2—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday, May 9. 1974 Richards - Wise Vows Exchanged bouquet of blue and white car­ nations. Flower girls were daughter- of the young couple. Dena Wise and Tracy R.chards The bride’s only attendant was her sister. Mrs. Patricia Ann Willits Serving as best man was the grooms grandfather. Simon Richards. Following a wedding trip to Canada, the couple will make their home in Salem where the groom owns and operates his own business. K. B Construc­ tion. Trout Home Hosts Pinochle Clubs Party Marilyn Club Paye. Officers Elected las. Marilyn Club met : Tuesday at the home of Mrs , Leora Stevens at Mehama with , Mrs Clyde Phillips as co-hos- Norval Dean Richards of Itess. Salem and formerly of Mill City was married at a small | Mrs Murry Moore, president Nor^a J. Long, Roman's Poge Editor Phone 897-2772 home wedding on Friday eve­ : of the club, presided at the ning at seven o’clock at the business meeting home of his brother and sis­ The group voted to set th< ter-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Leroy May meeting up one week Richards on Iler Street. S.E and will meet May 21 at the Mr. Richard’s bride is the Santiam Rebekah Lodge ' home of Mrs. Merle Garton former Rebecca Lynn Wise, = 166 met in regular meeting ' with Mrs. Charlie French as daughter of Mrs. M.ldrea C May 1 with noble grand. Mrs ! co-hostess. This was done be- M.iore. Mr Richards is the son 1 cause the regular meeting day Luther Yates presiding. Mrs Tom Phillips i Frances of Mrs Joseph Ulrich and An invitation was received ! is on Election Dav Ward of Boise. Ida spent se­ Gene Richards. for the reception for Stanford The club cleared $97.50 on Rev Chester L Smith of die veral days here visiting her Ely. grandmaster of the Grand thei.: recent luncheon which Capital Baptist Church per­ mother. Mrs. Alfred Ward, and Lodge of the lOOF of Oregon j was held at the Fellowship two brothers and their fam­ formed the ceremony on June 1 in Oregon City. ( HalL For her wedding, the bride ilies ever the long weekend Reg rets were sent to Mt.! The club voted to purchase _______ I chose an >ld fashioned ice blue With her husband and two Jefferson Revekah Lodge - . 8; enou gh new table cloths to be gown enhanced with lace ruf-! children Mrs Phillips now has oi Jefferson for the friendship used on thf. tilbles at hun a new home on an acreage a fie trim around the high neck­ night on May as it conflicts | $ onw were purchased recently line. on the bodice and edging few miles outside the City of with the school program. and, if more are needed, they B-aise. and is happy to be so the long sleeves. Because of the increasing will be purchased now so they Her illusion veil was blue much nearer her home town medical costs which now make will all match. and was held by a white flora’, than when they lived in Mon­ the endowment of the Eye Re­ The worthy matron-elect an­ lace headpiece She carried a tana. search Clinic at John Hopkins nounced the new formals had Hospital insufficient. the been ordered and should be ’.odge. though already 100*1 paid up pledge voted an addi­ here soon. Election of officers was held tional contribution Mrs. Dave Barnhardt an- with Mrs. Merle Garton elect nounced that the United Na­ ed president, Mrs. Charlie vice-president and nons Pi’.grimage Committee F rench. will meet at the I OOF Hall in Mrs. Sylvia Dunean, secretary­ Mill City on May 19 at 2:20 treasurer. Officers will be in­ All members are invited to stalled at the May meeting. Present for attend. Eldor. Hu' tinson. Otto Koe- dish luncheo: nd Pt y Mulligan were .