Mill City Woman's Club Meets At J. C. Kimmel Home GATES MM Presler Pr^Ur __ Joyce — 897-2787 5—Hie Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Feb- 21, 1974 Shower Given Mill City Elementary Baby Mrs. Doug Lytle each. Santiam 28 Richards 2. Mrs. Perry Jones and Mrs. Turnovers Costly Ends Basketball Barbara Lady 2, Cline 1, Etzel 8, Ga- Davidson were hos- briel 4, Morgan 8, Loftin 1, tesses at a baby shower honor­ More 2. Season February 7 and ing Mrs. Doug (Ellen) Lytle To Santiam J.V.'s Regis 59 — Rauch 2, Biel- her new son, Bradley r" I f\ I ■ I II On Friday. Feb. 15, Wilma Bumgarner and Mary Stafford traveled to Portland. Mary spent the day with her bro­ The Regis JV’s outscored mier 6, Kintz 10, Kuedell 4, Mrs. J. C. Kimmel was hos-1 ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and The Mill City Elementary i Warren, at the Jones home We accept payments on tess to 16 members of the Mill Mrs. Lon Marston near Gresh­ School finished their basket­ Wednesday Santiam 34-11 in the first half Mack 2, Boedghiner 4, Silber- evening, Feb. 13. BankAmericard, Continental City Woman’s Club at her am and enjoyed a lovely birth­ ball season Feb. 7 when they was born Jan. 23, of play, to coast to a 59-28 vic­ nagel 8, Lulay 6, T. Silberna- Telephone and Northwest Na­ home Tuesday evening, Feb. day dinner, Mary’s neice, Eve­ played Salem Academy there. but Bradley was unable to attend be­ tory over the Santiam JV’s. gel 2, Schachtick 2, D. High- tural Gas. U. S. National 19, assisted by Mrs. Ralph You­ lyn Pierce stopped by later in Robert Valdez coached the cause of a touch of the flu. His The loss gave the Santiam JV berger 6, Hendricks 7. Bank. Mill City Branch. 9 mans and Mrs. Bern Mueller. the afternoon for a visit Mrs. teams this year. picture, however, was on dis­ team a 9-8 record and a 4-6 with a record. The patriotic motif was used I Bumgarner visited The eighth grade lost their play. Arriving last Wednesday at in the serving of colorful re­ friend on 86th St. last game 35 to 21. Mike Davis Regis tallied 15 points in the Blue and white decorations Vie Foster visited Mary Wil­ was leading scorer with 12 in the valentine motif were beginning of the game before the home of Ann Mueller were freshments. son on Saturday afternoon. her daughter and family, Mr. Mrs. W. E. Beyer, vice-presi­ points, Mike Bemis five, Steve used and a cake decorated in Santiam finally scored a bas­ and Mrs. Paul Hansen of dent, conducted the business Feb. 16 and filled Mary in on I Richards four, Ron Morrison blue and white with Bradley’s ket. Regis went on to lead 16- Coupeville, Wash. Paul and meeting with Mary Youmans , the details of her trip to Cali- two and Mike Corning and J birth announcement on it 4 at the end of the first period. Sharri and their children, as secretary. Following open­ i fornia. David Wright each one. The : centered the refreshment table, In the second and third quar­ Theseus. Tippi and Colorado ing ceremonies, Ruth Cumm­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Myers of seventh grade score was 31-22 i Mrs. Dorothy Grant and Mrs. ters, Santiam was outscored' are staying with Mrs. Mueller ings gave the treasurer’s re-. Elkhorn called on his sister, Salem Academy. Scott Stewart Charlie Stewart, Sr. won game 30-12. Santiam played an even temporarily while they look port in the absence of Kate J Mary Stafford on Sunday af­ led with eight points, Larry prizes. fourth quarter with Regis, ternoon, Feb. 17. They brought Gifford five, Rodney Carpen­ for a home in this area as they Doble. Guests attending were the both clubs scoring 12 points. birthday greetings and gifts to plan to relocate here. ter, Eric Syverson, Jeff Foun­ Ms. Charlie Stewart, Sr., Correspondence included in­ Santiam shot 21% from the formation about the spring celebrate Mary’s 80th birthday tain and Mike Quillin all scor­ George Ditter, Dorothy Grant, field, hitting only ten of 47 Relatives visiting for a week convention of the Fourth Dis­ which was Monday, Feb. 18. ed two each and John Hurst Wesley Flanders, Fred Stahl- field goal attempts. Santiam Harold and Mary Wilson made one. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. trict on April 4, scheduled to man, Jack Scott, George Da­ only had three field goals in were visited cn Saturday eve ­ Sam Bibler were Sam’s sis- be here in Mill City with as­ In other season games, the vis, Judy Pate, Roy Pate, “ ~ ' the whole first half. Regi3, ters, Mrs. Edna Anderson, sistance from the Junior Wo­ ning, Feb. 16 by Don and scores were: Frank Stromquist, Clyde Rich ­ though, made 25 field goals, Mitchell, S. Dak., Mr. and man’s Club. The club was ask­ i Helen Carey of Stayton. Later Jan. 22, St. Vincent 30—Mill ards, William Pennick, Wayne shot 38% from the field. Mrs. Lawrence Bosen, Yuba I ed to furnish a representative I the Carey’s visited Velma City 26 (Davis 12, Richards 9, I Thomas, Edwin Stone. Warren and Rebounding was even with Carey. City, Colo, and Mr. and Mrs. ‘ cn the nominating committee Bemis 2). Seventh Grade St. 1 Goffin, Clyde Morgan, Joe Regis 32 and Santiam 41. Turn­ Charley Hodges. Marysville. for the Marion County Feder­ On Sunday evening at 7:00, Vincent 13 — Mill City 67, j Lalack, Scott Hillesland, Barb, overs an important part Wash. They are all retired and ation of Woman’s Clubs. A Glen Lyda will give a talk (Stewart 17, Gifford 16, Foun­ Craig and Michelle Jones, the of the played game, as Santiam had Church at the Gates Christian spend most of their time tra­ letter from Camp Fire officials tain 11, Krieger 7). honored guest, Mrs. Lytle, 27, with the two guards turn­ ! on the Youth Progam at Camp veling. Jan. 23, eighth grade, St. Bradley’s grandmother, Mrs. ing the ball over 15 times. concerned the needs at Camp Kilowan for which the club Wi-ne-ma. A fellowship hour Mary’s 23—Mill City 17 (Rich-; jJoyce Stahlman and the hos- David Etzel and Mike Mor­ Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hansen donates two half-scholarships will follow. Everyone is wel­ ards 5, Davis 4, Bemis 4, Cor­ i tesses, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. gan led the Santiam scorers come to attend. (Judi Boroughs) of Arlongton, each year. ning 2, Reid 2). Seventh grade, I Davidson. with eight each. All eight of The Tole Painting Class is St. Marys 19—Mill City 35. spent the weekend here with Minutes were read from a the JV players on the Santiam his parents, the Martin Han­ board meeting held at the still going strong. The new (Stewart 14, Hurst 5, Gifford1.-,. , - sens. and her parents, the Bur­ home of Alma Beyer on Jan. members are looking more like 4. Carpenter 4, Krieger 3, Me-, •+ the number following team scored. On the Regis _ ton Boroughs. I I — - - - i team, there were 12 players 25 when the various chairmen old pros. If you have time, Call 2, Dicky 1). by for _ a look. We meet . at Save intuì ivuuiuj. gjtcivu . - _- .. gave their reports. Evelyn stop * ■ TT! —.1- rebounder _ 1____ 1_ r for .. Santiam _ 1!__ January 28, eighth grade, ' , 1 your . name i i on . The E . it I scoring. High Mrs. Charles (Shelia) Ruet­ Pfoertner told of her search I theGat*s C°?^nlty Scio 48 — Mill City 38. (Bemis ferprise label reads «-» • — i i___ j 1— 1 ! » ’ vvciö vaviu wiui 11. was David ui¿ct Etzel with Don igers is now working Thurs­ for the proper colors for the on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p _ ta _ 1 . — 4 . T,T • i . n « r»j seven. ’1 2.74 it's time to send »«= »!<>■ i p.m. Doris Rogers is the in­ 3. • JSÍ days and Saturdays at P. J.’s new club flag. Corning »¿,» 2). Seventh grade,! - - - -- - ...... - ------------- Mike follow^ Morgan and Maurie Beauty Center. Mrs. Ruettgers Discussion was held con­ structor. Scio 34 — Mill City 28. (Gif ' a check for renewal, Richards both had four steals. Don’t forget the Gates City ford worked at Dollies in Stayton' cerning the luncheon and mor­ 16, Stewart 10, Carpenter,__________________________ before moving to Mill City I ning coffee for the Fourth Dis­ Council meeting this Thursday, 2). Her husband. Charles, is a| trict convention, with numer­ Feb. 21 at the Gates City Hall. February 5, eighth grade In COLOR.. r Linn County Deputy Sheriff. ous committees being named. The meeting begins at 7:30 p. Jefferson beat Mill City. (Da­ TAKE THE ENTIRE FAMILY! m. They are still in need of a The couple lives on Grove I The event will be held at the vis 9, Richards 6, Corning 4, new councilmember. Street. IOOF Hall. Wright 3, Bemis 2). Seventh A request was received that ’ A _ new couple to our com- „ grade, Jefferson 32—Mill City A weekend finest at the each club was expected to sell1 mun*iy are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 23. (Gifford 5, Stewart 4, home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert $15.00 worth cf advertising for j and Leta Shirts. They have Fountain 4, Krieger 3, Carpen­ Levon and Lori was Ed Gibson | the Clubwoman Magazine. An ' moved into a new home next