■- fkJom04^i PcUf6 Norma J. Long Women $ fege fc *o* The Presbyter.an Women Assn, me: at 1 30 Thursday af- tc rnoon. Ma - 9. at the Fellow­ ship Hall w.th Faye Verbeck as nostes.- for the desser* luncheon An a*rangement of . ouble narcissus and deep pur- . pie lilacs made a fragr.nt .cnterpiece for the serving table As :t was me birthday of Mary Tuers the ten Sadie- present sang “happy birthdaj to he* Robert H yes husnand of the asw playing ^r appi priau- recorc Uig »hich also contatnec beaut:?al organ music Al there *a? no meet.ng held tn April due to absence and illness Jb; minute» of the March meet . were read by the secretary. Faye Veroeek. t after which Mary Tuers gave the •reasurer - -eport It was voted to serw at me Black >-m - M *erg weddmg •ecept n on Friday evenmg A uviki tfi >* recuested. and the sewing discus.-- i r Clara ypyw - • • chiefs were F run .seo f. "ne S 9 ' - 2 7 7 2 laoc >V £>T- C*WT> Bo» A-r »es To escv-er a Rev. Lu*ner K j ‘e Jo““ R. 7» e Net“ *v m ->. Presbyterian Ladies Meet Thursday oca AJer. Mr* Grandparents art V. Mrs Ve-.- "..-s. - > ar.- K arc ” - Gir.fr. cr. Mriis: F" Pres byTeriu Mrs. OK.De- . < Cauhse. Mrs W ri Xrs 4L es • ar €._£T1 sreai Xrs : K.-ie ■B New Woman $ Group Organized A yrt’up twenty lad.-re from t*>e M.ll City-Gate» area riif Wedr- lav evening at .*.da Meeker x home to organ- s*e the Tria.ngje Club, a club jromot.ng the tp.ritual men­ tal and educationai aspects of It to uch a socu»r!e group. their purpoat- to visit lonely persons help whenever neea- ed. and have uch worthy pre­ fects a mek ng a new layette for some new arr.val. The pres. h<-nt Mr* Dori Homer, earned on the pro pram for the even.r.g as ae- cret pais were drawn and of- ‘ cers elected as well as fun time enjoyed by all Other officers of the club are assistant president. Mrs SCCTVU l J-J - Eldora Had wick. treasurer. Mix Jean Gesner Yvonne and chaplain. Mrs Blan The next meeting • ill be held tn the rocetis at the back of the Seventh-diy Adv«. ■ twt Church o- Ivy St at 7-Of p tr. on the second WedBesdav ef June Calendar Of Events Tharxia’ M:> 14 P chie parte Eagles FL-11 1 30 pjn. - • . ■ >. • • - ' nell car * i at S; fe Ma '•î'»Bàa’ Mi’ î> a •p jt, ¿ y, f — y $ t ., * rvxr H ' - p-rww-SU Q-.b ♦ •*“ C •^e of Marx K. 5-74 * s - ~e se- înesôa’ May 71 Mi_-2yr. Out Pot eor. at me Cbar boene Mrs E-—. Ali — -** P a c“ect for “e“-e*al. - Maj less. s anc 1ÜT 3£ Afeery First C'nsfar Church Scene Of Anderson-W • ens Wedding Sat, April 27 VNCHEON SPECIA Five Da« A Week : - - - < Step “ c~-c fry o. ’ SPOR^tAN i-i Soec c I E-eat-ar' - i¿ zLjt ir¿ > T. Wednexla’ Sr C.ta FeL: w*r..r ■ • ■ ¿ ri*niT.:Tr^ w tí. B'd 0r B.~zk C .s HOHEN nt- ■»- “■os D irre* Party tic nd n r_n* * av S A '••• EE* — M¿ Csry Fete~ L «* -r.rc..- r 5* F nar-r ££“ by Mr .. jDt .‘TFT. ’•'."LT. Mr- Mr» 7 r * P-Ti nenie .n_a? r r.ne* votier ion May » ed after the TW B>¿ heM : rTH2T*5ái>T f‘ . se , BTX - ÏLnrw What's Xew This Week «■'XXT. TiagSkCL. ss«‘ let J*, irne u>t'- ïi 7 —* btj • zttz «me r«®- k TLL^Sf-t ACt 2. S- • F : Ikw.rg •-rwh’-wt* ñj £ ?€ Seas tri* usher A>an «1! «li -J «US » J *»< 5ir2iS. f : i -FY howvj - t Now Wark-i-f 4 I>ayt Ftet"r : a. CAMISOLES / Je ‘ e COURY —S-E\ SEE‘ SaxSmir H«' MJ2 City ruppe i pfcf" ÄL. *iíT- ettscc . <£Tic2iGa< ’•rfn—Z PE Ph »7 »7 317? 317? 5fl Br:m¿wi» » Thwrsday May 14 ..rr**r * Ht: J