( New Year's the Christian i Church will have a Watch Party at the church. There will be a film shown and a mid-night communion service as well as a program and other activities. The Christian Church was Overnight guests at the home 1— The Mill City Enterprise^ Thursday, Dec. 27, 197S decorated Sunday with five of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lake Vesper Sing and large poinsetta plants. One Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Candlelight Ceremony Bergs Enjoy Traveling was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Terry Coryell and Allison Friends received word from Perry Jones and family in me from Beaverton. Terry is a At Presbyterian Church Those who attended the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berg, who mory of their late son, Craig; grandson of the Lakes. vesper sing and candlelighting recently sold their home here, one from Brunner’s Flowers; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Budlong ceremony at the Presbyterian that they are enjoying travel and three from Mrs. Richard had as Christmas eve dinner Church at 4:00 Sunday after ing in Florida which had al Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree Freeman who recently return guests Airman Mike Moffatt arriv attended her sister, Mr. and Mrs. noon, Dec. 23, enjoyed it very ways been a dream, although ed to her home from a Salem Chapter OES ed home Friday afternoon in Salem Salem Charles De Quire from Silver- much. The event was arrang the past month seemed more Hospital. Saturday evening. from Fairchild AFB in Wash It was a friendship night ton, their two daughters, Mr. ed by Robert Hayes, who acted like six since they had been ington to spend the holidays honoring Mrs. Betty Hastay, and Mike Glover and as master of ceremonies, as gone. Surprise callers at the Linda Mrs. The Bergs spent a week in with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Budlong, all of Salem, sisted by Lowell Fleetwood as page, and Ronald Ros- Charles Kelly home one day and her father, S. Donovan Moffatt, Mark and grand G. Higdon. songleader. The singing of San Diego, Calif., three days sner, grand page escort, who last week were Mrs. Don Rick. Mike will report to hymns was accomparaed by in Tucson, Ariz., five days in served at the 1073 grand chap Goode, her daughter-in-law, Guests at the home of Mr. Mary Castle Air Force Base in Mer ter Gay Remine at the piano San Antonio, Tex., and a week last June in Port Mrs. Bill Goode and sons, and Mrs. Cecil Lake for in New Orleans, La. on their ced, Calif. Jan. 7 for further land. session and Mr. Hayes at the organ. Mr. Cree also served as David and Michael, and her Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. assignment. Christmas songs from the way to Florida. They were a grand page escort. granddaughter, DiDiAnn, all Charles French, Opie Clark, pleasantly surprised with San from Eugene. Mrs. Goode just Jack Campbell, Mrs. Else Al hymnal were divided into Antonio where they stayed in P. J.’s Beauty Center, 240 three groups, those having to Guests Christinas morning returned from a visit with her len and Jack Coryell. S. W. Broadway, open Mon do with (Christmas night) the a beautiful park on the bank son David’s family in Ger day through Saturday 9:00 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. many, birth of the Saviour, and Be of the San Antonio River. New Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and the Bill Goodes a.m. to 5:00 p.m., evenings by Lowell Cree for a family gift thlehem. Miss Remine, who Orleans was not exactly what visited her mother and appointment. Telephone 897- exchange were Mr. and Mrs. have spent several months in brother-in-law and sister, Mrs. was visiting from Seattle, they expected, but they enjoy 2137. 44tf William McClintock, Mark and Switzerland. J. C. Dickinson and Mr. and Wash., sang “Away in a Man ed it, and by taking two tours Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alban they saw more of the city in A NEW YEAR. A Mrs. O. W. Gorton in Salem ger” as a vocal solo, accom ten Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gre Saturday hours than they would Mrs. Richard Freeman re of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. panied at the organ by Robert evening. GOOD TIME TO Gordon McMorris from Oregon gory attended their family ’ s have seen in two weeks on turned to her home Saturday Hayes. SAY “THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Tohl from the Salem Memorial Hos City, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cree annual Christmas reunion and The white and gold symbols, their own. They felt that the TO YOU" EOR pital following surgery about and Anthony and the hosts, dinner Sunday at the home of celebrated Christmas Sunday called Chrismans, decorating beautiful old plantation homes EVERYTHING Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree. The their eldest son and wife, Mr. that have been so well pre with a dinner at their home. ten days ago. She has been in the Christmas tree were ex the hospital most of the month group then went to the home and Mrs. Elton Gregory, and Attending were their son and plained by Mrs. Earl Loucks as served were well worth the of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cree their daughters, Lori and Tam his family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim monograms and symbols for trip to New Orleans. They saw of December. