Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1974)
■Hie Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 28, 1974 Detroit Five Downs ------------- -------------------------------- Mohawk In League Play DETROIT sa|em Academy DETROIT — With a com fortable lead through the game, High School basket IDANHA Dumps Frosh Squad Detroit ball team defeated Mohawk THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I Salem Scene r. O BOX MS PHONE 897-2772 MILL CITY, OBE. 97SM Published at MUI City, Marion County, Ore. every Thursday. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at MUI City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility by Jack Zimmerman for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without Boots Champion _ r charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertisement The Santiam Freshmen of Marco's Tuesday of last --------------------------------- ------------- _ ------------ ------------ a Conflict of Interest Law lawmakers failed to produce Detroit Womans Civic Club Among Thorniest Issues | satisfactory substitute and if which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault An independent will hold their regular meet dropped their fourth straight week 68-55 in a Casco League g«me, losing to Salem Acade- ; game here, sufficient signatures could be newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber Industry ing of the month March 6, at Oregon lawmakers have la obtained. and agriculture in this area. Brian Smith, center for the ” 7:30 p.m in the social room of my, 52-35. Their league record I victors, tossed in 24 points. bored long during both regu In essence, the subject of all Detroit City HalL Included on now drops to 2-10. MEMBER Santiam took an early 11-6 Steve Nohrenberg. with 23 lar and special sessions last this activity would force elect * NATIONAL NEWSPAPER the agenda will be a discussion points was high for Mohawk. ’ year and this to preserve what ed and appointed officials at first quarter lead, and at half SttCtHtluT IwMW Oregon on the clubs yearly project. Mohawk 55 — Lane 4, Craig commonly is called clean gov- various levels to disclose finan Hostesses will be Yvonne Hills time led by three But Salem 14, Nohrenberg 23. Prairie 5. ernment NNA SUSTAINING Newspaper Academy came out strong in cial interests of their own and and Verna Ketchum. — — 5 MiMBH - 1973 Orcutt 7, Moore 2. | The relative absence in this the third quarter, outscoring members of their families Irene Stoat will be at “My Detroit 68 — Roth 13, Rick state of the type of political which might tend to produce Village Store”, Idanha. Fri Santiam 12-4, and then 22-8 Roth 10. Gardner 3. Monroe 4, , linen being aired nationally conflict of interest during dis SUBSCRIPTION BATES Publishers day. March 1, from 1:00 to 4:00 in the final quarter I Association Santiam shot 31% from the Smith 24. Lynn 10, William I has been little deterrent to a position of matters involving p.m. to demonstrate yarn Marion-Linn Ciunties, per year------------------------- ---------- |5.00 , persistent drive to enact such their public posts. field hitting on 14 field goals. son 2, Adams 2. weaving Yarns will be reduc Halftime score: Detroit 42. i moral law. The issue generally was con Uutside Marion-Linn Counties, per year--------------------- >5.50 ed in price Friday only. The Their free throw percentage In fact, if the 57th Legisla- sidered one of a half-dozen ma Outside Oregon, per year --- ------------------- ------------------- M OO Mohawk 22. model car contest will end was 41%. Total fouls- Mohawk 15, De-, ture were judged by the fer jor propositions facing the Jerry Payscno led Santiam Friday. March 1. Exhibits will 1 troit 24. Fouled out, Randy vor with which it has attempt special session. And from a GEORGE LONG _____ _______________ Editor and Publisher with 12 points. Don More fol be judged Monday, March 4. Printer ed to legislate morality gen work standpoint, it might have RAYMOND E. PRESLER ................... lowed with eight Ron Norman Roth. and awards for the best assem NORMA LONG___________________ Society and News Editor erally, one might assume the ranked higher. JV — Mohawk 68. Detroit 40 for Salem had 21 points bled models will be presented I ROSE CREE __ ________________________ Local News Editor faith some lawmakers have Academv. Arguments for such legisla MARY KELLY__ ______________________ Local News Editor that evening. . in their fellow men extends tion stem largely from recent Visiting here Tuesday to Sa S A.............. 6 12 12 22—52 CORRESPONDENTS not qutie to the tips of their national events, Serious ob- 8-35 Snowmobile Club To 11 10 4 turday at the Champion home Santiam Detroit-Idanha ___________________________ Boots Champion own noses. Salem Academy 52 — Kirk jections probably can be nar- is Mrs. Champion’s sister, Mrs. They have considered or en rowed to three. First, many Gates_______________________________________ Joyce Prealer 9. Miller 4. Norman 21. Ogden Have Spaghetti Feed Emma Ramage of Salem. Lyons_______________________________________ Eva Bressler acted wide-ranging laws in Perhaps this reporter should 2. Happner 12, Edwards 4. IDANHA — The club room volving open meetings, confi opponents believe disclosure Mehama ____________ ___________________ Mrs. John Teeters Santiam 35 — More 8. Pav- try to clear up a matter as far of the Idanha Fire Hall will dentiality for newsmen, avail provisions are too great an in as the reading public is con seno 12, Andermatt 4. Clark 4. be the setting Saturday. March ability of pornography, disclo- vasion of personal privacy. 