Snowmobile Club DETROIT Game Commission Enjoys Outing IDANHA Sets 1974 Antelope Season For Aug. 17 4—The Mill City Enterprise. Thun*itey, April 4. 19*4 CHURCH Up and Down NEWS THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX 348 PHONE «97-2772 MILL CITY. ORE. 97360 I Published at Mill City. Marion County. Ore. every Thursday. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility St. Catherine’s Catholic j for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without i DETROIT — A number of > Masses Everv Sundav i . charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertisement local members of the North1 Rj iNm Moflan 9D0 A ’ M. | which is in error If The Enterprise is at fault An independent Santiam Snowmobile Club left Boots Champion Holv Day and First Frida, J-J •- the • *—. development of nf the ,hr timber industry induatrv _ ..... ! newspaper, ded.cated to here Wednesday of last week 730 P Al. There ¿s a lot of talk these I and agriculture In this area Flower delivery to Detroit, DETROIT — Antelope sea on a four-dav .-nowniobile out- Church Services — 9:30 am . days in Washington. D C. and i and Idanha. April 13. Call be son for 1974 has beer, set and mg at Diamond Lake in Cen Sunday School — 11 DO am ! all over the country in fact. I NATIONAL NEfcSPAPER^ MfMSF* fore 12:00 noon. Phone 897- the general rifle season will i tral Oregon about the manner in which po- j 2452. Brunners Flowers 15 begin on August 17. The numj Club members I—1 and their ST CHRISTOPHMl MISSION : litical campaigns are financed. I «Mttitrwi Oregon The regular monthly meet ber of tags will be the same ' familie- making the tnp were, Newspaper Detroit I Watergate is the motivating' ing of Detroit City Council this year as lai except _ ' for the ‘ I _ ani< ^jrs Harold Hills and Publishers Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. ; factor of all this furor, as it will be held April 9 a: 7.3 ---------- Paulina-Wt.gc-ntire unit where i fan . r. v Detroit; Mr. and Mrs - ___ Association Holy Day and First Friday might well be Senator Ted p.m m the socuil room of De the tag numHers numbers wd! lower-1 ■ Frcd Tgvjo,. and family Mr will be lower- 5:30 P M Iie'roft Kennedy from Massachusetts troit City Hall City Attorney ea from 125 io 100 due to low 1 and Mrs John Houck and SUBSCRIPTION RATES | is all for having the money Ralph Wyckoff will be pres fawr. survival, according to I family. Idanha; Mr and Mrs. I $5 00 government 1 Manon-Linn Ciunties, per year--------------- LY<»N n l NJTKD come from the L ent to advise the council on Statesman ou door editor. Ray J. mes King and Kelly Boeek- $5.50 ’ That would be sheer folly, as J Uutside Marion-Lunn Counties, per year METHODIST I HURTH the legal aspects of preparing Stose He say* •'Aerial surveys stiegel of Detroit; and Mr and $6.00 Ij who in the world would sort Outside Oregon, per year ---------------------- Sth ana Ash St. the 1974-75 city budget reveal that ar.telope numbers Mrs Ra.v Benson and daugh- cut how much each candidate Phone 85^-2540 The Idanha Community remain abou: the same as last < ’.er Julie of Salem On Fnday. | ---------- Editor and Publisher could receive. Not only that, GEORGE LONG ________ Rev Arthur Hansen Church will hold their annual year with 1( 10.0-K1 animals on the Ruth Miller and her f.ance. I —------------------------------Printer RAYMOND E. PRESLER Easter sunrise service at it 6:30 range in southeastern Ore- Bob Hamm of Salem, joined Welcomes you to con.e as it is just another step towards ----- Society and News Editor i socialism, which started under NORMA LONG .................. a.m. Everyone is welcome. A gon.*’ Tag apnlication are. you and an-1 the group at the lake 2 ---------------- Local- News Editor ROSE CREE __________ | the rule of Franklin D full report on the service will tel ope hi ting svnopsis should . Thursdaj _______ _ ’ afternoon a side ---------------- Local News Editor Roosevelt. I voted for that ( MARY KELLY .. ....... ....... be given next week. Santiam Chapel ie by about the first, trip was made to Crater Lake he av. correspondents fol- man a couple c.f times At the ; Returning home Friday Assembly of trod ir. :hirteen snowmobiles with oi -*»p ----------- —------------------------ Boots Champion time this social program was! Detroit-Idanha lowing a weeks visit at the Phone 859-2644 Lyons some 5* people aboard. King --------- —----------------------- _— Joyce Presler Gates_______ started. I felt that he had a home of her mother. Mrs. Ar- Robert Harkins. __ Pastor said the weather was beautiful -------------- - ----------------------------- Eva B -essler pretty good idea, but then it Lyons _______ nold Fox. Shelton. Wash.. was were Sunday School. 