Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1974)
GATES YARD SALE—Scads of baby I 5—Hie Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, May 2, 1974 Kellys Return clothes, kitchen items, and us ed clothing, all ages. Friday day School at 11:00 a.m. Dean From California Visit Joyce Presler — 897-2707 and Saturday, May 3 and 4, Cade is minister. Everyone is Marilyn Assembly To 10:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. First Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kadin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly welcome to attend. house across bridge at Gates The Santiam girl’s track returned Tuesday evening traveled to Albany to attend Santiam Canyon Home Ex Hold Reception May 4 on Linn County side. Mrs. H. team suffered their first de from attending funeral serv the wedding of their grand Marilyn Assembly #60, Or Wilson, phope 897-2196. 18 feat of the 1974 dual track sea ices for his brother, Max daughter, Miss Lynette Marie tension Study Group will hold their last meeting until Sep der of Rainbow for Girls, will son, as the Scio Loggers defeat- at the Mead Mortuary (Parker) Anderson on Satur tember on Thursday, May 9 at hold a reception honoring Miss Mrs. Alma Hewitt of Port 1 ed Santiam, 7416-34*6. Santiam I Kelly, Mn>. Gordie Garton fell last in Barstow, Calif, on Monday day, April 27 to Walter the Gates Clubhouse. Debra Ann McLain, state ex land was at the Fred Gruver Friday in a Salem store and finished the season with a 2-1 afternoon, April 29, 1974. Their Wilkens. Parents are Mr. and Gates City Council will hold ecutive committee member for home last week helping take broke her foot. She is at home dual meet record. daughter, Mrs. Paul Barkley of Mrs. Dick Parker formerly of their meeting Thursday, May Lori Hildebrandt remained Pullman, Wash, and their son, Gates-Mill City, now living in 2 (tonight), 7:30 p.m. at the Rainbow in Oregon, on Satur and able to be around with the care of the household while day, May 4, 7:30 p.m. at the her daughter, Lois, has been use of crutches. undefeated in the 1(X) meter John Kelly of Studio City, Albany. The new Mr. and Mrs. recuperating from arthritic hurdles, as she won the event Calif, met them at Burbank, Wilkens traveled to the coast Gates City Hall. Everyone is I O.O.F. Hall. Miss Susan Keen, welcome. A councilmember is worthy advisor of Marilyn Danelie Alban spent the surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Gruver on 17.1. Lori did excellent in Calif, where they rented a car for their honeymoon and will still needed. Assembly will be hostess for took Mrs. Hewitt to her Port the long jump as she picked and drove out to Barstow, re be living in Albany. weekend with her grandpar Gates Budget Committee the evening, Refreshments land home Sunday. up a second place with a 15' ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc maining there overnight with Cecil and Leta Shirts left on will hold their meeting at 7:30 will be served following the 11” jump, her best of the year. the family, Sunday night. Clintock. while her parents, Friday, April 26 for Othello, p.m. on Wednesday, May 8 at reception. Louise Gruver, who will Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alban, mov graduate June 1 from SOC, A second in the 220 gave her Monday evening, the Charles Wash, for a short visit. They the Gates City Hall. Interest It is an open reception and ed to Hillsboro where Mr. Al has received her assignment 11 points for the meet. Kelly family returned to Hol stayed with Leta’s mother, ed persons are urged to attend. all friends, relatives and mem Cheryle Lawrence also re lywood where they visited for Mrs. Laura Flett. They return ban is employed at the Pon with the Peace Corps. Louise bers of the Masonic affiliated mained undefeated in the shot a short time with her aunt, ed on Monday, April 29 bring tiac garage. orders are welcome to attend. will leave in August for Sierra with a heave of 33’ 10”. Mrs. Patsy Shamburger. Tues ing with them Leta’s brother, Mill City 4-H Club Leone on the West Coast of Mrs. Betty Higdon from Cis Africa where she has been as Cheryle also placed second in day morning, John and his Clifford Flett for a visit. Visits Fairgrounds the javelin. Santiam’s only wife, Anita, joined the Kellys co, Ga. spent from Wednesday signed a teaching position. The Mill City 4-H Club took A birthday dinner was Public Notices other first came in the mile for breakfast at their motel, held on Friday, April 26 at the a trip to the Linn County until Friday at the home of as Sue McClintock won the after which they attended the Frontier Inn to celebrate the I Fairgrounds it Albany on Sa NOTH E OF ELECTION her uncle, S. G. “Boots” Hig Visiting Sunday at the Fred NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV rehearsal for the Shirley Jones birthdays of Buelah Bowes on turday, April 