Bir+hday Party Held 2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday , Feb. 7, 1974 Community Calendar Of Events Sam Bridges of Salem, and formerly of Lyons, was honor ed Sunday at a surprise birth-, day party at the home of his Remember Your Sweetheart On Valentines son-in-law and daughter, Mr 1 and Mrs. Truman Tibbets, in i Day With A Gift From Salem on his 60th birthday. A potluck dinner and birth Thursday. February 7 Norma J. Long, WOman's Page Editor Phone Phone 897-27 897-2772 day cake was served. Mill City Garden Club noon Musical numbers were play ----------------- —.... ed during the afternoon. Mr. luncheon at the home of Mis Bridges, Curly Johnson, Al Martin Hansen. Mrs. Dorothy Cub Scout Blue and Tentative Date Set I will show colored t Shannon and Darwin Raines, Peterson 769-2762 Stay+on Gold Dinner Set 400 3rd Ave played together in a dance slides. For Pinochle Party Pinochle party at 1:00 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 49 held There were 37 people at- band for quite some time. at the Eagles Hall. Public in their January pack meeting Attending the party were tending the January bingo last Wednesday evening at the vited. ' Mr “nd Mrs Brid«es of party at the T Presbyterian __ r. * lx.«*» I" Bible study at the home *of Scout Cabin. lem, 4V» their /inn five «KÍlrlmn children. IVI Mr. Church Fellowship Hall. The colors were presented I and Mrs. John Bridges, Mr. Rev. Dick Halstead on S W. Blackout prizes were won by by Den Two. Cubmaster War-1 Almeta R. Theiss, daugnter and Bud Bridges. Mr. and Mrs Ivy St. at 7:30 p m. I ren Coffin presided. of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Coffman Kate Doble and Maggie Shaw i Dee Bridges, Mr. and Mrs Ray Friday. February 8 Winners of the two door , Awards chairman, J. R. of Mehama, was married Feb. Mill City-Gates American Silvernagle, and Mr. and Mrs. __ ___ ' Curtis, presented awards to 1, to Gordon B. Peterson in the prizes were William Olyer and Truman Tibbetts and their fa Legion Post and Auxiliary Ardath Turner. | | the following boys: Tom Carr, Galilean Chapel at Ocean meetings at the IOOF Hail at milies, Mr. and Mr<. William Hostesses for the January | sportsman award; Jeff Har Shores, Wash. The 5:00 p.m. H. Lewis of Lebanon, Mr. and 8:00 p.m. rison, Steven Goodell and ceremony was performed by party were Mrs. Larry Urban, Mrs. Darwin Raines and Allan Santiam Booster Club meet- Mrs. Barry Dake, Mrs. Don Paul Lewis, assistant denner i Rev. Orville Jacobson. Mrs j of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ■ng at the high school follow- Sims and Mrs. Phil Carey. cords; Oren Hampton, Brian j Ron Cozzens of Seattle was ma I ing the Santiam-Salem Aca- The bingo parties are spon , Jenkins. Al Shannon and Cur- I demy game. Muntey and Stan Walczak. tron of honor for her sister I ly Johnson all of Salem. denner cords. I and Gary Rushton was the sored each month by the Mill I Saturday, February 9 Cubmaster Goffin announc- best man. Carle and Brian City Jr. Woman’s Club and I Skating party for the youth they are inviting, through the ed the annual blue and gold Theiss, children of the bride | group of the Christian Church banquet will be held Saturday were also in the wedding. press, any interested senior j Santiam Study Group I at 6:00 p.m. citizens to be their guests. evening. March 9. in the stu party. I Sunday. February It» dent commons at the Santiam The Ocean Shores Jaycees Bingo prizes are baked items Meeting February 14 Marilyn Assembly “60 open made by the club members. GATES - ‘Emerging Values installation of officers at 2:00 High School. More informa gave a party honoring the cou Tentative date for the of Youth” will be the topic tion will be released at a later ple following the ceremony. p.m. at the IOOF Hall. Miss date. The newlyweds came to Me February party is Wednesday when members of