7—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 11, 1974 LYONS Camperships ; Awarded Wednesday Birthday Luncheon The Lyons City Council met I Wednesday night. They awarded two camperships to Girl Scouts aqd Brownies. The budget committee was present to receive budget which they approved as writ­ ten. General fund $31,014.65; street fund $47,833.85; ceme­ tery fund $4.500; revenue sharing $12.377.00; total — $95,775.00. An increase of $27,415.47 over last year, due to the fourthcoming curbs and storm drains on Main St. dur­ ing 1974-75. Money was obtain­ ed from reserve fund, state liquor, cigarettes and gasoline taxes. Lyons has no tax levy. 4-H Livestock Club | Santiam Ripples MEHAMA by Glenn Humes Mrs. John Teeters Now Meeting On Tuesday of last week, Susee Engdahl and daughter by Eva Bressler Scheduled April 23 there was a Student Council Jane Healdsburg, Calif., The Canyon 4-H Livestock Meeting. Boy and Girl of the came of Friday Mrs. Laura Neal was hostess evening to LYONS The United Me­ Club met Tuesday, April 2, at Month of March was voted on. spend their spring for the Wednesday afternoon thodist Women held their vacation Ry Don Moffatt the home of Mrs. Clifford Christie Spurgeon and Jim with relatives here. Mrs. curd club with her party at the meeting Tuesday after­ Babbitt. Rose were elected. The Junior- Engdahl is a teacher in the City Hall. A 1:30 dessert lunch­ noon at the home of Mrs. Katie Officers elected were Susan Senior Banquet and Prom Windsor, It would be real comical if it _____ , Calif., schools near eon preceded the playing of Skillings. The meeting opened Budlong, president; Scott Nel­ were talked about. They also I her home. 500 High score was held by with prayer and Ellen Whaley were not so serious. What I’m son, vice-president; Judi Bone­ talked nhnnt I hr» elections nloidinnc for v-». • Branch, daughter of thinking about is Ralph Nader about the Mabel Downing, Juanitia Da­ lead the devotions. Diana brake, secretary; and David student body officers, which and his Raiders. At a recent vis second high and Katie Mr. and Mrs. Dean Branch of 'Hie main business of the af­ Western Governor’s conference Wright, reporter. will be coming up the third Salem, was a guest Sunday Skillings low. ternoon was completing the he urged a ban on all nuclear Other memebrs are Tyrell week in April. Others attending were Mar­ plans for the birthday lunch­ night at the home of her and Becky Babbitt, Craig and Thursday, after school, there grandmother, Mrs. Raymond garet Kunkle, Zeta Prichard, eon which is to be held Tues­ power plant construction. That Rob Humes, Tim, Rodney and was a track meet with Jeffer­ Leota Worden, Bertha Allen, day, April 23, in the dining1 really is a fine solution to the Laurie Carpenter, Evin and son. It ended with Santiam 107 Branch. energy crisis, it has been pro­ Gladys Nygaard, Bea Hiatt, hall of the church at noon. I ven, or so I have been led to Harold Blan, Vickie and Deb­ points, Jefferson 27. Mrs. Jack Parrish of Sitka, Katie Sieg, Doris Roy, Mary The budget was presented j ¿¿.¡¡eve. that ’nGcteYr’ power bie Hirons, Kim Ward, Greg Class meetings were held Alaska, who had been visiting Sieg, Alma Olmstead. Bcrnelce and approved. and Jeff Harrison, Kim Tuers Friday. The freshmen met and with relatives in Salem, was I plants are safe. If that is so, Bridges, Ruth Lyons, Millie Plans were made for a work | mayb(. we>d better d and Russell Seals. better talked about how they could a guest Sunday, March 31, at Jungwirth, Mildred Carr and day a the church Friday. I Ralphjc and bis of mol’j The members talked about improve their class meetings. the home of Dorothy Christen­ Bertha White. getting their animals ready for The sophomores talked about sen. At the clos of the meeting, | onic ecologists Lyons Churches To Mrs. Russell Thiel and lefreshments were served by! Here in fh„ United States the fairs which will be com­ opening the concession stands granddaughter, Mrs. Terry The meeting of the Mehama s. Skillings to Leora we struggle for 11 or 12 years Hold Special Services ing up this summer. The club at the track meets and baseball Women’s Club that was sched­ Bair of North Bend, spent se­ M Stevens, Evelyn Julian, June1 | to get a nuclear power plant on LYONS Easter services at will be instructed on train­ games. The juniors discussed veral days this week at the McPheeters, Alta Bodeker, various churches will be Good ing of their animals on the what they were going to do at uled for April 17th, has been home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Florence