ter 2, Dickey 2). of Salem who is a member of interesting report was given to the Preslers on Cedar Ln. the dancing and singing group • of the state board of directors’ in the Riverview Park Addi- with whom Lori appears. } meeting held in Corvallis on tion. Their arrival was on Fri- for the losers. I Feb. 9 which was attended by day, Feb. 15. Morgan White attended a Ken Wickershaw and Scott Mr. and .Mrs. Wilbur Harlan I five of the local members. were dinner guests Saturday Mary Youmans and Jenny “Show and Sell” Antique Sale Weddle led the Lions, scoring evening at the home of Mr. and I Cauble gave interesting high- at the Memorial Coliseum in 16 and 14 points respectively. Portland this past weekend. I The loss drops the Wolver­ Mrs. Lowell Cree. The dinner 1 lights from ‘.he talks given. r A sensational insight into the life-'of the was honoring the Harlans on I The evening’s program con­ Feb. 14 through 17. You might ines record to 2-8. 8 5 8—34 mysterious and powerful timber wolf... their belated wedding anniver­ sisted of Mae Mowry, commun­ stop by the store and see what Santiam__ 13 Jefferson .... 8 15 12 15—50 sary and Mrs. Harlans birthday ity improvement chairman is new. Bette Kelle is reopening her A Nate-'-i Board ot Canada Santiam 34 — More 6, Pay- which was Sunday. Mrs. J. C. reading a conservation report Dickinson was also present. written by Elaine Russell “This and That” Shop on Feb. senc 17, Larson 2, Andermatt COMING TO SANTIAM HIGH AUD Sunday, Mrs. Harlan's mother, which gave details of all the 28. Her new location is the ca­ 5, Childress 2, Keen 2. Jefferson 50 — Chambers 3, Mrs. Alice Watson took Mr. work and donations of time bin just a block and a half Phon« 897-2977 Thursday, February 28+h and Mrs. Harlan to a local . and money clubwomen had west of the Gates Fire Station, Looney 2, Weddle 14, Wicker­ City Center on Sorbin St. She will be open shaw 16, McLain 4, McDonald Showtime 7:00 P. M. I given toward establishment of restaurant for dinner. | the new city park on the river. only on Thursdays and Fri­ 9, Sarves 2. Charles Golden underwent Listed among accomplishments days from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 surgery at the Salem Memorial were comfort stations for use pan. of the handicapped, three park­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Presler Hospital. ing lots completed, many trees spent the weekend at the home < Mrs. Althi Grimes of Scio, and shrubs planted with help of Joyce’s parents, Mr. and a former longtime resident of Boy Scouts, planting-strips Mrs. Mike B. Porter in Salem. spent both days traveling here, is a patient at the Albany fertilized, lawn seed ready to Ray to Corvallis for national I General Hospital where she re­ be planted, merry-go-round guards while Joyce spent the cently underwent major sur­ built, picnic area, path to the time shopping and visiting. river, irrigation pump and all gery. I Thought for the day: Grati­ but 100 feet of water system tude takes three forms: a feel­ Among those drawn for jury in. A group of the clubwomen ing in the heart, an expres­ duty for the March term of Judge Tompkins Linn County attended the last city council sion in words, and a giving in Cir. Ct. are Dennis L. Mumey meeting to discuss mainten­ return. Gates Christian Church and Ruth L. Tohl, both Mill ance of the park but the agen­ Sunday School at 11:00 a.m., City, and Thelma F. Haw­ da was over crowded. They church worship at 10:00 a.m. expect to attend another meet­ thorne of Lyons. Everyone is welcome to attend. ing in the future. Dean Cade is the minister. John Kelly called Saturday from Miami. Fla. where he is DPTC Will Meet At appearing with the Ann Mar­ gret Show and said he broke Grade School Library DETROIT — The regular his left wrist when he fell from a platform during re­ monthly meeting of the Dean- hearsal. He will be able to ha Parent Teachers Club will sing from backstage, however, be held Thursday, Feb. 28, at The Jefferson Freshman CONTINENTAL TELEPHONE COM­ ercise of any rights of such beneficiaries until the cast is removed. The 7:30 p.m. in the grade school team outscored the Santiam show later goes back to the library. PANY OF THE NORTHWEST, INC. has and participants in the conduct of the op­ Of special interest to the Freshman team 27-13 in the Tropicana at Las Vegas for the public, an informative talk will second half to hand the Wol­ entire month of March. filed with the Federal Government a Com­ erations of this