-Mien. Mrs ted t the membership Mrs Murry 1 •too < Darrel Childress Doble. Mrs ton. May 15 will Mrs Cecil L egree night. Cree. Mrs S via Weidman, food Charlie Ott an, reported on the Verne lunch concession at the dr. and John H ill au.■ .on yard May 11 Ph. 897-3178 Mill City 261 S. W. Broadway at Ser Mrs Irl Plymale is ir. Garton, charge of supplies Mrs. Jim , Carlson. Hoover reported on the steer- i Phillips Mrs. 1 Stevens. ing committee meeting Hoover Mrs. Barnhardt and; Mrs. Eldon Hutchenson to be i or. the comm.ttee for the lodge program. The Three Links Club will he I OOF Hall, meet Mas n Degree practice is called for 7:30 p.m May 14 Following the meeting. re- ireshments were served bv Thursday, May 9 Mrs. Barnhardt and Mrs. AÍ- Pinochle party. Eagles Hall. bert Carr 1130 p.m. The committee for May 15 Santiam. Canyon Home Ex-1 is Mrs Eldon Hutchenson and tension meeting, 30:00 a.m.. I Mrs. Irl Plymale. Following ilQUOS âQ the niffs of Gates Clubhouse. to the Wor.d Dt wiDSCT es. the I OOF -144 meeting at lodge.) be the first K.n üTiQ amelot Demolay Boys to do 8:00 p.m. u-«k Mr Crowning Ceremonies FOE =3384 Aerie & Auxi repeaie; Installation of officers ■ers of Cary meetings, 8:fr ; ~ in - S . • * ■ • ■ Acacia Assembly. Inte :ational! lodge err « >on cere? 400 3rd Ave. 769-2762 Stayton Girl Order of Ram now f Louroes tec a v.-.L be held at Stayton a: the iridar. May 10 s and Masonic Hall on Sunday. May American Legion • f d . a. LA. p. - .. Auxiliary meetings Elective officers to be in- Gates Clubhouse. y; '»’en: Fri .'-talled will be Cindy B.shop of V n. Lyoi D? nn;s Josej wore an empire Scio as worthy adv.sor; Daw: Monday. Ma' 13 »on of Mr a: Jia Mrs. ten : Lions Club dinner meeting n pink chiffon C.-. <-m.m of Marion as assoc.ate Cleti ten of Tu print over g: igham fashioned scvisor. Diane Lavender of ! f :30. Frontier Inn. Ladies Re ema rd X ' night with butterfl’ sleeves. Turner as Charity; SDS fficiated at the 4:00 p.m j Marilyn Chapter -145 meet.- were Miss Anne Turner Bridesmaid: Travena of ceremony Miss Josepmne at 8:00 p.m.. IOOF Hall. Frichtl and X ss Mary FnchtL McCi lintock of Mill Brand was organist bride, and Mrs. faith sisters of the Escorted to the altar by her 1 Tuesday. Ma» 14 Appointive officers will aise father, the bride wore a gown Dave Boi uss. and Miss Janell Home Ec Style Show. 7:30 siste-s of the bride- be installed at this time. I p.m.. Santiam High School Au- of mira mist chiffon with Minter., s Mrs. Betty Norfleet of Stay­ Alencor. Lee bodice and chapel groom. : ditonum Offertory -iffering was by ton is mother advisor for the length tram Matching lace ap- Danetie Mir.ien. Irvin Minten assembly and Leroy Plane of Sponsored as a public service Turner is chairman of the and Jill SiibemageL By Marilyn Chapter to The bridegrooms brother. board. Cindy has chosen for her Elect Officers Roger Minten. served as best Flowering Plants Arrangement? sers were Phil colors pink o.nc white and her usaers Marilyn Chapter -145 OBS man. anc us Steve Amsberrj, theme: “Friendship—A kind of will meet Monday, May 13. Weigel Oreen Plants Corsages BEAUTY CENTER at £:£>' p.m for a statec meet- Eugene D:”er and Steven love" Crown, ng ceremony will be FnchtL brother of the bride ing at the I.O.O.F Hall Phone 897-2137 A reception followed in the by Sartiair. Demolaj- Boys The mam business of the 239 S. W. Broadway A reception will follow. evening will be election of St Patrick.- Hall in Lyons. A- the last meeting plans FT.T.KN HOWELL Cutting and serving the bride s officers for the ensuing ywar M4 N L '• T»-. G:-ham who recent­ couple Mrs Al Brane and which will be held in Corval­ Phone 897-2452 Robert Schuro. oner. lis June 20-21 & 22 at Gill ly pcssee away and for two Mrs Pouring were Mrs Eldon S:.