Seventh Graders English Work Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross have Linn County Has Reception Honors recently moved into their new i Retiring Teacher house which is located east of LYONS One hundred and their former place which has New Dog Shelter five signed the guest book, already been sold. Mrs. Jane con«. Linn County Thacker, a sister of Mrs. Ross, has moved into it’s new shel-1 Some people are still im- with many children present who did not sign, at the re has made her home with them ter facility located at 3008 In-1 pressed by Courage. for the past year or more. dustrial Way in Albany. The' Kim Crook, a seventh grade ception held Sunday after shelter will be open from 8:30 student has this year discov- noon at the Mari-Linn Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday ered a number of people from teria honoring Mrs. Viola Hel Russell N. Itudlong, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Budlong of and their daughter, Mrs. Frank through Friday. Dog licenses, history with whom she was sel, first grade teacher, who is Mill City, enlisted Into the (Kandee) Tuers were guests will now be sold at the dog seemingly impressed. A few of retiring at the end of the school army’s delayed entry program Thursday evening, May 23 at shelter and will no longer be these people were Moses, year. Mrs. Helsel, who has taught and will report for active duty a dessert given for honor stu sold at the county clerk’s of- Michaelangelo, DaVinci, e. . ah ______ 1.' mncf of fill all she RPOmOi seemed im for 19 years at Mari-Linn on June 7. Russell will receive dents at PSU. flee. All dog complaints should j most nf school, will be missed by her advuneed training in infantry be called to Linn County Dog pressed by the great figure of many friends and many chil the reformation, Martin Lu Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gruver Control at 928-6103. tactics prior to being assigned dren. for duty at Ft. Wainwright, and Doug spent the weekend at Linn County Dog Control ther. Hostesses for the affair were She felt impressed by this Alaska. He is currently a sen their cabin at Pacific City. does not provide services with ietired teachers and cook, Mrs man ’ s courage in speaking out ior at Santiam High School. Joining them was Mr. Gruver’s in the cities of Albany, Le Katie Skillings, Mrs. Hazel sister and brother-in-law, Mr. banon and Sweet Home, but against wrong doing even and Mrs. Robert Smith and will accept gift dogs from all though the wrongs were per Wirth, Mrs. Ethel Wyman, Mrs Rev. Luther Kurtz of Wood daughter, Judy, of Portland. residents of Linn County, if petuated by the most powerful Martha Poole and Mrs. Mabel Downing. The decorated cake burn preached at the Presby Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ricketts, brought tc the shelter. Dogs authority of his day. terian Church last Sunday. David and Darrin of Clover will be adopted out on a fee Kim’s poem “Martin Luther” was baked by Mrs. Hazel Wirth During the service, Shields dale visited lhem on Monday basis. The fee will be $12.00 expressed human appreciation I with the tables decorated with Remine announced that the and they all enjoyed a picnic. for an adult dog and $9.00 for of courage. I spring flowers. pastor-seeking committee, MARTIN LUTHER a a puppy. The fee includes headed by Robert Hayes as Of German peasant parents Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Van 1974 dog license. Detroit Seventh Grade chairman, has been very busy D. Zande from near Scio are born interviewing candidates for the occupying the Presbyterian Views Hour-long Film He was birthed in the early position which hopefully will manse for a few weeks until DETROIT — The seventh morn. tie filled in the near future they can move into the Howard State Colleges See grade of Detroit School took a For several years he preached field trip Wednesday to Port Next Sunday. June 2, Dr. John Means property on S. E. Ivy and taught, Nevin of Tigard will again which they recently purchas Local Students land where they viewed an But a very small following speak here. hour show, “Life on other ed. Attending church with was all he got. Planets,” at the planetorium on them Sunday morning were Graduate this Week His old fears of pleasing God the grounds of the Oregon Mu Among local people taking their son and family, Mr. and seum of Science and Industry. Several local area students not, house-trailers or driving cam Mrs. Ron Van D. Zande and Other places of interest visit pers to the beach for the triple four children from Bend where will be graduating this week Returning, becoming a monk is ed were the Portland Zoo, and what he sought. holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Ho he is the assistant fire chief end from colleges and univer Lloyd’s Center Skating Rink. ward Farmen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe and his wife is employed by sities in the state. Among them Ninety-five theses he nailed They were accompanied by will be Louise Gruver, Melody Lalack, Mr. and Mrs. Jack the J. C. Penny Store. upon the door, Mrs. Norman Nightingale, Mrs. Barnhardt, Janice Lewellen Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. John Virgil James and Robert Kirk. Lyle Cutsforth, the older son and Lynn Cutsforth, all 1970 It set off a conflict with a Fohl. all of whom went clam terrible roar. A sack lunch and a late af of Mr. and Mrs. Gael Cuts graduates of Santiam. ming at South Beach near at Salem Louise Gruver will graduate Martin wouldn’t change his ternoon luncheon Newport. They reported the forth, will receive his degree completed the day's activities. in Ecology, Air and Water at Sunday, June 1, at 10:00 a.m. weather as j bit damp and way, cool, also somewhat windy, but the June 2 graduation ceremo commencement exercises at and so people do often say . . .