The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 06, 1973, Page 7, Image 7

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    Mrs. Clare Ranh and Mrs.
Leland Kaplinger went to
Sublimity last
where they visited Mrs. Alice
Thacker and Roy Taylor, who
are both residents of the home.
Mrs. Clyde Richards is re­
ported as improving following
an attack of infectious hepa­
titis last week. Mrs. Richards
is employed in the office of the
local school district.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree
visited Mrs Lucille Loler at
the Salem General Hospital
Sunday afternoon and Mrs.
Cree’s brother, Mr. and Mrs.
W’ade Dickinson, where they
were dinner guests and then
spent the evening with her
mother, Mrs. J. C. Dickinson
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Gorton, all in Salem.
Fuel Conservation Starts In The Home
The heating and cooling
of buildings require« about
one sixth of the total energy
expended in the United States.
Much of this energy is wasted
because buildings are so poor­
ly insulated that heat is lost
in winter and air conditicn-
ing equipment runs overtime
in summer. This applies to
most older homes and com-
mercial buildings, and sur­
prisingly, occurs in many
new structures as well, the
researchers find.
___ ______
energy may cost
the nation as much as two
billion dollars annually.
Insulation specialists at the
Construction Products Divi­
sion of W.R. Grace & Co.,
Cambridge, Massachusetts —
one of the nation's largest
producers of insulating mate-
rials-point out that such
things as better home insul­
ation, storm windows and
more efficient heating and
cooling units can greatly re­
duce fuel costs. Savings can
amount to over $100 a year in
the average size home
It is estimated 50% of
homes 15 years old or older
have no insulation at all and
nearly all homes are inade­
quately insulated by today's
As with almost everything
else, fuel costs for the con­
sumer have been rising and
are expected to continue in
the future. Fuel economists
predict that the price for gas.
electricity and heating oil
will increase at an annual
average rate of about eight
per cent. At this rate, fuel
prices will double in ten
Here are some recommen-
dations from
the W.R. Grace
sj>ecialists on how consumers
can lower fuel and air condi­
tioning costs and at the same
time do their bit to cut down
on air pollution.
• Use weather stripping,
wherever necessary.
• Make sure your house is
7—The Mill Qty Enterprise, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1973
Income Tax Consultants
Need New State License to Practice
Mrs. Martin Hansen was
hostess to over 40 relatives
and friends for a buffet lunch­ I
eon at her home Nov. 23 be­
P. J.’i Beauty Center, 240
fore the wedding of their son, S. W. Broadway, open Mon­
Terry, to Judy Boroughs, at day through Saturday 9:00
the home of the bride. Her a.m. to 5:00 p.m., evenings by
daughter. Sherry Crosier of appointment. Telephone 897-
Concord, Calif., and Elsie 2137.
Girod assisted with hostess
Recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Leland Kaplinger were
Mrs. Lucille Loler under­ I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Spence of
went major surgery at the Sa­ Jefferson.
lem General Hospital Sunday,
Nov. 25. She hopes to be able
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Kap-
to return to her home in a few linger were guests Thanks­
Here are four ways the expert* »ay homeowners can cut fuel
days. Mrs. Loler moved to the giving at the home of their
bills efficiently. 1. Use weather stripping wherever necessary.
Mill City area in July and son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
2. Make sure your house is well caulked around windows,
lives with her son-in-law and and Mrs. Harold Judge in Sa­
doors, etc.—anywhere “air leakage” can occur. 3. Insulate the
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Guy lem.
attic floor. This can save up to 8100 in yearly fuel bills. 4. Run
air conditioners at a comfortable level — don’t “over-cool”,
Monoco, who purchased the
well caulked. (Heat loss from tic heat loss as much as 90%.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Hunting in the area Satur­
“air leakage” can easily ac­
• If you live in a cold
McMorris near the Cedar day were Jack McClintock and
count for 15-20% of a fam­ climate, installing storm win­
Lumber Company.
his son, Kenny McClintock,
ily's healing bill.)
dows can cut window heat
and Ron Eshelman from Port­
• Check insulation. Attics loss in half. They also elim­
Thanksgiving guests at the land. They were breakfast
should have a six inch layer inate cold “drafts” and con­
home of Mr. and Mrs Emmett guests at the home of Jack’s
of good insulation, and walls densation on windows.