the Santiam Susan Keen, worthy advisor afternoon, the 20th. Watch for Canyon Home Extension Study There will not be a February hama on Saturday and were elect. pack meeting due to the blue guests that evening for a din posters on the February party I Group meet Thursday, Feb. 14, Monday, February 11 and the exact date which will I at the Gates Clubhouse. and gold banquet the first part ner at the Coffmans. Also Mill City Lions Club din Values of the younger gen ner meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the of March. present were the Cozzens (Sue, be published later. eration are of concern to Ron and Bradley), Linda Dunn Frontier Inn. i adults. This study lesson deals Women’s volleyball at the Attend OES Chapter and Arlyn, Edna and Paul Marilyn Chapter to with ways in which values of Frank, Donna and Guy Davis, i 'grade school gym, 7:00 to 9:00 youth are similar to, or dif 75th Anniversary and Jan and Marshall Powell. Honor Lowell Cree ferent than, the values of p.m. Bid or Bunch pinochle club Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree The evening ended with danc Marilyn Chapter “145, OES their parents and includes th*’ ing at the Riverview Inn meets at 7:30 p.m. at the home accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. will meet Mondnaj' evening, I ways which people arrive at of Edna Gordon. Vern Torgison of Scio at where a table was decorated Feb. 11. at 8:00 p.m. at the i conclusions about values. Marilyn Chapter -145, OES. tended the 75th anniversary of especially for the newlyweds. IOOF Hall. This will be a| Mrs. Gael Cutsforth and A wedding breakfast for the Friendship Night 1 meeting and friendship night Marguerite Chapter =6, OES ’ ______ ____________ _______ honoring; Mrs. George Ditter will be pro- at Lebanon last Saturday family members was held Sun Lowell O. Cree, grand page ject leaders for the 10:00 a.m. honoring Lowell Cree, 1973 day morning. Additional nighty escort at^the Grand Chapter of i meeting. Hostesses will be Mrs. Grand Page Escort, at 8:00 p. Between 350 and 400 peo guests were Hattie Golliet, Oregon Session last June. I J. W. Reveal and Mrs. Fred m. at the IOOF Hall. Wednesday, February 13 ple were in attendance includ Alice and Bernie Miotke and Several chapters have been I Moore. Jack Flannagan. Marilyn Assembly -60. Or ing a number of grand officers. invited to attend. I ---------------------------- der of Rainbow for Girls, A reception followed the Harold Prooch of Portland, meets at the IOOF Hall at 7:30 program. captain of the grand page es Round Robin Club ; Jehovah's Witnesses Sunday afternoon, Mr. and p.m. corts, is expected to be pres City Council meeting at 8:00 Mrs. Cree attended the 50th Meets At Boroughs ent to show colored slides i To Meet in Eugene p.m. at the city hall. anniversary of Orchid Chap ( taken at grand chapter last ' Jehovah ’ s Witnesses in the ter #150, OES. at the Molalla Home Monday Evening summer, especially of the Stayton area are making plans Thursday, February 14 The Round Robin Pinochle grand pages and grand page Santiam Canyon Home Ex Grade School. to attend a two-day convention Club met Monday evening at escorts. to be held in Eugene, Feb. 23- tension meeting at 10:00 a.m. the home of Mrs. Burton Bor 24 according to local minister, at the Gates Clubhouse. Good Attendance oughs. FOE -3384 Aerie and Auxil Alfreed Thompson. The hostess served dessert For Special Speaker The weekend seminar, spon iary banquet honoring the state followed by an evening of sored by the Watchtower Bible presidents at 5:30 p.m. at the A good attendance was at cards. and Tract Society of New Frontier Inn. Meetings to fol the Mill City Christian Church | Mrs. Virgil Trout received Sunday to hear Ellis Meuser York, will be held in the low at 8:00 p.m. at the lodge. high and pinochle, Mrs. Donald North Eugene High School au tell of