4—Tin* Mill City Enterprise. Thursday, April 18, 1974 Regis Upsets Santiam J.V.'s Monday Night Club House Scene I Detroit City Council MEHAMA Bicycle Safety Mrs. John Teeters To Improve Local Course Planned | Water System THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897-2772 MILL CITY. OBE. 97384» Published at Mill City, Mariou County, Ore. every Thursday. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at MUI City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell, Of Family Gathering The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility their son Dennis and her mo IDANHA The Deanha for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without The Regis JV’s scored two ther Mrs. R. R. Maynes re DETROIT — The trailer Home Extxension Study Group times in the bottom of the I turned recently from a two I met Tuesday, April 2, in the charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertisement fourth inning to come from be court home of Mr and Mrs. weeks trip to Hawaii where which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault An Independent The regular I DETROIT clubroom of the Idanha Fire hind to defeat the Santiam Lyle Rogers. Jr., Salem was were guesta of Mr. Mit- newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber Industry Citv meeting of die Detroit City the setting Easter Sunday for Hall with fifteen members JV’s 3-2 in a league game at a family gathering. Joining the Council was called to order by cell’s father, C. L. Mitchell. I present. The bull wus decorat and agriculture in this area Regis, Monday- The Mitchells also spent sev King Tuesd.iv ed in the Easter motif by hos Regis jumped ahead 1-0, family from here were Mr. and Mayor Jim eral days with friends in Cali NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mimw scoring an unearned run in the Mrs. Lyle Rogers, Sr. and fa April 9. 1974, at 7:40 p.m. fornia after returning from tesses of the day, Barbara Whiteley and Edith Bittner. Fi second inning Santiam scored mily. and friends Pearl Giebe- [ Council members present were Hawaii. nal plans for the field trip twice in the fourth to take a ler. Sherry Hamper and Rick [Joyce Crist and Joe Arsenault. The Men’s Brotherhood of were made, which was 2-1 lead. Santiam’s first run Roth. Other members of the Couneilmen Robert Layman the Mehama Community came when Bill Gabriel scored family were Mr. and Mrs. Wil and Dave Wild were absent. Church invited members of the Wednesday, April 10, with on a wild pitch Steve Hamp liam Pennick. Jr. and mfan: There were eight citizens congregation to their meeting about fifteen planning to make SUBSCRIPTION RATES the trip Connie Presly, Sharon ton scored Santiam’s other son, Billy, the third. The Pen- present. Minutes of the March meet at tiie church Monday evening, Hiebert and Ruth Thomasson rucks recently returned froni run. Marion-Linn Ciunties, per year_______________________ 88-60 April 8, when the speaker was Jerry Payseno pitched a very Colorado following Mr. Pen ing were read by city recorder, Dr. James F. Prewitt of Sa will furnish the transporta Uutaide Marion-Linn Counties, per year ...................... $S.5O Ruth Thomasson, and a trea arm nick ’ s aischaigc from the good game for Santiam. strik- j Outside Oregon, per year ____________________________ 86.00 lem. Dr. Prewitt also brought tion. given. The hon- ed forces. The event also surers report Luncheon will be at the ing out four and allowing only a couple of guests with him Editor and Publisher two earned runs. Jerry also al- ored Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Webb minutes were approved as and talked and showed slides Black Angus Restaurant and GEORGE LONG ......................... is to be served banquet style. RAYMOND E. PRESLER ....... lowed five hits and walked of Eugene on their birthday read. Printer anniversaries. They are the Robert (Bob) Intel, a candi- summerizing the life of Christ This is to be paid out of the NORMA LONG ---------------------- ------ Society and News Editor five Refreshments und a social time and a former treasury. The loss is the first loss in paren's of Mrs. Lyle Rogers. date for sheriff ROSE CREE ___ ________ ___ ___________ Local News Editor I Marion County Deputy Sheriff followed the meeting June Mennis, Marion County MARY KELLY ............................. the league this year for the Sr. Local News Editor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Craber A buffet luncheon was en for some fifteen years address Committee Chairman, discuss Santiam JV’s and drops their CORRESPONDENTS have purchased the place on ed the council and citizenry ed the Mini College, which is Detroit-Idanha league record for this season joyed by all in the clubhouse ... Boots Champion on the trailer court grounds. briefly on his platform. He the river next to her parents. to be held at OSU, Corvallis, Gates ................ to 2-1. ------ Joyce Prealer Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Beek. said, “ he noted that the area June 18 through the 20th They Lyons _______ Santiam 0 0 0 2 0 0 0—2 2 5 About 50 people were in at- ------- Eva Bressler and have moved here from Sa needed more police protection .0 1 0 2 0 0 0—3 5 11 tendance. are offering room and board Mehama .......... Regis Mrs. John Teeters lem from the Marion County Sher for two people for three days Erik Engdahl anil Stephanie iff’s Dept, and if he were for $35.00. Crafts will be f elected sheriff, his intentions Sugars of Healdsburg, Calif, taught Each person will pay left Saturday morning after were io provide more protec $2.00 for each craft she wishes spending most of the week as tion in the area." to take. This is to cover tiie On April 2. a special coun guests at the home of Dorothy cost of materials used and any Christensen and visiting with cil meeting was held with wa item made can be taken home. ter superintendent. Earl other relatives of Erik’s here. There will also lie a course in Easter weekend guests at the Michaelson present, to discuss The Suntiam boys’ track public speaking for which col the city’s water system and hom® of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ■ lege credit will lie given. Th«1 team won their second dual Griffiths were Mr and Mrs. Larry I. Swartz its problems. Council agreed fee will Ire $10 per person truck meet of the yeur, by de- to shut-off the water heater in Mervin Griffiths, Karen anti June ask the group if they DETROIT Graveside serv feating Salem Academy, 82-54, Randy Mitchell and Gary Bor ices for Larry F. Swartz, 54, Pattons Addition w'hich was would lie interested in mak Thursday. Santiam had many costing the city $309 a year to ing from Eugene. ing Japanese table decoration; Slayden: Resort were held fine performances, as they won i Mr. and Mrs Richard Rogers | m keep a pump dry that is in- for the banquet which will be Wedm : ten of 16 first places und nine I stalled in a pit in the addition. of Prineville came Saturday, held in the evening of the last Fairview Cemetery, Mill City. of 14 second places. April 13. and visited during King said it was costly and day. This will be the climax Rev. Harold Roth officiated. David Mort- accumulated 13 • he did not think it was neces- the weekend at the home of of the three day sessions. Any Weddle Funeral Home of Stay points for tiie day as he won j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Titze and I sary to keep the heater on. one can go for all three days ton was in charge. two events und placed sec Mayor King announced the i | with other relatives here. Swartz died of exposure or or for any day they choose. ond in another. David won the | city has purchased some I I an apparent heart attack while A bicycle safety course, high jump ut 5' 4" and the pole 2.000 feet of PBC-four inch wa eponsored by the home exten trying to get his car out of vault at 9' 3". He also was sec ter pipe to be installed in the Missionarys From sion. is slated for the first a ditch on Erin St. ond in tiie high hurdles in 17.9. Macky Creek area wheih will He was born in Nebraska week in May at Detroit grade Philippines To Speak David Plotts collected 14* ( I feed a 50,000 gallon water school. Volunteer instructors and moved to Mill City in points for the day as he won tank Present pipe is only two At Idanha Church 1965. He came to Detroit four will be June Mennis, Connie inch and is in bad shape. The I IDANHA — Missionary’s | Presly, Barbara Fields. Etiith years ago and worked as a the long jump with a leap of new four inch line will not from the Philippines slated to ■ Bittner and Ruth Thomasson. logging truck driver for Hills 19’ lte” and the 880 in 2:16.6. David also anchored the win only feed the tank but will also arrive here this week are Rev. Election of officers was Logging Co., Detroit. He was lead into the city King said and Mrs. Dave Billings and held with Huth Thomasson be a WWII veteran. Survivors In ning mile relay team. there is about 1500 feet of family. Craig Blackburn dominated ing re-elected as chairman for clude the widow, Margy, Sa shoveling to be done to install Rev. and Mrs. Billings will a second term. Goldie Storey lem, brothers Harold. Nebras the sprints as he won the 100 ' the new line and is asking for be guest speakers at the 1 as vice-chairman and Barbara ka, and Garry in the U. S. and 220 in times of 11.4 and 24.5 respectively. Glen Humes 1 volunteers to work on the i Idanha Community Church I Whiteley as secretary-treasur- Army; sisters Mrs. E had his best 440. as he won the | business end of the shovels. Friday, April 19. at 7:30 p.m. [ er. Installation will be held at Burt. Blue River, and race in an excellent time of Pipe will be laid in the origin- , | The evening's program will ■ the May meeting. Helen Houser, Mrs. | al track wherever possible. 53.2. Jerry Grant remained un include services, testimonys, The May meeting was ehang- Stone, and Mrs. Audrey defeated in tiie javelin with a I King said, “the present 30.- I 1 songs and the showing of pic- . ed from Tuesday, May 7, to Melbourne, Fla. toss of 196' 9”. 