Houseguests New Years day and overnight at the Wallace Hovey home were Mr. and I Mrs. Bill Schroeder of Par shall, N. D„ and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hovey and Paul of Ya- i kima. Mr. and Mrs. Albin Cooper Dale W. Esch Named 5—The Mill ICity Enterprise, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1974 of Corvallis were New Years eve dinner guests at the home Joyce Presler — 897-2707 Assistant Cashier of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Mof smii ’ng» Hosts fatt. The Coopers are former The Gates Christian Church Dale W. Esch, who joined residents of Mill City. is having a Fellowship Potluck the staff of Western Security J Wednesday Card Club Dinner at the church on Sun Bank of Salem in August, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berg were day, Jan. 13 at 12. Everyone 1973, was recently named as LYONS — Mrs. Katie Skill Marist outscored Santiam ings was hostess for the Wed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gruver in town briefly last week. is welcome to attend. sistant cashier, according to 17-7 in the first quarter and nesday afternoon card club hosted a New Years Eve They were traveling in Flori Lynn Cutsforth has return Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cree bridge party. Attending from da with their house trailer ed to Eastern Oregon College an announcement by Leonard coasted in with a 73-56 victory held at the city hall. Follow over the Wolverines in a non ing a 1:30 dessert luncheon, 500 and Anthony and Mr. and Mill City were Mr. and Mrs. when their son-in-law and at La Grande. He is a senior Van Kleeck, president. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree were Al Glover, Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ron and will finish school this Esch has been in the bank league game at Marist Satur was in play. ing and mortgage field in the day. dinner guests New Year’s day Wallace Hovey and Mr. and Bassett of Stayton, finally spring. High score was held by Santiam shot much better at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rex Ohmart. Also, Mr. managed to ca'.ch up with Visitors at the home of Salem, Stayton and Corvallis Joe Ragedale at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker of Al them with reservations to fly Mary Stafford on Sunday af area for 26 years, beginning than Marist, outscoring them Mabel Downing, second high and Mrs. Larry Ragsdale and bany and Mr. and Mrs. Dick home for the holidays with ternoon, Jan. 6 were Mr. and his career shortly after his 49% to 35%; however, Marist by Doris Roy and low by Ruth shot 35 more times than San Lyons. Betsy from Donald were also Ricketts from Cloverdale. their family. Mrs. Marion Kent from Tur discharge from the U. S. Navy tiam. Marist outrebounded dinner guests. In the afternoon, after serving in the Pacific Others attending were Nellie ner. Santiam 43-28, controlling Riggs, Margaret Kunkle. Leota Mr. and Mrs. Cree visited their theatre during WWn. Staying with Ruby Brisbin Melody Bamhardt of Gates Woman's Club members are Worden, Jaunlta Davis, Alma son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and He has lived in the Salem, both backboards. Ruth Meek of Lyons were reminded that a silent auction for five days from Dec. 31 Marist was led by Ray Paie- Olmstead, Gladys Nygaard. and Mrs. Gordon McMorris at among the 448 students named will be held in conjunction through Jan. 4 were her grand area since early childhood, and i ment with 24 points and Joe Bertha Allen, Katie Sieg, Rose their home near Oregon City. to the fall term honor roll with the meeting at Mrs. son and family, Major Jerry is a member of the Salem Elks ■ Hibbard with 20 counters. Bassett, Berneice Bridges, Zeta Lodge and the Stayton Kiwanis i Larson, his wife Sylvia and OCE Students must have Charles Kelly’s on Tuesday Santiam was led by Frank Prichard, Alta Bodeker, Laura Marilyn Chapter No. 145, a at 3.5 children Debbie and Stephen. Club where he was formerly I Bryant or better GPA for at evening, Jan. 15, sponsored by I with 22 points. Also Neal and Mary Sieg. OES. will hold their stated the ways and means commit They’re from Travis AFB, Ca. secretary and treasurer. He; scoring in double figures were meeting next Monday eve least 12 hours of study. is a past member of the Salem While here they also visited