The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 20, 1973, Page 9, Image 9

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    9—The MIO City Enterprise, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1973
The Question of Youth,
The Answer of Maturity
be drawn to the door by
The Christmas Candle might
the flickering candlelight.
Medieval Christians believ­
ed that on Christmas Eve the
Christ Child wandered through
town and countryside in search
of those who believed in Him.
On that night they placed can­ All Wark Guaranteed aa
dles at their windows to guide SAVE >0% eu Salem
Him through the darkness to
their homes.
Call 897-2062
It was also customary to
welcome any stranger who
Many years ago in 1897, a course not, but that’s no proof
little girt wrote a letter to the that they are not there. No­
uiidg^iiixr j
body vail
can vvFiivxTiv
conceive “ ui
or imagine
editor of the New York Sun uuiiy
which said, “Dear Editor, I all the wonders there are un- ..p_
am eight years old. Some of my seen and unseeable in
friends say there is no Santa world.
You may tear apart
Claus. Papa says if you see it
in the Sun, it is so. Please tell baby’s rattle and see what
me the truth, is there a Santa makes the noise inside,
Claus? Virginia O’Hanlow”. there is a veil covering
The answer Virginia received unseen world which not
from Francis P. Church, the strongest man. nor even
“It’s rather comforting
editor of the Sun, at that time, united strength of all the they've invested millions in
has now become famous. Fol­ strongest men that ever lived, buildings, equipment, and
lowing is the letter Virginia could tear apart. Only faith, faculty to see we don't fail.
fancy, poetry, love, romance,
received in its entirity:
can push aside that curtain and ; _
Dear Virginia,
Your little friends are view and picture the supernal
beauty and glory beyond.
Ir it real? Ah, Virginia, in
They have been affected by
the skepticism of the skeptical all this world there is nothing
age. They do not believe ex­ else real and abiding.
No Santa Claus?
cept what they see. They think
Thank God, he lives and he
that nothing can be which is
not comprehensible by their lives forever. A thousand
minds. All minds, Virginia, years from now, Virginia, nay,
whether they be men’s or ten times ten thousand years
from now, he will continue to
children’s are little.
make glad the heart of the
In this great universe of childhoid.
ours, man is a mere insect, an
Francis P. Church, Editor
ant, in his intellect, as com­
pared with the boundless
world about him, as measured
by the intelligence capable of
grasping the whole of truth
and knowledge.
Yes, Virginia, there is a
Santa Claus. He exists as cer­
tainly as love and generosity
Christmas 1843 was a his­
and devotion exist, and you
toric time in London. “A
know they abound and give to Christmas
” just pub­
j our life its highest beauty and lished by Carol,
joy. Alas! how dreary would was bringing Charles
a tender tear to
be the world if there were no the eyes of thousands
Santa Claus! It would be as ers. And an English of gentle
May Your Christmas
dreary as if there were no Vir­ man,, Sir Henry Cole, was hav ­ ­
Wish You a
With the Traditional
ginias. There would be no ing an artist friend design a
Meaningful Christmas.
childlike faith then, no poetry, Christmas greeting to send to
Peace of the Season.
Rejoice For the Child
no romance, to make tolerable his friends. It was to be the
Born of Mary at
this existance. We should have first Christmas card.
no enjoyment, except in sense
and sight. The eternal light
The design, by John Calcott
with which childhood fills the Horsley, was lithographed in
world would be extinguished. black and white and then col­
Not believe in Santa Claus! ored by hand. And a thousand
You might as well not believe copies were produced. It took
in Fairies!
30 years, however, for Christ-‘
Phone 769-2563
Dou might get your papa to mas cards to become popular.
hire men to watch the chim­ They were first introduced in YOUR COUNTRY STORE
neys on Christmas evening to the United States in the late
catch Santa Claus, but even if 1870’s.
Hwy. 22 E. Ph. 749-2975 393 E. Florence
they did not see Santa Claus
coming down, what would that
prove? Nobody sees Santa
Claus, but that is no sign that
I there is no Santa Claus. The
most real things in the world
are those that neither children
nor men can see.
Did you ever see Fairies
dancing on the lawn? Of
The First
Christmas Card
Be Filled
Joy and
The Mower & Tiller Shop
Everett and Iola
/ X
We Wish You the Happiness of Christmas
and Ml the Joys of the Season.
Green Veneer, Inc
Young & Morgan, Inc
North Santiam Plywood Co