9:45 a.m and reported 16 feet of snow on ----------------------------------- Mrs. John Teeters Mehama Sia' got out of his hands when he Mrs Cecelia Lyon and daugh- the ground at Crater Lake He Morning Worship 11:00 a.m A turned it over to a lot of brain ter. Shannon C. A Youth) Service Thurs said, “the outing at Diamond trusters. as I .hink they were TAKE AWAY THE FOOT Weekend visitors at the itor Lake during school spring va days at 7:00 p.m. was called m those days. We're still Idanha home of Mr and Mr5 Royal Rangers and Mission- cation drew . number of other Lynn Williams. t . and Mrs snowmobile club enthusiasts." ettes Family Night Wednesday paying for some of those pro grams It is just like any The club’s next meeting will at 7.DO p.m. Anyone desiring counsel and other political emergency pro be held April 12. at 7:30 p.m the emergency never in the clubroom of the Idanha prayer may call Pastor Robert gram ends These programs continue Harkins. Fire Hall to pyramid, until they become The evening's prog~am will sc unwieldy that no one can St- Patrick'» Parish include the showing of movie MILL CITY—GATES RESIDENTS pictures taken on the recent Bev. Beruard Neomaa. Pa«tor control them. Tha: is just about the condition we are in today Lvoc» outing and movies taken at the Mass 1st. 2nd and Sth Sunday We need to find some way to Wil! Aron hit a home run the f rst game? LaPme Lodgepole Dodgers stop the overlapping of depart mobile races and a potluck ■t 10:30 a m. Sunday a* ments. and to curtail this infer Mass 3rd anc 4tr luncheon Ten Gallons of Gas Says He Will Not. nal government spending for I 83(> a. m. every tom-fool idea that some [ Why don’t YOU subscribe eager senator or representative CALL 897-2076 Calvary Lutheran Church to The Mill City Enterprise ? in Washington concocts. Stayton But to get hack to this cam-, First .Ave. and Fern Rider Rd paign financing President Nix Rev. Norbert Dey, Pastor Sunday School___ 9:15 a. m on wants to put a real curb Worship Service _ 1030 a. n; on having big corporations I foot the major part of the bill. The budget for City of City for the fiscal year 1974-1975. Beginning July 1, 1974. The Democrats holler that the ' Detroit Community as detailed and summarized ir the accompanying schedules was prepared on ar. accounting Republicans get the lion’s Christian Church basis consistent with that used m prior years. Major changes, if any. and their effects on this Morning Worship, 11 DO a.m. share of these contributions budget are set forth in ar accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may be Children’s Church. 11:00 am Maybe so — but who gets the mspectec or obtained between the hours of 10-12 a.m. and 1-3 p.m at City Hall. A meeting Come as you Are and bulk of the money that comes of the City Council will be held April 23. 1974 at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall. Mill City. Ore for from the AFL-CIO and other the purpose of holding a public nearmg on this budget. Any person may appear to d.scuss the W orshtp with us big unions. It is not only the budget, or any part of it. Comm unity Church cash they put up. but the do nation of time from the rank CLYDE W. BATE and file unior. members that (Cnairman of Governing Body) certainly should be taken into consideration. How about the Mill City union members who pay dues Manon-Linn Bible Study. Wednesday 730 j1 and contribute to the union po-, (Qty) (County) P- m_ litical slush fund. Many of' ATTENTION . . ! The Avenue . NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING these men are not in favor of Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the MUI City Prcsbvterian the candidates ’he union bosses Assessor on Form LB-50 Phone 897-3139 Next Year back. Where is the fairness of I This Year Last Year $ 13.502.55 Morning Worship ._ 11 DO a m. this system, any more than the $ 12.738.25 .$ 12.017.22 Levy Within 6% Limitation____________ 44.443.25 Adult Bible Class_ 10:00 a. m money from corporations,! 