Darling, Lulu Cory, • the line, producing much Friday observance of the Holy 26th postponed to 1:30 p.m., April of April. the prom for decorations. The 24. All ladies of the commun­ Wnlton. Mrs Walton is a dau- Wilameane Johnson, Florence • ¡needed electricity, while over Day at 7:30 p.m. at the Lyons seniors met and voted on the ity are invited to attend the ghter of Mrs. Thiel and mother Naue, Ellen Whaley, Eva Bres­ in Japan they take American Methodist Church with Easter ’ technology and put their nu- prom queen. of Mrs. Bair. meeting. sler, Helen Johnston, Carrie morning service at 9:30 a.m. I Building Permits Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Osburn, Dorothy Downer and ’ clear plants into production in The St. Patrick Parish will The Mehama firemen enjoy five or six years. How about and family moved over the Nellie Riggs. Increased for February ed a potluck family dinner at that! Shouldn’t someone in hold their Easter Mass at 10:30 weekend to Sublimity. The 1 Gartons Visit Trinity a.m. Easter morning. Mem ­ the firehall Saturday evening, Washington have the gumption! Building permits increased Fosters have lived in Lyons! April 6, with about 30 firemen,: to get off their soft chairs and bers of the Canyon Baptist in Linn County in February Chapter OES Friday about nine years. Church will nold a sunrise ser­ their wives and some invited Shower Honors tell Nader and all those who ’ re I Mr. and Mrs. Merle Garton 1974, compared to February Lori and Cult Davis, son and I holding back ibis great country j vice at the John Neal Memor­ 1973, the U. or O Bur. of Busi­ attended Trinity Chapter, OES. friends attending. Cards and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ial Park at 6:00 a.m. followed where to go? Surely it is as ' Friday evening at the King- visiting were enjoyed follow­ Loren Davis of Mehama, solic­ Miss Sue Frichti by their regular Easter service ness Research has reported. ing the dinner. important as Watergate. I ’ ll ' In February 1974, the total wood Masoni; Temple in Sa­ ited Saturday in Lyons and at 11:00 a.m. which will be re ­ LYONS — Mrs. Velleda admit the administration is ' IS Mehama for the Easter seal Walz, Mrs. Kathleen Manning peated at 7:00 p.m. This jvill was $305,000 compared to lem. They were accompanied Mehama for the Easter Seal I and Mrs. Rose Schwindt were not doing a very good job — j be a singing service. The San- $295,000 in the same month by Dr. and Mrs. John Tarr of Stay ton. Society and received $42.61 to hostesses for a shower Thurs­ but who is mostly at fault — tiam Chapel will hold their last year. the president, or the congress, regular 1 Aobut 20 past matrons and Building permits from 148 turn in. DATSUN SERVICE Easter service at 11:00 day evening at the Catholic ’ ...... o ______ identical reporting centers _ in patrons, who were known as Timmy Culbertson, son of Community Hall honoring Miss that August band of jackasses a.m. on both sides of the political ’ Oregon totalled $53.574,390 in 1 the “Golden Keys,” were pres- AND REPAIR Mr. and Mr . Calvin Culbert­ Sue Frichtl, bride-elect. fence. February 1974. This was 0.2%. ent and surprised Mrs. Muriel All Work Guaranteed and you son and a student at Warner Attending and sending gifts I think that we could have! | Don Trahan To Coach higher in February ____ "72. | j Field, 1973. F>eld, PGM. by presenting her SAVE 30% on Salem Price« Pacific College, with the choir were Mrs. Leila Rockwell, The state total in February j with a “Golden Key” which of 50 toured Kansas, Okla, and Mrs. Katie Skillings, Mrs. a Jot more nuclear plants in1 Call 897-2062 Salt Lake City. The music Kathleen Manning, Miss Cherri operation rignt this minute, if J Mehama Little League 1974 included $21.843,313 for was their emblem when they group is called “Sunrise.” They Manning, Mrs. Florence Naue, lhe right people would standi MEHAMA — The Mehama 1.089 new dwelling units;! were matrons and patrons in ELMER TRIPP are cutting an L.P. album this Mrs. Alice Bouche, Mrs. Ann up and be counted—and that Ball Park, Inc., sponsors of $18,157,090 for new nonresi- 1966-67. means a lot of little people like ' the Little League baseball in dential construction; and $13,- week. Jlolzfuss, Mrs. Lou Brown, I Mrs. C. L. 