Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1974)
6—Tltf Mill Citj Enterprise, Thursday, May 23, 1974 with that used in prior years Major changes, if any, and their effects on this budget were published in the Mill City Enterprist“ on May 16. 1974. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at Waltons Store. A meeting of the Board of Di rectors will he held June 4, 1974 At 8:00 p.m. at The Fire Hall for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this bud get. Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it. HUGH JOHNSTON Chrmn. of Governing Body Linn Lyons (County) (City) (Published in the Mill City Enterprise May 23, 1974.) Sears CLASSIFIED RATES Churches, bazaars, suppers, Automotive bake sale, etc., will be run under special announcements FOR SALE — 1973 Impala 9- j Great Gifts for classification with a mini pass. sta. wagon. Low mile- NOTICE TO “THE GRAD” mum charge of 75c per age, clean, radial tires. Pric INTERESTED PERSONS for Graduation — Think Insertion. ed below blue book. Can ' ♦ LUGGAGE Velma L. Harrison, has been Fifteen cents per line each be seen at Home Federal! appointed Personal ltepresenta ♦ SEWING MACHINE insertion, No advertisements Savings & Loan, Stay ton 1 ♦ STEREOS i tive of the estate of Rex A. accepted for less than 75c Phone 769-2179. 15tf Deceased, by the at your local . . . I Harrison, per week. Minimum charge Circuit Court of the State of AUTHORIZED CATALOG j FOR SALE — 1965 8' Hide-A- for Cards of Thanks $1.00. | Oregon for Linn County, un MERCHANT STORE Way Camper w jacks. $375. Ph. 897-2348 Count five words to the line der No. 12544 All persons hav 160 N. 1st Phone 897-2299. 21 tn ordering your ad. Telephone ing claims against the estate Mill City 897-2772, MUI City or mail ¡FOR SALE - 1965 Volkswa are required to present the SALE — 1970 Tammarak same within four months from your advertisement to The MiU gon Good condition. Phone FOR 12x60 Mobil Home. Phone date of first publication of said City Enterprise, Mill City, 897-2942. 21p 897-2314 after 5:00 p.m 21p , Personal Representative at the Oregon 97360 FOR SALE — 14 ft. travel office of her attorneys at 545 Street, Stayton, Oregon Miscellaneous Real Estate Wanted trailer, good condition. $450 Third 97383. Phone 897-2595. 21 REAL ESTATE WANTED — TESTED and approved by mil Your rights may be affected lions of homemakers. Blue LET US do your glass work by this proceeding and addi- Large older home-place Mill CITY OF DETROIT City Will buy or exchange Lustre carpet cleaner is tops. We cut window glass to your i tional information may be ob- ELECTION NOTICE Salem sUrburban short half Mill City Hardware. 897- l tained from the records of the measurements. We will in STATE OF OREGON. County acre. 3-5 B.R. daylight base 2977. i Court, the Personal Represen stall the glass in frames ment. good well, excellent tative or the attorneys for the of Marion, City of Detroit— brought to the store. Mil) ss. location, churches, schools. SELLING OUT — Complete Citv Hardware, Phone 897 Personal Representative. household goods, color TV. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV Nice view, valley, mts. etc. Dated and first published 2977. 31tf garden tools, dishes, etc EN that at the special elec Mr. Spence. P. O. Box 2064. May 23, 1974. 10:00 a.m. Friday. May 24. tion hereby called to be held Ph. 364-8853. Salem. 21p ' Velma L. Harrison Follow signs or call 859-2317. ALUMINUM Screen Doors i Personal Representative at the Detroit City Hall in the with hinges, latch 21 ! complete For Rent Duncan, Duncan & Tiger said City of Detroit. County of set, grill and door closer, i Marion, State of Oregon, be Attorneys for Personal 512.50. Sublimity Building | SALE — Fiberglass cover. tween the hours of 8 o'clock FOR RENT 1 bdrm, furnish FOR Representative Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf Will fit model 521 Datsun ed apt. in Gates. Phone 897- I (Published in the Mill City a.m. and 8 o’clock p.m., on May Pickup $75.00. Phone 897- 2701 or 897-3189. 18tf 28. 1974, there will be sub 2786. 21 FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps j Enterprise May 23. 30 and June mitted to the qualified voters . . . made to order at the j 6. 1974.) FOR RENT — 2-bdrm. Home, BARN and FENCE Redwood: Mill City Enterprise. Come > thereof the question of esta partly furnished in Mill City. I blishing $9,250.00 as the tax stain $2.98 gal White in-I in and see us or call 897- I base of the said City of Detroit $110 per mo., $50 dep. Call 2772. terior Latex wall finish TIMBER FOR SALE. UNIT 838-4609 in Monmouth. 21p fl $3.49 gal. Sublimity Build STATES DEPARTMENT in lieu of $2.538.90. ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph. THE INTERIOR. BUREAU Wanted to Rent The vote shall be by 769-2174. 