2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thuraday, Dec. 18, 1978 | I Mrs. Don Cree Hosts Bid or Bunch Club Residents Attend Turner Reception Mainati, PcUfA Marilyn Club Party Tues., December 18 DATSUN SERVICE Marilyn Club will have AND REPAIR their Christmas party next All Work Guaranteed and ya« Attending the reception Sa­ Tuesday, Dec. 18, at the IOOF SAVE 30% on Salem Price« Mrs. Don Cree was hostess turday night at Victoria Chap­ Hall at 12. for members of the Bid or ter No. 76 at Turner, honoring The meeting will start with Call 897-2062 Bunch Pinochle Club for their Mrs. Zelma Plane, grand a no-host Christmas dinner elmeb TRIPP representative to S Dakota in Christmas party at her home followed by a Christmas party Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Oregon, were Mr. and Mrs. Phone 897-2772 Monday evening. and gift exchange. Holiday decorations were Donald Carlson, worthy ma­ Due to the district meeting ■BE:: ::: used and refreshments and a tron and patron of Marilyn Monday evening, the chapter gift exchange preceded the Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle did not have their annual Garton. Mrs. William McClin-1 I evening of cards. Christmas party. Anne Hovey won high prize tock and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell All members of the eastern ¡ He nnd and Carol Cree the pinochle Cree. star and their husbands and Mrs. Plane prize. Mary Wright received wives living in the area are I to Grand Chapter in South Da ­ low. most cordially invited to at­ The next party will be at kota and the differences in tend even though they are not Fathers and friends of Camp the home of Jean Davidson on their grand chapter and Ore­ Fire and Bluebird Girls were members of Marilyn Chapter. gon’s. Jan. 14. Mrs. Jack Gulliford is gen­ entertained Thursday evening, eral chairman for the party Tuesday, December 13 Dec. 6, at the annual canyon and Mrs. Murry Moore is area "Date with Dad” program. Santiam Canyon Home Ex­ president of the club. The theme was “Christmas Mi tension Christmas party at the Stories” with each group pre­ Gates Clubhouse at 10:00 a.m. senting a skit. Pinochle party at the Eagles KEEP OUT COLD WINTER DRAFTS i Mill C^+y Garden Mrs. Virgil Trout, chairman Lodge at 1:00 p.m. Public in­ Tnmsparanf Plastic ! Club Holds Party of the Canyon Leaders Assn., vited introduced special guests. Mr. IOOF #144 meeting at 8:00 The Mill City Garden Club and Mrs. Clifford Crook. Mr. . ' held their annual Christmas p.m. at the lodge hall. and Mrs. Bill Hirte, Mr. and J FOE #3384 Aerie and Aux I party last Thursday at the Mrs. Jim Girod, Mayor and I Presbyterian Church’s Fellow- meeting at the hall at 8:00 STORM WINDOW STORM DOOR Mrs. Clyde Bate and Mr. and I | ship Hall at 12:30 p.m. p.m. Mrs. George Long. [ KIT only KIT only i The Hawaiian theme was i The Mill City Woman’s Club used and the guests were met Friday. December 14 sponsors the local Camp Fire at the dooi- by the hostesses Complete Kit in a box Complete Kit in a box Mill City-Gates American 36* x 72* tough plas­ 36- x 84- tough plas­ I and Bluebirds and club mem- and presented with colorful Legion Post #159 meets at the tic sheet. 18 ft. fibre tic sheet. 21 ft. fibra | bers introduced and presented moulding and nails. moulding and nails. I leis. IOOF Hall at 8:00 p.m. with a gift or corsage by their WARP BROS. Chicago 60651 The tables were decorated Pioneers in Plastics Since 1924 individual groups were Irene for Christmas and the favors AT YOUR HARDWARE, LUMBER Podrabsky, Agnes Carlson, were bags of Hawaiian candj' Monday, December 17 Lions Club dinner meeting Ruth Cummings, Mrs. Swan. ■ & BUILDING SUPPLY STORE tied in net. A dessert was Alma Beyer, Mary Youmans, j r.t the Frontier Inn at 6:30 served. . Kate Doble and Elaine Russell. [ Officers for 1974 were in­ Ladies night. Woman’s volleyball 7 to 9 Ellen Tuers presented “do-| stalled by Mrs. Elsie Girod : dad” buttons to the following and each new officer was pre­ p.m. at the grade school gym AF&AM Lodge #180 meets fathers: James Wright. Gerald sented with a carnation cor­ Carr, Virgil Trout, Gale Lar­ A reception was held Sun­ Kenneth Smith, all from Sa- sage. Installed were Doris at 8:00 p.m. at the IOOF Hall. Round Robin Pinochle party son, Alan Tuers. Ray Porter, day, Dec. 9. to celebrate Irl lem. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughan Rogers, president; Jennie Cau- Bill Gabriel, Delmer Syverson and Ada Plymale’s 40th wed­ and family of Junction City, ble, first vice-president; Kate at the home of Marie Ste­ ! and Jim Girod. ding anniversary. The Ply- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Plymale of i Doble, second vice-president; wart at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Phyllis Muise was pre­ males were married Dec. 7, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Velma Harrison, secretary; and i sented with her five year pin 1933. The reception, which was Plymale of Lebanon and Mr. Marie Tolbert, treasurer. Tuesday. December 18 in working with the Camp held at the First Christian and Mrs. Herschel Clark. The group sang Christmas Mill City Woman’s Club Fire program. ' Church of Mill City, began at Mrs. Plymale also celebrated carols accompanied by Jennie meeting and Christmas party Dessert and coffee was serv­ 2:00 and lasted until 5:00. Cauble at the piano. at the home of Margaret Snow her birthday Sunday. Regular Price ed by the girls and their lead­ Musical chairs was played The serving table was cov­ Mill City Elementary School ers in the student commons ered with a red cloth, and was and each received their Christ­ Christmas program at the from gaily decorated holiday centered by the anniversary mas exchange gift. auditorium at 8:00 p.m. tables. The January third meeting cake, flanked by red candles. A visit from Santa Claus ( Holly was used as decoration will be a dessert luncheon at Wednesday, December 19 From climaxed the evening. the home of Mrs. Dorothy around the room. Santiam Rebekah Lodge 1 Peterson. Serving were Mrs. Janet #166 meets at the IOOF Hall Hostesses for the Christmas at 8:00 p.m. Warde, Mrs. Leroy Richards, Crees Attend party were Mrs. Walter ' Mrs. Donald Hutchinson, Christmas Concert present­ Mrs. Charles Golden, Mrs. Thomas. Jr., chairman; Mrs. ed by the advanced elementary From Salem Chapter Santiam Rebekah Lodge Doris Rogers, Mrs. Jennie band and the Santiam High Gerald Golden, and Miss #166 welcomed two new mem­ Cauble Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree at­ Debbie Golden. and Mrs. Walter School Band and Chorus at tended the Friendship Night Attending from out of town bers by initiation Dec. 5. Mrs. Thomas, Sr. the auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday at Ainsworth were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dave Barnhardt, noble grand, Attending were Mrs. Else presided over the evening ses- Chapter #176 in Salem honor­ Hutchinson of Lebanon; Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Ruth Brownstone, i Sponsored as a public service From ing Dorothy Klaus, grand Jane Warde and daughter, sion. Mrs. Alta Bodeker, de- Mrs. Jennie Cauble. Mrs. Nell : representative to Nova Scotia Kari, Mrs. Leroy Richards and gree captain, conducted the DeWitt, Mrs. Kate Doble, Mrs. By FREE GIFT WRAPPING end Prince Edward Island. The son, Troy. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. floor word. The Rebekah de- Phyllis Dolezal, Mrs. Elsie | gree upon was conferred reception was held at the Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wil­ Girod, Mrs. Pauline Hansen,' Scottish Rite Temple in Salem. kinson and family and Mrs. Thomas A. Dougherty and El­ Mrs. Velma Harrison, Mrs. yw don N. Hutchinson. A large crowd attended in­ Isabel! Heller, Mrs. Dorothy A report on the recent Unit­ Peterson, Mrs. Doris Rogers, Insurance Agency, Inc. cluding 19 other grand repre­ ed Nation ’ s Pilgrimage for of the Grand Chap­ Mrs. Walter Thomas, Sr., Mrs. I sentatives Youth committee meeting was Walter Thomas, Jr., and son, 493 Third Street, Stayton ter of Oregon. read. It was planned to con­ Tony, Mrs. Marie Tolbert, Mrs. 400 3rd Ave. 769-2762 Stayton I Mrs. Marie Burrell of Salem tinue the program, as former- Faye Verbeck, Mrs. Al Yan- J Remember Us For Your. £ and a member of Marilyn x ly, as close as possible in face kus and Mrs. Jane Anderson, j ÏÂÏÂESSiBSiSSBSiBSit Chapter was also present. Life and Health Mrs. Frank Balzek and Mrs. of the transportation problems. a new member. Walt Nicholson were hostesses The program for the new con­ Insurance last Thursday for the weekly test will soon be in the hands Why don't YOU subscribe card party at the Eagles Lodge. of the youth committees of the Phone 769-6311 Rilla Schaffer won the pi­ I various lodges to be submitted to The Mill City Enterprise • nochle prize and Lorraine to the high schools. Mrs. Eldon P was appointed Bibler had high score and Hutchinson Ruth Kerr low for the wo­ chairman of the UN committee | men. John Swan received low for Santiam Rebekah Lodge for the men and Paul Cree won #166 The annual contribution to the UN pilgrimage program high. Ina Mae