Brewster included Mr. and brother, Mr. and Mrs. William
three and one-half inches.
• Run air conditioners
Mrs. J. P Kennedy from Tur­ McClintock.
Floors located over “crawl only at a comfortable level-
spaces” also need three and don’t “overcool”. Insulation
lock, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.
one-half inches.
here can help, too, by keep­
Kenneth Taylor and Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Per­
Most homeowners can eas­ ing warm air out. The effi­
from Aumsville, Mr. and Mrs. kins (Kathy Boroughs) of
ily add insulation to attic ciency of the air conditioning
Donald Brewster and Timmy Stayton became parents of an
floors. Zonolite* vermiculite equipment increases and op­
of Mill City and the hosts, Mr eight pound,
eleven ounce
is one type of granular insula­ erating costs go down.
and Mrs. Emmett Brewster, baby boy, Daren Todd Perkins,
tion that readily pours right
The researchers say solar
Judy, Bonnie and Gary. Mr. at a Salem hospital on Tues­
over existing insulation. It energy is perhaps 25 years
and Mrs. Kennedy are the day. Nov. 27. This is their
fills in any gaps.
in the future. In the mean­
time, they suggest we should
grandparents of Mrs. Donald I first child. The father is em­
! ployed by Jim Hoover here in
ally requires the services of do what we can to conserve
conventional energy . . . and.
a professional.
Mill City. Maternal grand­
in the process, save some
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc­ parents of the new arrival are
Proper insulation can cut at- money.
Morris moved Friday to their J Mr. and Mrs. Burton Boroughs.
home near Oregon City which |
they recently purchased. Mrs.
Attending church services
James Wrights
McMorris has been transferred ' Sunday morning at the Presby- Marilyn Chapter OES
to the main branch of the U. terian Church were Dr. and Members Visit Lebanon
Entertain at
S. National Bank at Oregon • Mrs. David Thompson of Sa-
City and began her work there , lem who have the Canyon Chapter Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alban,
Nov. 13. Mr. McMorris has Dental Clinic. They hope to
Family Potluck Dinner
been employed at Nicholi Sash I eventually move to Mill City, from Sublimity, Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright
and door factory in Portland ’ Dr. Thompson attended me- McClintock and Mr. and Mrs.
entertained at a family pot­
the past six years.
dical school in Portland with Lowell Cree went to Lebanon
luck dinner Saturday, Dec. 1,
a son of Dr. Robert Sandilands, Monday evening where they
so was especially interested in were guests of Marguerite
Dec. 7, 1933, was a great day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John
hearing him speak here on Chapter OES, at their annual for Earl and Ada Plymale, Coughlin of Tonkawa, Okla.
Attending were Mr. and
Christmas turkey dinner at they were married. So, on this
6:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 9, 1973, a recep­ Mrs. Orval Bethel from Hub­
At the regular meeting of tion will be given in their bard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
The Thanksgiving holidays
brought a surprise visit to the chapter, which followed honor, at the First Christian Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Youmans the dinner, Mrs. Alban gave Church iu Mill City from 2:00 Weitz, Debbie, Jeff, Cindy and
Chris from Salem, Mr. and
from their daughter, Judy the flag tribute. The worthy until 5:00 p.m.
OTI. and Mrs. Eldon Hutchin- Mrs. Ben Spenner and Mr. and
(Mrs. Jim Lyon) of Yorba grand matron. Mrs Muriel I Mr.
Rose, has requested each chap- [ son anj Mr. ancj Mrs. Clyde Mrs. Joe Koenig from Sublim­
Linda, Calif.
ter honor the flag twice during Golden, who are hosting the ity, Dutch Deitz, Stayton, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker of the year.
reception, extend an invitation Alla Mae Bethel, Mehama,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carl­ to the Plymale’s many friends Mr. and Mrs. Bob Culver and
Albany were Saturday evening
dinner guests at the Gates son, worthy matron and wor­ to come help them share in Xann, Lyons, Mr. and Mrs.
home of her parents, Mr. and thy patron of Marilyn Chapter, celebrating 40 years of life Wayne Wright, Teresa, Rich­
ard and Bruce, Detroit and
attended the meeting.
