Ä’ SPECIALS Starting This Week BONUS 3 lb. Western Family Vegetable Shortening $1.69 Regular $1.88 $1.79 Crisco Vegetable Oil 48 Oz. Reg. $2.03 Crisco Shortening 3 Lb. Reg. $1.92 $1.88 Crown Flour Bleached or Unbleached .10 lb. bag $1.89 Regular 2.09 Betty Crocker Pudding 18 oz. Chocolate Betty Crocker Pudding 39c Betty Crocker Pudding Vanilla ISOz. Reg. 43c 39c 79c Formula 409 Spray Cleaner 22 Oz. Reg. 89c Liquid-Plumr Liquid Dra n Opener 16 oz. Reg. 98c 89c Chocolate Fudge 18 oz. 39c Regular 43c SPECIALS with coupon Folgers I COFFEE 39c 17 Oz. Reg. 43c Betty Crocker Pudding Tapioca 17 Oz. Reg. 43c 39c Regular -»Sc “SÍW EEKEND ; $ Betty Crocker Pudding Rice Regular 43c 45c Reg. 53c Blue Bonnet Margarine $1.59 39c Sun Maid Raisins 2 Lb. Reg. $1.79 Betty Crocker Pudd l:g Butterscotch 17 oz. Ad prices good thru Sunday Honey Da+e or Raspberry $179 H 2 Lb. Tin ■■ without coupon $2.09 i Good Onh at Girod’s Hilltop Market March 28 thru April 1 20R & 3d • r U \ kc « .-o V ' X x V ? • 1 h M M Windex Western Family Mandarin Oranges ♦ Glass Cleaner 20 Oz. Bottle Reg. 59c I I I Ounce PILLSBURY BISCUITS . 8 for $1.00 Buttermilk, Country Style & Extra Light KAL KHAN CAT FOOD 6 oz. 6 for $ 1.00 New Flavor Beef Kidney and Egg . Kraft .Squeez-A-Snak Post Raisin Bran . . Western Family Blended Applesauce 6 oz. 45c I 6 Ounce 20 oz. 69c r Western Shores Fabric Softener A M/ M-Mars Fun Size Bars Reg. 99c Cottage Tomatoes . - Gallon Lawrys Spaghetti Sauce Mix Á General Mills Cereals Boo Berry or Count Chocula 49c i ■ 8 oz. 3 for $1 Shady Oak Mushrooms * Stems and P eces Western Shores 15 Ounce 5/$1.00 8 oz. 8/$1.00 Gold 'N Soft Margarine 30 oz. bottle 83c 89c 4 for 89c 16 oz. Stokely Tomato Sauce Log Cabin Maple Syrup Ig. 10 oz. 49c Part-T-Pop Popped Corn 4 Ounce Liquid Detergent 22 Oz. Reg. 41c >- <0 O-Ö. C q Q c ? o = - o “5 O fl) Oscar Mayer Ham Steaks $129 i Boneless Fully-Cooked 8 oz. sli. Ea. «8 CHOICE Service With A Smile" Medallion Cornish Game Hens Great Bar B Qing Qß S AT ISF ACT ION Each GUARANTEED Bananas Lb. . U.S.D.A. CHOICE Western Family Bacon . Large Fresh Pineapple I Lb. Package Each 79c Lb. 10c Large Navel Oranges Red Ripe Tomatoes Fresh Crisp Celery 2 Lbs. 49c Bunch 19c . 'M» . Each BEEF ROASTS QOc Blade Cut 89c Lb. Fryer Turkeys Gold Crest 5-9 Lb. Avg. Lb. 59* O-Bone Cut $119 7-Bone Cut Bird P fl rfYi Whole Hog Pork Sausage ■> Oc 12 Oz. Roll Each . . > W $199 Lb. Boneless Roasts Lb. • $129 • k STORE HOURS: Open 8 A. M. to 7 P. IL Monday through Saturday—Sunday» 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Girod s Hilltop Super Market 829 S. lut Avenue PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY THKOl GH SUNDAY M a RCH 2». 2», 80, APRIL 1, 19“4 Mill City, Oregon