tee. ning, Jan. 14 at 8:00 p.m. at with his sister and her family, JayCees and the 20-30 Club. David Plotts with 12 points Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hovey the IOOF Hall. Mrs. Veda and He served two terms on the and Matt DeMain with 11. daughter, Doris, spent It was announced that the Robert and Berdie Wilson. Frank Bryant made 11 out Barker, member of the Estarl Christmas Walt and Toni Thomas and Stayton City Budget Commit with his brother Presbyterian Women ’ s Assn, INTRODUCING Committee of the Grand Chap and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray will not hold its regular meet Chris traveled to Portland this tee and one year on the Stay of 17 field goal attempts and was seven for ten in the first ter of Oregon, will make her Hovey in Yakima. On Dec. 27, ton Planning Commission. past weekend to visit Walt ’ s ing on Thursday afternoon, half. Roger Davidson was the official visit. Refreshments the Hoveys went to Seattle to Jan. sister, Mrs. Jessie Adams, who 10, at Fellowship Hall. leading rebounder for Santiam, will be served following the visit her sister, Mr. and Mrs. is just home from the hospital. pulling down ten. meeting. Janet Lewis was reappointed Albert Friends. Enroute home Miss Erma Graham of San Frank Bryant and David by the biard of Marilyn As the 28th. they stopped in Francisco, Calif, left for her Plotts tied for the offensive Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bab on Portland to have dinner with home Sunday after having sembly "60, Order of Rainbow player this week and Roger bitt and family returned last their oldest daughter, Mr. and spent for Girls to fill the position of a week here at the home Davidson was selected the out week from a trip to Southern Mrs. Larry Kopf. of her mother, Mrs. Ernest Mother Advisor on Dec. 12. standing defensive player. California where they spent The new board and mother ad Graham. Plotts scored 35 points in the Christmas holidays with visor will be installed on Feb. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Kap- The Marist JV’s outscored two games and Bryant scored relatives. They visited Tia- linger spent Christmas in Sa 10 for this next year. Marilyn the Santiam JV’s 17-5 in the 40 Mrs. Iolo Davidson arrived points. Davidscn collected juana and other tourist attrac lem at the home of their son- recently from her Oxford, En Assembly, Order of Rainbow second quarter and went on to 21 rebounds during the week tions during their visit. for Girls meets every fourth in-law and daughter, Mr. and gland, home for a months defeat the Wolverines 52-14 in end and also played aggres Mrs. Harold Judge. Also pres with her parents, Mr. and Wednesday of the month at a non-league basketball game sively on defense. Weekend guests at the home ent were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight visit the IOOF Hall. at Marist, Saturday. This is the first loss this of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ham Langley and their two child Mrs. W. M. Pennick of Gates. Home extension meets this Santiam got off to a good season for Santiam, whose ilton were Mr. and Mrs. Ken ren, Marie and Dustin from Thursday, (today) Jan. 10, at start and led 11-10 at the end record now stands at 4-1. Dale Grant, a sophomore at neth Songer, Dennis and Huntington. Ore., and Craig SOC in Ashland, is listed on 10:00 a.m. at the Gates Com of the first quarter. However, Santiam .7 21 11 17—56 Cheryl of Oakridge. Mr. Son Judge from Salem, the Judge’s the fall honor roll with a munity Center. The subject Marist outscored Santiam 17-5 Marist .....17 18 18 20—73 ger is Mrs. Hamilton’s bro two children and his mother, GPA of term this month is “ Food Dollars in the second quarter and 20-8 3.71. Dale is majoring Santiam 56 — Plotts 12; ther. and Sense”. Mrs. Edith Judge also of Sa in anthropology. in the third quarter to take a Bryant 22; G. DeMain 4; M. Gates City Council will hold 47-24 lead into the final quar DeMain 11; Davidson 5; Tip lem. Mr. and Mrs. Langley re CLIFF CROOK Dinner guests Christmas day turned to their home on Thurs their January meeting on ter. Santiam made a strong pit P. J. ’ s Beauty Center, 240 2. 