000 gallon water tank located lure slides of missionary work. i Wednesday, May 1, due to j in the city is going to have to A coffee hour will follow the election day. The lesson for ( 440 relay SA 48.4; mile- be replaced in the near fu service in Berggreen Hall. ________ ______ _ Peterman (S) 5:03; 100 May is "Electric Know How” | .. r r I Blackburn (S) 11.4; 440 — f ture.” He said, “the replace The Billings family will be and is to be presented by Bar- , . ment should be a larger tank, ' supper guests Friday evening bara Fields. June Mennis and i 53.2; 880 - Plotts possibly a 100,000 to 150.0(H) | at the home of Rev. and Mrs. i Lillian Smith. I f 11 Friesen (SAi ■ gallon capacity.” The present | Blackburn (S) I Goldie Storey and Ruth I The Santiam Wolverines ex- j ’ ‘ Harold Roth and family. 220 Cz I water tank was installed re-1 The Billings resided at De Thomasson were project ploded for four runs in the 24.5; LH - Robbins (SA) 23; ' portedly during the construe- I troit ahout twelve years ago leaders on the lesson of the tiiird inning and went on to 2 mile — Gadd (SA) 11:09.0; I tion of Detroit Elementary I while Mr. Billings was employ- day "Delicious and Nutritious | defeat the Scio Loggers 6 -0 in ' mile relay 'S) 3:59.8; PV PREMIUM EXTERIOR LATEX I School, preparatory to the City ed by the U. S. Forest Service Desserts.” It was shown that a league game at Mill I City, More (S) 9’ 3”; javelin — of Detroit moving to its pres- here. Grant.♦ (S) 196’ 9”; LJ — 1 anyone could enjoy desserts Friday. ■ hits! Available in 1740 Coiorizer Colors | ent site in 1952. The tank re-1 Plotts (S) 18 l’a”; discus I without that "guilty feeling” Santiam had only three ( portedly was installed by army i • No cracking, fading or peeling if the entire rneal is planned in the game, including a dou- Fadel (SA) 128’ 81-"; HJ — . engineers. Fadel I with nutrition and calories in ble by Bob Bennett. But San-. More (S) 5’ 4"; shot • Superior color retention Mayor King said, “we are I I mind. Posters were presented tiam capitalized on six Scio i ( SA ) 40’ lite”. probably the only city in the' TH ---------- ,, ........... „ the .... nutritional value ■ errors and ran the baser very I n I showing would where you can step and the calory count of the I aggressively. Santiam stole 131 cutside into water up to your | ---- -------------- (different ingredient! used inlbasi • ■ ante with Boi knees and no water in the j At the regular DETROIT ____ I desserts. A fruit kabob of or-j Bennett and Jerry Grant each I house.” There was a brief dis-1 monthly meeting of Detroit •inRes, apples, pineapples and 1 ' cionlirtr/ stealing fhrnn three. i cussion on water rates with no Womans Civic Club, April 3, banannas rolled in a syrup of | Brian Jones pitched San-1 action taken. This will have to held in the social room of De-J honey and lemon juice then tiam’s first shut out of the be figured into the 1974-75 troit City Hail, it was voted by ' dipped in chopped nuts was year. He allowed only three o Boots Champion budget before action can be the membership to purchase I demonstrated. The leaders also hits and walked only two. taken on the lowering of wa childrens books for the lend-1 prepared a strawberry yogurt The third inning was high While on a business trip to ter rates. ing library as this years yearly wh'P and pumpkin cake with lighted by a two-run single Seattle Monday of last week, Budget committee members project The library is located I lemon glaze to demonstrate by David Plotts. Robert L. Layman and Miss are: Verna Ketchum, chair- Maune Richards was named Dolores Bisbee, Roseburg, be in Detroit City Hall and is some delicious desserts. man, Carol Kirk. Ralph Ed- These were enjoyed along player of the week this week. came engaged. No date has ■ open every Thursday from 10 minster, Yvonne Hills and a.m. to 3 p.m. with the rest of the potluck He was chosen for scoring two been set for the wedding Ro Doug Knudsen. The social room was decor luncheon which was the climax I runs, stealing three bases and bert is the »on of Mr. and City attorney. Ralph Wy- for overall hustle during the Mrs. Earl Layman and is own ated in the Easter motif for of the meeting. ckoff, Salem, reported that in week. Maurie, playing catch er of the Cedars here. i the meeting. A bouquet of yel I talking to Mrs. Judy Van er, has made only one error all low forsythia and egg shell Easter Sunday visitors at PREMIUM DREEM LATEX FLAT Fleet's (former city recorder) | candles in pastel shades adorn season. Regis Shuts Out the Champion iiome were Mrs. probation officer, he learned Scio 0000000 0 3 6 ed the coffee table. A basket of Water Clean-Up that Mrs. VanFleet had paid I spring flowers accented with Santiam 7-0 Saturday Santiam 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 -6 3 1 Champion’s brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Calvin Chambers back the sum of $2,170 in un Easter bunnies and yellow ♦ One Coat Covers Most Colors and Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson authorized city funds to