Simms, with Bob has been increased, due to add­ Bethurem as her partner, held ed costs. Mrs. Barnhardt was elect­ a thousand aces during the af­ ed vice-grand for the 1974 ternoon of cards. The Christmas luncheon and term. Installation of officers, party which was planned for will be in January. Ph. 897-2W2 Mrs. Barnhardt reminded all this Thursday, Dec. 13, has Sanrfihg ftr been changed to next Thurs­ members who have birthdays1 -’WfH on yw List Nylon, Brushed Rayon or CoHon Flannel day. Dec. 20. The regular between Sept 1 and Dec. 31, card party will be held at 1:00 that their birthdays are being honored at the Dec. 19 meet­ today, Dec 13. The Dec. 20 Christmas lun­ ing. From The Mill City IOOF Lodge and party will start at To ? cheon 12:00 noon at the lodge. In #144 was given a standing JEWELRY — MUSIC BOXES I charge of the luncheon are ovation for the new lights installed this Mrs. Blazek, Mrs. Nicholson which were Musical Movements week. Pete Peterson. £ and All Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Snow, presi­ senior citizens are wel­ SHAWLS—PONCHOS—HATS ? come to attend and bring a dent of the Three Links Club announced the regular meeting friend. TOTE BAGS — KITS To will be Dec. 13 at the IOOF RUGS — NEEDLEPOINT — CREWEL Hall and refreshments will be Santiam Shrine Club served the members and guests . KNITTING - CROCHETING of the IOOF Lodge. Elects New Officers Mrs. Barnhardt reported on 2^£QBE HOURS—10-5 Mon, thru Fri. 10-2 Sat. The Santiam Shrine Club CoHon/Dacron, Rayons, Polyester held the December meeting the lunch concession at Scio on last Tuesday evening at the Dec. 1 and thanked those who contributed both time and ma­ home of Stanley Chance. Leonard Myers, president of terials to the project. A goodly supply of items for From To the club, presided at the busi­ bingo prizes and gifts for the ness meeting. i Election of officers was held residents at the IOOF Home in with the following being elect­ Portland were contributed and! Regular and Maxi Lengths Sizes I to 14 ed to serve for 1974 — Joe will be delivered to the home Bowes, president; George next week. Irl Plymale will fill his tra­ Laird, secretary; and direc­ tors, Merl Cox of Stayton, ditional roll as Santa Clause Po'nseHias Vem Rush of Mill City and at the IOOF-Rebekah Christ­ Beautiful Christmas Red From To mas party on Dec. 22, Melody Vern Kealon of Gates. Barnhardt will show slides of The January 8 meeting will be held at the home of Lowell her European tour this past Centerpieces Cree, 215 S. W Kingwood, Mill summer. I^ong Lasting Enjoyment Flare and Boot Cut Following the meeting, re­ City. freshments were served by ÿr Many Styles to choose from Refreshments were served Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anderson. by the host. Stanley Chance. On Dec. 1, the members of Attending were Leonard Terrariums From Myers and Huber Ray of Sub- the Santiam Rebekah Lodge' Miniature Gardens Under Glass l.mity; Ken Purdy, Aumsville; #166 presided at the luncheon I Elvin Thomas and George concession of the benefit auc-. Laird, Stayton; Joe Bowes. tion at the Scio Grade School Wreaths Vernon Kealen and Ron O’-1 gym. Long and Short Sleeves Permanent or Natural Donnell of Gates; and Kenneth 1 The auctioneer was John Hull, who donated his services Kierst. Vem Rush, Lowell Cree and Stanley Chance of to the United Nations Pilgri­ mage for Youth benefit auc­ Mill City. From 4th tion held by Santiam Rebekah To Mill City « 1 #166 here on July 22. If the number following Lodge BtHKlMfRICMO Those who went to Scio to Phone 897-2452 your name on The En­ work in the concessions were: Glenn Anderson. Mrs. Wire Service Anywhere terprise label reads Mrs. Dave Barnhardt, Mrs. Albert OPEN SUNDAYS —Weekdays 8:30-6:30 Phone 769-2926 12-73 it's time to send Carr, Mrs. Jim Hoover, Mrs. Irl Plymale, Mrs. Otto Weid-1 __ _________ __ • & a check for renewal. i man and Mrs. Luther Yates. | Community Calendar Of Events Many Attend Local ■«“ '■» Camp Fire Program STORM WINDOW IN A BOX” torm Kits 3991 49? Mr. and Mrs. Plymale Honored With Reception On Fortieth Anniversary Any Shirt and Vest Combination 53“ OFF Vests Shirts Rebekah Lodge Initiates New Members Into Club $695 $1400 Haggar Pants MADISON & DAVIS Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel Pinochle Christmas Party set for Dec.20 KNIT KNACK DEPOT Ladies Gowns and Pajamas $jjOO T Slgoo 4 I Ladies Bulky Knit Sweaters $1298 io $|998 s Ladies Dresses $898 s2g Check Santa's List $349 i $Q98 Boys Pants Ï 5 $400 $Q98 I I i Boys Shirts ó <> <> \ \ $098 BALDWIN’S BRUNNERS FLOWERS rm I i ♦