A fin. font, THROUGH THE 6—TSe Mill City enterprise, llHzrxhn. Jan. 17, 1974 INTERESTED IN MONEY' - Look into the benefits of membership in the North Santiam Federal Credit Union. Credit Union services are available to anyone ivone in m the Stayton area i general canyon to and in cluding Idanha. Our cur rent interest rate is 5t4% on Pass Book Accounts plus i limited life insurance, and each account is insured to $20.000. .Ask for Matt Martin or Lois Baller at 769-2146.1 or come into the office of Drushella Real Estate and ask for the North Santiam Federal Credit Union. fund. case, an ordinance forbade Dept Director Charles loitering within 250 feet of I Mack says. "This effort of any school - with no excep Miscellaneous department replaces the tions. si stance given by county But this law, when challeng ONE of the finer things of ■ ■ collectors under the former ed in court, was held to be life — Blue Lustre carpet hemeowners’ program We unconstitutional. The court cleaner Rent electric sham- i will have audi'.ors providing thought it was unfair to punish pooer $1. Mill City Hard- help to taxpapers in each someone simply for relaxing in B l ware. 897-2977 The Oregon Dept of Reve- county seat sometime during 3 the vicinity of a schooL Law nue has organized a statewiae the filing season ” makers had no authority, said taxpayer assistance program I The department has audit the court, "to denounce mere to help homeowners and ren:- division district offices in fif inaction as a crime,” adding: ers complete their claim forms teen cities throughout Oregon "The majority of mankind for the new Oregon Tax Re- and all but one is a countyj On the other hand, courts seat. Taxpayers living in or have also taken a tolerant view spends a goodly part of their near these offices can come ini I of what is "legitimate busi waking hours in idling the time ♦ Gas. Oil and Electric for assistance all through the ness.” One case involved a away. The ordinance is an un Forced Air Heating filing period until April 15, 17-year-old boy. arrested after reasonable restraint upon per Systems 1974. They should check the dark on the playground of a sonal liberty.” ♦ Sheet Metal Duct Systems OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — schedule below for days and junior high school. At a court $3 45 per gallon. Sublimity ♦ See Us for Free Estimates office hours. hearing, he explained that he ED LEWIN For Rent Building Supply. Phone 769- Certified LENNOX Dealer Homeowners must bring I had been waiting to take his Auctioneer, Ine. «74 41tf with them a refund claim ! younger sister home from a FOR RENT — 1 bedroom fur STAYTON (Form 70-R) which is part of class party. Complete Auctions nished apartment in Gates. LAW require* that REFRIGERATION STATE the individual income tax The judge decided this came Phone 897-2701 or 897-3189 "We Service What We Sell” anyone who contracts for Phone 769-5466 packet mailed to all Oregon under the heading of legitimate 47tf 207 3rd St work on your residence be Call 769-5323 residences around the first of business, and tossed the case registered with the Oregoa FOR RENT — One bedroom the year. out of court. Builders Board. This is for | apart $60 a mo $25 cleaning They should also bring with Furthermore, an anti-loiter- your protection. Check to be dep required. Water and them a copy of their property lng law must not exceed con- certain the individual with , garbage service furnished. tax statement and information, stitutional limits. In another whom you contract is so re No pets or children. Avail about their income for 1973, gistered by railing the De Jan. 15 Phone 897-z»61. 2tf including a completed federal partment of Commerce office Koffee Klatchers income tax return (Form 1040 FOR RENT — 1 bedroom apt. in your area ar contact the Name of Team W L or 1040A) if one is required. The Fir Grove Apts, m Builders Board. Room 204, Bob & Bill’s 7 1 Renters should bring the re Lyons. Phone 769-6583. 