THROUGH THE fi—'Oie Mill City Enterprise, Thunuinv, April 11. 1974 FOR SALE 1 Dinette set, for­ mica top, four chairs. Good i Work Wanted BUYERS we have rnnditirm condition. $4().OO. Call 897 CLASSIFIED RATES Listings we need 2945 after 6:00 p.m. 16. NEED EXTRA HELP? Churches, bazaars, suppers, Offices Coast-to-Coast ----------------- ;| someone to work in the bake sale, etc., will be run National Advertising Brings FOR SALE — — Four-man neo- yard. Phone 897-3178. Work under special announcements 8UYERS from everywhere prene boat, oars and pump, i force plentiful. All work 1 Excellent condition. $35 Call ! guaranteed. classification with a mini­ Call Today evenings. 897-2244 15p mum charge Of 75c per STROUT REALTY. Inc. Insertion. Vivian M. Kealen, Manager LET US do your glass work | Fifteen cents per line each Gates. Oregon 97346 We cut window glass to your insertion. No advertisements P. O. Box 516 I measurements. We will in- ' accepted for less than 75c Phone 897 2184 I stall the glass in framer, per week Minimum charge brought to the store Mil) for Cards Of Thanks $1.00. Automotive City Hardware. Phone 897 Count five words to the line 2977. SItf I FOR SALE — Take over' in ordering your ad. Telephone Time Limit on Safety? pmts. on approved credit LICENSED INCOME TAX 897-2772, MUI City or mail 1973 Gran Torino station- i For how long a period of your advertisement to The Mill CONSULTANT Koffee Klatchers City Enterprise MiU City.! wagon. 8.000 mi. , Bring your income tax ma­ time may a manufacturer be Jerrv Coffman N. Santiam W Oregon 97360. terial to me for fast, accurate held responsible for the safety Name of Team F C. U. Phone 769-2126. 15, preparation on your returns of his product ’ Say a steplad Gene’s Mt Mkt..........18 Mabel Yankus North San­ I der callapses. Does it matter— Bob & Bill’s ........ ...17 FOR SALE — 1968 Camaro, SS legally - whether it was bought Freres Lmbr. Co...... 16ia Help Wanted 396, auto. P.S., P.B., mag I tiam Real Estate Office. 647 20 days ago or 20 years ago? Ditter’s ...................16% N E Santiam Blvd Phone wheels, traction bars. $1.000 WANTED — Woman for part Of course, in a particular Ray’s Drug ..... 897-2497 3tf cash or take over pmts. Ph time work. Wilson’s Hatch­ case, there may be specific 897-2114. 15 ALUMINUM Screen Doors guarantees or standards of Jerry’s Tavern ery Phone 859-2134, lltf | Riverview Inn complete with hinges, latch safety that apply. But the law Earl's Chevron Alladin DO YOU NEED EXTRA IN­ FOR SALE - 12’ set. grill and door closer, has developed some broad ( Girod’s ........ Camp trailer. Butane, llOv. COME0 — We need help . . . $12.50. Sublimity Building I guidelines as well. 12v lights Spare wheel and Frontier Inn ... earn extra money part tune, For one thing, the manufac- Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf tire. Can be pulled with ' High individual game no experience necessary. Call turer is usually not responsible Margaret Kimsey 201; high in- Datsun Pickup. Excellent > immediately — 769-5637 or condition. $600. Ph 897-2978.1 NOTICE — Let me recycle merely becaur .- his product has dividual series — Dorothy Nye 769-5451. 16 15p! those cartons, boxes, can "grown old” in the normal 518; high team game — Gene’s HELP WANTED - $100.00 ---------------------------------------— I labels, etc. for you and I fashion As one court put it, Mt. Mkt. 972; high team series will pay lc each and up for in rejecting the claim of a —Bob & Bill s 2779. weekly possible addressing FOR SALE — 1962 Falcon brand names. For informa­ housewife injured by an aged Econ-o-line Pickup $350. See mail for firms — full and tion call 859-2939. 16p washing machine: at 488 S E. Fairview or Ph part time at home — send 897-2574. 16p "There is no duty upon a Wednesday Night Merchant stamped self-addressed en­ NEED CASH? Loans available W L manufacturer to furnish a ma­ Name of Team velope to BLACO, BOX FOR SALE — 1973 Lmpala 9- on older homes and ranch- i Bethel Const............ 4 0 chine that will not wear out. ” 3135, C STATION ~1. HILO, ettes. Call debenture mort­ pass. sta. wagon. Low mile­ Ted’s Drive-in ......... 3 1 HAWAII »6720 15p gage co., Stavton. 769-6377 age, clean, radial tires. Pric­ B&C Texaco ........... 1 3 ed below blue book. Can 39tf Philippi Motor ......... 0 4 be seen at Home Federal For Rent High individual game and Savings & Loan. Stayton ANNUAL SALE — Santiam series — Bill Brikholz 247 and Canyon Home Extension An­ Phone 769-2179. 