AM/FM Portable Radio Powerful 7 transis tor chassis comes complete with carry strap and earphone. 9V batt., not incl. Price Includes Deluxe Cart! AM/FM Table Radio Dependable solid state "in- AftQQ stant on” circuitry and at- B^w^r tractive beige plastic case. QC132o Clock Model DC2030 27.45 10W soi s5 SAVE 820! 19" Solid Sts Portable TV-Plus Cart 100% Solid State space age circuitry brings crisp, clear black and white pictures and rich sound-instantly' Family-sized 184 sq. in. viewing area. Comes in a hi-impact cab- met of polystyrene with beautiful wood- grained finish-plus chromed metal TV cart! ^B AB B #B ^^BQ B B ■ -Hi zo was 169 95 SAVE 820 on 15" Portable 1 Regular 119.95 Classic Spanish Style Guitar Regular 17.95 W.A. Value. Now /%OO J ■ BB Great reception—even in fringe areas from dependable photo etched circuitry! Front operating controls. Handsome hi-impact cab inet in walnut-woodgrain finish. Enjoy rich -Spanish” sound from this expertly crafted and finished hardwood body guitar! ■ 5095,0 Has tapered, thin-line neck for fast, easy fingering! Terms Available SIZ^JifR SAVE 9c Fresh “D” Cell Battery "ICC Buy ■ ■■ Ea