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Preston, from t and Anthony for Christmas my, in Redmond. Others at Anderson, Heide, Jill and her Christ. The Advent wreath much poverty and neglect in Longview, Wash, have been dinner where they were joined tending were Mr. and Mrs. Ed friend, Ron Hood, Toby and with four candles had been some parts of the city, but it Gregory and daughters. Trenna his friend, Kathy, all from arranged by Mr. and Mrs. still has a lot of charm and staying at the Freeman home by other guests. and Krisanna, of Kirkland, Portland. Their other son, Eugene Wilkinson. was described as a very unique during her Illness. Her daugh May the Joy of the Rev. and Mrs. Dick Halstead Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Dor Mark, was unable to attend ter, Esther, is now at home for from place. The Christmas story man Gregory and three child The trip along Florida ’ s west were hosts Sunday after because of his employment. the holidays from college in birth of our Savior be the scriptures and a Christmas ren, Gina, Todd and Kari of Eugene. prayer were given by Tedd coast was a beautiful drive I noon at their home located at Canyon City. The Gregory fa- yours this Holiday Mr. and Mrs. Al Yankas Wilkinson, with Mr. Hayes and compared favorably with 732 S. W. Ivy for a Christmas ----- —----- - - open house from 2:30 to 5:001 mily was thrilled to hear the went to Portland Christmas reading the tradition about the the Oregon coastline, except Season and throughout p.m. Rev. Halstead is the new i news that Elton is to be as- for dinner at the home of their candle and the legend of that the beaches were whiter the coming year. minister of the Mill City Chris I sistant superintendent of the son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Christmas as originated in and the Gulf of Mexico green. The travelers found no prob tian Church, coming here from I Redmond School District next and Mrs, James Bryan. Other Austria. guests at the Bryan home were McMinnville. They have pur year. The traditional candle light lem so far with obtaining gas. her aunt, Mrs. Ted Adams, Sr. ing ceremony brought the af- and said it was cheaper from Dr. & Mrs. D. Thompson chased the former Delbert I A special number at the and her sons Ted Jr. and ternoon service to a close, with I Teras on stating that if it is Goforth home. Presbyterian Church last Sun Andy of Portland and Mr. and everyone taking part by form- rationed later on they will just was the vocal duet by Miss Mrs. Floyd Adams from Con ing a semi-circle at the front ^ke longer o work their way and the Canyon Dental Mrs. Don Gillenwater was day - -. ■» . • -I hnnlr nnrl xirill Innlr thn nnnnfrv Mary Gay Remine of Seattle, cord, Calif. Clinic Staff of the sanctuary and lighting back and will look the country brought home Monday, Dec. 17 over in the process. from Salem Memorial Hospital and her mother, Mrs. Shields a candle from the one standing Christmas dinne, at the next while voicing a Christmas where she had been confined Remine. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry for a week following surgery. Accompanying the Eugene Golden and sons were his par greeting. Mrs. Gillenwater is convalesc Wilkinsons services at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gol Authorized Catalog ing satisfactorily at her home. Presbyterian to Church on Sun den. Streeter Receives day was their elder son, Randy, Mrs. Elmer Shaw entertain who is a teacher in Grand Sales Merchant Store and Mrs. Ollie Muise had Doctorate Degree ed at her home Friday with a view, Idaho. Tedd, the younger as Mr. Christmas dinner guests his In greetings received from Christmas covered-dish lunch son of the family, who lives parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter eon. The Shaw home was de up on the North Fork, is a sen Muise from Port Orchards, of Redding, Calif., but for corated for the Christmas sea ior at Stayton High School. mother, Mrs. merly of the Presbyterian Wash., her son. Attending were: Mrs. and their Church here, they mentioned Florence Timm / Floyd Bassett from Lyons, Mrs. A Christinas eve open house children, Mr. and Mrs. Alan that Noble received his doctor Claude Bruder, Mrs. Ann Hol at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Muise from Port Orchard, ate in theology in June, and man, Mrs. Howard Farmen, Joe Lalack included Mr. and Wash, and Steve of Cor the couple celebrated their Mrs. Bud Bilyeu, Mrs. Cloyd Mrs. Howard Farmen and son, vallis, Mr. son and Mrs. Richard silver wedding anniversary the Cox, Mrs. Paula Jane Smith, Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, and son, Oliver, Janice same month. Mrs. Verne Shaw and the hos Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krecklow, Kenline and Denise. Be Sure You Get A Copy of Our New 1,428 The Streeters’ eldest son, tess, Mrs. Elmer Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly, is completing his work in en Page General Catalog For Spring and Bill Fields and Miss Nancy La- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kay