memebrs. through twenty-five states. drabsky were in training camp Santiam advanced to the varsity cheerleaders attend- for the annual Shriner’s Hos­ semi-finals in baseball but' ed rally camp at Lewis and pital East-West Football Game i Charlie French, and it proved DECEMBER were beaten by Lost River. ' Clark College in Portland. to be played in Baker. Tom very successful When Pete Harris was no­ (Continued from Page 3) Receiving degrees at OSU Leming of Detroit also played Agnes and Don Carlson were At an organizational meet ­ park was planned by the tified his Texaco station was were Jack Johnson, Judith PP&L customers were asked installed as worthy matron and ing, John Jerrim and Jepson ceremonies. Many awards junior club, assisted by the to be closed, he moved farther were presented. seniors, AARP, Rainbow Girls, Boroughs, Brent Walker, Fred patron of Mariyn Chapter #145, to conserve electrical energy. Lonnquist were announced as east on Santiam Boulevard Girod, and Beverly Hamile, OES. The three local schools were co-scoutmasters for the troop Twenty-one boys, including and Boy Scouts. and took over the ARCO sta­ Representatives from Mari­ scheduled to open, with sev­ this year. 11 lettermen, turned out for Board of Directors of the the latter of Lyons. tion. A showing of china paint ­ lyn Assembly attended Grand eral more new teachers sign- track at Santiam. Three state schools, administration, and Santiam opened its basket­ OCTOBER ing done by students of Mrs. Assembly for Rainbow Girls 1 ing up: Rodney McClellan in performers are Matt and Gary wives were served a dinner by Winners in “recycling poster ball season by defeating Jef- William Byer was held at in Corvallis, and the Crees and social studies, and Stephen DeMain and Jerry Grant. a home economics class. contest” were announced by < i ferson in the Tri-Rlver Con­ attended Oregon, Ray in industrial arte, Mrs. Harry Mason had re­ i A community survey ques­ Silverton with eight attending 1 Carlsons I Jr. Woman’s Club who set up ference Jamboree at Regis. from here. ’ J ‘ North Santiam Paving Co. j Grand Chapter of OES in turned from a 30-day trip to tionnaire was distributed by Senior citizens were invited Award night for Santiam 1 Portland. was awarded bid to repair recycling on Remine property Florida and Wisconsin, visit­ volunteers backed by clubs, at old mill site on road past to visit “Christmas Hall” at High School was set some of the streets in town, for May The swimming pool at the city council, planning commis ­ ing relatives and seeing the the Mill City Elementary 29 in the auditorium. Frontier Inn opened and swim and private driveways and the depot. sights. sion, and a VISTA worker. Jerry Long and Mark Po­ School for the best decorated parking areas could also be classes were filled to capacity. Don Hoover, sponsored by JUNE Doug and Barb Knudsen of drabsky received trophies in classroom door. Winners in the July 4th done. Dougers Drive Inn sold the Rebekahs and Oddfellows, was The annual father-cub cake Named as winners of Can- parade were announced, and Lisa Gabriel and Michael punt, pass and kick contest business to Mr. and Mrs. Don first Santiam student awarded yon Scholarships at Commen­ auction was held at the Scout sponsored by Philippi Ford. Elliott were married in the the activities of the day ad ­ Whigham. a trip to New York and Wash­ cement were IJnda Long and Mill City Hardware was re­ Cabin with cubmaster Warren Presbyterian Church and left Cub Scouts and Webelos at­ ington, D.C. by a United Na­ Darrell Plotts, with Patti judged a huge success. Even for appointed agent for Hamman Goffin in charge. Many cubs Alameda, Calif., where he the weather cooperated! tended the Shrine Circus in tion’s Youth Pilgrimage. Babbitt as alternate. Mary Turpin, a longtime was stationed with the U. S. Stage Lines with service as received various awards. Camp Fire Girls, Bluebirds, Salem, escorted by Ken Har­ ticket-agent and express. Judith Boroughs and Terry Construction class at San-1 resident here, passed away in Navy. rison, the Warren