4 Commerce Building, Salem Ray’s Drug 6 2 fund claim forms and rent 26 tf Di tier’s ____ 5 3 certificates (Form 99-RC) ob FOR RENT — Furnished 2- ~----------- Girod’s_____ 4 4 tained from landlords which bedroom house Available To grow a new hi protein feed crop for feed & COW FERTILIZER will be Riverview___ 4 4 certify the amount of rent paid the 15 th of Februarv Call seed. You must be a good farmer & have 20 acres given away to anyone who Jerry ’ s Tavern 4 4 during 1973. 897-2481 or 897-3129. 4p will clean out the barn. Freres Lmbr. Co. _ 3 5 of good land to qualify. $6,000.00 cash investment Renters, too, will need to Phone 897-2601 Gene’s Mt. Mkt ___ 3 5 required. Earning potential of $25,000 per year or supply income information and Wanted Miscellanous Frontier Inn .... ...... 3 5 GALVANIZED ROOFING must bring in a completed fed more. Write: Earl's Chevron__ 1 7 24” corrugated. 4V corru- i eral income tax return if re WANTED — A small wood High individual _ game gated custom cut to length quired. burning stove. Phone 897- RUSSELL W. DEAN Ruby Huff 220 high indivi 2699 3 Ask about our new lower dual series — Velma Holm prices. Sublimity Building I 1061 S. E. Division, Portland, Ore, 97266 503; high team game and series Supply. 769-2174. Help Wanted I or caH — Ray’s Drug 975 and 2724. HELP WAN rKD — Woman for BARN and FENCE Recwood (503) 777-1649 Tuesdav Pin Pals stain $138 gal White in part time work. Wilson's Name of Team W tenor Latex wall finish L Hatchery Phone 859-2134. We wish to thank our rela GAB Trucking . 4 0 $2.99 gal Sublimity Build 51 tf . 3 1 in? Supply, Sublimity. Pt tives and many friends for the Pat's Pill Box TEXAS OIL COMPANY has Outsiders In Schoolyards 769-2174 17tf cards, gifts and helped us cele i 1st half winner opening in Mill City area. brate our golden wedding an Stayton Bowl Eddie, a high school drop 3 1 No experience necessary. SEPTIC TANK and dr» infield niversary. Dec 30. 1973. It Girod’s Hilltop __ 3 out, liked to hang around his 1 installation. Gravel, TopaoU. really made our day a per Team -8............... 2 Age not important Good old alma mater, getting into 2 character a must We tram. Bulldozing Free Estimate. fect one. various kinds of mischief. One, Mel Round A Sons 2 2 Air Mail A K Dickerson, May God bless you all. Low rates. L M. Walker, day he was picked up by ( Highland Trk __ 1 3 Pres.. Southwestern Petrol Mr and Mr*. Lyons. 859-2436 police on a charge of "loitering 50tf State Farm _____ 1 3 eum Corp. Ft Worth. Tex. 3 Peder A Pederson on school grounds.” Dick A Carol’s__ 1 3 KEYS MADE WHILE YOU To Eddie, this was foul play. Girod’s ________ 0 4 WAIT. Better get an extra CARD OF THANKS Real Estate High individual game — De After all, wasn't the school key made for your house My sincere thanks to friends lores Barnts 199. high indivi yard a public place — free for I or automobile today. Bring for the cards, kind thoughts dual series — Irene Klein 518: all? t your key with you. Mill' and memorial contributions in high team game and series — But the court found him Call For FREE Estimates City Hdwe., Mill City. tf memory of my beloved wife, GAB Trucking 767 and 2117. guilty as charged. As one judge Dorothy. , Sta;r Steps — Dodie Storm- put it: NEED CASH? Loans available Financing Available Plans Available Morgan White “Public school premises are er 179-149-119; Mary Hamp on older homes and ranch- j not free to any and everyone, ton 155-144-133. er.es. Call debenture mort CARD OF THANKS like a public street or public We Build On Your Lot Or Ours gage co., Stayton, 769-8377 To all the many families and Wednesday Night Merchant ; park. Ihiblic school premises Completed add.tions as low as $1 I sq. ft. 39tf organizations too numerous to Name of Team W L I are dedicated to the use of mention individually, a very persons eligible to attend the Ted ’ s ’ Drive-in ___ .. 7 5 ALUMINUM Screen Doon schools, their officers, teach 5 . 7 complete with hinges. latch grateful thank you for all the Philippi Motor help you have so thoughtfully Sheiman Farms ers. and employees.” 7 1 set, grill and door closer. 