vironmental science at San Mrs. William McClintock lack, both of Salem, and the spent Christmas in Salem with Summer, 1974. entertained at her home Sun hosts. Christmas day dinner their son-in-law and daughter, Jose State and is a tennis pro. and her husband, Charles Have A Good day evening with a Christmas guests at the Lalack home were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meier and Sue Conner, are juniors in college j Distribution By February 15 buffet supper. Attending were: her parents, Mr. and 7 Mrs. ~ Holiday and a sons Troy and Mark. Others and live in Pasadena. Phil is a 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, her Clarence Howe, and Great Year. present were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frances Alban of Salem, brother and family, Mr. and Gordon Kay and three child sophomore at Shasta College in ' Redding and works at a cloth- | ONE ORDER FROM OUR CURRENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alban of Mrs. Donald Howe and two ren. Troy Meier celebrated his ing store. Nancy is a junior in Sublimity, Mrs Paula Jane children of Manzanita on I the Christmas "T B" SALES FLYER PLACED BEFORE by having the high school, and Tom is a Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oregon coast. chickenpox. sophomore. DEC. 31. 1973 ASSURES YOU OF YOUR We Will Be CLOSED Cree and Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Streeter (Betty) is Mrs. Lowell Cree, and Mr. and The Jack Scotts were Christ Mr. and Mrs. Don Jenkins Dean of Girls and counselor at COPY Dec. 29, 31 and Jan. I Mrs. William McClintock, mas day dinner guests at the and Sally were guests of Mr. a junior high school where she Mark and Sue. home of her sister and family, and Mrs. Dennis Jenkins and three courses, as well We Will Open Jan. 2 the Albert Thomans, Jr. in Melissa at their home in Sa teaches Come in and place your ORDER or Phone as taking part in all church The Mill City Garden Club Salem. lem for Christmas eve. Christ activities. IT IN IF you have a copy of the "TB" Flyer will meet Jan. 3 at the home mas day they had Mr. and Having made the last mort-1 of Mrs. Ervin Peterson for a Spending Christmas day Mrs. Roger Neustadter and gage payment on the church 12:30 dessert luncheon. Mrs. with Jack Campbell were his Eric from Portland and Mrs. last spring, they were enabled YOUR MILL CITY, CANYON AREA Doris Rogers, newly installed daughter, Mrs. Jackie Edwards Loretta Jayes of Salem at this fall to call a part time 480 Center St. president will outline her and two sons, Tobi and Jon their pro- home. minister for the youth plans for the coming year and Edwards, of Portland, and his Sublimity, Oregon gram. There is also an asso- announce her committees for son-in-law, Jonathan Ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krecklow ciate pastor besides Rev. Phone 769-5883 Phone 897-2348 160 N. 1st St MU City the year. wards. travelled to Portland Sunday Streeter. where they attended an early Due to the threat of war in Christmas family gathering at the Middle East, the Streeters the home of his sister and fam postponed their trip to the ily, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holy Land, but are planning Andre’. an Orient tour for next sum mer. They have been instru Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown mental in conducting these Kris and Katrina hosted foreign tours for several years. Christinas dinner at a Salem restaurant for family and Mr. and Mrs. George Long friends: Mr. and Mrs. Athel and family spent Christmas Savage, Rebecca and Terry, eve at the Salem home of Mrs. Vee Golden and Mr. and her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Moffatt, Rick, Mrs. Dennis Mahlum. Addi Mike and Mark, Tom Rush and tional guests were Mr. and Mike Logan, a former Mill City Mrs. Robert Herring of New for resident. berg and Mr. and Mrs. John Roshak and Mark, who are Mrs. Orville Oderman visiting here during the holi (Donola Swan) of Gold Beach, days from their Charleston, S. visited her father, James A. C. home. Christmas day a fam Swan, here Sunday and at ily dinner was held at the tended church with him. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herring. I i i I Let Us Help You Carl's Upholstery SEARS MERCHANT STORE Inventory Reduction Be Sure And Reserve SALE Your Table Now New Years Eve Christmas Items r Gift Wrap, Cards, Decorations, etc i I Electronic Servicing And Seles at Reasonable Rates CAPITOL All Items In Our Gift Department PHONE GATES 581-4047 SERVICE f Sale Ends Monday December 31, 1973 3882 State Street, I New Years Eve Buffet Call 897-2960 For Reservations SALEM 897-2777 f 5:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m. Midnight till 2:30 a. m. All You Can Eat PHONE (excluding consigned goods) Many Red Tag Specials We will be serving dinners from Salem, Oregon 97301 No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha LIVE MUSIC FOUR NIGHTS Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday December 28, 29, 30 and 31 Next Weekend Only SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES MILL CITY PHARMACY Phone 897-8812 GOOD SELECTION MUI City, Oregon * DAN I DINAH S Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’s at FRONTIER INN REASONABLE PRICES Gates, Oregon