'Betty Salter) re­ Mrs. Eva Bressler, Mrs. Mary , you and 1. W<‘ must make some the Mehama area, held their 573,987 for additions, altera-' turned Tuesday to the Santiam Vol tin. Mrs. Alta Bodeker, Mrs. sort of noise, so our represen­ annual meeting at the club tions and repairs to existing Memorial Hospital in Stayton Katie Sieg, Mrs. Velleda Walz, tatives in government know house Tuesday evening, April structures. full well that we don’t like I 2. Due to the absence of most For the same month last foi more medical treatment. Mrs. Ann Pietrock, Miss Louise i of the officers, some of the year, the $53.467,272 total of Larry Nydegger returned Pietrok, Mrs. June Kokstis, what is going on. I know that this is hard to business could not be '•arried permits was composed of $31,- home Saturday from Ft. Leo­ Miss Lori Kokstis, Irvin Min- 680,018 for 2,087 new dwell­ nard Wood, Mo., after spend­ ten, Mrs. Hazel Wirth, Mrs. do. Even in small cities, many out. A special meeting will be ing units; $13,349,899 for new ing six months there with the Florent Frichtl, Miss Mary times the council is not respon­ sive to the wishes of the peo­ held Wednesday evening, nonresidential construction; national guard. Frichtl, Mrs. Fern Pederson, Thursday night, April 11, a Miss Debbie Pederson, Mrs. ple who have placed their I April 10, at the club hall at and $8.437.355 for additions, al­ terations, and repairs to exist­ meeting will be held at the Rose Schwindt. Mrs. Betty trust in them. Why? It seems 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts ing structures. | Mari-Linn school at 6:45 to or­ Minten, Miss Janell Minten many times when we elect people, they immediately feel drove from Astoria to be here ganize a “Tops Club.” All in­ and Miss Danette Minten. that they have some God-given for the meeting. Mrs. Roberts terested are welcome to at­ mandate to do as they please. | has been secetary-treasurer of IS tend. Don’t let it happen at home. I the club. Mr and Mrs. Paul Schiewek Lyons Extension Unit Don Trahan has volunteered returned home Thursday from Azaleas Honolulu, Hawaii, after spend­ A long time ago when the to coach the ball team this ing five weeks with their son, Meets At City Hall tragic Lindberg kidnapping year. LYONS — The April meet­ aroused the people they enact­ Rev. and Mrs. David Schiewek ing of the Lyons Extension ed the death penalty and it Bank Debits Up Geraniums and family. Mr. and Mrs Douglas Hamp­ Unit was held Thursday, April I stopped kidnapping. That was Bank debits for the sixteen ton from Molalla were Friday 4. at the city hall beginning at a long time ago, and as time i reporting banks including Linn vy Geraniums night and Saturday guests at 10 a.m. Lesson of the day was passed, the people became lax County, were up in February Betty Schulz the home of his grandparents, “Cutting Medical Costs” pre­ in their thinking. They let 1974, compared to February Betty Schulz (Mrs. Richard), sented by Phyllis Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. 49, passed away in a Pasco, liberal and ultra-leftist fac­ A potluck luncheon was held tions gradually eliminate the 1973, the U. of O. Bur. of Busi­ Wash, hospital at 12:30 a.m., ness Research has reported. at the noon iiour followed by death penalty Now robbers I Debits for February 1974 to­ Monday morning, April 1, fol­ Grange Presents 25- a work shop. j execute their victims to elim- taled $134,074,000. For Janu­ lowing a lengthy illness. She Year Membership Pins i Guest of the day was Gail i inate witnesses, and kidnap­ ary 1974, the total was $157,- was the daughter-in-law of LYONS — At the meeting Seal, county committee wo­ ping today flourishes. 498,000 and for February 1973, Mrs. Golda Martens of Mill I heard on the news today the total was $101,193,000. City. of Santiam Valley Grange Fri­ man. Attending the meeting were where the Hearst Foundation day night, April 5, Mr. and Fhyllis Oregon, with 432 banks re­ Surviving, besides her hus­ Meyers, Alma Olm ­ is putting up another $4 mil­ band Richard, are three sons, Mrs. Jake Meyers received Lucille Huber, June Mc- lion in an attempt to get the porting, has a percentage de­ Jack W. Schulz of San Juan their 25-year membership pins stead. crease of 8.9 in Februarv 1974. Pheeters, Dorothy Downer, SLA to release Patty Hearst. | Whole Lb. • • • presented by John Shafer. I as compared with January Islands: Kenneth Wayne of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Vlrgene Scott, Mabel Down­ That is pretty sickening. You 1974, and a 46.2 percentage in­ Ellensburg, Wash.; and Richard can’t blame the Hearsts. They crease in February 1974, com­ Ray of Pasco, Wash.; and a Smith gave a reading and solo, ing and Gail Seal. love their daughter, but some­ pared with February 1973. one-year-old granddaughter of "The Three Nails” accompan­ 1 ied by Alice Smith of Mill If the