23.506 75 25.368.78 END WAGE-PRICE CONTROLS NOW Levy Outside 6% Limitation-------------------- Nursery for young children whose money comes from peo-1 There are literally dozens of reasons why the government Levy Outside 6% Limitation Serial Levy) under competent supervision pie of all political faiths? should end wage and price controls immediately, but it’s Not Subject to Limitation______________ 57.045.80 36345.00 Did you know that in 1972. a necessary to mention only a few to prove the case conclusively 37.386.00 Total Proposed Levy________ __________ Gâter C ommunity $135.987.80 $161,145.00 unions gave more than $1.6991 $ 92 713.00 Controls have failed to contain inflation and have actually Total Budget All Funds_________________ Church of Christ million to 50 senatorial candi-1 helped to fuel its fires Morning Worship 10:00 a.m Authorized. Not Incurred. July 1 Outstanding July 1 dates — 4<» liberal and leftish , Controls have caused shortages and disruptions of indus “ ‘ Study 11:15 a.m. Bible Next Year This Year Next Year Democrats, nine friendly Re trial production. They have hindered foreign trade They have TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS This Year 'ESL) < Actual > (EsL) 'Actual) publicans and one Indepen lowered corporate spending for new ma"ti,actunng facilities $5.000 00 dent’ Despite all this massive -$6,000.00 Bonds and have made business operations more costly. political spending, congress, Interest Bearing Warrants__ Concrete evidence in the case against controls piled up hasn’t even made a whisper Short Term Notes .......... .......... in a recent survey by the National .Assn, of Manufacturers, in m. about I it. Why Because many which 23% of 2.300 companies querried responded to a detailed $5.000.00 Í __ $6.000.00 Democrats were involved. As Total IndeDtedness .... questionnaire Some 85% of all firms responding predicted a long as this investigation in serious worsening of shortages if controls continue. About Free Methodist Church Washington is going on. why two out of three respondents reported that removal of controls North Mill City don ’ t they be fair about it and VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD investigate where this money i would encourage them :o increase their productive capacity Bev. John lie Main What better reasons does the federal government need’ GENERAL FUND OR PROGR AM 10D0 a. m Sunday School was spent’! We have the Eas-1 Next Year This Year Last Year 11 a. m. Morning Worship. tern muckraking press which Congress should immediately dissolve the entire wage-price likes to cover this type of thing , control program. Total Personnel Services $ P txt Evening Worship up. $44.240.80 $39.970.00 so the labor’s multi-million ' ? ..$33.88730 (Includes all Payroll Costs)_________ sustaining basis before it is too went through this past win- 43,885.00 39.675.00 _ 27.310.36 electioneering spending is ¡g- ’ Total Materials and Services__________ Firm ChrlottaB Church late We’d better develop every ter. If we don’t learn a lesson 88.095.80 79.645.00 .. 61.197.56 nored. Too bad. as it would , source of power we can as fast from it — maybe the next time Total Requirements (Including Transferal Rev Richard L Halstead 30,150.00 43.406 00 .. 57.600 48 make some interesting read I as we can. The ecologists have it will be for real, and we’ll Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied Bible School 9:45 a.m. _ 37381.22 Ad Valorem Taxes Received___________ Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. ing for the public. 1 had to back up some This is really suffer 57.945.80 36.245.00 Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance ___ Youth meeting at 6:00 p.m The figures in this column jine jjUt on other hand I 57,945.80 36345.00 Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied_____ Evening Services 7:00 p.m. come from a report made j>y | hope we don't overreact, and 13.502.55 Adult Bible study each Thurs the Americans for Constitu- [. ’ - 12.738.25 Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation_______ - - and waste ener- start to pollute From where I sit down here $44 443 25 day at 7:30 p.m. Youth Bible tional Action, which « a $23.506 75 Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation_____ ¿¿ right now. I still am wonder ■ gasoline • study each Wednesday at 7:15 tion-wide nonpartisan organi-1 As supplies seem to ing what is going to be done p.m. Santiam Searchers each zation This detailed report was be'romTn£’ a Utttemo^’nor'- ; about the tussock moth in Wednesday a’ 3:30 p.m. available to all those in con- mal j h we h FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED Oregon. I hope someone has gress. but they just hushed it somethlng from the scare , guts enough to act this spring. ST.ATE T AX STREET FI ND OR PROGRAM Mill City Comtnunny Church | up _r _ as they did not think they (______________ Next Year This Year Last Year Rev. Donald L. Dishang Pastor )Uld stand the revealing f; S $23.500.00 $26.700.00 ....... $16.863 43 Full Gospel gures The amount in cash 1 Total Materials and Services $23.500.00 I Sunday Schoo. 