17tf LAND MANAGEMENT Now Is The Time To Plant That Garden ballot upon which shall be ORAL AUCTION WANTED TO RENT — Old the words: OR SEALED BIDS farmhouse or cottage in as hereinafter designated will countryside by responsible “Shall the City of De be received by the District ♦ Gas, Oil and Electric single adult. Ph. Salem 378- troit establish a tax base Manager, Bureau of Land 2381, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Forced Air Heating of $9,250.00 in lieu of I On All Management, 3550 Liberty weekdays. 22 Systems $2,538.90. Yes" ♦ Sheet Metal Duct Systems t Our sincere thanks to all Road. S.. Salem. Oregon 97302, ... ............................................ ♦ See Us for Free Estimates i who expressed sympathy by at 10:00 a.m.. PACIFIC DAY Help Wanted "Shall the City of De Certified LENNOX Dealer I cards or calls after the loss of LIGHT TIME, on Wednesday, troit establish a tax base of "WANTED — Woman for part our beloved grandson. Roger May 29. 1974, for all timber $9.250.00 in lieu of STAYTON time work. Wilson’s Hatch F. Wilson, age 16. in Portland marked or designated for cut $2,538.90. No ” ting Before bids are submitted, ery. Phone 859-2134. lltf REFRIGERATION on May 8. 1974. full information concerning the “We Service What We Sell" Mr. and Mrs Harold N. STRAWBERRY PICKERS 207 3rd St. timber, the conditions of sale, and the voter shall place a Call 769-5323 Wilson. Gates WANTED — Sign up now. ' and submission of bids should cross (X) or a check mark Mr and Mrs. Robert ■ < /) in front of the words 17 acres of Northwest and | COMMUNITY SPECIAL Wilson. Robert and Rory, be obtained from the above "Yes” or “No” whichever in CREDIT UNION Hood variety. Etzel Bros., District Manager. The right is Portland Rte. 1, Box 300, Stavton. Ph. Join the North Santiam Fed hereby reserved to waive tech dicates his choice. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. The polls for the reception 769-6718 or 769-6606 17tf eral and avail yourselves of nical defects in this advertise Wilson. Tacoma of ballots cast for or against its many advantages. Sav Reg. 1.79 NOW Mr. and Mrs. Rirhard C. ment and to reject any or all the establishment of the said ings and Loans — Federally Business Opportunities bids. The United States re Wilson. San Francisco Insured Accounts. Call 769- serves the right to waive any tax base will, on the date OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st informality in bids received and at the place described, be CARD OF THANKS opened at the hour of 8 o'clock —I am selling my complete Avenue, Stayton. Ore. 6tf The American Legion Aux whenever such waiver is in the a.m. and shall remain open un Sharpening Service, due to iliary Gates - Mill City, Post interest of the United States. lack of time. Clientele and 1 WANT TO BIT’ TIMBER 159. wants to extend a special THIS IS A (INF WEEK All til the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. of the same day, at which time Small or large tracts equipment $750. Phone 897- thanks to each one who helped IN MARION COUNTY’. ORE the polls shall be closed. We have self loader 2023 after 6:00 p.m. 21p ! during our recent Poppy Sale. GON: O&( : ORAL AUCTION: By order of the Common to haul voar logs. The disabled veterans will All timber designated for cut Council of the City of Detroit. STOIT CREEK LMB. CO. thank you too. Real Estate ting on certain federal lands in Oregon, made this 30th day of » Vi Mile West ef Mehama, Ore. Sec. 7 and Sec. 9. T. 9S.. American Legion Aux. April, 1974. FOR SALE — Duplex. 2-bdrm.! Everett and Iola Hamilton R. 3E„ W.M.. Lorraine Bibler. chrmn. RUTH THOMASSON includes appliances. 562-5701 OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — estimated for the purpose of $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity Recorder Douglas St.. Mill City. Close this sale to be 123 M bd. ft. No Phone 897-2977 CARD OF THANKS (Published in the Mill City to schools and shopping I Building Supply. Phone 769- bid for less than $11,612.20 will I wish to express my thanks Enterprise May 9, 16 &■ 23, 2174. 41tf $24.50 j 364-0141. 897-2355, the prayers, loving be considered. Minimum de 1974.) for or 585-8030 20tf posit with bid $1,200.00. thoughts and kindness shown SEPTIC TANK and drainfield T6e Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements (Published in the Mill City Bl' YfcttS we have installation. Gravel, Topsoil, during my recent illness. Enterprise, May 23, 1974.) Sincerely, Listings we need Expert Craftsmanship— Past Service Too Bulldozing Free Estimate ED LEWIN Helen Morgan Offices Coast-to-Coast Low rates. L. M. Walker, Auctioneer, Inc. NOTICE OF National Advertising Brings Lyons 859-2436. 