Goffins, the Cubs, and Boy Scouts were out tiam under Don Williams com-I The Stanley Clarks, who Hansen were married in late Melody Barnhardt, a senior Medford where her son, Frank Fred Krecklows, and Mrs.; picking up litter along the pleted several projects: an 18’ ' had been doing business as November at a ceremony at streets in observance of Keep I x 50’ room behind the custo­ I Klein, lives and where she at OCE, wrote of her exper­ David M. Reid Real Estate, the bride’s home. They live in Jamie Baughman. had been the last few years. iences while studying abroad A kite-flying contest was be- j America Beautiful Day. moved to quarters in the Arlington, Ore. dian's shop; three sections of were also saddened for two months in Austria. ing sponsored by the Circle K i Santiam’s Varsity Cheerlead- portable > bleachers for the at People Davis and Corderman law of- Floyd Shepherd was found the passing of Wilson A new police car and other Store on Allen Field. Winners ers were Kathy Corning, Chris- football field;"and'a carport ât J Stevens, who had been active needed equipment was order­ fices. innocent in the shooting death were: first, David Blackburn; ty Suprgeon, Verlene Peter- the Boroughs residence. Plans Susan Jenkins and Roger of Jimmie Evans on the pro­ to be purchased through second, Jerry and Kevin Long; man, Lori Hildebrandt, and I were made in Mr. Twede’s in the City of Lyons, clubs, ed Neustadter were married at perty of Shepherd who receiv­ ‘ revenue sharing ” funds, and grange, veterans, and Masonic and third, Skip and Matt Big­ Clary Pedersen. JV’s were drafting class, Miss Parent’s and OES circles. ed a gunshot wound in the an additional police officer Ithe Presbyterian Church. ness. Lisa Barnhardt, Lynette Foun­ bookkeeping class secured bids, | A local youth was appre­ arm. hired. School Dist. #129-J announc ­ Joe Bowes and Morgan tain, and Lori Lawrence. Six representatives of San­ and presented a summary of___ a ________ _____ __ levy for reduction in tax Volunteers were needed in hended in connection with the Rep. Jack Sumner spoke to items, cost.^and firm bidding ed White of Gates and Stanley 1973.74'■gchooiyear of $95,000. cub scouting, especially for i recent break-in at the Malt tiam High attended an all-day Chance were members in this North Santiam Chamber of to Burton Boroughs and J. the| The forum at OSU on the energy Shop. 7; ^ fire department _ was and den mothers. area of the Santiam Shrine Commerce and guests on sev­ Booster Club which furnished supplied* with'’“To*tfinder” De- cubmaster Annual United Good Neigh­ crisis and transportation. Craig Shaw and Colleen Kay Club who helped make the Al eral bills before the house of and paid for materials in the pais to be picked up and plac- The new sewer survey was were married in a garden bors drive was scheduled, with Kader Shrine Circus in Salem' representatives and others that bleachers. Boroughs furnished ed on bedroom windows of Noe Jean Davidson as chairman for explained to local citizens by ceremony at the home of his a success. Proceeds go directly . had passed, all material for the carport children and invalids to guide parents, Vern and Betty Shaw. the canyon area including Wayne Taylor of Clark and National Postal Week was and gave the shop a new to the Shriners Hospital in Groff Engineers during an ------------- seven the firemen in an emergency. | Lori Levon was to appear in Gates and Detroit. Portland for Crippled Children ebserved with the issuing of inch skill saw for the boys’ I A staff of 15 medical people,' the talent show at the state fair The Garden Club were co­ open city council meeting. ten commemorative stamps efforts. and to the Burn Institutes. A reception at the Christian I technicians, instructors, and, with the Rayettes, a song and hosts with the Stayton Club North Santiam Eagles cele­ and handing out of free en­ for the fall meeting of the Church honored the Irl Ply- me , , _ _ . -1° volunteers conducted a suc- sue-: dance group. brated their fourth birthday velopes to be cancelled for pass since the budget commit- cessful