v' * r<MT*ct PAIO, M ill Cirr, . QU'ME XXIV ! it Ain’t All Roses Mill City Enterprise Qaiaow NUMBER S ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREGON’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1974 Albany Boy Retiring Councilman Honored Ham Dinner Tickets on Sale (by George Long) $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Councilman Brunner Resigns After Seven Years Service Advance ticket sales are now underway for the annual ham dinner next Thursday,! At the Wednesday, Jan. 9, Jan. 24, at the Santiam High I iimoil J , School cafeteria. Dinner will council mantinrf meeting, Mnvnr Mayor CM Clyde be served from 5:30 to 7:30' ®ate rea<? a ^T.tter. resigna- tion to be effective Jan. 10 p.m. Councilman Adolph Ticket chairman, Bill Byer, from said tickets can be purchased Brunner. Adolph said he wish at any of the following busi ed to spend more time travel nesses: U. S. National Bank, ing and, with other business Western Auto, Mill City En committments, he felt he did terprise, Stewart’s Grocery, not have the time to devote to council position. Mill City Pharmacy, Sears the Mayor Bate praised Mr. Store and Hilltop Market. Brunner for the past seven Tickets are $2.25 adult, $1.25 service he had given the for children under 12 and a years city council and also stated he family ticket is $7.50. would be missed greatly. Dinner chairman Betty Mayor Bate appointed John Plotts said the dinner will in- Wills to street commissioner I elude ham, mashed potatoes and said that the city would be I and gravy, green beans, a accepting applications for a choice of salads, hot rolls, cof councilman to fill the position fee, punch and dessert. There of sanitation. will be generous servings to Council members feel that satisfy the heartiest of appe this is an important job as tites. there are many new rules be All proceeds from the din ing set up for the state and ner, sponsored by the Santiam counties. Also, with approx Booster Club, will go to the imately three more hearings Canyon Scholarship Fund. due for Mill City on the possi Each year two students from bility of a sewer system com the Santiam High School grad ing up for a vote. uating class are awarded can In other council action, they yon scholarships. These are recommended that the new or made possible by community dinance on trailer homes be supported projects such as the sent back to the planning com Santiam Booster Club ham mittee for some minor changes. dinner. The moratorium on ordin- A full scale search was ance #107 dealing with mobile Since beginning its sainted j launched again last Saturday — Olli . _____i homes : in Mill City ___________ was extend crusade in the name of ecolo for the body of Albany teen ed until April 1, 1974, hoping gical purity, the Environmen ager, Neil Farmen, who appar that the new ordinance would tal Protection Agency’s modus ently drowned in the Santiam be ready at that time. ope ranch has been more in the River Christmas day. Young There were four Mill City nature of a juggernaut. ! Farmen was fishing alone residents present at the meet Anyone daring to challenge near the br.dge here when he ing. the motives of EPA clearly was disappeared. A passing motor against a clean environment ist spotted a body floating in and for the ugly misuse of na- the river that afternoon. Ten divers from the Salem ture’s blessings. The pendulum has begun to Aqua Club participated in the futile search Saturday. Jerry swing, however. EPA’s devastating and dicta Miller, one of the Aqua Club torial decisions are under divers, said they began search court attack, and growing pub ing about 9:00 a.m. and gave lic disaffection. Orders which up at 1:00 p.m. after scouring would bring reasonable econ the river from here to Me omic development throughout hama. The water level was the nation to a standstill have down several feel as the Army been exposed as capricious, Corps of Engineers had begun and founded more in fantasy holding it back at Detroit Dam early Saturday morning to as than fact. Adolph Brunner is shown with cake sist searchers. For the first time in over But EPA’s attack has not gresented to him by fellow council mem- Also assisting in the search five years, Santiam is ranked been against man alone. Nature were 25 employees of PP&L era, city employees and their wives at in the top 10-A schools in the also has been offended by and several family friends. The last weeks council meeting. Mr. Brunner state for basketball. This week, EPA’s dicta. missing boy’s father, Frederick has served seven years as a council mem the Wolverines moved up from In the Pacific Northwest, an Farmen, is a lineman for number six to number five in ber and street commissioner. He submitted of estimated 700.000 acres PP&L. the ratings. his resignation last week. Enterprise photo choice forest