8—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday, Dee. 20, 1973 CLASSIFIED RATES Churches, bazaars, suppers, bake sale, etc., will be run under special announcements classification with a mini- mum charge of 75c per insertion. Fifteen cents per line each insertion. No advi accepted for less per week. Minimum charge for Cards of Thanks $1.00. Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Telephone 897-2772, MUI City or maU your advertisement to The MUI City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon 97360. Miscellaneous SELLING EVERYTHING. Household goods, furniture incl. electric organ and many other arise. items. Also 1963 Rambler S/W, $75.00. Sale on until Dec. 30. 142 W. Washington St, Stay ton. Phone 769-3238. 51 NEED JOB PRINTING?— See The Mill City Enter prise. Top Quality Printing priced right Fast service too. Phone 897-2772. TO GIVE AWAY to good home — Two male Chihuahua mix puppies. Inquire at Circle K Market. No phone calls please. 51p For Rent Help Wanted Automotive HEATING FOR SALE — 1959 Buick. FOR RENT — 1 bedroom fur BOY WANTED for Statesman Good condition $100. phone nished apartment in Gates. ♦ Gas, Oil and Electric bicycle route in Mill City. 897-2118. 51 Phone 897-2701 or 897-3189. Forced Air Heating Phone 769-2210. 51 FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps Systems 47tf HELP WANTED — Woman for , . . made to order at the ♦ Sheet Metal Duct Systems FOR SALE OR RENT — part time work. Wilson’s Mill City Enterprise. Come ♦ See Us for Free Estimates small trailer. Phone 854- Hatchery. Phone 859-2134. in and see us or call 897- Certified LENNOX Dealer 3723. 52p 2772. STAYTON REFRIGERATION “We Service What We Sell” 207 3rd St. Call 769-5323 LET US do your glass work We cut window glass to your measurements. We will in stall the glass in frames brought to the store. Mil) City Hardware, Phone 897- 2977. 31tf ED LEWIN Auctioneer, Inc. Complete Auctions Phone 769-5466 Watch For Our Special Auctions at 1050 Wilco Road, Stayton. A Good Farmer WANTED To grow a new hi protein feed crop for feed & seed. You must be a good farmer and have 20 acres of good Land to qualify—$6,000.00 cash investment required. Earning potential of $25,000 to $35,000 per year. Write WANT TO BUY TIMBER Small or large tracts We have self loader to haul your logs. i i STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. W Mile West of Mehama, Ore. GALVANIZED ROOFING 2*4” corrugated, 4V corru gated custom cut to length. Ask about our new lower prices. Sublimity Building Supply, 769-2174. BARN and FENCE Redwood stain $1.98 gal. White in terior Latex wall finish. $2.99 gal. Sublimity Build ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph 769-2174 17tf FOR SALE — Muntz Console SEPTIC TANK ana drainfield color TV w/radio and stereo. installation. Gravel, Topsoil, $150. Ph. 897-2956. 51 Bulldozing Free Estimate Low rates. L. M. Walker, INTERESTED IN MONEY? — 50tf I Lyons. 8S9-2436. Look into the benefits of membership in the North SPOTS before your eyes — Santiam Federal Credit on your new carpet — re Union. Credit Union services move them with Blue Lustre. are available to anyone in Rent electric shampooer $1. the Stayton area and the Mill City Hardware, phone general canyon to and in 897-2977. 51 cluding Idanha. Our cur rent interest rate is 5y4% FOR SALE — top quality up- on Pass Book Accounts plus holsterd colonial style sofa. Excellent condition except limited life insurance, and cover of one cushion. $55. each account is insured to 132 S. E. Ivy. 51p $20,000. Ask for Matt Martin or Lois Baller at 769-2146, Real Estate or come into the office of Drushella Reul Estate and FOR SALE BY OWNER — 5- a3k for the North Santiam bedroom home on approx. Vz Federal Credit Union. acre. 2 baths, 1-car garage, near river in Mill City. In ALUMINUM Screen Doors terested party’s only call complete with hinges, latch 897-2942. 52 set, grill and door closer, $12.50. Sublimity Building HOUSE TO BE MOVED- Bids Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf will be received on 2-bdrm. FOR SALE — two new stud house located 1 mi. south of Gates (Gates Guard Station) ded tires — size G-78xl4, until Dec. 31. 