4S Ac older, lg 3 bdrm. Sev A number of communities, 5 $12.50 Sublimity Building and generously provided us in Bethel Cont. _____ 3 eral barns Approx. % m the search for our beloved BiC Texaco ____ 0 4 i ieery of troublemakers, have Dick Blakely, Owner Supply Phone 769-2174. tf hwy. frontage. Underground Nel You will always be re passed special anti-loitering High individual game Licensed and Bonded sprinklers. 1 % m. from! NUMBER ONE prefiniahed membered with great affection Clayton Weitman 201 : high in- laws placing schoolyards off Gates Asking $19.100 20*7 P. O. Box 766, Mill City Ph. 897-2701 I dividual series — Tom John- limits to those having no le paneling. All 4x8 sheets and love. in. 8y Pints to be arrang-! The Farmen Families and son 539: high team game and gitimate business there. And $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity ed. Owner will carry. Mr. and Mrs. Guy ! series — Ted’s Drive-in 969 1 most courts have upheld the | Building Supply. Sublimity. 3 Bdrm 240’ Bus frontage or Sorensen ( and 2782 validity of these laws. Phone 789-2174. 41tf Hwy 22. Mill Citv. Gates I S’. 1.840 $2.60 dn. Bal 8<7 LICENSED INCOME TAX I C.ARD OF THANKS I We express our sincere terms. All offers considered , CONSULTANT Bring your income tax ma tr.anks and appreciation to our terial to me for fast accurate friends and neighbors for the preparation on your returns. cards. floral arrangements, Mabel Yanku*. North San- food and many other expres tiam Real Estate Offfiee. 647 sions of sympathy during the N. E Santiam Blvd. Phone loss of our loved one. Elmer 897-2497. 3tf Hann We will be forever GRAVEL grateful. JOHN W. REID, M. D WOOD FOR SALE — $25 a OF ALL KINDS Alma Hann and family p.ckup load delivered. Phone Call HUGH JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon < 897-2M3 after 5:00 p.m 5p Cf-fftl Mornings or HEATING Revenue Offers Assistance To ?ndd £ Homeowners /jinn ■■ A Good Farmer WANTED THE FAMILY LAWYER NEW HOUSE COSTS TOO HIGH? We Will Frame and Close To Weather you finish. BLAKELY CONSTRUCTION CO Philippi Ford USED CAR DRUSHELLA'S Drushella Real Es+a+e RUG-MATE Stain Removing Rug Shampoo is easy on the 1045 N. First Ava, Stayton budget. Restores colorful Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 carpeting. Rent electric Salesman — Gate*, Oregon shampooer $1. Western Auto Call day or evening. Catalog Store. 897-2785. BUSINESS 8 PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY <- - - - - - AUCTION WEDDING STATIONERY to be held Mobile MUI Chy, Oregon PhJ^Me-zm ._______ _____________ I - I Sunday, January 20th Stayton Appliance 1:00 p. m. until Subscribe to The Serving Service the Santiam Canyon Area. Everything Is Auctioned Mill Qty Enterprise Servicing AU Major Brand Appliances Undercover and Heated Phone 769-3261 FREE Door Prizes 2 3 ACRE in the heart erf MIL City. Flowers and Bhrubs galore I Really nice. 2 bedroom mobile home completely furnished and ready to move into. Carport and storage bkig Berries and Fruit trees. Ail this for odv $12.500 SMALL ACREAGES with or without bldgK. needed. « $200,000 BIG VALUES — BUDGET PRICES TWO Bedroom, living room, kitchen and full bath. Gas heat, water and electricity. Storage shed. All on 50x100’ lot Full price-----------------------------------------$6.950.00 8x40’ MOBIL HOME plus an added 10x22* living room. Carpeted and panelled. 12x12’ Covered patio and a 10x12’ separate utility room. Beautifully landscaped — Lots of fruit trees-------------------------------- $6.750.00 MANY BUYERS for homes with stmall acreage LIST NOW. INVENTORY TO BE AUCTIONED HEU OG RAVED* Many Trucks and Commercials Ed Lew’n — Auctioneer ÿ Fhilippi Ford Mill Gty Enterprise Telrptoar VI«72 1 I STAYTON, OREGON Weddle Funeral Home 242 E. Florence —Stayton Oil Burner Service Now Serving Mill city and Vicinity Prompt Service A Dopendablo PHONE 7M-X3M Cy's Furnace Repair Barry's Shall Service 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregon Cy Hilton, owner I Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service We will meet all coni petit fve Prices and service Satiafactioe Guaranteed Pfc. 769-6659 Staytoo