has been system Coach Sanders believes that atically defoliated by a ruin this is one of the best teams ous infestation of the tussock Santiam has ever produced. If moth — brought on by EPA’s Santiam wins the Trl-River ban on the use of DDT. Conferenne, they will automa The Department of Agricul tically go into the state play ture estimates that upwards of offs. This would also make the DETROIT — Brian Smith $48 million in damage and ex first time in a number of years DETROIT — The Detroit pense has been caused by the and Randy Roth collected 18 Santiam has made it to the High Cougars got a 32 point tussock moth invasion, and and 17 points respectively to playoffs. scoring performance from left the defoliated areas vul give Detroit a 63-54 basketball | But, Santiam needs help to nerable to soil erosion and new win over Scio here Tuesday of __ ____________ The ____ Santiam Wolverines Brian Smith here Friday night get into the state playoffs, last week. Leading al scorers I won their second league game and easily won their Casco fire hazards. your help. In a team meeting From a naturalist’s view in the non-league encounter I in two starts, as they beat the League basketball game with last Friday, the players dis Oregon School for the Deaf of The point — and one which EPA was Scio’s Gregg McDonald } Jefferson Lions, 43-34. cussed the importance of game was played at Jefferson Salem 101 to 41. would be expected to share — with 25 points. school and town support. It OSDS 41 — Magar 4, Martin 5, The Cougars took an early on Friday. the moth's attack has left some was felt that the support San and maintained it Both teams played an even Traeger 14, McKenzie 12, Wei of the northwest's most spec lead tiam has received in the past mer 2, Spicer 2, Williams 2. tacular 100-year-old douglas throughout the game for the first half, as the Wolverines years has diminished. The Mill City Lions Club mem Detroit 101 — Roth 16, Gar took a 22-21 halftime lead. The fir trees dying. Thus, EPA’s victory. bers met Monday evening, players felt that the school and dner 19, WiJJiamson 21, Monroe Scio 54 — McDonald 25. Orts > third quarter ended in a 29-29 consuming addiction to the ban Jan. 14, with a dinner meeting, town support helps the team of DDT has done spectacular 2, Bishop 6. Lassetter 4, Cloud tie, but the Wolverines came 9, Smith 32, Higginbotham 4. along greatly. at the Frontier Inn. Halftime score — Detroit 47 7, Bolman 2, Miller 7, Rowland to life in the fourth as they violence to nature. So come to games and sup President Blakely presented to 18. The Mill City School Board outscored the Lions, 14-5. EPA has had little evidence 1. 100% attendance awards for port your team. It can be as Total fouls — Deaf School held their regular monthly Detroit 63 — Rick Roth 5, Santiam shot an impressive to stand so pat on the use of 26, Detroit 16. Fouled out, Mc meeting on Thursday, Jan. 10, the 1972-73 year. Those in at sured that Santiam will pro DDT, an insecticide which was Randy Roth 17, Monroe 9, 45% from the field but only Kenzie, Spicer, Roth. 8:00 p.m. at the Santiam High tendance to receive their vide excellent and exciting made a bogeyman in Rachael Smith 18, Lynn 12, William shot 38 times. Santiam was Alsea will host Detroit Fri School. The meeting was called award were: Martin Hansen, games on their way to a pos weak on rebounding as they Carson’s misguided ‘‘Silent son 2. day, Jan. 18. Then on Jan. 25, to order, but reading of the John Fohl, Wes Jahn, George sible state birth. But remem Halftime score — Detroit 33 only collected 28. Free trow Spring" Early last year, af Detroit will play Mohawk minutes was dispensed with Long and Fred Krecklow. ber, they need your support. Scio 26. shooting was again on the poor ter 81 days of hearings at Other members receiving the there. JV games begin at 6:15 because of the busy agenda, Total fouls Scio 17, Detroit side as the Wolverines only which 125 witnesses filled award, but unable to be pres p.m. and varsity at 8 p.m. 16. Fouled out — Cloud, Smith representatives were Four shot 56%. nearly 10,000 pages with testi ent were Burton Boroughs, and Rick Roth. present from different bus The Santiam scoring was mony, the hearing examiner Vern Rush, Mel Rambo and companies that had submitted Don supplied by Gary DeMain and ruled that “DDT is not a car Moffatt. bids on the new 1974 72-pass- | Roger Davidson. They both cinogenic hazard to man”. Lion PresidentaDick also re enger conventional bus to be ported I ed nine and six. Roger David- that the s Jiall American But EPA banned DDT, and purchased for the district. The The JFK Freshman team I Santiam’s next game will be flags have arrived, and they wouldn’t budge, despite pleas bid was awarded to Barrett ed nine and six. Roger Ravid- outscored the Santiam will be given to the first