Mar- ' chicks, flanked by yellow Wayne Wiege tossed a no Census Bureau Survey ♦ Scrubbable of Salem. Mrs. Wilson is the cefiler’of'at- iiitter against the Santiam1 former Emma Rhoades, who 1974 Wyckoff adv.sed that the lention on thp refreshment ta . | Scheduled Here No Paint Odor Wolverines, to give the Regis' tention on the refreshment ta money remain in the court s bles. In addition at each place Rams a 7-0 league win over i,he| How prevalent are fires in formerly resided here. Available in 1740 Coiorizer Colors Easter Sunday dinner guests jurisdiction until other aspects setting as favors, Easter bun Wolverines at Regis Saturday. | the home and what is tteii cf the case, such as special nies or a chick placed on white The loss drops Santiam’s cost financially and in injuries at the home of Rev. and Mrs. audit fees ana attorney fees, i lace doilies completed the Eas league record to 2-3. to household members? John Harold Roth and family were can be settled. Mayor King ter motif of the tables. In other The turning point of the E Tharaldson, director of the Mr. and Mrs. Al Glesbrecht signed a legal document Tues business the club voted to pur game came in the1 third inning Bureau of the Census Data and son Murray of Salem. day authorizing a law suit chase a new vacuum sweeper when Bob Bennett dropped a Collection Center in Seattle, Tiie Detroit annual junior against Judy VanFleet and for Detroit City Hall. Election fly ball with two out and the said that a survey in the Mill senior banquet will be held Western Surety Bonding Co. of of officers for the ensuing year bases loaded with Regis scor City area will help to answer Saturday at the 12th St. Kings S D. The lawsuit was filed was also on the business agen ing three runs. these questions. Information Table, Salem Guest speaker Thursday in Marion County da. Wayne Wiege Struck out on the incidence of fires in the will lie Francis Drummer, Day Circuit Court for the sum of I Mrs. Ruth Thomasson was nine batters and walked only home and their cost will be ton School Supt. S4.437. week of This reporter, would appre ¡elected president, Mrs. Barbara two in tossing the second no- collected here the A discussion was held on dis- Knudsen. vi<•• president; Mr hitter against Santiam in the April 15-19 from a sample of ciate it if people in the area j tablishing a city tax base, not. Carolyn households. having news to report would Some custom colors higher _ 1 Kramer, secretary; last three games. to exceed the six percent lim-1 I and Mrs. Carol Kirk, treasurer. uoamt-i Jim Wright pitched for San The questions are in addition call me before my deadline on (itation Wyckoff said the city installation ceremonies will be tiam. giving up only two earn to the usual ones asked in the Tuesdays. In the past this has ,:s paying the lowest tax of any, held in M ilt Marion Forks ed runs. He also walked one I monthly survey on employ presented some problems in city, .81 of a mil. This amounts - Inn — i ment and unemployment con treating the deadline by mail The date will be announc and struck out four. to about 81 cents per thousand.1 ed later. All past presidents Santiam .0 0 C 0 0 0 0—0 0 3 ducted by the Census Bureau time. Please call 854-3539 It was pointed out that the city 1 and guests are invited to at Regis 0 0 4 0 210 791 for the U. S. Dept, of Labor. Thank you. PORCH AMD needs workable money in or-1 tend. der to build and run a city j The eve ing’s hostesses were DECK ENAMEL properly. It was also pointed I Mrs. Caiol Kirk and Mrs. . out that the city tax base, Th^ima Roberta' PLASOLUX ■>. would include summer home- ________________ owners within the city limits.' It is the ¡mention of the city I _ council to call a special public | In other "* * business, it was re-1 __ explain „ ........ .. city .. tax ! P<’rtef‘ that no , action was meeting to the Detroit, Oregon base to the citizens before it taken on the updating of the* is placed on the May 28 pri city charter at a recent meet-| ing. This, however, is not <i mary ballot. UasMtMC** Once a tax base is establish dead issue and will be pursued ed it does not necessarily have at a later date. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 I to be levied every year. A city tax base could even be in p.m. » strumental in lowering water rates once the city is free of If the number following financial problems, city offi Friday and Saturday Nights cials said. More information on your name on The En_ the city tax base will be pre sented through the news media terprise label reads Sunday 4:00 P. M. to 12:00 P. M, kelly lumber sales before being placed on the 4-74 it's time to send * • L L CITV. o R e a O M May ballot. This measure can Hwy 22 cant City Limit» Ph. 897-2610 only be voted on at statewide a check for renewal. i j Wolverines Run Over Crusaders OBITUARIES BUY 1GAL GET 2nd FORA PENNY VI-KO LATEX HOUSE PAINT Loggers 60 ' Detroit Civic Club To Purchase Books DETROIT IDANHA Reg. $9.49 AGALLON NOW 2 fgoarl SAVE $9.48 Lake Lodge Cafe and Lounge STEAKS SEA FOOD LUNCHEON SPECIALS LIVE MUSIC