his experiences in Carlson, low and Mrs. Al Yan- ditorium. Some 1,500 delegates Sponsored as a public service Africa as a missionary. kus the door prize. By representing eleven congrega- i A potluck dinner followed Guests present were Mr.. tions from the mid-Willamette the morning service so that Virgil Trout, Mrs. Francis Bo- people might meet Ellis and deker, Mrs. Joe Challender, Santiam Memorial Hospital Valley and coastal congrega his wife. In the afternoon, Ellis and Mrs. David DOERFLER To Richard tions are expected to be in at Earnhardt. tendance. showed interesting slides he Insurance Agency, Inc Members attending were Mrs. and Camara Doerfler, Sublim- Chairman and principal had taken in Africa. John MacGregor, Mrs. George ity, a daughter, Friday, Jan. speaker for the assembly is E 493 Third Street, Stayton Davis, Mrs. Charlie Stewart, 18. C. Woodley, from the Watch j Eagles Auxiliary Remember Us For Your. Sr., Mrs. Donald Carlson, Mrs. tower Society’s headquarters Arey Podrabsky, Mrs. Al Yan- at Brooklyn, N. Y. Hosts Pinochle Party Life and Health kus, Mrs. Rocky Moore of Eight tables of cards were Lyons and the hostess, Mrs. Insurance in play Thursday afternoon, Boroughs. Why don’t YOU subscribe Thursday, February 7 when the Eagles Auxiliary to The Mill City Enterprise T Phone 769-6311 Mrs. David Barnhardt will Turkey Gravy held their weekly pinochle be the next hostess. Whipped Potatoes party at the lodge. During the At the last party, Mrs. Don Hot Rolls afternoon. Joyce Nicholson and ald Carlson won high and Mrs. Cranberry Bars Darrel Easter held 1,000 aces. Charlie Stewart, Sr. low. Milk Helen Bennett won the pi Friday, February 8 nochle prize and Joyce Nichol Barbecued Hamburgers son won high and Ina Sims Bicycle To Be Raffled Potato Chips The Junior Woman’s Club second high for the women. Applecrisp Charlie Blackburn had high will soon be selling tickets for Regular & Chocolate Milk score for the men and George a five-speed bicycle which has Monday, February 11 been purchased from Western Arthur was second. Grilled Cheese Sandwich Refreshments were served Auto. Green Beans The bicycle will be on dis by the hostesses, Mrs. Walt Tidbits The Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements Nicholson. Mrs. Frank Blazek, play there until Feb. 23 when Pineapple Oatmeal Cookie Mrs. Pete Peterson and Mrs. it will be taken to the audi Milk Expert Craftsmanship—-Fast Service Too torium for the drawing at the Elma Stewart. Tuesday, February 12 Variety Show. Spaghetti Raffle tickets may be pur Garlic French Bread chased from any club member, Peas from Western Auto, or at the Purple Plums Variety Show on Feb. 23. Ice Cream You need not be present at Milk the drawing to win. Wednesday, February 13 Meat Hash Homemade Bread and Butter Harvard Beets Diced Pears Gingerbread Cake Thursday, February 14 Oven Fried Chicken Whipped Potatoes and Gravy Hot Rolls MY Cranberry Bars •«’roKi etnrig Of riL BLOfY Friday. February 15 Fish Krisps French Fries ~:~Z Mixed Fruit PERSONAL STATIONERY Jelly Squares Choc, or Reg. Milk 'kJcwnank PcUfG. Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel Mr.&Mrs. Coffman's Daughter Wed In Washington MADISON & DAVIS School Lunch Menu Mj Neighbors VALENTINE'S DAY LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES T KNIT KNACK DEPOT ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS BOOKLETS 134 Wall Street ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS VALENTINES DAY Buy Your Gifts From The Knit Knack Depot Handmade Gifts Oregon T ONE FREE! Ph. 897-2592 REMEMBER That Special Girl On INVOICES AE Tpdav ta bwet day m your HL for q * “DAIRY QUEEN*' atiawberry lurida« .. « üf, it« taste treat presented io the ORDERS TO GO Dairy Queen F Phone 769-5311 S+ay+on, Oregon F- Kits Of All Kinds STORE HOURS—10-5 Mon. thru Fri. 10-2 Sat. *OT Feb. 7 through Feb. 14. f » rp.