3—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1974 STAYTON TIRE LEROY DORAN — OWNER » I < This well known tire com­ pany is located at 137 1st Avenue in Stayton. Phone 769- 6103. This firm realizes that quality is as important to everyone as price. They fea­ ture Dunlap & Bridgestone tires. If you need truck or tractor tires, this is the firm to go to. They have tires for all makes of tractors and heavy i equipment. Stayton Tire can provide PIONEER MACHINERY INC. W. I. NICHOLAS & WAYNE AUSTIN — OWNERS PUMMEL SUPPLY COMPANY FRANK PUMMEL — OWNER “Recently completed body and hoist for Stout Creek Lumber” people this area fortunate have the Pio- neer Machin- ery Inc. in their midst with whom they can deal with confi­ dence. The back­ ground of this reliable firm proves they are all your tires, shocks, and equipped for a long term ca­ brake needs, as well as, bal­ reer than for quick sales and ancing services. They carry a they are interested in future full line of farm, passenger, business as well as today’s. truck, and recreational vehicle The Pioneer Machinery Inc. tires; both wholesale and re­ I is the manufacturer of work- tail. hoists, and distributors This firm has served well in | mans Heil Conversion Hoists, in- the past and will continue | of service, repair, and re- their fine business policy in i eluding building. truck bodies the future. We suggest the as well as Custom custom and stand­ Stayton Tire Co. for all your ard side racks are readily tire needs. available here. The aim of the Pioneer Ma­ chinery Inc. located at 1725 This leading truck accessory center is located at 2365 Hoyt SE in Salem, phone 581-2437. Here they feature name brand truck accessories for the buy­ ing public and truck dealers of the area. A complete line is [ kept in stock here to meet the needs of this area. They are also this areas authorized Harsh Warehouse for Hoist and most all type truck beds. I Through their policy of of- 1 fering only high quality guar- anteed products, this promin­ ent concern has established it­ self as one of the leaders in their field. See them for your The compilers of this 1974 forts in the service to people Silverton Road, NE in Salem, truck accessory needs, includ­ Pictorial Review are) of this area and suggest you phone 585-9353 is to give their ing gas tanks, tool boxes, and happy to Business commend this first• make them your headquarters customers the highest quality mud flaps, lights, etc. rate firm for their honest ef- • for truck accessories. products and service at the lowest prices. This firm wishes to invite the area residents to see them for all your truck body re­ quirements and side racks. “DRIVE A LITTLE — SAVE A LOT” They can also serve all your machine shop and fabricating needs. The products offered by this firm are of the best quail- ity to be found anywhere. We suggest them to all of cur readers of this Pictorial Business Review. JOHN LUCAS CHEVROLET INC GARTH JENSSEN — MGR. TOWING & John Lucas Chevrolet Inc. with their new sales room and service center located on Highway 22 across from the golf course in Stayton is head­ quarters for courteous atten­ tion to your automotive needs. A wide selection of Chevro­ let automobiles including the economy Nova and the Vega can be found here. CHUCK OSBORN — OWNER The desire to be well dress­ ed is right and proper and men’s clothing designers are filling the need in good style. All through our area, men are finding that The Gay Blade, located in Salem, at 198 Liberty N.E.. phone 585-7200 is an outstanding store for style and value in men’s cloth­ ing. Nationally featured names ' here include Arrow. Cham- pion, Jos. H Cohan, Hagger and Ratner. Stop by the Gay Blade see for yourself how these people can serve you. It is quite possible that you will | meet a neighbor or friend while you’re shopping here at the "headquarters for Men’s For day or night towing clothing”. They are located at service for cars and trucks 198 Liberty NE in Salem. This 1974 Pictorial Review of both, local and long distance, leading businesses commends call 769-5757 for radio-dis­ their courteous and friendly patched service, conveniently located at 1925 W. Washington, service. in Staytno. In Stayton, you will find it a relief to watch these men in action as they smoothly and quickly disengage drive line and seemingly with effortless LULAY TIMBER BILL, Sr.; DON, BILL, Jr.; and CLEMENT LULAY— OWNER OPERATORS Their repair center and the expert mechanics employed, makes them second to none in ability to maintain and recon- di lion older models of any make. A fine line of used cars and trucks are always avail­ able. Be sure, when you stop by, to see their fine recreation de­ partment. They have open road campers and motor homes for your local shopping conven­ ience, both sales and rentals. Regardless of your automo­ tive needs, stop at this firm phone 769-2126 in Stayton, and get the benefits of their years of auto experience. We, the editors, recommend you make them your car buying and care center. —FREE ESTIMATES and REASONABLE RATES— ease, move your car from dan­ ger areas to the nearest garage er dealership. When you’re stranded on the highway, call 769-5757. Remember, they also have the finest and securest storage facility in this area. They wish to thank the area residents for their past business and wish the best in the new year. STAYTON REFRIGERATION CO. ELMER AND HELEN KT, A MP C & W Industrial Painting, located at 5856 Gaffin Road, SE in Salem, is one of the most . j V : I modern and up-to-date body I IF shops