20, for a live don and her cousins, Mr. and Krecklow home were her bro event in 7:03.1. The 1974 girls dual track —Jack Cassidy Show in which April 29 and Burrel Coles. stock showing and fitting ses EN that an election will be Mrs. Ralph Budlong. Mrs. Hig ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. season was the best they have John will appear when it opens Host and hostesses for the sion. held by the City of Mill City, don had been visiting her sis Jerry Goodland of Portland. had in many years, and there May 15 at the Fairmont Hotel evening were Glen and Lola ter in Idaho and flew on to The showing was divided in Mill City, Oregon, starting at is still the conference, district, in ballas, Texas. Oregon to visit her relatives. Henness. Those attending be to five different groups in 8:00 a m. on Monday, May 13, Tlie Mothers Club of Marilyn Leia Barkley and her parents sides the honored guests were eluding swine, This was her first trip to Ore Assemby #60, Rainbow for and state meets to go. beef, goats, 1974, in the Court Room of the 199 m hurdles Hildebrandt flew back to Portland Tuesday Joe Bowes, Hattie Cole, Mr. chickens and rabbits and City Hall, Mill City, Oregon, gon. While she was here, the Cirls, are holding a “Minne Scio 55.7; afternoon where her husband, and Mrs. Glen Henness, and sheep. and continuing until 8:00 p.m. Budlongs took her sight see sota Woolen Mills Party” on (S) 17.1; 440 relay This budget election to be ing and she thought Oregon Monday, May 6, 1 p.m. until 880 — La Brasseur (Sc) 2:48.7; Paul, and a friend, Dennis Ol- Clare and Margaret Rush Members were told how to 1(M) — Seals (Sc) 1:09.6; dis held for the purpose of sub was a beautiful state. 8:00 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. Hail cus - Wagner (Sc) 94’ 10”; 440 denstadt from Pullman, met Birthday dessert and the eve show and fit their animal for mitting to the voters of the them. After stopping for din ning were spent at the Hen- a fair. A question and answer in Mill City. Everyone is wel Read (Sc) l:09.a; 220 — Ber ner in Salem, the Barkleys nesses. city the question of whether or Mrs. Ann Ilovey Is in the U. come to come and try on the session followed. of Oregon Medical School Hos clothes or just look. Purchases ger (Sc) 29.5; javelin — Bur drove to Corvallis where Dr. Eighteen club members and I not a special tax in the amount Stopping on Saturday, April pital in Portland following can lie made and coffee will be ger (Sc) 118’ 1”; mile — Mc Barkley has meetings for two 27 at the home of Clare and eight parents attended the of $44,443.25 shall be levied Clintock (S); 880 medly — days, and the Kellys came Margaret Rush were their son showing. to operate the city during the surgery last week and not the served. Scio 2:06.4; shot — Lawrence home. fiscal year 1974-75. This tax, Salem Memorial as stated last and grandson, Lyle and Brian (S) 33’ 10”; HJ — Monloya il approved, will be in excess Sunday, April 28, happened Rush. They were on a fishing week. OSH students spending Fri (Sc) 4’ 3”. Mill City Weather of the limitation on taxes im tc be John Kelly ’ s twenty- trip. day night and Saturday at Date Hi Lo Pep. posed by Article XI, Section Second: 880 — Smith; 100 — < lghth birthday. Larry Dolile is now at his their homes here were Mike Guests at the home of Ed April 21 64 37 0.00 11, of the Constitution of the home again following surgery and Linda Long. Bruce Roscoe Fohl; 220 — Hildebrandt, ja and Doramae Kadin the week April 22 . 63 46 0.00 State of Oregon and ORS ct the Santiam Memorial Hos and Cindy Nelson. Linda’s velin — Lawrence; long jump of Tuesday, April 2 through April 23 ..... 57 41 0.20 478.410 (1). — Hildebrandt. pital in Stayton. Tuesday April 9 wore cousins i oommate, Jerri Wolfe, came April 24 . ...60 43 0.02 Signed: Third: 880 — Lyness; 100 — of Mr. Kadin from Stockholm. April 25 ........ home with them. On Friday Archer; 440 — Dickie; Mile — I 58 34 1.00 Clyde W. Bate Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree night the girls attended the Sweden, Karen Linstrom and April 26 .. 56 32 0.12 Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Dickinson at play, "Real Assured,” at, the Apodaca; shot — Muise; HJ - Sven Kadin. The brother and April 27 .. ...... .... 