10J0 A M. $26.700.00 ____ $16.863 43 shown by the AC A report is I Total Budget Requirements _ $26.700.00 $23.500.00 $16.863 43 Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. just the minimum total This 1 Total Budget Resources____ Evening Service 7:30 P. M. ' did not allow - .< for - the ,u. "contri- —•- 1 ■ EQUIPMENT PURCHASE .‘_ _2__ I in kind,” salaries,1 Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M. ; hutions FUND OR PROGRAM The Family Store and Catalog Order Store I printing, manpower, computer Everyone welcome. Next Year This Year Last Y ear | time and all the rest. So you $ 5,000.00 $ 5.000.00 ........ $ 89.55 Total Capital Outlay______ $ 5.000.00 Our Lady of Gourde» PariMb see. it gets pretty messy all $ 5.000.00 ____$ 89.55 Total Budget Requirements . J dow-n the line with democrats Jordan $ 5,000.00 $ 5.000.00 ........ $ 89.55 Total Budget Resources _ Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday at I m just as deep as the Repu blicans. I nave the list of CENTRAL SEWER DISTRICT day at 8:30 a. m. I union contributions made to FUND OR PROGRAM lx Lyons Next Year This Year Last Year Maas. 1st 2nd. and 5th Sun ' both Republican and Demo Peat Moss — Lime — Ammonium Sulphate crats It is pretty interesting • $ 300.00 day. $ 300.00 ........... .$ 15667 Total Material* and Services reading, but I do not think 3.KX. 00 3.100.00 . ._. 1.373 75 Lawn Seed Total All Other Reauirements . . space will allow its publica 3 400 00 3 400.00 Total Budget Requirements , 1.53' 42 tion. If. however, anyone is in $ 3.400.00 $ 3.400 00 ...... $ 1,530 42 Total Budget Resources .................. Home Owned bv Dale and Man- Kirsch terested. I can provide it at CIRCLE SEWER DISTRICT another time. The Democrats Ph. 897-2785 Mill City, Ore FUND OK PROGRAM got the most of the money, but Next Year This Year Last Year there were a lot of Republicans , who also had their finger in 1 $ 1.108.00 $ 1,008.00 Total Materials and Services . $ 1,108.00 $ 1.008 00 Total Budget Requirements ... ' the pie $ 1,108.00 The Churrii of Jew«» Christ $ 1,008.00 It would be a wonderful Total Budget Resources-------- of Lattri Day Saint» F EP FUND OR PROGRAJ N j thing if we could again get in George J. Rolfe Next Year This Year a position of where we could Last Year Bianch President—585-4442 Total Personnel Services Meetings at Stayton Branch ' balance the federal budget and $ 1,614.00 .4 4.253.84 (Includes all Payroll Costs Chapel ■ Westown Subdivlson 'cut out a lot of this hanky- $ 1,614.00 $ 4.253.84 ... 9:00 ’ pankv in both major parties Total Budget Requirements ..... Priesthood Meetings $ 1,614.00 _$ 4.253 84 1030 We ' have so many things that * Total Budget Resources _____ Sunday School ___ 6:00 1 need to be done. We need to Sacrament Meeting CONTRIBITION TO PARK Relief Society Wednesday 10D0 ch«'k on ou' -lofonse depart FUND OK PROGRAM ment Are we letting some left MIA Wednesday____ 73<> Next Year Primary Tuesday_____ 4:30 This Year Last Year wingers sell us down the river’ $ 500.00 $ 600.00 Total Capital Outlay .... Russia and Red China are cer $ 500.00 Canyon Conservative Baptist tainly not paying much atten $ 600.00 Total Budget Requirement« $ 500 00 j $ 600.00 Total Budget Resources .... tion to anv agreements made Rev. Don Prorciw For All Domest c and Imported Cars with the United States. They 5th & Cedar. Lyon.- REVENUE SHARING TRUST and Trucks are merrily going full bore in Hov Deeter. Youth Pastor FUND OR PROGRAM building up their war Phone 859-2956 Total Personnel Services Fuel Injection Anal vier Automatic Transmissions machines, while we are sitting Sunday School 9:45 a.m. $ 9.378.50 (Including all Payroll Costs) „ Hclaric WeldhiR Parts on Hand on our hands, seemingly blind Morning Worship 11 a.m. 14.384.00 33.799.50 Total Materials and Services-------- to what is going on Diplomacy Training Hour. 6:00 p.m. $14.384.00 $43.178.00 Total Budget Requirements------------ 101 2nd Ave., Stayton Ph. 76U-2434 is a fine thing, but being stu-. Evening Service, 7:00 p.m. $14.384.00 $43.17800 Total Budget Resources ------------------ about it is another. We’d I Wednesday evening Bible pid . study and prayer time 7 p.m. better get ourselves on a self- (Published in the Mill City Enterprise. April 4 1974) WESTERN AUTO JUST ARRIVED GARDEN SUPPLIES Now Open In Stayton FOSTER’S UNLIMITED Automotive Repair