two-day health fair at Capital District Federation at males on their 40th wedding ; tee disapproved of the coun- the grade school gym in spite SEPTEMBER anniversary with a cake baked “first day coverage”. anniversary, it also being the McNary Golf Club in Salem. Three generations of one 1 cil s increasing salaries of city ci very hot weather. and decorated by the auxiliary Several forest service em­ Rev. Richard Halstead spoke birthday of Mrs. Plymale, for­ member, Mrs. Howard Morris- family became masons here, employees and 1 __ “above -'---5 an d be- j u. g Forest Service officials ployees had been hospitalized at the First Christian Church merly of Ada’s Needle Shop. Danny Moore, D. W. Moore, yond” 1 with revenue sharing son. to yellow jacket stings and was later hired as full Bluebird and Camp Fire ’ _ were concerned that drought due Santiam opened the baseball and his son, Pat. Another son, money. Girls entertained fathers and I ^onditfonZ exlsted easr’of'the' vYllich were especially potent time pastor. season with losses to Estacada ' Murry, also belongs as does a The Western Auto Store ob- friends at annual canyon area North Santiam Eagles Lodge Cascades in Central and Eas- thls year- and Lebanon, both triple A t son-in-law, Bill Lyness. t Oregon. . ........ ~ First ' home football game of served its first anniversary “Date with Dad” program and Auxiliary installed as tern ™ MAY schools, however. city* budget ,seas°n was played with there with a sale. and dessert in the student com­ presidents H. L. Polston and ■ City Duaget election passed Tony Grant, a junior at OTI Annual Athletic Banquet was Donna Asmussen, respectively.I by the slim margin of four i Marist. Gerald Gibson is i Mrs. Luther Yates was elect­ mons. and 1970 graduate of Santiam, held in the Student Commons Summer recreation program votes coach. A win streak of 181 ed noble grand of Santiam Joe Bowes was elected new was named to the Outstanding with Dave Wilcox, a pro play­ began with baseball program The Adolph Brunners re- games since 1971 was broken' Rebekah Lodge, installation to president of Santiam Shrine College Athletes of America, er, as guest speaker. be held in January. Club, with Vern Rush and for boys under Doug Suckling, turned from a six-weeks’ trip when the game was lost. The local post office began and girls activities led by to North Carolina and New He specializes in javelin Logging operations were Charles Umphress announc­ Vern Kealon as directors, at a throwing as his younger issuing food stamps the first Patti Babbitt. halted due to extreme fore ed re-opening of Chuck’s meeting at Stanley Chance’s Jersey of May. brothers. Senior citizens gave a bingo I state President of Rebekah danger resulting from hot wea­ “Mini” Shoe Shop at his home home. Spring concert for the ele­ party for “juniors and friends Assembly of Oregon paid of- ther and easterly winds. Mrs. Dean Mowry, conserva- on N. E. Alder near the The Garden Club held its tion chairman of Oregon Fed­ mentary band and chorus was m appreciation of series of ficial visit t0 Santiam Rebe- Total entrollment in the lo­ Texaco Station. annual Christmas party and eration of Women’s Clubs, at­ presented under Spence Hilles- parties given for them, headed kahs. cal schools was the same as Cross country runner Floyd installation of officers, with tended a grassroots environ­ land and Herb Bastuscheck, I by Mrs. Elmer Shaw. Peterman placed second in a Doris Rogers installed as presi­ . | A tour was conducted by last year. 1 mental conference in San Fran­ respectively. The Lions Club held its an- meet with five other schools dent. Ins Hampton V'zlzxrJ r» a of C Chemeketa ’t. Santiam lrr>4r, I , ! Dick pOSekany, ___ _ timber man- nual steak fry, cautioning at Mt. Angel. Santiam placed Elected “Prom Queen” was' itrnn cisco with the OFWC presi­ was awarded As noble grand of Santiam a ger for Frank Lumber Co., Frances Hamilton, with Linda1 scholarship at a meeting of of clear cut areas planted back members to “bring your own third out of six under coach Rebekahs, Mrs. Dave