Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1974)
1 Rent THROUGH THE 6—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, May 9, 1974 CLASSIFIED RATES Automotive Churches, bazaars, suppers, bake sale, etc., will be run FOR SALE — 1973 Impala 9- under special announcements pass. sta. wagon. Low mile classification with a mini- age. clean, radial tires. Pric mum charge of 75c per ed below blue book. Can Insertion be seen at Home Federal Fifteen cents per line each Savings & Loan. Stayton insertion, No advertisements Phone 769-2179. 15tf accepted for less than 75c per week Minimum charge FOR SALE — 1965 Chev. 4-dr. hdtop., air condition, above for Cai as of Thanks $1.00. average condition Phone Count five words to the line 897-2520. 19 in ordering your ad. Telephone 897-2772, Mill City or mail FOR SALE—Rebuilt 1956 Ford your advertisement to The Mill motor with standard trans City Enterprise. Mill City, mission and radiator — $100 Oregon 97360 or best offer. Also, complete atr conditioning unit with Lost and Found radiator, hoses and attach ments $45 or best offer Call LOST — Key ring with several 897-2134 or see at 491 Fair keys Anyone finding these view. after 5:30 p.m. 19 please bring to the Enter prise office $5.00 reward. 19 the in FAMILY^ Æ LAWYER JL AUTHORIZED CATALOG MERCHANT STORE MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL Portable Dishwasher with maple top and one dozen roses included was $277.95 NOW $239.95 one only, immediate delivery at your . .. MILL CITY CANYON AREA SEARS STORE Ph. 897-2348 160 N. 1st Mill City Recreation Use TOY GUN 19«4, will be sub- , mitted to the qualified voters . thereof the question of esta blishing $9,250.00 as the tax | base of the said City of Detroit ' in lieu of $2,538.90. The vote shall be by ballot upon which shall be the words: ED LEWIN Auctioneer, Inc, Complete Auctions Phone 769-5466 Sale every Sunday 10 A. ML Grocer Hawkins put up no Consignments Welcome Persons who commercially’ resistance as the youthful rob-1 “Shall the City of De 1050 Wilco Road Stayton benefit from recreational use ber cleaned out his cash re- ’ troit establish a tax base of national resource lands gister. To Hawkins, the young managed by the BLM are now man’s pistol was all too real. I of $9.25000 in lieu of $2,538.90. Yes” But in fact, the pistol was a required to apply for permits and pay fees, according to state toy. When the robber was later “Shall the City of De director, Archie D Craft, head caught and brought io trial for troit establish a tax base of of BLM’s Oregon Suite office “armed robbery," he insisted HEIDER'S $9.250.00 in lieu of In addition, groups of 25 or that the charge would $2.538.90 No ” FORTMILLER more people planning events stand up. “The simple truth is," he FOR SALE — Stereophonic I on national resource lands also Funeral Home AM FM record player and must apply for permits. Non- told the court, "that I was not and the voter shall place a radio combination. Lovely returnable application fees are armed at all. That gun I had cross (X) or a check mark) < J} in front of the words | walnut console model Com $10. and use fees vary upward couldn’t hurt a flea. “SERVICES “Yes" or “No" whichever in- < plete with 25 LP albums, from $10 depending on the si dicates his choice $75. Also, brand new toaster tuation: Use by educational FOR The polls for the reception oven, $10. Nice Mother’s scientific, therapeutic. and LESS” of ballots cast for or againstj Day gift M. G. Rambo, ph. governmental institutions must Help Wanted the establishment of the said | About Our Prices: be covered by permits (if 25 897-2816. 19p For Rent tax base will, on the date i or more people participate), Casket & Funeral and at the place described, be FOR RENT — 3 bdrm. apt. in U ANTED — Woman for part HANNAH’S husband Hector but no fees are charged. ume work Wilson’s Hatch hates hard work so he cleans opened at the hour of 8 o'clock j Gates. Appliances, carpet Permits are not required for ery. Phone 859-2134. lltf the rugs with Blue Lustre. | groups of fewer than 25 peo Services as low as a.m. and shall remain open un-' drapes. $110 mo. Phone 859. Rent electric shampooer $1. ! ple, such as family picnickers, til the hour of 8 o’clock p.m. 2620. 19 STRAWBERRY PICKERS Mill City Hardware, phone informal hunting or fishing of the same day. at which time $298.00 WAN TED — Sign up now. 897-2977 19 parties without paid guides, FOR RENT — One bdrm apt. the polls shall be closed. 17 acres of Northwest and OTTO W. H EIDER. Jr, with all utilities paid. Cable By order of the Common Hood variety. Etzel Bros., | LET US do your glass work rockhounds, hikers, or others TV available. Phone 897- Council of the City of Detroit, I Mgr. - Director - Owner Likewise, no fees are charg Rte 1. Box 300. S’.avton. Ph. We cut window glass to your Nevertheless, the court de-, Oregon, made this 30th day of 420 W . 3rd 769-6718 or 769-6606. 