organization. be given on child abuse. Guest verines their eighth loss, 50-34, Have your social security speakers will be representa­ in a league game at Mill City pliance Assurance in which it assures the Any person who believes himself, or check deposited in your tives of a special committee on Thursday. The Wolverines got off to a Rural Electrification Administration that it checking account. See U. S. child abuse from the depart­ any specific class of individuals, to be sub­ start, and led 13-8 at the National Bank, Mill City ment of social service of Sa­ good end of the first quarter. San ­ will comply fully with all requirements of jected by this organization to discrimina­ Branch, for details. 9 lem hospitals. This department tiam was outscored 15-8 in the will present the problems en­ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and tion prohibited by Title VI of the Act and Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Bru countered by both the child second quarter to trail by two points at halftime. sasco have received word that and parents. the Rules and Regulations of the Depart­ the Rules and Regulations issued thereun­ Turnovers and poor shooting their son, 2nd Lt. John M. took their toll in the second A son was born to Mr. and Brusasco, has been awarded ment of Agriculture issued thereunder, to der may, by himself or a representative, file half as Jefferson won going silver wings at Vance AFB, Mrs. Robert Ward (Vicki away. Santiam finished the the end that no person in the United States Okla, on graduation from air Rush) in a valley hospital on with the Secretary of Agriculture, Wash­ Sunday, Feb. 10, 1974. This is game with 19 turnovers. They force pilot training. shall, on the grounds of race, color, or na­ their first child. Paternal were able to connect on only ington, D. C. 20250, or the Rural Electrifi­ Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree grandmother is Mrs. Alfred 29% of their field goal at­ tional origin, be excluded from participation tempts. cation Administration, Washington, D. C. attended the 40th wedding an­ (Nellie) Ward, and maternal Payseno led all scorers niversary reception for Mr. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. in Jerry in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise the game, scoring 17 points 20250, or this organization, or all, a written and Mrs. Clarence Field held Vern Rush, all of Mill City. at the Pringle Creek Clubhouse subjected to discrimination in the conduct oomplaint Such complaint must be filed not in Salem Sunday afternoon cf its program and the operation of its facil ­ from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mrs. later than 90 days after the alleged discrim­ J. C. Dickinson visited at the ities. Under this Assurance, this organiza ­ ination, or by Such later date to which the home of her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Wehrli and tion is committed not to discriminate again ­ Secretary of Agriculture or the Rural Elec­ family, while the Crees attend­ ed the reception. st any person on the grounds of race, color trification Administration extends the time Get Ready For Flower and Garden Seeds CRY Just Arrived NewTru-Temper Garden Tools MILL QTY HARDWARE Statement of Nondiscrimination Santiam Frosh Lose To Jefferson 50-34 Weekend nests at the of Mr and Mrs. Cecil Lake, were their grandson and wife,} Mr. and Mrs Terry Coryell and Allison of Beaverton. About 1:00 p.m. the Lakes re­ ceived a phone call to come to the Gates Airport. When they arrived at the airport, they found their 17 year old grand­ son. Jeff Coryell from Ketchi­ kan, Alaska waiting for them. He was on his way home from Florida where he picked up his own new plane and was returning home. Due to the bad weather for flying, he re­ mained at the Lake home sev­ eral days. He will visit in the Portland and Seattle area be­ fore flying home. He is travel­ ing alone. or national origin in its policies and prac­ tices relating to applications for service or any other policies and practices relating to treatment of beneficiaries and participants including rates, conditions and extension of service, use of any of its facilities, attend­ ance at and participation in any meetings of beneficiaries and participants or the ex­ for filing. Identity of complainants will be kept confidential except to the extent neces­ sary to carry out the purpose of the Rules and Regulations. ROBERT H. KNUTSON Vice President A General Manager