grad from an assortment of agricul Brothers of Albany. The bus son led Santiam rebounding Freshman team 36-7 in the ers on Washington ’ s Birthday tural and forestry interests body will be of the design with nine. first half and went on to de who warned of insect inva submitted by Superior Co. and along with a small program feat the Wolverines 55-27 in a Santiam ’ s nedt game will be on what the flag represents. sions. Friday, Jan. 18. The Wolver Mt. Angel DETROIT — Vandalism ls the chassis will be made by President Dick also said league game at The ill-fated EPA decision ines will face the Salem Aca apparently on the increase in International. The bid accept- there would be a board meet Monday. now has come home to roost in Crusaders at Salem. the upper canyon area, Four el was a joint one by the two ing at his home on Monday, i ‘ This was Santiams first i demy the forests of Washington, companies totaling Jan. 21, at 6:30 p.m. and alii game of the year and it was Come if you can. windows were broken in the above Oregon and northern Idaho. Santiam ___ 10 17 7 14—43 Detroit City Hall Monday $14,278.00. The 1974 bus will members are invited to attend. | the sixth game of the year for The Pacific Legal Fund has 5—34 night, Jan. 14. Nothing appear replace a 1962 conventional In The next regular meeting will I JFK. DETTROIT — Residents in I Jefferson ..... 9 12 8 joined with small forest own Santiam 43 — Plotts 9, Bry ed to be missing. State police ternational bus. The new bus be Jan. 28 at the Frontier Inn The Wolverines played the i the Upper North Santiam Can ers and lumbering firms and i , will be delivered sometime in at 6:30 p.m. Trojans even in the second ant 6, DeMain 12, Davidson 12, are investigating. filed a major lawsuit against yon are feeling the pinch of M. DieMain 4. half, outscoring them 20-19. A number of residents have October. Money for the bus is gas shortage. EPA, demanding damages and Jefferson 34 — Hart 13 reported gas has been stolen already available through a Santiam was led by an out Berry’s Shell Service Station Keith a court order freeing DDT for rotating bus fund. standing performance by Don 4, Z. McClain 1. Girt 4, and one homeowner reported I Dog Control Officer More. More scored 19 points use to stop the tussock moth’s at Detroit ran out of gas Mull 3, Rosenblatt 2, Bergh 5, a compressor and a deer head Other action taken was the rapacious appetite for the for- I Thursday of last week and did T. McClain 2. grabbed 15 rebounds. an advisory was taken recently from his acceptance of : not receive another supply un- In Mill City Saturday and est. Santiam’s main downfalls committee for the “Right to garage. I til Monday. He said his The Marion County Dog were their turnovers and poor The suit does not hang its weekly quota for January is The Idanha fire hall report Read” program. This is in ac hat on economic self-interest | 1600 gallons of gas and that ed missing a large quantity of cordance with the state regula Control Officer will be In Mill shooting. Santiam had a total alone. fuel oil which is being investi tions. On the committee are City at the City Hall Satur of 30 turnovers. They hit only I he pumps approximately 300 gated. Wesley Jahn, Carole Twede day, Jan. 19, between 9:00 a.m. 33% of their field goal at “The infestation (of the tus . gallons a day. He said, at the Obscene phone calls have al (teacher of the program), and 12:00 noon. Dog licenses! tempts and only 41% of their sock moth) poses a health haz ' present he figured his quota so been reported by several Doris Sheythe, Helen Cox, may be purchased during this, freethrows. ard to man himself . . . Larvae for February would not be any Santiam 4 3 6 14—27 Detroit residents recently. Burton Boroughs and Frank time. generate and spread fine and ■ better. There is only one serv- Licenses are $4.00 for all JFK 18 18 10 7—55 Stromquist. One more person irritating hairs which are car | ice station here. Idanha, with Santiam 27 — More 19, Clark IDANHA — Mills in the from the community has yet dogs and, after March 1, there ried great distances . . . Aller ' only one service station also, is an additional $10.00 penalty. 