17tf measurements. We will in- 1 ed for camping or picnicking at cided he was guilty as charged. April, 1974 BLM ’ s 76 established reerea- Albany, Oregon FOR RENT — 2-bdrm. Home, stall the glass in frames RUTH THOMASSON I tion sites in Oregon. Craft The court said what mattered' partly furnished in Mill City., BOY WANTED — Statesman brought to the store. Mill Recorder paper route in Mill Citv ■ said. Two-thirds of the sites was not the actual character $110 per mo., $50 dep Call Ph. 928-3381 (Published in the Mill City Phone 769-2210 19 i Citv Hardware. Phone 897- | are open for this season's use. of the gun but the way it 838-4609 in Monmouth. 19p day or night 2977. Sltf Enterprise May 9. 16 & 23, 1 j Others will open as soon as looked to the victim. i J Most courts agree That is, 1974.) TO LEASE~(»BUY — Mobile NEED EXTRA MONEY’ — I ALUMINUM Screen Doors i the weather permits. Reserva- home, two or three bedroom. \ need help working with an j complete with hinges, latch I tions can be made without they view the holdup weapon furnished or unfurnished.. Oregon company. Good pay. j set. grill and door closer. • charge for group picnics at .‘through the eyes of the be part or full time Phone 897-' Washer, dryer and dishwash $12.50. Sublimity Building | Wildwood. Fishermen's Bend. holder." They reason that the of the crime is putting er incl. Our location or move i 2974 i Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf Clay Creek and Millpond re essence to yours. Ph. 774-1236. Ask' creation sites by contacting the the victim in fear, which can for Jack. 19 NEED CASH" Loans available appropriate BLM district man be done as effectively with a Miscellaneous gun that only looks deadly as on older homes and ranch- ager. __ — ■ -------------- ,-y- _ I FOR RENT — One bedroom the one that really is. ettes. Call debenture mort Craft said that only ^bout fum. apt. No pets. Garbage BARN and FENCE Redwood* gage co., Stayton, 769-6377. There has even been cases of five percent of the recreation and water service incl. $60.00 stain $2.98 gal. White in-1 "armed robbery" in which the 39tf ists using national resource mo. Dep required. Ph. 897- terior Latex wall finish1 _ lands will be affected by the robber had no weapon at all. 2861. -I7tf $3 49 gal Sublimity Build-1M A Y T A G 1 APPLIANCES new recreation permit require Thus: another holdup man mg Supply. Sublimity. Ph. available ---- h _ u ,_ at Western Auto ments. terrified his victim merely by FOR RENT — 1 bdrm, furnish 769-2174. 17tf ; Associate Store, Mill City, I showing a menacing bulge in ed apt. in Gates. Phone 897- Phone 897-2785. 7tf his pocket. 2701 or 897-3189. 18tf Yet, a court decided this was NUMBER ONE prefinished ■ enough basis for a charge of FOR RENT — 1 bdrm. furn. paneling All 4x8 sheets ¡ apt. Fir Grove Apts., Lvons I armed robbery. The court said ♦ Gas. Oil and Electric $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity the fear that the robber had a Ph. 769-6583 19 Forced Air Heating * e e anna S e e Building Supply, Sublimity. gun. plus the fear that ha Systems Phone 769-2174. 41tf might use it, was all that the Real Estate Sheet Metal Duct Systems law required by way of in See Us for Free Estimates GALVANIZED ROOFING timidation. Jal K e HS we hove Certified LENNOX Dealer 21s” corrugated. 4V corru Still, the fear must be at Listmgs we need gated custom cut to length. STAYTON ' least of physical harm—not of Offices Coast-to-Coast i Ask about our new lower a lesser form of pressure. Sup National Advertising Brings REFRIGERATION i prices Sublimity Building pose A says to B: BUYERS from everywhere “We Service What We Sell”| Supply. 769-2174. “Unless you hand over $500, Call Today 207 3rd St. Call 769-5323 I’ll get you in trouble with the >---------------------------------------- ! * STROUT REALTY, inc. Wanted to Rent Internal Revenue Service.” COMMUNITY Vivian M. Kealen. Manager 1 If B pays off. A may be CREDIT UNION Gates. Oregon 97346 guilty of some effense — but Join the North Santiam Fed WANTED TO RENT — House P. O. Box 516 near Lyons. Good references. not robbery. As one court put erai and avail yourselves of Phone 897-2164 Phone 838-3515. it: its many advantages. Sav “There can be no robbery 3% Ac older, lg. 3 bdrm sev ings and Loans — Federally , WANTED TO RENT without violence. The menace eral bams. Approx. % mt Insured Accounts. Call 769- farmhouse or cottage must be of a sort to excite rea Hwy. fmtg. IS: m.. to Gates 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st countryside by responsible sonable apprehension of dan Asking $19,100. 20% dn 8% Avenue. Stayton. Ore. 6tf Airman Sieg , single adult. Ph. Salem 378- ger. Threat of prosecution for Int. Pmts. to be arranged. WANT TO BUY TIMBER 2381. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. a crime is regarded as insuf Owner will carry. weekdays. 