1973 at the mounted on Ford wheels. Santiam Unit Hdqtrs., Rte. 1, $37.00 Phone 897-2597. 51p Lyons. Contact Dave Stere 859-2151 or 769-5890. Must REMOVE SOIL and Stains from carpets with Rug-Mate I be moved before March 1, 1974. Linn County Fire Pa Stain Removing Shampoo. trol Association. Rent electric shampooer $1. Western Auto Catalog Store, BUIE k S we have telephone 897-2785. 51 Listings we need Offices Coast-to-Coast NUMBER ONE prefinished paneling. A11 4x8 sheets National Advertising Brings $3.89 and $4.80. Sublimity BUYERS from everywhere. Building Supply, Sublimity. Can Today Phone 769-2174. 41tf STROUT REALTY, Inc. Vivian M. Kealen, Manager POLE BUILDINGS, Siding, Gates. Oregon 97346 Roofing and Foundations P. O. Box 516 built. 100% financing — 10 Phone 897-2164 years to pay. 25 years ex perience. Ph. 897-3164. 44tf 3 Bdrm. 240’ Bus. frontage on Hwy. 22, Mill City, Gates. FOR SALE — Christmas and $11,840 $2,000 dn. Bal. 8% mise, gifts. “The Wits End terms. Also, offers consi Things Shop”, 219 Ferry, dered. Mehama. Phone 859-2266. 51 LISTINGS NEEDED — older 2 & 3 Bdrm, homes, %-ac. OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT — or more. $10,000 to $20,000. $3 49 per gallon. Sublimity Gates or Mill City area. Building Supply. Phone 769- Have Qualified buyers for 2174. 41 tf above. FOR SALE — Grass Hay $1.50 per bale. 897-2699. 49tf FOR SALE — silky terrier pups, available for Christ mas, $40 ea. Ph. 897-2071. 51 KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. Better get an extra key made for your house or automobile today, Bring think of your key with you. MiU I DRUSHELLA'S City Hdwe., Mill City. tf WANTED — Particular print ing form buyers for our par ticular printers. We have the the most particular and as tute printers in the business ready and eager to do your printing needs. Call the Mill City Enterprise, 897-2772 now. RUSSELL W. DEAN 756 - 29+h St., Milwaukie 97222 or call (503) 777-1649 or 659-3295 I hristmas Peace the World. MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS TO ALL Strout Realty Stan Clark Real Estate i Vivian Kealen Gates, Oregon Mill City, Oregon Less Body and Fender Repair Les LaMunyan World, Bringing Hope to All Mankind not a creatore was stirring Drushella Real Estate 1005 N. First Ave. Stayton, Oregon ELYDIA E. SMITH - PHONE 897-2460 Salesman — Gates, Oregon Call day or evening BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4---------- GRAVEL JOHN W. REID. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Mill City, Oregon Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise I OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 85U-22ZS Mornings or Evenings Mobile Phone 839-2IM Stayton Appliance Service Serving the Santiam Canyon Area. Servicing All Major Brand Appliances Phone 769-3261 Weddle Funeral Home 242 E. Florence —Stayton Drushella Real Estate NEED CASH? Loans available on older homes and ranch- 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton ettes. Call debenture mort Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 gage co.. Stayton. 769-6377 Salesman — Oates, Oregon 39tf Call day or evening. NICE NEAT 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors. Large 80 x 120 ft. lot. Immediate possession. $11,500. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR To One and All North Santiam Real Estate Oregon May Santa Bring You The Best Christmas In The World. The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE George and Norma Long Mary Kelly Ray and Joyce Presler Don and Alta Moffatt Rose Cree Vem Golden Boots Champion Eva Bressler Merle Teeters Berry's Shell Service 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 854-3361 Detroit, Oregon 24 hr. Towing Call 769-5757 o Chuck Osborn Oil Burner Service Now Serving Mill dty and Vicinity Prompt Service & Dependable PHONS Cy'$ Furnace Repair Cy Hilton, owner Stayton Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt Service We will meet all competit ive Price« and nervier Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph- 769-6659 Staytor