Tríe Milfi City Enterprise skcond C lass P osta « pa . o mill VOLl’ME XXIV i it Ain’t All Roses (by George Long) Cm. oacaoa ON THE SCENIC NOliTHS ANTI AM HIGHWAY NVMBI'X 24 GON’S EAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY~ENTERi’RISK—MILL CITY. OREGON1HI RSDAY, JUNE 13, 1971 Red Cross I Swimming $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy To Vie For Queen Saturday Night Hurt When Truck Piles Up DllC Mofldây On June 18 the patrons of DETROIT — A 10-year-old Administrative School District Monday, June 17 is the day, Sublimity boy was seriously ' 129J will vote on a levy of voters of School District 129-J ; injured when a lumber truck i $517,915.00 for operation of the will march to the polls again he was in rolled over on High-, schools for the 1974-75 school and vote on the operating bud-1 Plans for this summer’s way 22 just east of Idanha year. This amount Is $15,370.00 get for the coming year. The j Red Cross swimming lessons last Wednesday afternoon, less than the proposed levy budget committee has worked are underway. The four two state police said. which was defeated on May 7. hard to present the voters of week sessions are June 25- David Welter, passenger in The levy approved in May of the District with a good bud July 5, July 8-July 19, July a truck driven by his father, get. 22, August 2; August 5 to Au William Welter, Sublimity, was 1 last year, for the current school There is no fat in this bud gust 16. There will be classes listed in serious condition with 1 year of 1973-74 ending June 30, get that can be trimmed and for all age groups including nternal injuries at Salem Me , 1974, was $84,679.00 greater the amount to .. be voted on ii the voters do not pass it adults. The lessons will b< morial hospital. He was taken 1 than T TI , this time, some programs will taught by Cathy Hell, a cer here by Idanha Rural Fire June 18- However, the levy as have to be cut to reduce it tified Red Cross Water Safety District ambulance following approved was reduced by he In ths the anymore than what it now is. Instructor. They will be held he 2 p. m. accident. Police Board of °f Directors ,ln A year ago the voters of this at the Gates Pool at the Fron aid the lumber load apparent-1 am°u"t of *95.000,00 in unex- District went to the polls and tier Inn. The cost of a two y shifted on the truck owned, revenues received from passed a larger budget by week session is $5 per student by D & H Lumber, Lyons, I Registration for lessons wil over $69,000.00 than is being ?ausing it to roll over off thè I w^ere approximately 65% of presented to voters at this elec-1 take place on each Friday af- lighway. Traffic was not im- the valuation is in timber, it is impossible to accurately esti tion. There is a sample ballot ■ ternoon preceeding the start peded, police said. mate in December and Janu located on page five of this of a new session. Schedules ary, when the budget is being weeks Enterprise. If you have j will be found in The Enterprise prepared, just what income any questions about this bud-1 prior to registration. Parents Summer Reading will be received from timber. get call the school or any ‘ wishing to enroll their child It has long been the custom of member of the school board i en in that session need to d< Classes To Begin and they will be happy to ex- so at the pool between 1:00 and Summer reading classes will the Board of Directors to re- plain it for you. But be sure 3:00 p. m. Registration and be held at the Mill City Grade duce the authorized levy by to vote Monday at the High payment for the first session school beginning July 1st. Re the amount of unexpected re- school, the polls will be open will be held on Friday, June gistration will be as follows: venues received prior to es- tablishing the final levy. from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. All voters 21, between 1:00 and 3:00 at the 1st graders 8 a. m. will vote in the one precinct high school, however. The All voters are again remind 2nd graders 9 a. m. schedule for the first session is for this election. ed that there will be only one 3rd graders 10 a. m. as follows: polling place for the June 18th, 4th grade and up 11 a. m. 10:00 Intermediate. R Classes will meet daily in election, at Santiam High 1 Princesses competing for July Fourth water. The Coronation program will be According to U. S. News and 10:30 Advanced eginner Queen Title Saturday evening are Ver gin at 8:00 p. m. at the Santiam High the mornings for a four-week ' School, between the hours of World Report, the Tax Foun (9-10 years.) ( 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. School Auditorium. —Ogden Photo session. Mrs. Judy Hansen and dation—a nonpartisan organ Beginner lene Peterman, Clary Pedersen, Rhonda 11:00 Advanced Mrs. Carole Twede will be Anyone having questions re , Meader, Susie Wison and Barbara Gillen- ization—has analyzed the cur (7-8 years.) teaching. If anyone has ques garding the budget or the elec rent $3(>4-billion federal budget 11:30 Beginners (9-10 years.) I tions regarding these classes, tion may get in touch with Wes and finds that it adds up to’’ . . 12:00 Beginners (7-8 years.) please contact Mrs. Twede at Jahn, Superintendent, at San an average bite of $4,013 from I 12:30 Beginners (5-6 years.) 