• it turned off beautifully by nies at OTJ in Klamath Falls. Southern Oregon College, with DVBS Opening Monday when it was time to His wife, Suzanne, will also a degree in elementary educa This courageous man might IDANHA — A weeks daily have been making his life graduate as a medical lab tech tion. She has received assign return home. vacation Bible school will open nician. In the fall, Mr. and Mrs. ment with the Peace Corps a mess, Cutsforth will move to Tampa. and will begin duty in August. For others have been tortured ; Monday, June 3, at the Idanha Community Church for youths Glenn Humes, Jr., eldest son Fla. where she will serve her and killed for less. Melody Barnhardt will i four years of age through the of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Humes, one year externship at Tampa graduate from Oregon College was baptized in services at the General Hospital. Mrs. Cuts of Education and Janice Lew He wouldn’t give up and he ' eighth grade. kept up the fight, | The 9:00 a m. to 11:30 a.m. Presbyterian Church on Sun forth is from Bend. ellen from the University of session will be under the di- day morning. May 19. A mem- Oregon. Lynn Cutsforth will He went into hiding and started to write. j rection of Rev Arvin Johnson, }>er of this year’s graduating Monte I.alack. son of Mr. and receive his degree in commun class at Santiam High School, Mrs. Joe Lalack. made a brief ity service counseling from He translated the Bible into ' pastor of the church. 1 The program will include he plans to join the service im stop here last week. He is em Eastern Oregon State College German and others, mediately after graduation. ployed in Klamath Falls. in La Grande. So everyone could read it even I stories, crafts, singing, games, i refreshments and daily offer- your Mothers! I ings. by Kim Crook Some 18 to 20 teachers and i helpers will assist Rev. John son. The budget for City of Gates, Oregon for the fiscal year 1974-1975. Beginning July 1, 1974 Esther Freeman To The Bible school is open to as detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was preptirea on an accounting Graduate Tues., June 4 basis consistent with that used in prior years. Major changes, if any. and their effects on this all in the above mentioned age budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may be Miss Esther Freeman, daugh group. inspected or obtained between the hours of 8:00 a m. and 4:00 p.m. at Gates City Hall Bulletin ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Board. A meeting of the Gates City Council will be held June 6, 1974. At 7:30 p.m. at Gates F reeman, is among those City Hall for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear graduating from NCC in to discuss the budget, or any part of it. Eugene. If the number following Baccalaureate service will be __________ JAY HOWARD JENKS Sunday, June 2, at 4:00 p.m. in your name on The En- (Chairman of Governing Body) Linn & Marion City of Gates, Oregon the Éugene First Christian Church. Commencement will (County) (City) label reads be Tuesday, June 4. at 8:00 p terprise Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the m. in the Christian Church. Assessor on Form LB-50 Miss Freeman graduated 5-74 it's time to send This Year Next Year from Santiam High School in $ 900.00 $ 1,289.00 1969 and was awarded the Levy Within 6% Limitation a check for renewal. 6,215.00 7,480.00 Not Subject to Limitation 7,115.00 8,709.00 canyon scholarship that year Total Proposed Levy .......... $36,595.00 $65,797.00 Total Budget All Funds .... July 1 Authorized. Not Incurred. July 1 TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding This Year This Year Next Year Next Y’ear (Actual) (Actual) (Est.) (Est) $143,000.00 $20,000.00 Bonds .......................................... 4124,000.00 Interest Bearing Warrants .... 20,000.00 $143.000.00 $20,000.00 Total Indebtedness .............. _...$!44,000.00 5—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday May 30, 1974 GATES Joyce Presler — 897-2707 gathering on Sunday, May 26. Attending were P. L. Mulligan of Mill City, Pete and Penny Peterson, Butch, Tina and MaryAnn from Salem, Toni Newburg andn Roger Perkins also from Salem. The gathering was to visit with the Newburgs out of town guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Newquist. Thought for the day: He that would please all, and himself too, undertakes what he can not do. Riddle of the week: What goes all the way from New York to San Francisco without moving an inch? The road. Gates City Council meets on June 6, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. at the Gates City Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. Visiting Clare and Margaret Rush from Monday, May 20 through Friday May 24 were Margaret’s cousin, Alice Will- mot from London, Ontario, Canada and her sister-in-law, Reta Brandon from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. While here they were