54 44 0.10 (Published in the Mill City Hamilton. tended the gulden wedding an high school. sister arrived in the states in Total Pep. for the week .1.44” Enterprise May 2, 1974.) niversary reception for Mr. March and has spent the time and Mrs. Harold T. White at Detroit Breakfast Wes Jahn, Supt. of School visiting. They left for home • YARD SALE — Must sell the Paradise Island Trailer District 129J, was a guesi at via Canada last week. Suzie Lewis attended a Court Recreation Center in year-old refrigerator, used re Serves Over 100 lhe Santiam Chapter AARP DETROIT — The Fisher meeting held last Tuesday, weekend campout. April 27-28 Salem last Saturday afternoon. cliner chair, buffet, dining Eat Drink and Be Merry They also attended the potluck table and good clothing and mens Breakfast Saturday mor April 23, at the high school. with her Camp Fire group at1 ning of pancakes, eggs, bacon dinner following for the rela shoes. Saturday, May 4, 10:0.') Mr. Jahn explained the school Camp Kilowan. Group leaders I tives and close friends of the a.m. to 3:00 p.m. White and and coffee, sponsored by the budget and answered questions are Billie Porter and Judy, Now Available Daily home east of Detroit Senior Class and held from the members. Holman. honored couple. The White's blue mobile in the grade school cafeteria, Word was received thatI have been friends of the Gates Fire Hall. Phone 897- Following the 7:00 p.m. 18 was quite successful, reports meeting, the Choralairs, a Earnest Truhill a past resident Cree’s and Mrs. Dickinson 2054. Mrs. Elaine Hopson, teacher. singing group from Salem, of Gates passed away sudden-1 since before their marriage. A She said there was some presented a concert in the au ly on Feb. 26 at Williams, Ore. | large crowd attended the re Mill < ity Garden Club will ception from Missouri, Califor meet at 12:00. Thursday. May 2 10() people of which 40 to 50 ditorium. About 100 attended He is survived by his wife, Ercie who is now living in nia and Washington as well as at Mrs. Girod’s home, west of of them were from other the concert. towns. Altadene, Calif, with her son. Oregon. Refreshments of coffee and Mill City, instead of 12:30 as The 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Mary Stafford visited with reported last week. The meet breakfast cleared some $150, cookies, donated by AARP Mr. and Mrs. Oliver on Tues Billy Watkins, son of Mr. ing will start with a luncheon. members, were served to those Mrs. Hopson said. and Mrs. Edwin Watkins of attending. Ben and Theresa day, April 30. Proceeds will be used by the Attending the Camp Fire Salem, spent the weekend at Spending a week at the class to finance a four-day trip Saalfeld were in charge of re Girls campout at Camp Kilo the home of his grandparents, home of her grandmother, Mrs. freshments. 27-28 were Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Harlan. Florence Timm, was Vicki to Expo-74 in Spokane. At the next scheduled AARP wan on April Sherry Blaylock, Ginger Ga meting which will be May 22. Weathers of Dexter. Vicki is Mrs. Don Clark is in Salem briel, Elaine Hoover, Brenda ■ Mrs. Paula Smith entertain the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Memorial Hospital where she the club’s July Fourth prin Hughes, Lorie Krieger, Jamie cess, Miss Susy Wilson, will be ed at her home Thursday eve Kenneth Weathers. was taken lale Sunday after present to meet and get ac Quarry and Susan Wright ; ning with a home products noon when she suffered a Group leaders that went with | party. Attending were Mrs. Visiting at the home of Mrs. stroke. Her condition is re quainted with the members. the girls are Mrs. Shirley j Betty Jefferson from Lebanon, Florence Timm from Monday ported to be satisfactory. and Mrs. Sherry Blay Mrs. Ruth Chastain and Mrs. until Wednesday last week Detroit Dam-Weather Hoover lock. ORDERS TO GO Elnora Boedingheimer from were her brother and sister- George Rambo of Medford Pool Deno Cade, son of Dean; Stayton. Mrs. Cloyd Cox, Mrs. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale was a weekend guest at the Max Mln. Elev. Pep Cade, minister of the Gates Phone 769-5311 Nellie Ward, Mrs. William Me Slater from Ukiah, Calif. home of his parents, Mr. and Apr. 24 54 42 1544.30 0.05 Christian Church is reported I Clintock and Sue. Mrs. Mar Mrs. Mel Rambo. He was en- Apr. 25 57 33 1544.02 0.65 doing well at the Salem Me- j sha Trout. Mrs. Ann Ogden, Three members of the Mill loute home from a business Apr. 26 53 38 1544.02 0.02 morial Hospital following an j Stayton, Oregon Mrs. Maretta Spears, Mrs. Pat City Woman’s Club, Margaret trip to Portland. Additional Apr. 27 51 41 1544.74 0.29 appendectomy. It is hoped he ' Keen. Mrs. Darwin Raines, Snow, Toni Thomas and Mary Sunday dinner guests were Mr. Apr. 28 49 42 1545.94 0.10 can return home later this Mrs. Carol Brosig and the hos Youmans, attended the Marion and Mrs. Ralph Larson iron; Apr. 29 55 43 1547.14 0.00 week. Scrumpdillyishus tess, Mrs. Smith. Refreshments County Federation convention Sublimity and Mr. and Mrs. Apr. 30 72 48 1548.32 0.00 Gates Christian Church,1 were served by the hostess. in Hubbard on Tuesday. Ervin Peterson. Total Pep. for Week ..........1.11 services at 10:00 a.m. and Sun-, Santiam Girl's Fall To Loggers AARP Members Hear Choralairs Fresh STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ayne FREE! Same Circus Which’ Just Filmed GLENN JUGGLERS BALANCERS CLOWNS CHIMPS BIMBO, Jr. CIRCUS ELEPHANT