Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1974)
« 6—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, March 7, 1974 FOR “a job well done feeling" January Bank Debits clean carpets with Blue Lus CLASSIFIED RATES tre. Rent electric shampooer Miscellaneous Churches, bazaars, suppers, $1. Mill City Hardware, Ph bake sale, etc., will be run 897-2977. 10 under special announcements BARN and FENCE Redwood FOR SALE — Frigidaire De classification with a mini- stain $1.98 gal. White in i luxe 30” Electric Range. Ph. mum charge of 75c per terior Latex wall finish, j 897-2182. 10 Insertion. $2.99 gal. Sublimity Build j______________________ _ Fifteen cents per line each tng Supply, Sublimity. Ph I FOR SALE — 19 cu. ft. Gibson insertion, No advertisements 769-2174 17t! 1 Refrigerator, reasonable. Ph. accepted for less than 75c I 897-2177. 10 per week Minimum charge ' LET US do your glass work for Cards of Thanks $1.00. We cut window glass to your Count five words to the line i measurements. We will in in ordering your ad. Telephone ♦ Gas. Oil and Electric stall the glass in framer 897-2772, MUI City or mail Forced Air Heating brought to the store. Mill your advertisement to The Mill Systems City Hardware, Phone 897 ♦ Sheet Metal Duct Systems City Enterprise, Mill City, 2977. Sltf Stayton Invitational ♦ See Us for Free Estimates Oregon 97800. of Team W Certified LENNOX Dealer WANTED — Particular print Name Santiam Cafe .. 3 STAYTON ing form buyers for our par Dery Trdcking .. 3 Work Wanted ticular printers. We have Commack Ins. . 2 REFRIGERATION the most particular and as Team #1 ......... 2 “ We Service What We Sell ” NEED EXTRA HELP? or I tute printers In the business N. S. Real Estate ... 1 207 3rd St. Call 769-5323 someone to work in the ready and eager to do your Madison Davis Ins. 1 yard. Phone 897-3178. Work printing needs. Call the Mill Splits picked: Edith Davis force plentiful. All work SPRING HOUSE CLEANING City Enterprise, 897-2772 5-10; Blanche Wallace 3-10; TIME! We can sell your us guaranteed. 11 Dery 2-7; Donna Schuetz able discards. Your throw LICENSED INCOME TAX Janet 3-10; Lillian Meeker 5-6 and aways are just what some CONSULTANT For Rent one else is looking for. Bring your income tax ma 3-10. High individual game — Dishes, clothing, furniture, terial to me for fast, accurate Betty Wallace 234; high indi- toys, tools, appliances, mise. preparation on your returns dual series — Cheryl Parrish FOR RENT — Furnished one This ’N That Shop, Gates Mabel Yankus. North San 605; high team game and bdrm. apt. available March Phone 897-2815 or 897-26061 tiam Real Estate Office, 647 series — Santiam Cafe 1. No pets. $60 mo. $25 dep. and for information. Starting I N. E. Santiam Blvd. Phone Lounge phone 897-2861. 8tf 532 and 1503. Feb. 28 open at new location. I 397-2497, 3tf 1% blocks west of Gates | FOR RENT — 2 bedroom house Fire Station, watch for ■ ALUMINUM 1 Screen Doors Wednesday Night Merchant at 721 N. E. Alder. Mill City. complete with hinges, latch Name of Team First and last months rent signs. Thursday and Fridays W L set, grill and door closer, Ted’s Drive-in ........ 8 10:00 to 4:00. required. $90 mo. lOp 4 $12.50. Sublimity Building B&C Texaco .......... 8 4 FOR RENT — 2 bdrm, and 3 Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf Philippi Motor ...... 7 1 bdrm. apts. Appliances fur COMMUNITY Bethel Const. Inc. . 4 4 nished. Carpets. drapes. CREDIT UNION Scheiman Farms . 1 3 Gates. Ph. 859-2620. lOp Join the North Santiam Fed High individual game -Nick eral and avail yourselves of Gustafson 223: high individual HAVE LOTS OF JUNK laying its many advantages. Sav Series — Joe Boyle 571; high around the house, in the gar ings and Loans — Federally team game and series — age or in the attic. Why not Insured Accounts. Call 769- Bethel Const. Inc. 1020 and get the most out of It with 2146 or come to 1005 N. 1st 2857. a convenient Want Ad in the Avenue, Stayton, Ore. 6tf Mill City Enterprise. A call To all our friends and rela to 807-2772 will change your Koffee Klatchers unwanted items into cash WANT TO BIT TIMBER tives, we would like to extend Name of Team w L our sincere thanks for your Gene’s Mt. Mkt...... . ... 