22 Ornali er larre tracts ficient (because) a man in the 2 Bdrm lg. comer lot. $13.900 Airman Sieg We have setf loader hands of the law is not legally Cash dn. to vets. loan. Ap presumed to be in danger of to haul vow togs. prox $10,000 In. bal. Pmts. Livestock Completes Basic bodily harm. less than $100 mo. P.I.T.I STOUT CREEZ LMB. CO. can be assumed. Mill City. H Mlle West of Mahan*. Ora. FOR SALE — Three yearling registered Angus heifers and | Airman William Sieg, son of OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — one registered yearling bull.! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Sieg, $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity Heifer to calf and cow with of Lyons, has been assigned to Building Supply Phene 769- bull calf. Phone 897-2535 Lowry AFB Colo., after com 2174. 41 tf Call after 5:00 p.m. 20 pleting air force basic train ing. During his six weeks at the SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Air Training Command’s Lack GBAVEL Work Wanted installation. GrweL Topaoll. JOHN W. REID, M. D. • • • land AFB, Tex., he studied the OF ALL KINDS Bulldozing Free Estimate HUGH JOHNSTON Low rates. L. M Walker. EXPERIENCED GARDNER to ’ air force mission, organization think of Physician and Surgeon Call N59-2221 do all that extra spring yard and customs and received Lyons. 839-2436 SOtf Morning* or work All work guaranteed. special instruction in human DRUSHELLA'S Evening* Mill City, Oregon Phone 897 2443. relations. MADE WHILE YOU Mobile Phone «9-21M Drushella Real Esia+e KEYS The airman has been assign WAIT. Better get an extra 10*5 N. First Ave_ Stayton ed to the Technical Training key made for your house Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 or automobile today, Bring Center at Lowry for specializ ed training in the missile Salesman — Gates, Oregon S+ay+on Appliance your key with you. Mill electronics field. Call da* or evening. City Hdwe., Mill City. (TTY OF DETROIT Service Heavy Du+y Airman Sieg is a 1972 ELECTION NOTICE I graduate of Regis High School, STATE OF OREGON, County ROTOVATING Serving the Santiam Stayton. His wife, Victoria, is of Marion, I City of Detroit — Canyon Area. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs MILL CITY Michael Schroeder William Boester of Mill City. NOTICE IS HEREBY GTV- THREE BEDROOM home on 100 x 150’ corner lot in Servicing All Major 897-2806 neighbors, ( EN that at the special elec- Brand Appliances excellent neighborhood. Full bath, fireplace, natural gas friends, the Eagles Auxiliary Pinochle I tion hereby called to be held forced air furnace, washer and dryer hookup. Brick pa- 1 «19 6m I Club and the Rebekah Lodge | for their quick response to the I at the Detroit City Hall in the tio and double carport Priced at only . — $13.950 for their many cards and grass fire at the Eagles Lodge-1 said City of Detroit. County of during my stay in the last Saturday. I Marion. State of Oregon, be- MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. j | flowers hospital and help since I have Fraternal Order of Eagles tween the hours of 8 o’clock Weddle Funeral Home 242 E. Florence — Stayton LIST NOW. j been home. N. Santiam Aerie -3384 a.m. and 8 o’clock p.m., on May 19 Dorothy Newberg ......................................................................................................................... HEATING I ¡ Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Read it Every Week BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - - Phone 769-3261 Modern Funeral Servier STROUT REALTY, INC CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who visited me in the hospital and the many who sent cards and gifts my heartfelt thanks. Also, special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. George Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. MILL CITY Arlie Dickie. Mr. and Mrs. Tex LOVELY, 2 bedroom home in good condition. On 70x120 Blazek and Bud Whisenhunt. Hollis Turnidge ft. nicely landscaped lot lot. Extra 16x20 ft ft. heated bldg. bldg, Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen. Mgr. Gates, Ore. for your hobby room or what ever. Living room with OF THANKS fireplace. family room and kitchen, carpeted. Covered We CARD wish to thank everyone patio. Hot water heat. Only $18,500. for the lovely cards and _ «ages sent to us 75x100 ft. lot excLhsnt location, close to market $2,650. j I North Santiam Real Estate I after the death of our brother, i Max R. Kelly. Charles & Mary Kelly CARD OF THANKS Our thanks and appreciation to Officer Brewster of the Mill City Police Department and the Mill City Fire Department I I POOR GAS MILEAGE? Stayton Orepw Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today Berry’s Shell Service Keep Your Car In Top Running Condition For The Best Performance. Phone 854-3361 FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service R&R Chevron Service Phone 897-2786 508 N. EL Santiam Blvd. Mül Cl Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise 24-HO UK TOWING Detroit. Oregon 24 hr. Towing Call 769-5757 Chuck Osborn Bte. 1, Bex 4M A ■■MvUle, Ora. Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service We will meet all competit ive Prices and service Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 769-6659 Stayton