The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, February 21, 1974, Image 11

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    The Mill City Enterprise
SECTION TWO—The Min City Enterprise, Feb. 21, 1974'— Pages 1—4
Auto Parts International is
located at 964-Norway NE,
phone 585-6696 in Salem. This
progressive institution is be­
coming better known each day
to dealers, mechanics, and
owners of foreign cars through­
out the valley. Here you can
find most everything in new
parts for foreign cars.
If you need parts of any
kind for any foreign made car.
it will be to your advantage
to check with Auto Parts In­
ternational in Salem where the
most complete line of foreign
parts are their only business.
See them for all your new
foreign auto parts. They wish
to take this opportunity to
thank the area residents for
their past business and are them again.
I Monday thru Friday and 9:00
looking forward to serving
Business hours 8:00 thru 5:00 * to 12:00 Saturday.
able and interesting sale.
The men connected with this
firm are well thought of and
very popular in the area. When
you have merchandise you
would like to sell, be sure to
contact the John Hull Auction
We, the writers, make the
suggestion that anyone inter­
They have years of exper­ ested in selling merchandise
ience in this
business and contact this fine auction ser­
know how to conduct a profit- vice. “You’ll be glad you did.”
The John Hull Auction Serv­
ice is located in Scio at Rte.
3, Box 24. Phone 394-2664.
This well known auctio*
company has served the far­
mers and town folk of this
community faithfully and hon­
estly are bonded and insur­
ed for your protection.
The Church of Jeraa Christ
of Latter Day Hainta
George J. Rolfe
Bi arch President—585-4442
Meetings at Stayton Branch
Chapel ■ Westown Subdlviaon
Priesthood Meetings
Sunday School _____ 10:30
Sacrament Meeting .... 6:00
Relief Society Wednesday 10:00
MIA Wednesday____ 7:30
Primary Tuesday_____ 4:30
Canyon Conservative Baptist
Rev. Don Prorciw
5th & Cedar, Lyons
Hoy Deeter, Youth Pastor
Phone 859-2956
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Training Hour, 6:00 p.m.
Evening Service, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday evening Bible
study and prayer time 7 p.m.
St. Patrick’s Parish
Rev. Bernard Neuman, Pastor
Mass: 1st, 2nd and 5th Sunday
at 10:50 a. m.
Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday at
8:30 a. m.
Free Methodist Church
North Mill City
Rev. John DeMaia
10.00 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Morning Worship.
5 p. m. Evening Worship
St. Catherine’s Catholic
Masses Every Sunday
9:00 A. M.
Holy Day and First Friday
7:30 P. M.
Church Services — 9:30 am.
Sunday School — 11:00 am.
First Christian Church
Bible School, 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Youth meeting at 6:00 p. m.
Evening Services 7 p. m.
Bible Study each Wednesday
10:00 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. at
the Church. Senior High Youth
meets 4 p. m. Junior High
meete 3 p. m.
For a treat delight, eat pizza
tonight The best place to go
to experience pizza flavor at
its best is Pachinos’ Black
Knight Pizza Parlor, located
at 2605 Commercial SE in Sa­
lem. Telephone 585-9281 for
service. There are many rea­
sons for Pachino’s Black
Knight Pizza Parlor becoming
known as the family dining
out place for pizza lovers.
Make use of the call-in service
available at Pachino’s phone
585-9281, so your pizza will be
ready when you arrive.
Should company pop in,
make use of the fine services
of Pachino’s. You will find that
service here is friendly and
the surroundings pleasant and
the food is truly pizza “great”.
Santiam Chapel
Assembly of God
Phone 859-2644
Robert Harkins, ......
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
C. A. (Youth) Service Thurs­
days at 7:00 p.m.
Royal Rangers and Mission-
ettes Family Night, Wednesday
at 7:00 p.m.
Anyone desiring counsel and
prayer may call Pastor Robert
Mehama Community Church
Frank Schultzwohl, Pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship, 11 a. m.
Evening Services 7:30 p. m.
Gar Lady of Lourdes Parish
Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday al
day at 8:30 a. m.
in Lyons
Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sun­
Seventh Day Adventist
8. W. Ivy St. MW CJty
G. 21. Richardson, Pastor
11 a. m. Worship servtoe.
7 pm. Tuesday prayer meet­
The reputation of Perry
Brothers has been achieved
through service, satisfaction,
Whenever you’re in need of
the finest in air and hydrauiic
equipment the Perry Brothers
is the place to go.
They are located at 625 9th
NW in Salem, phone 362-1027.
They will be glad to assist you
in any way possible.
You will find prices are
right and quality is paramount.
They stand behind every trans­
action, and are aware that to
please a customer is to keep a
customer. This is a complete
sales, service, repair and re­
build center.
The editors of this 1974 Pic­
torial Business Review compli­
ment them on their service.
located at the comer of Che-
meketa and Liberty, 305 Liber­
ty St. NE. phone 585-4535. For
your shopping convenience
they are open Monday thru
In this age of satellites, as­
tronauts, and moon walks,
there is still a need in every
community for a well stocked,
reliable western wear store. In
Salem it is the North Country
Corral located at 1795 Silver-
ton Road, phone 364-0025. Here
you will find western wear to
suit all kinds and sizes of folks.
The ladies and little ladies will
find moccasins, bell-bottom
pants, western blouses, and
The men and boys will find
boots, hats, shirts, jeans, jack­
ets, and belts ... all famous
brand names.