897-2846 or call 897-2311 and J tiam High school, phone 897- each of the nation’s households ' talk to Wes Jahn. 2311. —$1,214 more than the com-' parable figure four years ago The average family may be unaware of its share of the1 Girl of the Month burden of a $300-billion-plus1 federal budget. Nevertheless, GATES—The Budget Hear the burden is there. It takes the The 16th annual Fourth of corted to the stage and each ing for the City of Gates con form of direct and indirect ' July Queen’s coronation is will perform a talent presenta At an employee meeting at taxes—and inflation ensuing vened at 7:30 p. m. at the Gates from chronic federa) deficits. City Hall on June 6. Since scheduled for this Saturday tion. They will also be judged the Detroit Ranger Station June 7 three employees were there was no opposition to the evening, June 15, at the San on poise and appearance. On top of this, state and local presented with Certificates of budget, the hearing was deem- tiam High School auditorium. taxes are a rapidly growing The program will also in The program will begin at 8 Merit and cash awards. part of the overall tax load. The Summer Recreation pro-, ed closed at 7:31 p. m. clude the Junior King and If consumer protectors really gram will start Monday, June ! The Gates City Council p. m. and the five lovely prin Queen of the Kiddie Parade,! Vernon W. Rush received a want to protect consumers, 17, and run throught August meeting was called to order cesses competing for the queen Kenneth Penrose and Heidi Certificate and a cash award I in recognition of accomplish they should address themselves 8. Each boy and girl wishing at 7:31 Thursday, June 6, fol title are Barbara Gillenwater, White. to the question of whether tax to participate must bring $1 to lowing the budget hearing. Junior Woman’s Club: Rhonda ments during the fall slash Entertainment will be pro burning season. This was in payers who are also consumers pay for insurance coverage Present were Mayor J. How Meader, Mill City Garden are getting their money’s worth during the course of the pro ard Jenks, Councilmembers: Club;; Clary Pedersen, Mari vided by tap dancers Robin addition to maintaining his from the biggest business in gram. This insurance charge Doris Rogers, Bert Wells and lyn Assembly #60, Order of Boester, Jill Girod, Anita Gof own job duties as Timber Sale the world—the U. S. govern of $1 must be paid before a Tom Wood; city secretary’, Rainbow for Girls; Verlene fin, Kathleen Moore, Kim Officer. DONNA NELSON Peterman, Mill City Lions Tuers, Kim Ward and Leslie ment Verna R. Ketchum, Procure- I youngster may participate in Morgan White and Dan Nu- Club and Susie Wilson, San White. A special guest will be . gent and Joyce Presler repre ment Clerk, received a Certifi Donna Lea Nelson has been the program. tiam Chapter, AARP. Mrs. Brenda Homar who will cate and a cash award for fil chosen as Girl of the Month The Peewee teams will meet sented the press. Many see the approaching at the baseball field at 2:30 p. I The minutes from the _ prev-| Each princess will be es- sing two numbers. ling in, in addition to her reg for May. Donna will be a Sen congressional election as an m., and the Little League teams ious meeting were read and The princesses will be given ular duties, as the District Fire . ior at Santiam High School opportunity for so-called liber approved. The bills were paid a quesiton and answer period Dispatcher. next year. She is the daughter 4 p. m. both on June 17. als to take control and push at Archery Patricia R. Sprague, Recep of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fultz besides the talent, personality, will start on June as follows: General fund, $358.- the meeting. ahead with new taxes on pro 24 and run until August 1, on 40; Street fund, $144.05; Water I The council passed authority poise and appearance, which is tionist, received a Certificate of Lyons. fits and on wealth. There will Mondays’ Wednesdays and fund, $551.68. She has been in Wolverettes I to City Attorney Mick Davis, tlie basis for the judge’s deci and a cash award for her ef also, no doubt, be prosposals Thursdays Correspondence was then IV lo ICV1CW revjew the ordinances U1 of the sion. fective designs and prepara and Pep club. This year she from v.vv 3:30 to 4:30 ~ ¡Uliuajo AiVAAA ----- r----------------------- --------- J1C UlUHldlllVi for tighter regulation of basic To be eligible, a student read and materials distributed. City of Qates and bring forth Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilson tion to timber sale display was in Drama, Honor Society industries in the United States. must ust have attended Grade 4 Of importance was first a let-1 council those that are are in charge of the Corona-1 boards for presentation of the and Art Exhibit. /JI programs will be advocat 1 or above during this past ter from the Mill City Steer- information at the district’s She has no definite plans irrelevant to the city. The ed in the name of consumers. I ing Committee asking if Gates maximum to be spent is $400. tion program which is sponsor- 1 Five-Year Timber Sale Pro but does want to attend a Com school year. ed by the Mill City Steering , Before leaping off this econ • Tennis will start June 25, was going to participate in the ) gram, both for the annual pu munity College. omic precipice, it would be and run to August 8. All stu 4th of July Parade. Discussion The money is to come from Committee. blic meeting and the Forest well to observe what happen dents are welcome. Students followed as to making a float, the general fund. Following the coronation, a Supervisor’s Staff review. Lastly, the council accepted ed in Great Britain. Following must supply their own rackets etc. and it was suggested that reception honoring the queen Also at the meeting both Boy of the Month that nation’s last election, the and the recreation program