shown various points of interest including the coast and the mountains as far as Marion Forks. Mary Stafford enjoyed a ride to the Brietenbush area on Friday, May 24, with her bro ther, Louis, and his wife, Laura Myers. Visiting with the Melvin Newburgs are Melvin’s sister Pearl and her husband Wallace Santian Womens Golf Newquist from Deluth, Minn. They arrived on Wednesday, Club Play Tuesday May 22, and plan on staying The days play Tuesday for into June. the 18 hole group of the San Arriving for a visit on Sun tiam Womens Golf Club was day, May 26, with the Clare “blind holes.” Rushes were Mr. and Mrs. Winning class A was Wilma Kent Dunagan, Brian Rush and Strong with a nine; class B, Pat Pam Mull, all from Salem. Dye, three; class C, Pat Green, Ray and Vi Foster are hav 15 and class D, Leah Isham, ing guests from Lakeside, four. Calif, visiting them. They are Ruth Tohl won first low net their daughter Karen and her with a 74 and Berniece Evans husband Michael Hiser and was second low with a 75. daughter Poppy. They arrived Winners in the spring holi- on Friday, May 24, and plan I day tournament which was on staying for a couple of | completed last week were weeks. I Mane Galloway, first 147; Melvin and Norothy New i Wilma Strong, second 148; burg had a family dinner and and Betty Schug, third—159. With two kids of driving age, I care about the car insurance we get. I switched to Safeco and got a better policy and saved $180 to boot," You can smile NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET GENERAL FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year Total Personnel Services $2,375.00 $2,250.00 ...$2,250.00 (Includes all Payroll Costs) ................. . 2,250.00 3,080.00 3,120.00 Total Materials and Services ........ ............ 2,400.00 Total Capital Outlay ............ ....... ................. .. 2,000.00 750.00 6,450.00 Total All Other Requirements.......... ...... __ 6,500.00 8,645.00 11.780.00 Total Requirements (Including Transfers) .. 4,816.00 10.608.00 7,905.00 Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied ... 1,684.00 Ad Valorem Taxes Received .......... .... 1,172.00 740.00 Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance 117.00 Estimated Tax Not to be Received ...... 160.00 1,289.00 Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied . 900.00 .. $ 900 00 $1,289.00 Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation BONDED DEBT FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year $7,250.00 $7.200.00 Total Requirements (Including Transfers) ... ..$9,375.00 3,125.00 1,600.00 Total Resources Except Tax to b be ------- Levied .... 400.00 ... 6.785.00 Ad Valorem Taxes Received ............. Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance 5,650.00 6,800.00 565.00 Estimated Tax Not to be Received ...... 680.00 6,215.00 7,480.00 Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied ... 6,215.00 7,480.00 Not Subject to Limitation ...................... Last Year Materials and Services . Capital Outlay .............. All Other Requirements Budget Requirements Budget Resources .......... Total . Personnel Services ........... (Includes all Payroll Costs) Total Materials and Services .... Total Capital Outlay ................... Total All Other Requirements .... Total Budget Requirements ....... Total Budget Resources ............... Total All Other Requirements Total Budget Requirements Total Budget Resources .......... Total All Other Requirements Total Budget Requirements . Total Budget Resources ..... Total All Other Requirements Total Budget Requirements .... Total Budget Resources ............ Total All Other Requirements Total Budget Requirements Total Budget Resources ...... $2,927.00 1,500 00 600.00 5,027.00 $5,027.00 This Year $ 1,200.00 6,340.00 5,000.00 660.00 13,200.00 $13,200.00 retired people Next Year t $ 1.920.00 7,760.00 2,820.00 12,500.00 $12,500.00 BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year $ 1,200.00 $25,000.00 2,320.00 1,200.00 25,000.00 $ 2,320.00 $ 1,200.00 $25,000.00 WATER BOND RESERVE FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 SANITATION FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Y’ear $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 REVENUE SHARING FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year (Published Thursday, May 30, 1974 in the Mill City Enterprise) Mill City, Oregon SecurityAccount $2.785.00 $7,367.00 2,315.00 400.00 5,500.00 7,367.00 $5,500.00 $7,367.00 t WATER FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year $ 1,200.00 3,050.00 3,000.00 1,325.00 11,700.00 $11,700.00 Phone 897-2324 or 897-2754 Introducing FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED STREET FUND OR PROGRAM Total Total Total Total Total Jerry Pitfam Insurance Western Security Bank now offers a new and unique checking account to retired Salem-area residents and persons 62 years of age or older. It’s called the Security Account, and here's what you get: FREE: FREE: FREE: No service charge checking with no minimum balance required. 2 bus passes with each deposit or transaction. Travelers checks at no fee. Western Security Bank TELEPHONE 585-5512 • MEMBER FDIC State Street Office State & Liberty • Candalaria Office 2715 Commercial S.E. Broadway Office: 2955 Broadway N E • Lancaster Office 750 Lancaster Drive N E. Bankmobile locations in Aumsville, Lyons, Sublimity and Turner 4