5Otf BUYERS from everywhere Comple+e Auc+ions BUDGET HEARING KEYS MADE WHILE YOU Can Today The budget for Lyons Rural Phone 7B9-54W WAIT. Better get an extra STROUT REALTY, Inc. Fire Protection District for the key made for your house Vivian M. Kealen, Manager Sale every Sunday fiscal year 1974-75. Beginning or automobile today, Bring Gates, Oregon 97346 July 1, 1974 as detailed and 10 A. M. The Santiam Wolverines ex summarized n the accompany your key with you. Mill P. O. Box 516 Consignments Welcome ploded to defeat the Amity City Hdwe., Mill City. tf Phone 897-2164 Warriors 22-10 in a non-league ing schedules was prepared on 1050 WIlco Road Stayton an accounting basis consistent MAYTAG APPLIANCES 3% Ac. older, Jg. 3 bdrm, sev game at Amity, Wednesday. available st Western Auto Santiam jumped out to an eral barns. Approx. % mi. GRAVEL JOHN W. REID. M. D Associate Store, Mill City. b-0 lead but a grand slam Hwy fmtg. 1% mi. to Gates. OF ALL KINDH Phone 897-2785. 7tf Asking $19.100. 20<% dn. 8% brought Amity within four JOHNHTOB Physician and Surgeon Call HUGH Morning" Int Pmts. to be arranged. NUMBER ONE prefinithed runs of Santiam. Santiam or Owner will carry. scored seven more runs in the paneling. All 4x8 sheets i Kveningx 2 Bdrm lg. corner lot. $13,900 next inning to lead 15-4 while Mill city, Oregon I Mobile Phone KW-2IM Cash dn to vets. loan. Ap $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity Amity scored six runs to trail Building Supply, Sublimity. prox $10,000 In. bal. Pmts. 15-10. Santiam scored seven Phone 769-2174. 41tf times in the final two frames less than $100 mo. P.I.T.I can be assumed. Mill City. GALVANIZED ROOFING for the final score. S+ay+on Appliance Santiam was led in hitting 2%” corrugated, 4V corru Service Heavy Duty gated custom cut to length. by Bob Bennett, who collected Ask about our new lower four hits in five times up at ROTOVATING Serving the Santiam prices. Sublimity Building the plate, including three doubles. Jerry Grant went 3-4 Canyon Area. Supply, 769-2174. Michael Schroeder and had four runs batted in. Servicing All Major FOR SALE — Mans 27" 10- Leading Santiam in runs were 897-2806 Brand Appliances speed bike, colored TV con Jim Wright and Brian Jones, sole, Whirlpool stacked who scored four runs each. 7 A. M. - 11 P. M. Brian Jones won the game, washer and dryer—like new allowing four earned runs and Moving must sell. Phone Seven Days A Week DRUSHELLA'S 897-2236. 20tf striking out 11. Weddle Funeral Home 242 E. Florence — Stayton Drushella Real Estate NEED CASH’ Loan« available Sant 1 2 5 4 3 6 1—22 16 5 Amity 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 10 7 12 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton on older homes and ranch- Modem Funeral Service Elydia E. Smith 897-246(J ettes. Call debenture mort Salesman — Gates, Oregon gage co., Stayton, 769-6377. Stayton Gregor Call day or evening 39tf HEATING CLOSE OUT GARDEN SEEDS 8 JF Two Piece Garden Set Mill Citv Hardware Santiam Trounces Amity Warriors BUSINESS 8 PROFESSIONAL * DIRECTORY 4----- - SPECIAL SALE ITEMS Shop our Daily In-Store SPECIALS Phone 769-3261 Subscribe to The ir Your Incumbent Marion County District Judge TWO LOTS— Each 100’xlOO ft. with 200 ft of No San tiam River frontage. Water line four ft. from property. Utilities available. Total price. __ $8,000.00 A Real Doll House d BDRM., Completely furnished, w w carpeting, pan elled living room, baseboard elect, heat. Franklin fire place. Dryer and 15 cu. ft. freezer inch Dble. detached garage with adjoining storage room. Immaculate. Move right in. Full price ---- --------- ---- ----------- $11,500.00 MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. LIST NOW. Vivian Kealen, Mgr. * WWII Veteran. Native Oregonian Judge Hansen can point with pride to the fact that the district Court docket Is absolutely current despite a dramatic increase in case load. He has been able Io absorb this Increased work be cause he is a dedicated man who believes that justice delayed is justice denied. For 12 years he has conducted judicial affairs In the District Court with compassion, firmness and dispatch. Committee to Re-Elect Judge Thomas W. Hansen Co-CMnnen: Robert L. EMstrom. Sr, Salem; Ann Smith, SI. Paul; Geo. R. Duncan, Sr., Stayton; Thomas Kay, Salam STROUT REALTY, INC. PtL 897-2124 ★ 12 Years Experience as District Judge Suite 200 • 495 State Street NE \ Salem, Oregon 97301 Gates, Ore. Berry's Shell Service 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregon 24 hr. Towing Call 769-5757 Chuck Osborn Rte. 1, Box 4M A un»ville, Ore, Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service We will meet all coinpetit ive Prices and service Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 7KH-6H59 Ntaytnn