Barn­ dent. A local youth had been ar­ Long and Cindy Nelson as! North Santiam Chamber of tc Douglas Fir, to acquaint steaks” because of the short- Mike McClain. hardt and her corps of officers rested by police in cooperation | princesses. _ Commerce at the Riverview employees with the proce­ age. NOVEMBER initiated two new members with the deputy sheriff for | Voters approved the school I Inn. Canyon Leaders Assn, for The first snow of the season into the lodge. dures. criminal activities in drugs and ‘ district budget, as well as the Santiam Education Assn, Receiving a BS in Biology at Results of the community Camp Fire Girls held first hit on Nov. 4, but didn’t last I turned over to Linn County fire protection district levy. held a potluck dinner for all survey questionnaire showed meeting at Judy Holman’s, long. the U of O on Dec. 7 was Ed­ Spring music program and district personnel and families that “medical and health with Molly Larson as acting juvenile authorities according Jocelyn Clark was named ward Chester Sargent HI of to Chief of Police Don Gillen­ open house was held by the in the High school commons. care” leads list of needs, with president. homecoming queen during Mill City. high school band and various The new president was Jepson “sewerage disposal system” as water. Jean Davidson was elected halftime at the game between Marilyn Chapter OES hosted Several of the First Chris­ departments. Lonnquist president of the booster club Santiam and Jefferson, won by the district meeting here, with a top problem. ! Santiam won the conference tian Church young people at­ A farewell reception was and jackets, cushions, and de­ the former 40-20. Victoria of Turner and Acacia tended the Oregon Christian track crown for Tri-River for scheduled for Rev. and Mrs. AUGUST cals were being ordered. Roger and Joy Rahm pur­ of Stayton participating and Endeavor convention held at the second year in a row. Dr. David Thompson pur- Charles Fultz and family of Knit Knack Depot was open­ chased the Mill City Chevron the worthy grand matron mak Annual home economics the First Christian Church chased the Canyon Dental ed by Mrs. Ann Mueller in Station which had been own­ ing her official visit. Redmond. Included were Don Legassie, Tom Youmans, Susan style revue was held in the who were leaving for their Clinic here. Assistants were former shoe repair shop, with ed and operated by Lee and Mill City was one of ten with theme new position in Alaska. Henness, Bonnie, Jerry and auditorium Dolores Drake and Carol Bro­ Attorneys Davis & Corderman Julia Bassett for 20 years. communities for which the Leroy Shepherd, accompanied “Through the Lookingglass”. Potluck at the Scout Cabin sig, with Linda Sanders join­ as owners of historic old Mrs. O. K. DeWitt will be state emergency board approv­ Judy Wells and Jane Pum­ honored Herb Bastuscheck for ing the staff later. Open house building. Yarns, needlecraft Mill City area chairman again ed funding of sewage treat­ by the Elmer Jeters. Marilyn Chapter, OES cele­ phrey were instructors in his nine years of leadership as was Aug. 8. items, kits, and accessories are this year for Christmas Seals. ment projects. Detroit was an­ brated its 50th anniversary at charge. scoutmaster. Scouts and fam­ Football gear was issued at handled, the calsses were be­ Mrs. Gordon McMorris other one. Barbara Hutchinson and ilies attended in honor of the Santiam High, with practice ing organized. Santiam High School auditor­ (Betty Lou ) left the local Mrs. Leo Poole and daugh­ ium with Marilee and William James Mowry were married Bastuschecks. starting Aug. 20. Installed as commander of branch of U. S. National ter, Gloria, showed picture« of Lyness, worthy matron and at the Free Methodist Church Mrs. E. Gordon (Violet) of Hamman Bus service to can­ Mill City-Gates American Le­ Bank, where she had been their European trip with worthy patron, presiding. Over with Rev. John DeMain of- Klamath Falls, an old time yon area was cut to one round­ gion Post was T. A. Dougherty bookkeeper for eighteen yean, “Youth With