- Coliseum. past grand officers The girls made a profit of j Wire Service Anywhere Refresnments will be serv­ •-ernage. and Mrs. Ted Silber- $34.00 on the spaghet*. dinner ed by Mr and Mrs T H. Bau- nageL Miss Judy Smith and Miss - they recently had. ghman ¿nd Mr and Mrs Ervin At their next meeting, they Nancy Etzel passed the guest Fe terser. will have a very short busi­ ___ i Roger Minten. book and M Janice Silbernagel and ness meeting and then have ar. Mi Mother - Daughter Mrs J oh: Jackson presided at open meeting to honor their mothers Banquet Sat., May 11 the gif* 1 ble The men cf the Mill City First Christian Church are sponsoring a Mother-Daughter Banquet this Saturday at 6:00 p.m a: the church feliowsh.p | ball for :be ladies of the ■ chur ch and their guests. Bill Snepherd is heading up I the cooking crew with several ■ able assistants. Brenda Ho- | mar is in charge of the enter- Ph. 897-2592 134 Wall Street ; tammer.t and is being assisted i by Mrs Bill Shepnerd and * Mrs B.d Sanders Lorene Hal­ s' -ead. wife of the pastor, will . provide a brief devotional J Cos*, of tne banquet is on a i freewill offering basis Frichtl-Minten Vows Repeated Saturday, May 4 In Our Lady of Lourdes Church RXVhlldge Joyce Trout, assisted by Mary Wright, was hostess for a combined party for members of the Round Robin and Bid or Bunch Pinochle Clubs Mon­ day. May 6. at her home. Guests for the Round Robin Club were: Carmen Barnhardt, Esther Chaliender and Jessie Bodeker. A guest for the- Bid or Bunch Club was Sharon Blaylock. W.nning high prize for the Round Robins was Agnes Carl­ son: for the Bid or Bunch Club was Sharon Blaylock Low was won by Mabel Yankus and Esther Chailender won the pi nochle. The next meeting of the Round Robin Club will be held in the home of Marie Stewart on May 20 new HîtchenAid Portoble Dtrhwarhef/ buy one todoy. ure it tonight FREE BANANA SPLIT For Mother on Mothers Day May 12 If With Children or Dad THE MALT SHOP Kitchen Sid Toe-Laid nq Portables. The d. for SHldli OF TulffUMK ulChOAS cause it up, : out Tanes n min;r urn cf floor space. You’ choice ut Guion. Calendar Of Events Dick & Carols Ejm. Shoes and Apparel T Sunday, May 12 P.J.’S BRUNNERS FLOWERS KitchenAid Front-Loading Portables. Big. roomy racks roll all tne way out for easy loading. Handy work surface top. Convertible models can be built in anytime. Your choice of colors. ■ —~ X * ' Your dealer is aiso head- aua’ie's tor KitchenAia Trasn Compactors. Food ftaste D.sposers and Hot-water Dispensers. KitchenAid BUILT BETTER, NOT CHEAPER KELLY LI MBES SALES. INC. Bwy. 22 East Citv iJartr PHONE 897-261» Mill City, Ore. Lss! Minute KNIT KNACK DEPOT Scout Pack No. 49 Has Pack Meeting Robes Sweaters Pant Suits Blouses Dresses Gowns BALDWIN’S 351 3rd Stayton, Oregon 7 Ph. 769-2926 AMNWMMMAMAAAMAWVWWVWMMNWVWMWWs i Cut Scout Pack =49 held ! their April Pack Meeting at j the Scout Cabin on Wednes­ day. April 25. Cubmaster Warren Goffin • presented awards to the foi- j lowing boys Jeff Harrison. Tom Carr. Donald Zynda and Oren Hampion received their I craftsman award: Jeff Harri­ son. Tom Carr and Donald Zynda. athlete award, and two year pins Following the meeting, the I annual Pinewood Derby race- Md Geo'g» Fuller asnetmg Cubmaster Coffin Gifts FREE GIFT For All The Mothers Come In And Browse. We Hove Many At­ tractive Gifts To Choose From PURSES and WALLETS K t$ and Accessories YARN New Summer Hours 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday GRANTS CAFE h *7 22 Ph. 897-9904