Here you will find saddles of bridles, halters, and many
in every price range, for every other tack items, for work,
purpose. They also have the pleasure, or show.
Northwest’s largest selection
Drop in soon and look over
their large selection. “You’ll
be glad you did.” Right acroaa
from the fairgrounds on Sil­
verton Road in Salem.
It is the policy of this popu­
lar garage to give maximum
service at the lowest possible
price. Featured here is com­
plete repair and tune-up work
done in a professional manner
with experience and proper
equipment to do a proper job.
They are located at 101 2nd in
Stayton, phone 769-2434.
Whether you have a prob­
lem with a car, truck or trac­
tor you can count on Fostei’s
Unlimited to get the job done
In this 1974 Pictorial Busi­
ness Review, we the compilers
take great pride in represent­
ing this reliable shop to the
readers of this issue. When
you take your car to the ex­
perts at the Foster’s Unlimit­
ed you can be assured that the factory techniques and at the mend them for their fair and
work is done according to the least possible cost. We com-1 honest business policies.
Stout Creek Lumber Com­
pany does the job of getting
the most out of our forests
now and creating for future
use. They are equipped to
build roads, clear underbrush,
i eforest and do custom cutting
for the customer. In this way
they serve the community
while doing the best possible
job for the customer who has
a unique lumber job — ’arge
or small.
When Stout Creek Lumber
Co. takes over, you can be
sure that the operation will
be handled the right way. If
you own properties that need
clearing, contact them, phone
859-2156 in Mehama.
will give you a fair estimate
of the time needed, and the
profit expected.
By offering the highly spe­
cialized service of custom cut­
11 r .
ting they give their customers
the most for their money. By
all of these practices plus re­
forestation they assure them­
selves of an excellent future
They are constantly striving
Mill City Community Church
Rev. Donald L. DIstang, Pastor
Full Gospel
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A. M.
Whether your choice be the
Eveulng Service 7:30 P. M. great new Impala, the Chevel-
Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M. le, the Camaro or one of the
Everyone welcome.
ether models, you’ll find Ca­
pitol Chevrolet-Cadillac at 510
Calvary Lutheran Church
Commercial NE in Salem to
be the place with the widest
First Ave. and Fern Ri<lge Rd. range of models and color
Rev. Norbert Dey, Pastor
Sunday School ...... 9:15 a. m. I Selling is the name of the
Worship Service .... 10:30 a. in game at Capitol Chevrolet-Ca­
dillac. They know that means
Detroit Community
competitive prices, real cour­
Christian Church
tesy and genuine service after
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. the sale.
Children’s Church, 11:00 a.m
A phone call to 363-3175 will
Come as you Are and
put you in touch immediately
The editors of this 1974 Pic- >
Worship with us.
with the friendly and helpful torial Business Review sug- j
gest this car dealer to all our
Idanha Community Church personnel here.
Arvin E. Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School, 10:0 a. m.
Morning Service 11 o’clock.
Evening Service at 7 o’clock.
Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30
*49 yean service”
p. m.
The Salem Tent & Awning
Morning Worship — 11:00 a. m. Co. located at 280 Wallace
MUI City Presbyterian
Road, NW in Salem, phone 363-
Phone 897-31M
4788 features awnings, tarpau­
Adult Bible Class _ 10:00 a. m. lins, Coleman tents, and Na-
Nursery for young children vaco Trimline Patio Covers.
Convert open areas Into ex­
under competent supervision.
tra living space with the fa­
ST CHRISTOPHER MISSION mous Navaco trimline patio
covers. Enjoy the outdoors as
it should be! Navaco patio
Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m.
covers offer custom styling in
Holy Day and First Friday
a broad range of colors and or­
5:30 P. M- Detroit
namental columns to match
any home exterior.
Add a touch of brightness
to patios with Navaco’s exclu­
8th and Ash St.
Phone 859-2540
structure panels. Your home
Rev. Arthur Hansen
Welcomes you to come as i becomes more beautiful . . .
more liveable . . . and proper­
you are.
ty values go up with Navaco
Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.,
patio covers. Call us today for
Gates Community
Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 7:00
free estimates.
They will supply you with a
p.m., and Sundays 12 noon to
Always employ the services complete line of tents, and
Morning Worship 10:00 am
5:00 p.m.
of Salem Tent i Awning Co. tarps of all sizes, for hunting,
Bible Study 11:15 am
J. C. Penny, Salem, has
been serving the mid-Willa-
mette Valley for over 50 yean.
Their story is one of friendli­
ness and fairness to each and
every customer. A philosophy
that Is carried out in each of
their 1700 stores throughout
the country.
They carry a complete line
of ready-to-wear and shoes for
men, women and children. En­
joy fine selections of cosmetics,
fabrics, notions and bedding.
You can select the best in
housewares, draperies, furni­
ture and appliances. Their
beauty salon and auto center
help make J. C. Penney, Sa­
lem, a complete family shop­
ping center in one convenient
Remember, at J. C. Penney,
you can charge it or use their
lay-away plan.
In Salem, J. C. Penney is
to improve and preserve the
ecological and recreational fa­
cilities of our area by the mul­
tiple use concept of forestry.
If you wish to sell timber or
purchase lumber give them a
readers. We commend them
for their fair and honest busl-
ness dealings.
fishing, or camping.
class quality for years of use
at a price anyone can afford.