4 Small or large tracts 0 many acts of kindness shown We have self loader 0 Ditter’s ................. . 4 to us during the loss of our Freres Lmbr. Co. ... . 3 1 to haul vour legs. Real Estate husband and father. Bob & Bill’s ......... . 3 1 STOUT CREEK LMB. OQ beloved FOR SALE — 4 bdrm, home, Vi Mlle West of Mehama, Ore. Also, for the many flowers, Ray’s Drug............. 2 2 cards and other expressions of Riverview Inn ..... .. 2 family rm., dining rm., U4 2 sympathy, a sincere thank you. Frontier Inn ......... . 1 bath, basement, att. garage. GALVANIZED 3 ROOFING The Jobe Family Extra, 3-rm. furn. cottage 3 Jerry’s Tavern ..... . 1 214” corrugated, 4V corru and garage. Phone 897-2620. . 0 4 Girod ’ s ................. gated custom cut to length. lOp Earl’s Chevron ...... 0 4 Ask about our new lower High individual game prices, Sublimity Building BUYERS we have Ruby Huff 207; high individual Supply, 769-2174. Listings we need series—Fran Garsjo 541; high Offices Coast-to-Coast i team game and series — Ray’s National Advertising Brings SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Drug 1001 and 2856. BUYERS from everywhere installation. Gravel, Topsoil, Bulldozing Free F-vtimat* Call Today Low rates. L. M. Walker,! STROUT REALTY, Inc. Lyons. 859-2436. 50tf Vivian M. Kealen, Manager ------------------- I Gates, Oregon 97346 KEYS MADE WHILE YOU P. O. Box 516 WAIT. Better get an extra Phone 897-2164 key made for your house or automobile today, Bring 2 Bdrm. Lg. corner lot. $13,- your key with you. Mill 900. Cash down to Vet. Ln. City Hdwe., Mill City. Bal. of approx. $10,000. tf ! $103.00 a mo. P.l.T.I. Can NEED CASH? Loans available be assumed. Mill City. on older homes and ranch- KEEP YOU! RENTAL LISTINGS NEEDED - older ettes. Call debenture mort PROPERTY FILLED 2 and 3 bdrm, homes; 14-ac. gage co., Stayton, 769-6377. WITH AN AD IN THIS or more. $10,000 to $20,000. 39tf Gates or Mill City area. NEWSPAPER... Have qualified buyers for NUMBER ONE prefinished ANYTHING FROM above. paneling. All 4x8 sheets $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity RENTING A BEDROOM Building Supply, Sublimity. TO SELLING A CLASSY Phone 769-2174. 41tf RESIDENCE I CAU MB MOW OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — ED LEWIN $3.49 per gallon. Sublimity Auctioneer, Inc. Building Supply. Phone 769- 2174. 41 tf Complete Auctions Reported Are Up Bank debits for the sixteen reporting banks including Linn County were up in January 1974, compared to January 1973, the U. of O. Bur. of Busi ness Research has reported. Debits for January 1974 to taled $157,498,000. For Decern ber 1978, the total was $’.47,- 488,000 and for January 1973, the total was $130,069,000. Oregon, with 430 banks re porting, has a percentage de crease of 3.3 in January 1974, as compared with December 1973, and a 40.7 percentage In crease in January 1974 com pared with Jan. 1973. Total bank debits for Janu ary 1974 came to $10,488,473,- 000. For December 1973, the total was $10,804,842,000 and for January 1973, the total was $7,426,630,000. HEATING DRUSHELLA'S Drushella Real Estate ¡Mill City Enterprise Phone 769-5466 Phone 897-2772 Watch For Our Special Auctions at 1050 Wilco Road, Stayton. MAYTAG APPLIANCES available at Western Auto, Associate Store, Mill City. | Phone 897-2785. 7tf | GUITAR FOR SALE Yama ha, small body, 6 string. Excellent condition. $65. Salesman — Gates, Oregon Great for learning. Phone Call day or evening. 897-2147. 