dam - Weather The acres of all species of logs will be sold at a fixed Pool Max Mtn. Elev Per I rate. June 5 58 46 1562 13 1.50 June 6 56 48 1562.29 03 June 7 55 42 1561.50 .17 Santiam Grange Set$ June 8 61 42 1561 13 .01 June 9 70 46 1561 44 .00 Festival Fair Dates June 10 75 49 1561.98 .00 Santiam Valiev Grange held June 11 81 52 1562 44 00 Total Pep for Week . 1.71 their meeting Friday night, ! June 7. Several members were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gold I absent due to illness. en celebrated their 16th wed The usual business was car-' ding anniversary Friday even j ried out and various reports I ing. June 7. at the home of Mr. j were heard. Mr and Mrs Har-1 and Mrs. Clyde Golden Also | old Duncan were obligated in attending were the Golden’s the third and fourth degrees. children. Mike, Debbie and Giles Wagner, general chair Kathy; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon man for the Harvest Festival Hutchinson. Vern Golden, and and Fair, announced the Fair Mrs. E ta Klock of Salem. Ice would be Saturday afternoon cream and cake were served. and evening. September 21. JASON LEE NOMINEE ELFCT COURT OF APPEALS THANK VOTERS As President Kennedy said: "It was close but clear”! PLEDGE I will work hard for ",. . liberty and justice for all". z Appreciatively yours. JASON Pd 1500 Liberty Street SC Salem, Oregon 97302 Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Read it Every Week Fi mets from Stockbroker Deal FLOWER WEDDING LINE The Mill City Enterprise LAKE LODGE Detroit, Oregon Special Lunches Steaks Sea Food Eddie Moore's Band Tones HAZEL—Piano BOB—Steel EVERY COOP—Drum$ and Edde FRIDAY—SATURDAY «nd SUNDAY Mrs. Golden Attends Anniversary Banquet Mrs Charles Golden of Mill City recently attended the 25th Anniversary Banquet of the Oregon Heart ai,elation in Portland Jean Nidetch, found er of Weight Watchers Inter national was the speaker and honored guest, and rightly so. The Weight Watchers of Ore gon and southern Washington pledged 5c to the OHA for each pound lost dur ng Febru ary, which was National Heart Month. The total pounds lost came to 23,471 lbs Aubrey Davis, M D. president of the CHIA, re ceived a check at the ban quet for $1,173.55. to be given I to the OHA NOTICE Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise this week. If the figure following your name is 6-74 your subscription has expired. Why not send in a check for your renewal today. By Subscribing to THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE YOU SAVE MONEY You can save more than the subscription price of The Enterprise by reading the ads and then taking advantage of the bargains offered. Try it and see. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Marion and Linn Counties . . . Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon . Outside the State of Oregon . . . $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 - - . . Mill City .Oregon