15tf FOR RENT — Large 1 bdrm, 588; high team game — B&C nual Baked Food. Plant and furnished apt. $65 mo., $20 Texaco 971; high team senes White Elephant Sale. Thurs ­ dep. Pboue 897 2499 15 Miscellaneous Ted’s Drive-in 2782 » day, April 11, 9:30 a.m. Gates Clubhouse 15 FOR RENT — 2 bdrm, duplex Tuesday Pin Pals w/garage Stove and refrig MAYTAG APPLIANCES Name of Team W L vrN/ carpet Water and gar­ available at Western Auto G&B Trk ................... 15 5 bage service furnished $50 ♦ Gas. Oil and Eiectru Associate Store, Mill City. Stay ton Bowl ......... 15 5 deposit, $14o per mo $135 Forced Air Heating Phone 897-2785. 7tf Girod’s ...................14 6 on lease 897-2841 after 5:00 Systems 7 On the other hand, a manu­ Pat’s Pill Box ........... 13 pjn 14tf ♦ Sheet Metal Duct Systems NUMBER ONE prefiniahed facturer State Farm ____ 10 10 may still be held re ­ ♦ paneling All 4x8 sheets See Us for Free Estimates FOR RENT — 3 rm cabin and Highland Trk.......... 9 11 $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity sponsible years after selling Girod’s Hilltop ....... 7 garage. Furnished Single Certified LENNOX Dealer 13 the product, if the passage of Building Supply, Sublimity. time had nothing to do with Team .................. 7 $25 dep $75 mo See at 144 13 STAYTON Phone 769-2174. 41»f the accident. Take this case: 15 Dick & Carol’s ....... 5 S W 4th Phone 897 2820 REFRIGERATION 15 15tf “We Service What We Sell” BEATEN down carpet paths A bar stool, after being in Mel Round ............ 5 High individual game and go when Blue Lustre arrives. use for three years, caved in Call 769-5323 FOR RENT - Ont- bedroom 207 3rd St senes — Betty Rolow 230 and under an unlucky customer. Rent electric shampooer $1. apt with utilities paid $90 Mill Citv Hardware Phone The manufacturer, sued later 601; high team game Girod’s per mu Cable TV available. FOR SALE — An older electric for damages, protested that he Hilltop 752; high team series— sewing machine in the ca ­ 897-2977. Phone 897 296!. 15 could not be blamed, since the St, yton Bowl 2172. binet. Domestic. $20.00 Ph 897-2765 or see at 881 S. 1st, PIANO. Console Spinet. Like stool had been “out of our FOR RENT — Gates. New. two new. will sacrifice to respon­ hands” for such a long time. Mill City. 16p bdrm, home on the river. sible party in this area. Cash Nevertheless, the court de­ Steelhead and salmon fish­ COMMUNITY or terms. Also, ORGAN with cided the injured customer had ing from front yard. Two CREDIT UNION automatic rhythm. Ph. col­ a legitimate claim because the spring fed private trout lect 206-CH3-9270 or write accident was traceable to a ponds. Wall-to-wall carpet, Join the North Santiam Fed­ eral and avail yourselves of Adjustor. 612 S. W. 152nd, faulty welding job done at the deluxe appliances, many ex­ NOTICE OF its many advantages. Sav­ Seattle. Wash. 98166 16 factory. The court said this tras. Long term lease avail­ BUDGET HEARING ings and Loans — Federally [ was not the kind of hazard able. $225. Phone 769-3398 At 8:00 p.m. on April 23, Insured Accounts. Call 769- BARN and FENCE Redwood caused by usage of the pro­ evenings. 15p 1974. at City Hall, Mill City, 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st stain $1.98 gal. White in duct. Oregon, the City Council will Avenue, Stayton. Ore. 6tf In one unusual case, the time terior Latex wall finish j hold a public hearing for the Real Estate lag was 13 years. The gear WANT TO BIT TIMBER 52.99 gal. Sublimity Build shift knob in au automobile I purpose of discussing the bud­ I ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph Smail or large tracts get for the City of Mill City 2 Bdrm. lg. corner lot $13,900. 769-2174 17tf had shattered when a passen­ for the fiscal year 1974-75 be­ We have self loader Cash dn. to vets. loan. Ap­ ger was thrown against it. to haul your logs. prox. $10,000 In. bal. Pmts. There was evidence indicating ginning July 1, 1974. Any person may appear to less than $100 mo. P.I.T.I STOUT CREEK LMB. (XL GALVANIZED ROOFING that the plastic material used can be assumed. Mill City Vi MUe West of Mehama. Ore.1 2*4” corrugated, 4V corru in the knob was subject to discuss the budget or any part I gated custom cut to length deterioration in sunlight. There of it. OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — A copy of the budget docu­ Ask about our new lower was also evidence that the de­ $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity prices, Sublimity Building terioration would not be ap­ ment may be inspected or ob­ Building Supply. Phone 769- Supply. 