number following thing must be done soon to Total bank debits for Febru­ Pasco, Wash. make this kidnapping punish­ ary 1974 came to $9.515,097,000. Funeral services were con-1 City. Five candidates were bal- your name on The En‘ able by death—not only the For January 1974, the total was ducted at 10:00 a.m., Saturday lotted on and will receive the terprise label reads ones who actually take active $10,448,473.000 and for Febru­ morning, April 6. in a Pasco part in the crime, but anyone ary 1973, the total was $6,oC3,- Catholic Church. Burial fol­ degrees April 28 at Crowfoot lowed in a cemetery at Prosser, 4-74 it's time to send who is proven to be connected 492.000. Grange with the group in any way. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hecht a check for renewal. Many of our liberal judges Besides Mrs. Martens, others were guests of the evening. and liberal left wings will to 1,200 robberies within the attending the funeral included think that this is too harsh. city. There must be stronger her son and daughter-in-law, Pint........................... To me, it is a lot more humane laws against those who receive Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schulz and than to let this type of people this stolen property too, be­ Michael of Eugene. , terrorize law abiding citizens. cause if the robber can’t ped­ dle the stuff, he soon will lose II can't figure out why it is I worse to kill a known crim­ interest in his “profession.” He If the number following inal than to let them slaughter might even go to work. No matter how many police­ I innocent people. Where is the j difference? If a few kidnap­ men you have on the force, your name on The En­ pers, or plane highjackers met they cannot seem to stop $3.99 Box | a quick death we’d see that crime. It isn’t all their fault terprise label reads 1 the glamour would soon wear either, as they cannot be every­ | off, ana we’d be : id of that where at once. A few robbers 4-74 it's time to send | part of the cancer in our so­ working together can outfox ciety. Of course, other things the police everytime, even if a check for renewal , will spring up, but if we put they had two patrol cars. the death penalty back into I force, and immediately kick out any judge who gets soft i in the head, we’ll soon again SO YOU THINK I gain control of our country. It YOU'RE PAYING is time we pulled the pin on gangsterism, and make it less THROUGH THE lucrative for them to operate 8—16 Ounce Bottles NOSE FOR OTHER . in this great country of ours. plus dep. DRIVERS' I There is nothing wrong with 2 Blended Flavored Carbo nated Beverage our country. It is still a good <41 country, the best in the world, Safe drivers save and ?l.e best form of govern­ money at Safeco. ment, but we’ve sort of died on Careful people haw fewer accidents, M qSM the vine so to speak, and have il costs us less, and fJK let a bunch of hooligans run we pass the aaviogs 8 rough-shod over us. The Avenue fr\r> Easter Lilies Easter Baskets and No velties Easter Egg Coloring Ki ts $129 Hams fully cooked Lynden Farm Young Tu rkeys lb. 75c lb. $1.19 Our Own Pork Sausage Lb. $1.49 Smoked Slab Bacon 49’ Fresh Strawberries Mayflower Whipping C ream Bananas Chiquita bran d . lb. 10c Cal. Large Navel Oranc jes . lb. 16c Pascal Celery . . Bunch 19c Radishes and Green Or lions 3/29c Sweets and Yams . . lb. 29c I Mr. PiBB $109 accidentals I I ) And another thing, every le­ gislator who tries to put across gun control laws, should im­ mediately be taken out of of­ fice. When the time comes when we can no longer bear arms, we’re going to be in a heck of a fix. When a kidnap ping is going on, I’ll bet if a citizen who saw it blasted off a few rounds, even into the air, the kidnapper would think twice before going through with his dirty trick. It is now getting so you can’t leave your home for any length of time without lock- ing everything up — and then you have no assurance that jour belongings will be safe. Here in Phoenix the police caught a fellow who admitted on to you. And when it comee to claims settlement we try to rneitaet claimants within 24 hours, and aoO$$ claims within! working days. Franz Brown and Serv e Dinner Rolls and Potato 1 lolls Mayflower Sweet Crea m Butter jtfr • «/** Blue Bell Potato Chips 3 Bag Box everything yon Eveready Batteries 69 ’ F leg. 60c 49c C or D Size WITH* L Jerry Pittam Insurance Phone 897-2418 or 897-2754 Mill City, Oregor 5; Prices effective Thurs. thru Nat., April 11,13 CLOSED Easter Sunday Lavender's Foo< d Market Phone 859-2494 1015 Main £ It Lyons, Oregon