a Motel T Ford be used to re the budget for 1974-75 for the I and her court will be held in Charlotte Blumenstein, Resour- City of Gates. government proposed boosts will supply the tennis balls. present Gates. the commons. | ce Tech, and Glen E. Reinke, The meeting was adjourned the taxes of corporations and Classes will be held at the The council would like to ex Coronation tickets may be Firn Fire Drnxrontinn Prevention Officer, rC" wealthy individuals. The stock tennis courts on Tuesdays, tend their thanks to several at 10:30 p. m. The next meet purchased from any of the [ ceived 10-year Length of Ser- ing will be June 30, 7:30 p.m. market went into precipitous Wednesdays, and Thursdays, businesses in Gates for the im 1 vice awards. princesses or at the door. at the Gates City hall. decline; and, according to Bus provement of their property by from 9 to 10 a. m. iness Week, the question now The girls’ program will start painting, etc. It has greatly im is’”. . . the possiblity that the June 17 and run through Au proved our community. Thanks Gates Kindergarten Graduates British stock market's function gust 8 from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. to Gates Trailer park, White’s as a capital-raising mechanism Antiques and Uunion 76. Ev for business -especially small Participants must be at least eryone in Gates is proud of 4 years old. All girls are to re- and medium-sized companies — I port to the Art room at the you for shining up your estab could be endangered.” ' Grade School Annex at 9 a. lishments. Is this a preview of what . , „ Reports were next on the will happen in the U. S. if a m on June 17______ agenda. First was Street Com drive is launched to close all1 _ . . missioner Bert Wells. He re tax breaks that encourage in- Salem People Buy ported the installation of six BILL GABRIEL vestment and emasculate in- ......................... sign posts. However, he has Lavender'$ Market __ r dustrial management with reg Bill Gabriel was chosen Boy LYONS—Hilliard C. Hanson been unable to obtain the street ulation? Voters should look of Salem recently purchased 1 sign from the ( ounty he had of the Month for May. Bill will with fear at reformers whose ( he a junior next year at San- Lavender’s Food Market in I ordered. He has looked into chief targets are the industries r ____ and __ 1 took possession ______ nrxmnanipc hilt, is having tlam High School. He is the other companies but is having i Lyons and enterprises that are the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard trouble with costs. It seems the Tuesday, June 4. Mrs. Bever source of jobs and the founda Gabriel of Gates. ly Clark, daughter of Mr. Han cost will be approximately $200 tion of the American system. Bill has been in football, bas more. No decision was made. | son, will be in charge of the ketball and baseball. It was also noted that street1 store. After high school graduation Mr. Hanson has been in numbers are still in the mak Pr ocesses To Appear he wants to enter the service ing. It was also brought up that business in Salem for the past, a traffic hazard on the Linn or enter a mission in Alaska. On Channel 3 Friday 27 years. He now owns tlie! County sde of the bridge ex The 4th of July princesses Dancer’s Corral in Sa'em and It is to be taken care of. have been asked to appear on (is also associated with various isted. Tom Wood, building inspect Immunization Clinic the “Valley View” show in Sa other enterprises. or, reported he had obtained lem Friday, June 14 at 3:30 on Set For Tues., June 18 Don and Yvonne Lavender one estimate on the cost o': KVDO channel 3. of Aumsville have operated the painting the City Hall. Others A well child and immuniza Mrs Sue Ferguson, owner of store for the last 16 months.1 tion clinic will be held by the are to be sought. Cinderella School in Salem, M.irion County Health depart Doris Rogers had nothing to | made the arangements after ment Tuesday, June 18, at the i 1 eport. the girls had completed their School Library To Calvary Luthern Church, Stay It was brought before the, course at the charm school. council the matter concerning ton. Be Open to Public The clinic will be open 9:30 It was announced this week the new gambling ordinance a. m. to 12 noon and 1:00 to that the Santiam High School passed by the state. Since a 3:30 p. m. will be open for public I misunderstanding concerning j If the number following library Parents wishing their child use every Tuesday and Thurs I one of the local businesses, it Pupils of Mrs. George Stafford re- didge, Jeffrey Girod, Dorothy Clark, to be seen by the physic your name on The En" day afternoon beginning Tues was thought that perhaps the ceived their diplomas at Kindergarten Lyle Ray, Michelle Neal, Heidi White, ren ian should make an appoint ordin day, June 18, between the passing of / the gambling council Kate Jerrim; top row: Kevin Klampe, ment by calling Mrs. Melvin graduation May 15. Front row, L to R: terprise label reads hours of 2 and 4 p. m. Traci whiUle„ Kel. ance was feasible. f---- i'-l- The --- council Trenda Irwin, Linda Murphy, Robert Peck at 769-2684 would like some local opinion 6-74 it's time to send Residents are invited to Kathleen Moore, nmu» Anita uvum, Goffin; Morgan and Kenneth Penroee. No appintments are neces concerning this. The 1st raiding lie lr' Blau, <v*uu,in the library facilities on sary for immunizations only. I of the ordinance took place at second row: Mrs. Stafford, Bruce Brun- — Stan Ogden Photo a check for renewal. above days. S—fa. æss SSS“!* Starts June 17 Ranger Personnel Receive Awards