769-2174. parent to the average person. tained between the hours of 2174. 41 tf The court said the jury could SEPTIC TANK and ciralnfield FOR SALE — 21” black and reasonably conclude that the white TV. $35.00 Phone 859- 13-year interval did not prove installation. Gravel, Topsoil, 2266. 15p the knob’s safety, but only that Bulldozing Free Estimate it hadn’t really been tested Low rates. L. M. Walker, think of until this particular accident. Lyons. 859-2436. 50tf THE FÁMILY 1 -AWYER J HEATING pWHoOce | Ml DRUSHELLA’S Drushella Real Estate to present them to the under­ signed personal representative at th* office of Bell & Bell, Attorneys at Law, P. O. Box 497, Stayton, Oregon 97383, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or they may be barred. Your rights may lie affected by this proceeding and addi­ tional information may be ob­ tained from the records of the court, the personal represen­ tative or the attorneys repre­ senting the personal represen­ tative. DATED and first published this 28 dav of March, 1974. MORGAN B WHITE P. O. Box 487 Gates, Oregon 97346 BELL & BELL. Attorneys for Personal Representative P. O Box 497 Stayton, Oregon 97383 (Published in the Mill City Enterprise, Murch 28, April 4, and April 11, 1974.) IN THE CIRCUIT COilRT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the estate of DOROTHY M WHITE, Deceased — No. 27319 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV­ EN that the undersigned has been appointed personal repre­ sentative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - JOHN W. REID. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Mill City, Oregon SBS3ESC3inBCDBQBBS3KZZ33tilP Heavy Duty ROTOVATING Michael Schroeder 897-2806 S+ay+on Appliance Service Serving the Santiam Canyon Area. Servicing AH Major Brand Appliances I Phone 769-3261 Weddle Funeral Home 242 E. Florence — Stayton Modern Funeral Service Oregon Stayton Berry's Shell Service Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise 24-HOUB TOWING Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregon 24 hr. Towing Call 769-5757 Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service We will meet all competit­ Chuck Osborn ive Price« and Mender I Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 7«H-fi659 Stayton Wanted Miscellanous KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. Better get an extra 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton Electric hot wa­ key made for your house WANTED Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 or automobile today, Bring ter tank jacket. Phone Lyons 859-2282. Salesman — Gates, Oregon your key with you. Mill Call day or evening. City Hdwe., Mill City. 12.80 ACRES with 754’ of Hwy. 22 frontage. Some fruit trees. Ranch style two bedroom, could be three, home. Natural fnush kitchen cabinets, full bath. 155 ft. drilled well. Property approved bv D.E.Q. for 3 acre plots. Full price................... $32,000 10-12 am. and 1-3 p.m. at City Hall. The first notice and sum­ mary was published in the Mill City Enterprise on the date of April 4, 1974. CLYDE W. BATE Mayor of Mill City Chrmn. of Governing Body Marion-Linn Counties (Published in the Mill City Enterprise, April 11, 1974.) So says the VA... H6Y MUÓO, IF You'Re a ver LOOR1M6 Foß ' <»A JOB TKAWN6 VM 1$ ANXIOUS TOHÊ l F' / i THANKS PERSONAL STATIONERY h My kind thanks and grati tude for the lovely cards and MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. flowers I received from my LIST NOW. many friends during my stay in the hospital and while re­ covering at home. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated. Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr. Gates, Ore. Wyoma Baechler LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES STROUT REALTY, INC. ENCLOSURES • 1—1— BUSINESS CARDS MILL CITY ’OLDER 4 Bedroom on lge. lot, Good location. Nice kitchen, lots of built-uis, utility, living room, 1 bedroom and full bath down. 3 bedrooms and bath up. Shown by Appt. Full price $18.000.00 Time To Take Off Your Snow Tires We Have A Complete Line Of Tire« To GATES Fit Most Cam at LOTS, unimproved, clow to river, $2,500 and up. Small down, low monthly payment. Competitive Prices LISTINGS NEEDED Have several buyers for acreages with or without bldgs. North Santiam Real Estate ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS INVOICES FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service R&R Chevron Service Phone 897-2786 808 N. E. Santiam Blvd. BOOKLETS MID City The Mill City Enterprise Mill City, Oregon 4