in this part of the coun­ 1 ’ try. The craftsmen here are thor­ oughly experienced in all phases of automobile body re­ pair, color matching, paint­ ing, and auto glass Installation. Estimates are free for the ask­ ing and there is no obligation when you ask them to figure a job, just phone 362-0044 in Sa- leiii for quick service. Quality workmanship and materials are the foundation upon which the success of this business is built, and they per­ mit no deviation from their residents about this firm in, lettering. They feature a high standards. Salem. They can also serve all 1 steam cleaning service and We are glad to tell the area your truck painting needs and!body work on boats. MEEKER FERTILIZER COMPANY “MANUFACTURERS OF PERFEGRO FERTILIZER” Lulay Timber Co. does an excellent job of getting the most out of our forests and creating for future use. A telephone call to number 394-2457 in Scio, will serve to arrange an appointment, to observe the operation of this ecology minded firm. In addition to knowing about timber, they specialize in con- Stayton Refrigeration, locat­ ed at 207 N. 3rd in Stayton, I phone 769-5223. This company struction of logging roads. ' supplies air conditioning, heat­ Their equipment is of top ing, and refrigeration systems quality to assure getting the homes, stores and indus- job done properly, and on • I for tries. time. Whether It is a large or This fine firm is actively in­ volved in the growth and pros­ j small home or office, these competent men can tell you perity of our area. We the editors, are proud what it will take to do your Io have this firm involved in job properly and they guar­ antee your satisfaction in total our annual Review. comfort, summer or winter. Prompt service at a reason- I BOB'S ROCK SHOP “BOB STEWART” — OWNER able price is the guiding in­ fluence of the policies of this firm and has brought trade for them from all around the sur­ rounding territory. Help make your home more comfortable and your business more profitable when you sur­ round yourself in air-condi­ tioned romfort from this firm which features Lennox heating and air conditioning. We, the editors of this 1974 Review highly commend this fine firm. For the best information on fertilizers and their use, see the Meeker Fertilizer Co., lo­ cated at 1795 16th SE in Sa­ lem, phone 581-2453 or one of the area’s many retail outlets for Perfegro. Organic fertilizers are being replaced steadily by new che­ micals, and new methods of fertilizer application are be­ ing developed continuously. For the latest information to help you increase your yield, get in touch with this fertilizer dealer or call 769-2330 in West Stayton and 327-2200 in Jef­ ferson. The company carres in stock a complete line of the up-to- date fertilizers. You will en- joy the friedly manner in which you are served. They are also distributors for most major agricultural chemical companies. We suggest you see them for the right information regard­ ing your fertilizers and chemi­ cal needs. And this is the year to let them know as early as possible what your spring fer­ tilizer needs will be. SALEM EQUIPMENT INC. LEW JUDSON — MANAGER” t. .. Bob's Rock Shop located at I covery to Bob w ’s Rock Shop. 985 Winter NE in Salem, You will see many things of phone 588-2303. serves the en­ interest and you migh even tire area Most everything from get some ideas about a profit­ rough cutting materials, to able hobby for yourself. Ex­ rock saws and diamond blades perts will find an extensive ar­ to jewelry can be found here. ray of supplies and a desire to Don’t expect miracles here, help you get just what you but you will get professional want and need. Enjoy your hobby more by help and advice from this sup­ utilizing the services offered plier. If you are one who doesn’t by Bob’s Rock Shop. Check the know what lapidary means, gift ideas here fore something you might make a trip of dis­ quite different. The Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements Expert Craftsmanship—Past Service Too Here is a place where serv­ ice and friendliness go hand in hand. They serve the best drinks at all times. They are located at 10th & Main in Lyons, phone 859-2826. This is a place where you can go with the assurance that you will meet the right kind of people and will thoroughly enjoy yourself. They always endeavor to maintain their place in a man­ ner agreeable to all. We, the editors, of this 1974 Pictorial Business Review suggest you treat yourself to a good time at this friendly tavern, "You’ll be glad you did”. Meeting with universal ap­ proval, the products of the Sa­ lem Equipment Inc. in Salem, phone 581-8441 are going to various parts of this trading area and have always given the best of satisfaction. This fact accounts for their success­ ful business career with an in­ creasing patronage each year. They are manufacturers of Sawmill Equipment. They are equipped for the manufacture of these high grade products. This enables them to furnish their products on short notice and thus gives the Sawmills and Logging Industry the ad­ vantage of excellent service. The management has years of experience in the distribu­ tion and manufacture of these products, and has opened up channels of trade that were un­ known to local industry. Quick to appreciate the value to the community of this pt ogress ive concern, the people of this area have always been loyal in their support of this firm. They take this opportun­ ity to thank the area residents for their past business and are looking forward to serving them again.