a Mission Or- 350 members, grand officers, ficiating. resident here, and Mrs. Wil­ trip per day. Hubert Galle of in joint ceremonies held at tc take a position with the ganization” at Lions Club Annual canyon area Camp liam McCall (Betty) of Detroit, Salem took over mall contract Silverton. and visitors attended. Oregon City Branch. Ladies’ Night. John Howe of Albany, long­ Fire Council Fire was held at but formerly of Mill City, had with a truck, and no plans for Firemen fought stubborn The old parsonage of the The elementary and high passed away. time local resident and mem­ Santiam High Auditorium. passenger ser vice. grass and brush fire on Sav­ First Christian Church was school Christmas programs Woman’s Club won a $200 ber of a pioneer family here, Wes Jahn suggested to the Annual Old Timers’ picnic age property west of town. torn down on Broadway- The were ably directed by had passed away. Two bro­ second prize among Oregon council that Mill City and was held at Fishermen’s Bend Fred Moore and Verl Moberg new pastor purchased the Go­ cer Hillesjand and his thers, Clarence and Morris, clubs which in 1972 did the I Gates, along with the sum­ Aug. 4, Goldie Rambo chair­ built trail around it with cat, forth house. ants and were very well re­ most to improve the environ­ mer recreation program, work man. were among the survivors. enabling firemen to get it un­ Susan Jensen and Lloyd ceived. on opening the swimming pool Mr. and Mrs Ervin Peterson ment of their communities. Pauicia Youmans became der control. Stinson were married at the The grade school chorus and A picture from Anchorage, at the Frontier. returned from a two-weeks’ the bride of Arthur Sprague Harry Nelson was appointed Free Methodist Church. their leader, Doris Williams, Alaska showed a railroad car Twelve persons completed at the Presbyterian Church. chairman of Lions Club sale trip to Honolulu, Hawaii. A bubble gum blowing con­ went caroling to several tovri- load of 2x4’s tor manufactur­ seven-week Emergency Medi­ Formerly with the forest serv­ of birthday calendars as annual test was scheduled to be held ness houses around town where APRIL Santiam Wolverines won the ing roof trasses from Frank cal Training courses of Ore­ ice, he is now an officer with benefit for sight conservation. at the Malt Shop, and pictures they were greatly appreciated. three-way track meet over Lumber Co., the largest load gon State Health Division and the police. She worked at the The school board approved of winners even nit the Salem Colorful outdoor lighting and Regis and Salem Academy, led of stress grade lumber to ar­ received certificates, member­ ranger station. KGAY radio station to broad­ newspapen who sent photo­ holiday decorations were miss­ ship cards, and emblems by Mike Andermatt with three rive in Alaska. Boy Scouts Mark Peterman cast playbacks of Santiam graphers to cover the event! ed this year due to the current Elected and installed as wo­ The Seventh Day Adventists end Gary Morgan were dele- High football games the day first places. The 29th annual Firemans energy crisis. The honor society was to man’s club president was Mar­ held a "Voice of Prophecy” I gates from Cascade Area following the games. Benefit drew a large crowd Marilyn Club of OES held play the Booster Club in Don­ garet Snow and a list of of­ series of meetings at the Unit­ | Council to National Scout Adult education classes were according to the chairman, Ray its annual Christmas party at ed Presbyterian Church for : Jamboree-West at Farragut offered by Chemeketa CC at Porter, proceeds going to the lodge hall following a no­ key Baseball to help the Can­ ficers. Freda Thayer was installed several weeks. ; State Park in Idaho, yon Scholarship Fund and the Santiam High for people of maintenance and updating the host luncheon. as the new president of the Patty Howell, sponsored by j Santiam Junior State Base- area, with Bid Sanders as co- fire equipment. bleachers project. A buffet dinner highlighted AARP, was crowned , queen of 1 ball team won berth in ordinator. , ------------------ ----------- Volunteers for the cancer Mill City-Gates American Le­ ------- Sponsored by the minister­ the Woman’s Club Christmas the 1973 Fourth of July cele-' state tournament in Spring­ fund collection in this area gion Auxiliary. A hunter safety course for ial association, united Thanks­ party at Margaret Snow’s William Bogle was named bration at the 15th -------- annual 1 field by downing Woodbum all ages was to be offered at giving service was held at the where gifts were brought for — ----- were Virginia Fisher, chair­ < princesses , two games out of three. Coach the elementary school with Community Church with Rev. Chemawa Indian School and man, Donna Podrabsky, Evelyn chairman and Frank Strom- convention. Other Levon, 'was Bid Sanders. t Davis, Marilyn Jahn, and Shir­ quist vice-chairman of the Mill were Susy Wilson, Lori William Bogle as instructor for Halstead as the speaker, and Multnomah Cottage at the Debbie McClain, Lori Hilde­ Children from five through the evening classes. ley Sharp. Rainbow Girls also City Planning Commission. Rev. Dishong as the host pas­ Children’s Farm Home at Cor­ Jackie Wison was worthy brandt, and Jackie Wilson. fourteen entering Oregon Mrs. Rudy Tohl and Dr. tor. helped. vallis. “Little Reno Night” by the advisor of Marliyn Assembly, Master of ceremonies was Mike schools for the first time were Dave Thompson won the 1973 Santiam Wolverines ended Santa Claus handed out Wilson. 1 to be immunized against a list j championships at the Meadow the 1973 football season in treats to about 40 children at Boosters' Club was held at the Order of Rainbow for Girls. Bid or Bunch Pinochle Club Pauline Jones of P. J.’s < of communicable diseases un-1 Lawn Golf Course In Salem. fire hall. second place in the Tri-Rlver the Eagles Lodge where a Girod’s Hilltop Super Mar held their last meeting of sea­ Beauty Salon purchased the der a new law. Bill Beyer was installed as Conference, the first time be­ potluck dinner was held later ket announced “The New Look son following a dinner at the Studio of Hair Design from I Willard Fleetwood was one AARP president upon the re­ low first place since 1970. for members and guests. Betty Klutke who moved ‘ to - of Army ROTC cadets from tirement of Clyde Bate as Frontier Inn. is Here.” Mill City-Gates “ “ American Sonja Martin graduated Local Boy Scouts hosted the Stayton. OSU helping his unit of 19 president. The ministerial association Legion Aux. started a drive from the Cinderella School of Terry Hanson left on a trip win top honors in summer Installed as worthy advisor for the Kidney Aasn. of Ore. Modeling in Salem and re­ was to sponsor special Easter annual Spring Camporee for of Rainbow Girls was Shelly (KOA) and asked for dona- ceived the trophy as the "Top services, Good Friday at the the Mt. Jefferson District Boy to East Africa where 30 stu­ camp training at Ft. Lewis. dents, scientists, and doctors Jesse V. Crossler, former Richards for Marilyn Assem­ tions of S&H Green Stamps. Community Church, and Sun­ Scout troops. Model” of the year. Gale Larson, operations for­ studied the ecology and wit­ grocer here, passed away in bly, with Jackie Wilson, jun­ rise at the Christian Church, Rev. and Mrs. Dick Cole of Vesper singing, candlelight with the steering committee ester, and Vern Rush, timber nessed the Night of the Eclipse Salem. His son, Darrell, Par­ ior past worthy advisor, as Spokane, Wash, were honored ind Christmas rish Jr. High principal, for­ the installing officer. sponsoring Easter Sunday sales officer, were among which “rules” the natives. with a no-host dinner at Fel­ held at the var- Local students on the honor merly taught here. Presbytertan Women’s Ason, lowship Hall, formerly having breakfast at the high school those conducting field trips in the conunun- roll at OSU were Don Hucke- for COCC classes. Mrs. Phil Carey and John re-elected Mrs. Robert Hayes served cafeteria. the Presbyterian atch Party and mld- Receiving degrees and cer­ by, Michael Long, Bruce Ros­ DeMain were appointed on the as president, Fay Verbeck as