4. Long 2, Derrick 1. Keen cerned in our respective towns. i 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for a sure for lobbyists, campaign Second, others object to the Reporters news doesn’t always no-host spaghetti feed, announ practices. equality for women implication only possible fi appear under their names and ces president, James King, of —and a degree of equality for nancial gain produces conflict columns. I have been asked on the North Santiam Snowmo those men apprehended in the of interest. And third, still several occasions why I do not bile Club. The event is open I act of dalliance with a female ethers doubt both enforcabil have much news in the paper. ity and practicality of such re ■ to the public and proceeds will prostitute. gulation. This usually happens when my * be used to purchase arm pat I IDANHA — Members of the Their ventures into the field It has been said man cannot column is short. This has al DETROIT — Mrs. Frank ches for members of the club. volved discrimination of many ways amazed me. Wrhen the Hancock. Detroit Woman's, I A potluck supper will set the of enforcing morals have in legislate morality. Some law Deanha Home Extension Study by-line (head of article) bears Civic Club social chairman.1 stage for members of the club makers scoff, invoke the Ten Group will hold their regular types — including what one the name of the community reports that a number of when the group meets March ( bill called sexual orientation— Commandments and point to meeting of the month Tuesday, you are reporting news from, books have been donated to the 6 at Idanha Fire Hall. King j and even attempted to regulate moral law enacted on every le March 5, at 10:30 a.m. in the or about, you can be sure it is newly organized library lo-1 said an invitation has been vel of government. Some of clubroom of the Idanha Fire almost always the work of cated in Detroit City Hall, and extended to the Mt. Jefferson I the lifestyle of household pets our oldest laws, they say, pro HaU. by offering a tax credit to pet Lesson for the day will be your reporter, whether or not that the contributions are Snowmobile Club to join them owners who spayed their cats hibits taking another’s life or on “Our Worid is Fragile. Han his or her name is on the ar greatly appreciated. property for instance. on that evening. and dogs. ticle. except that the reporter Others remind us such law dle With Care”. The lesson The library is open every He said plans are being The degree of morality in would like to feel that her Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to made for members of the N. seldom eliminates the immoral pertains to the effect of pollu home town knows she is not 3:00 p.m. and is staffed by vol S. Snowmobile Club and tneir volved in the latter might be act but only specifies punish tion on our homes interior and ■ disputed. But so was the pro- asleep at the switch. unteers. The library is free and families to spend spring school) sa] and h shared the fate of ment. And despite the variety exterior and will be presented by Barbara Whiteley and t’onatmr» at Diamond «lmmnnn Lake I jik P in - ... operates on the bring-a-book vacation a majority of all measures in of punitive law, murder and Connie Presley. Members are and borrow-a-book basis. If,, Central Oregon, theft continue troduced and failed to become however, this is not possible, John Mosser, Portland at being reminded to bring ar law. no one will be refused the torney with extensive exper ticles for the White Elephant Probably the attempts to re- TIRED OF WAITING Months i service of the library. ience in both appointive and Auction. Hostesses will be Carol Ben for your business forms to i gulate ethics of public office- elective office in state and lo The library is sponsored by MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Detroit Woman’s Civic Club come to you. Try the expert holders, however, will have the cal government, maintains no ton and Cecelia Lyon. A potluck luncheon will be printers at The Mill City . most far-ranging effects on conflict of interest law will and was created to furnish the Enterprise. Just a telephone , Oregon's citizen government. prevent the unscrupulous pub served following the meeting. public with reading material. call to 897-2772 will put the , The controversial conflict of lic official from circumventing interest law was first proposed by Common Cause, a citizen its provisions if he wishes. Cougars Lose To And. he believes, enactment DPTC To Hear Talk Roth 10, Randy Roth 2, Gar- lobby dedicated to watchdog of almost any version of such On Child Abuse Triangle Lake 64-34 Williamson 4. dner 7, Lynn 4, ging conduct of those elected I iaw — regardless of severity or DETROIT — Jim Ritchie Triangle Lake 64 — Griffith or appointed to officialdom. DETROIT — There has been and Kevin Salinas combined 5. J. Ritchie 18, D. Ritchie 10. The original Common Cause selectivity — is bound to re March 8 for 44 points in leading Tri Kevin Salinas 26, Kelly Sa bill was introduced during the duce the number of citizens a change in the guest speakers 7:30 to 10 P. M. angle Lake to a 64-34 hoop win linas 5. first 30 days of the 180-day willing to serve and participate at the Deanha Parent Teach Halftime score: Detroit 12, regular session on Feb. 2. Its in the governing process. over Detroit in Friday night ers Club meeting slated for Detroit High School Gym basketball play there. Thursday night (today), Feb. Triangle Lake 30. torturous journey through both Total fouls: Detroit 27, Tri houses is a top-off to the com Coupled with the potent 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the grade Fun for all ages Laker offense the defense held angle Lake 17. school library. plexity of the subject. Four