3, Larsen 1, Ohrt 2, Halligan 2. to be named. gic reaction to the moth’s .3 ¡s experiencing the same Idanha area resumed opera Stray dogs will also be taken JFK 55 - Key 4, Syra 10, tions Monday following a ‘spun glass’ causes painful problem. Both Permission was granted for stations are welts, itching rashes, caughing, selling to only regular custo closure Wednesday of last the Seventh-day Adventist at this time and delivered to Burnt 2, Schmidt 4, Beyer 6, the Humane Society at no! Rash 10, Parra 15, Dolan 2, week. Some half dozen mills vomiting, lung congestion and mers, it was reported. Church to use one of the class charge. Heath 2. in the North Santiam Canyon eye swelling . . rooms for a smoking clinic to IDANHA — In a special School Supt. Ron Wilkerson The suit charges that defo said the only problem they are closed due to recent cold wea emergency meeting Monday start Feb. 3 and continue liated trees “cannot properly experiencing at the present, in ther, throwing more than 400 I night, Jan. 4, Idanha City through the 7th. Time is 6:00 diminish the forces of wind, keeping the school buses run employees out of work. Some ’ Council adopted a resolution to to 7:00 p.m. At a later date a Student Body Officers rain and snow. Ground cover ning, is a time factor. Pr°bl:rnS< aUri'1 authorize Mayor Lynn Wil- nutrition course will also be buted to ponds freezing over' liamson and city recorder Reba held. It will be one or two is torn off by snowmelt and and logs actually freezing. Of i Snyder to sign necessary pa nights a week for a period of heavy rain. Dependent plant ficials at the state employ pers in behalf of the city In five or six weeks. and animal life do not obtain Steering Commitfee ment service in Salem said an agreement necessary support. The result between and Due to the rising cost of that more than 425 workers with the State is a desert . . .” Meeting January 16 of Oregon, gasoline, field trips for the filed claims for unemployment As the prestigious national The Mill City Steering Com through its department of elementary and high school financial newspaper Barron’s mittee held their first meeting benefits. transportation, highway divi Only maintenance workers sion, in regard to the up-com will be limited to a round trip said in an editorial, “What is of the year Wednesday, Jan. of not more than 80 miles. remained on the job. perhaps most alarming is 1«, at 8:00 at the home of Bill I ing project of the Church This will be for the remainder Stuckart Lumber Co. re I EPA’s ignorance which, in un Byer. Street Bridge within the city. of this year and next year. operations Monday holy alliance with its arro AH representatives of the i sumed This action is a result of the Discussion was held con gance. has wrought untold various organizations as well morning, and Green Veneer, city’s application for financial Tnc. and U. S. Plywood harm.” as the Interested public were assistance under ORS 366.800 cerning the national change to (Champion International) be and 366.805, whereby deserv Daylight Saving Time. It was urged to attend. gan operations with swing ing cities may be granted as decided that only about three shifts Monday afternoon. much as $25,000 for major weeks remained before it Santiam AARP project street repair or im would be daylight when bus When Walking provement. On Dec. 19, 1973, pickups were made. Therefore, ■ Wear Light Clothing Detroit Dam - Weather ;:.J Oregon Transportation no time change would be To Hold Meeting i Pool Parents are reminded that Commission approved the made. However, possibility of The Santiam Chapter of the __ their children should be Max. Mln. Elev city’s application. The City of n next fall time change is AARP will hold this month’s wearing some article of light Jan. 9 32 18 1465 06 Idanha has budgeted $10,000 probable. meeting in the Eagle’s Hall, clothing if they are walking Jan. 10 30 17 1461.30 of city funds to this project. A motion was passed to pur Mill City, with a potluck din to school in the mornings. Jan. 11 31 18 1457.43 Also, at the special meeting, chase 155’ of 6’ cyclone fence ner beginning at 6:30 p.m, Due to the daylight saving Jan. 12 38 19 1455.81 Elected recently as student body officers,st Mill the city council discussed the to be installed by Sears. Cost Wed.. Jan 23 time, it is dark and the young- Jan. 13 43 35 1456.56 survey of the streets in the old is $413 00 as it is now on sale. City Elementary school are left to right}:1 president, A business meeting will fol-, I ___________________ ___ __ Jan. 14 52 38 1459 48 sters are hard to see, _ t particu- part of the town and the pro low and recreation is planned j larly on the streets'"where1 Jan. 15 61 44 1470.81 4.03 posed Main Street work to im The installation will take place David Wright; vice-president, Randy Neal; advisor, Al vhen the walkway has been Glover; secretary, Susan BudJong and Sgt at arms, for members and their friends. (there are no sidewalks. 1 Total Pep. for Week.......... .8.23 prove drainage on that street. I eadied for use. Steve Richards.—The MSI Ctty Enterprise photo. xaz Detroit Dumps Scio 'Five' 63-54 Wolverines Cougars Wn ln League Play Stop Lions Upper Canyon Area Vandalism On The Increase Gas Pinch Felt In Upper Canyon Area • Mills In Canyon Area Resume Operations Idanha Council Holds Special Meeting District 129 J To Purchase School Bus z a Wolverines Listed Among Top Ten Lions Club To Give American Flags To First Graders Frosh Lose To Kennedy 55-27