Church here. Lions Club hosted annual coipmunion were sched- father-«on banquet, and Karate tificates from Chemeketa CC coe, and Bendy Wilkinson of city council to replace Clyde secretary, and Mary Tuers as Paul Freeman was a mem­ fer the Christian Church were Michael Moffatt, Vic­ Mehama. Phillips and Rod Pfoertaer. treasurer. show at the auditorium. ber of the U of O marching ■w Tear’s Eve. Hamman Stage Line, which The latter has since passed Recruiting officers from all band which performed at Valerie McClain’s Nursery toria Sue Olson, and Christine olidays, as well as the carried mail to the Mill City away. branches of the armed services Stanford and at all home games School visited Gary and Carol Walker. to • close on a note A Kiddie Parade was to be Post Office since 1928. stopped Mr. and Mrs Neal Stewart talked to Santiam juniors and in Eugene Swanson’s craft shop “Hedge with the loss, and on July 1. Jerry Pittam con ­ the 4th of July featured at purchased the Malt Shop from seniors in observance of Arm­ Toad,” taking part as well as John Kelly had signed with presumed drowning of Neil celebration led by the 1973 tracted to deliver mail from Bern Mueller and remodeled ed Forces Day. observing. the Ann Margaret Show, a mu­ Frederick Farmen, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. James (kinder- sical group, to appear at the Fred and Isabelle (Case) Far­ Mrs. Doug Suckling (Mary junior king and queen, Kath­ Stayton to Mill City, already and redecorated it. Robert Levon was sworn in sen purchased the Donut Hut Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, men of Albany, while fishing Lou) was elected president of leen Moore and Kevin Wilson. serving Detroit and Idanha Dick Blakely was elected Service was also cut to one as a neew member of board from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mar­ Nev. and in Miami, Fla., with in the North Santiam River the Junior Woman’s Club, of directors for the school dis- shall who built it last year. rehearsals in Hollywood, Calif. on Christmas Day. The Far- which assisted the seniors in president of the Lions Club delivery per day. Two new settling tanks were' trict. Gundersen is a forestry tech­ a salad bar luncheon as bene­ and plans were begun to open Mill City received “certifi­ mens formerly lived here and fit for Camp Easter Seals the swimming pool at the installed at PP&L’s Mill City! New teachers signing con- nician at Mehama. I cate of merit” presented by still have relatives in Mill City. Water Plant to assure clean' tracts were Paula Hilgers in Frontier Inn. Girod’s Hilltop Market an­ League of Oregon Cities for children. (Editors Note: the 1973 re­ Oregon Scholars selected in- ; water being returned to the business education at Santiam nounced a return to winter interest and participation in view was compiled this year The Laddy Elloitts had writ­ ten of their missionary work eluded Linda Long and Leroy North Santiam River after it High, and Robert A. Valdez, hours as of Oct. 1 to help con­ accident prevention programs. by Mary Kelly.) was filtered. Jr. to teach sixth grade class serve electric power. Shepherd. k Firewood was in great de­ in Palmer, Alaska. Cub scouts were to clean up here. Tragedy struck with the Thursday afternoon pinochle' mand and ___ _______ High school students pre­ many were cutting Mill City Fire Department’s parties for senior citizens were their own for the first time in sented a play, “Finders-Creep- passing of Cheryl Chailender' the old city park after the new tankers received a new resumed at Eagles Lodge. ers,” directed by Morris Sny­ Krecklow in Eugene who left July Fourth festival. years due to the energy crisis. The Clyde Phillipses return­ coat of yellow paint. her husband and two small Marilyn Club held its annual ---------- Electric signs around 1 town „ der. — -------- ed from a two-months ’ trip Darreil Plotts and Ron Po- rummage sale at home of Mrs. were also noticably absent. Easter Egg Hunt at the sons, as well as local family Backward Glance continued Subscribe to The Mill Gty Enterorise