I Fouled out: Smith, Rick and months of hearings finally pro the Cougars to 12 first half Dr. John Taylor, clinical Sponsored by the Randy Roth, Monroe, D. duced a bill that passed the points. psychologist of the Marion Freshmen Class County Health Clinic, will Detroit 34 - Smith 7, Rick Ritchie. house after adoption of one of give an informative talk on two minority reports. DETROIT — According to a child abuse. Other speakers Passage was no simpler in senate and the version emerg- report, arrests on deer poach will talk about the problems i ing from the upper chamber ing charges by state poiice in encountered by both the child was amended further. Final Marion and Polk counties are and parents. KELLY LUMBER Refreshments will be served enactment occured on the ses four times higher so far this SALES. INC. sion’s next to last day after re year than during the same by the seventh and eighth Hwy. 22 East City Limits grade room mothers. solution of differences by con part of 1973, police say. PHONE M7-2C18 According to state police The meeting is open to the ference committee. Mill City, Ore. statistics, the figures reflect public. And then it was vetoed by what appears to be a rapidly Gov. Tom McCall. was increasing trend toward poach Gubernatorial veto evoked largely due to reac ing. Lt. Thomas Drynan, in tion from various unpaid cit charge of game law enforce izen officials serving the ment for nine Western and state, who strongly objected Central Oregon counties, said to disclosures regarding their his office had made 25 arrests personal business. The gov this year on deer poaching ernor appointed a select panel charges in Marion and Polk to prepare a substitute biU for Counties as of Monday last consideration in the special week. Drynan said, for the same period and area last year, session. During the special session, six arrests were made. Drynan supervises game law no less than five proposals in volving the subject were con enforcement in those counties sidered. The governor’s panel and in Benton, Linn. Lincoln, introduced one The senate of Lane, Deschutes, Crook and counties. fered its version. And Common | Jefferson He said deer poaching ar Cause version resurfaced as one of three proposals evolv rests for the nine counties in ing in the form of minority re 1974 up to Feb. 18 totaled 41, ports from the house commit compared to 14 in last year’s tee on local government, trans corresponding period. Drynan said that the gaso portation and urban affairs. Smart brides always choose OUT famotiS Common Cause meanwhile line crunch appears to be no deterrent to the poachers, and reacted to the McCall veto by filing an initiative with the that a shortage of meat bar secretary of state in hopes the gains appears to be the reason measure might at least be re for the increase in poaching. ferred to voters in the event He said deer poaching charges for 1973 in the nine counties numbered 362. up more than | 100% from 1972’s total of 168. Odd Couple Agree I He added that the big increase in illegal deer killing seemed to start when meat prices Featuring 5 new scriptei soared in 1973. In Eastern and South Central Oregon, how ever, lack of gasoline appar ently is contributing to a de cline in poaching this year, state police say. The report says about 26 essJ state policemen work on game law enforcement in the nine county area and special poach er patrols work at night to GF catch violators in the act. Drynan says night spotlight ing is still the most popular «od SdtAoed method used by the poachers but that a few operate during daylight hours. Penalties met ed out to convicted violators TV STAR JACK KLUG- 91G- enJ Xn, X h A ut X XroJornJ usually range from $25 to MAN, who plays Oacar in $250, Drynan says. “The Odd Couple believes Drynan feels that the a low-fat. Ion-cholesterol courts are not tough enough. diet, as recommended in the T°** bnde* &odln8 they can have the luxury He says, "Even with some of American Heart Associa kook they love and still keep on the sunny aide of theM the high fines, a person who tion Cookbook is essential bndaJ budget with exquisite Regency stationery. It fea- has killed several deer ille-1 in preventing heart attack gallv is still getting pretty, *mai,nC|y rich, raised lettering and stroke. Klugman and cheap meat.” ■nth all the good taste and distinction of the finest crafts- his TV roommate, Felix Any meat on hand at the! (Tony Randall), also agree C°*t* 1,ttle Do see our exciting selection time of arrest would be con-1 on supporting the Heart *nd/*d,tlon-1 i~-...o„e. perfect fiscated but officers note that Fund—Randall, a long-time tar you! H -/rogravmg-nof to be conf mod with engravir^ Phone 897-2772 potentially a large amount Heart volunteer, served as could have been already dis 1971 National Heart Fund THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE posed of, according to the re Ambassador. port Phone 897-2772 117 N. E. Wall Street. Mill Citv m Extension Group To Meet Tues., March 5 Detroit Library Receives Books For Sale Log Scale Books FUN NIGHT Deer Poaching Arrests Increase NOTICE Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise this week. If the figure following your name is 274 your subscription has expired. Why not send in a check for your renewal today By Subscribing to Flower Wedding Ling Invitations You can save more than the subscription price of The Enterprise by reaoi Ing the ads and then taking advantage of the bargains offered. Try it and see. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Marion and Linn Counties Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon Outside the State of Oregon The Mill City Enterprise $5.00 $5.50 $6.00