Jefferson JV's Stop City Of Detroit Santiam Wolverines Appoints New Council Member Gty Council Meeting cl meetmg rf Jac. 1 1FH. w as caDed » nrder by Msyrr Base onto aS toe rrunctmer pres­ ent. Tb maysr led tse F5ed*e of Al-<«iance u toe F*\* Th* msEctes cf toe last rega­ lar recrcG meetmg af Dec. li ÌPT3 were read and approved- Tbe rectrner ama»=eed toat toe ctv had new.ved t=* Ort- Dec MH Beve» Sharif ebsek ri Sii.* N Mr ref by 3r-_mr*r seetoSed by HrweD s pay toe b__s as rsad ta toe am>rur.t cf S-L- 13S54. Passes by a m3 rail vase at all aye ranea. toe pctxc rep:“; t--a±f.c sto- ùans X traffic wa.—.mg“- 12 mume.pal rrtatares. ad’—t L _-_re-r- * 1; tai rsccrd. ess j-’tdped i «emt recced, rases f rxessec 3k. jcbd npcrbtd 44 .-.-r- planrt re­ ported — accadesti rfc>:rt ed ♦: teeeey rererrec fres ££M» ETerert *c. TWi em: ts _nf. toe order toat was plsce-d be- f.-r* toe Czss ri toe yea_- - :cld bs fDed seen. W arrm Geffin steted toat toe strrvs-’' had teert rcmpSeted ce th* rr:c*“rss tc be traded The Jefferson JVs outscor­ ed toe Sart-am JV's IT-15 tn the ferst half and held on to defeat the 44-bi st a jeafue fame at Jeffersee. Friday Surrst got off to a slow start. seoetBg cdy four pvmts m toe first quarter Sanram had ten rumcvets to to* first quarter. Saturn. toe sec­ ond half. but was too far be­ hind to cateh up S a rtt ta— m_ssed to* presence of Dhvto Ettel their tallest flayer and was weak ce. toe brads agamst a natd taller Jeffersce team. Tumrvers al­ so rurt Sar.tam very badly as they r_med toe bail .wer 24 t —-es. Samt-aa ato. shrt very pcvefy. tot jap only 23S cd toter field peal attempts S antra— was led m see nag by Jia- T^gt: with eight points. Fl..-k Ladv and ’ack — «g.-», »¿ted sever pema. Lelard Ctort led toe rebrurtoers. rultorg tows Ul Oty Reverter James J. King Is Detroit Mayor •—»— * •• •» •• Mrs. McMilla- 1$ R e-hos pH a l ized DETROÎT — Mrs. drif ¿s F äj CC THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX MS PHOM W7-STrt MILL CITY. OU. *TMe I DETROIT — 'Ibe regular Imeet-ng of Jan. L 1174 of De­ troit Chty Grund was called to .'“ter at T pm. by pros, beet c£ toe round (acting * trayee Joyce Crtst Cfluad members present were Dsvd WJd ard Jo* Ar­ senault There were eight r.t-- ■ tees pro-sect Oregon g City rrowder. Ruth Thomas- Newspaper W scn. road toe minutes at toe ^vtxsbers Dec 11 tneetmj and fave a treasurer s ropret The -mres ■s ere approved as read. Fol- SVBSCTUPTIOX RATES kwtag the «eclt»- recent release frxz th* hocp:- tal Other toa^nesi mcl -ted th* read -< of —c-m :at.ttit f-tm the l-*«r-* of Oree» Otea. Dept. of Bevemae Mar­ ian Cocsity, Dept. and tth*r ma.1 It was amnousced that toe ety recorred rts aec- ced quarter reveso* Br-jr.g. Detroit Don't Forget The Ham Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 pjn. Thursday, Jan. 24 W® Also Have A FURNITURE DOLLIE For Rent MILL CITY HARDWARE Phone 897-2977 City Center