536 Parkside Drive at the home of Mr. and Mrs. day. Thursday, Jan. 17, 7:30 at the comeback in the fourth quar Marist 73 — Paiement 24; S. W. Broadway, open Mon Mill City Rex Ohmart and John were Gates Fire Station. This will ter, outscoring Marist 17-5, but Hibbard day through Saturday 9:00 20; Beeden 8; Cala- her mother, Mrs. Ray Poff of Spending New Years Day at a.m. to 5:00 p.m., evenings by not be a water assessment the comeback fell well short van 12; Beyer 2; Michaud 5. Phone 897-2924 Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le ■■ Telephone 897- hearing because a re-evalua as Marist had compiled too Okada of Clackamas. Dropping land Kaplinger were her sister, appointment. tion of assessment on Dist. #1 • As a Metropolitan Life ltf large of a lead. in later to renew acquaintan Mrs. Lillian Schulz, her ne 2137. is necessary due to the new j representative in this Santiam’s main problems ces with the Okadas were Mr. phew, Ted Schulz and her j area, he will gladly pro- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson state highway crossing re were turnovers and lack of re and Mrs. Al Glover and Trma. neice and husband, all from spent quirement which makes it bounding. Santiam had a total • vide any information four days over New Christmas eve the Ohmarts Jefferson. necessary to bore under the of 30 turnovers and allowed : you may want on insur- Years visiting with her received telephone calls from : ance programs for you, Marist to get a large number mother and several brothers highway. their son, Ron, in Vancouver, Thought for the day: Hope of offensive rebounds. The annual congressional and sisters at Mabton, Wash. j your family and your B.C. and Doug, in Bell, Calif. meeting will follow morning They for the best, get ready for the Santiam was led in scoring : business. No obliga- enjoyed riding snowmo Guests Friday to New Year’s worship service at the Presby biles and had a large family worst, and then take what God and rebounds by Mike Morgan, : tion. Day were Mr. and Mrs. Rich terian Church next Sunday, dinner at her mothers home chooses to send. who scored nine points and ard Ricketts. David and Dar Jan. 13. Reports of the year on New Years day. Riddle of the week: What is collected nine rebounds. David ren of Cloverdale. JV. the longest word in the En Etzel added eight rebounds. o and election of officers will glish language, Smiles — since Santiam . .. 11 5 8 17—41 take place at that time. Dr. there is a mile between its Marist ....... 10 17 20 5—52 Nevin will be guest pas HOMEOWNERS SAVE John tor and act as moderator. Rev. If the number following first and last letters. Santiam 41 — Etzel 5; Ohrt i Metropolitan Life Ralph Sutter of Salem filled your name on The En~ 6; Morgan 9; Wright 2; Lady 8; the pulpit last Sunday. He was Cline 7; Loftin 4. FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps BILL ALLMAN New York, N. Y. accompanied by his wife and terprise label reads Marist 2 — Craviotto 10; . . . made to order at the Phone 769-572# four of their five sons. The 1-74 it's time to send Charboneau 9; Gelber 8; Gent Mill City Enterprise. Come We sell life insurance. 715 1st—Stayton “I lake that to mean Alice eldest son is in the air force in and see us or call 897- 2; Michaud 6; May 2; Koza 4; But our business is life. Stare Farm Fire and Casualty Co~pa’. got her raise. ” a check for renewal. in Texas. Deboy 2; DeFrank 8. 2772. GATES Santiam Five LosesjMr.. To Marist 73-56 Santiam JV's Lose , To Marist Five WE CANT SAY IT TOO OFTEN! YOU DO BETTER HERE DAY AFTER DAY ! .. ' %■ A 100's J • »2 CONTAC' 10's 99 Vi Daylin Chewable Vitamins $4.79 Value Max Factor Hair Spray SALE PRICED AT Kotex Tampons Anacin Arthritis Pain Formula $149 100«........................................................ J »2” 79’ Dristan Nasal Spray I5cc Regular $1.39 Camalox Antacid $189 Regular $2.49 ■■ Sale Priced At . . Sale Priced At Fashion Ironing Board Pad & Cover . . Rexall Flouride Toothpaste 6% Ounce $J39 Comb and Brush Set < 24's * QQ< i Quart Thermos$l 97 Ä Indoor or Outdoor Thermometer Sale Priced At m Regular $2.98 Montag $1.25 Boxed Stationery Regular $1.25 40'» g DRISTAN . 69* 49’ $149 . 49’ 79* Panty Hose CLOSEOUT VALUES To $2.50 M W CLIP THIS COUPON Color Photo Finishing I 12 exp Kodak Rim Developed and Printed CW 00 § $ AU sizes except foreign film Coupon good until January 16, 1974 One coupon per customer MILL CITY PHARMACY Phone 897-2812 Sale ends January 12, 1974 Your Home Town Drug Store Sale Items Limited To Stock On Hand City Center MJI City