10p 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton NEW HOUSE COSTS TOO HIGH? We Will Frame and Close To Weather- you finish. Call For FREE Estimates Plans Available — Financing Available We Build On Your Lot Or Ours Completed additions as low as $11 sq. ft. BLAKELY CONSTRUCTION CO. Dick Blakely, Owner Licensed and Bonded P. O. Box 766, MHl City Ph. 897-2701 Why don’t YOU subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise ? Telephone 897-2772 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL 4 DIRECTORY ♦ HyaeTHtej NOTICE OF SCHOOL BUDGET HEARING GRAVEL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV JOHN W. REID. M. D. OF M I KINDR EN that a meeting of the gov Call HUGH JOHNSTON erning body of Linn-Benton Physician and Surgeon i 859-2221 Morning« or l.E.D. School District, County EvenlngH of Linn-Benton, State of Ore Mill City, Oregon Mobile Phone 859-218» gon will be held at Linn-Ben ton IED Office, Albany and County Court House, Corvallis on the 13th day of March, 1974 Stayton Appliance at 7:00 o’clock for the purpose of discussing with interested | Service Heavy Duty persons the budget for the fis-' ROTOVATING cal year beginning July 1, Serving the Santiam 1974 and ending June 30. 1975 Canyon Area. Michael Schroeder the budget summary was pub Servicing All Major lished in Mill City Enterprise 897-2806 on February 28, 1974. A copy Brand Appliances of the budget document may be inspected or obtained at the IED office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ATTEST: Weddle Funeral Home 242 E. Florence — Stayton Charles H. Seger Clerk Medern Funeral Service E. W. Poland Oil Burner Service Chairman - - Oregon Now Serving Mill City (Published in the Mill City Stayton and Vicinity Enterprise March 7, 1974.) Prompt Service & Dependable PHONE 769-3399 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE Cy's Furnace Repair Berry's Shell Service The budget committee for Cy Hilton, owner the City of Mill City will hold 24-HOUB TOWING its meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Phone 854-3361 City Hall on Thursday, March 14, 1974, for the pprpose of Detroit, Oregon Stayton Septic Service setting up the 1974-75 budget. Any person wishing to speak SEPTIC TANKS for or against any or all items CLEANED of the budget may attend this meeting and his views may be1 expressed. By order of the! Call 769-5757 Common Council of the City We will meet al competit of Mill City. Chuck Osborn ive Prices and service JUDITH BOGLE City Recorder Satisfaction Guaranteed Rte. L Box 4M (Published in the Mill City Aumsville, Ore. Ph. 769-6659 Stayton Enterprise, March 7, 1974.) Phone 769-3261 24 hr. Towing Prompt Service Fine Printing Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 3.92 ACRES with new, unfinished, modified A-Frame. Exterior completed. Needs utilities and interior finish ed. ............. $10,680 UNIMPROVED building site—188 x 192’ plus. City water and Natural Gas available. ______ ___ $4,0001 MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. LIST NOW. f Electronic Servicing And Sales at Reasonable Rates CAPITOL PERSONAL STATIONERY I LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES PHONE PHONE ENCLOSURES LAI.F.1Í GATES 581-4047 897-2777 BUSINESS CARDS BOOKLETS SERVICE JEFFERSON LOVELY 4 BEDROOM Home, carpeted throughout Fireplace i* taring room. Family room, fourth bedroom could be an ¡office. l'/„ baths, large lot. $26,500. GATES LARGE Unimproved lots. Small down and low monthly paymente $2,500. and up. North Santiam Real Estate 3882 State Street, Satan, ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS 97391 No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha INVOICES * i I SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’s at PRICES The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 Mill City, Oregon