Mrs. Ed Kadin.
The worthy matron, Mrs.
Most of you no doubt re­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goddard,
Rachael Johnson, also honored
Luncheon guests last Thurs­ all of her “sideliners” and member that the Plymales ran
Family members attending
day at the home of Mrs. Sylvia presented each one with either
from Mill City
were Mrs.
Duncan were Mrs. Walter a red or green Christmas can­
Lottie Wright, Mr. and Mis.
Sacramento, dle with silver glitter.
Calif., Mrs. Virgil O’Neil and
Teresa and Travis, Mr. and
For the program, a group of
Mrs. John Jelderks of Salem. 5th grade school children sang
George Giddard and Pam,
Mrs. Al Yankus Hosts Mrs.
All four ladies are members of a number of songs.
Mrs. Pat McClellan, Mr. and
Alpha Delta Pl Sorority at
Mrs. Clyde Morgan, Mr. and
"Bud” Smith, chairman of
OSU. Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. the home endowment commit­ Round Robin Club
Mrs. Kenneth Kindred, Jim,
Duncan were pledged at the tee of the Grand Chapter of
Dave and Susie Wright and
same time. Mrs. Ted Morris of Oregon, made his official visit
Denise Stewart.
Salem, daughter, of Mrs. and showed colored slides of at her home Monday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin have
for the Round Robin Pinochle been visiting relatives here
Pearce, was also a guest
the home. He and hi* wife Club.
the past three weeks. Mrs.
were also guests at the dinner.
Mrs. Tom Drynan from Stay­ Lottie Wright, Mrs. Spenner,
The MUI City Garden Clab
ton won high, Mr*. Burton Mrs. Bethel and Mrs. Cough­
will have their annual Christ­ were taken into the chapter Boroughs, pinochle, and Mrs. lin are sisters.
By FruK Stromqulst
mas party and installation of
Dave Barnhardt received the
officers Thursday, Dec. 6 at
door prize.
•Millions of Americans suf­ 12:30 at the Presbyterian
The lady receiving low was
fered during the 1968-69 flu Church Fellowship Hall. There
so embarrassed she doesn’t
epidemic, and it could hap­ will be a gift exchange and
want her name printed, but the
pen again. This time, though members who do not plan to
Christmas party will be held
instead of A-2. a new strain attend are asked to notify one
at her home.
of the bug. called (by the I of the hostesses.
Guests for the evening were
The incoming pastor of Can­ Mrs. Francis Bodeker, Mrs.
National Center for Disease i
yon Baptist Church, Lyons, Dave Barnhardt, Mrs. Joe
control) B-Hong Kong-5-72,
Marilyn Chapter #145, OES, Rev. Don Prociw and wife, Challender, and Mrs. Barney
may appear It’s a virtually
new virus
against which will meet next Monday night Marlys, were honored at an af­ Barnhardt.
most persons have no natur­ for a district meeting with ternoon reception held at the
Members present were: Mrs.
al immunity. But while in Acacia Chapter #63 Stayton church, Sunday, Dec. 2.
Tom Drynan from Stayton,
The scripture on the white Mrs.
1968 a protective vaccine and Victoria Chapter #76 Tur­
Rocky Moore from
was not available until late ner. This will be the official cake written in red frosting Lyons, Mrs. Burton Boroughs,
in the season, pharmaceuti- visit of the worthy grand ma­ was first Thessalonians 5:14. Charlie Stewart, Sr., Mrs. John
Friends from Scio and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, Mrs.
cal houses already have tron, Mrs. Muriel Rose of
ammunition on hand for • Grants Pass. Marilyn Chapter Idanha were among the guests MacGregor,
_____ _
One will be the host chapter. Of­ present.
Davis and the hostess, Mrs.
Youth pastor, Hoy Deeter, Al Yankus.
more change: a single shot ficers from all three chapters
used to give protection will practice at the Mill City acted as master of ceremonies,
Mrs. Yankus served dessert
p.m. Sunday,
and welcomed Pastor Prociw before the evening of cards.
against A and B influenza; Hall at 2:00
to the church ministry.
you’ll need two injections
Tom Basey, chairman of the
now. one of which contains
pulpit committee, spoke of
specific antibodies to com­
Mrs. Joe Challender met two God’s leading and answering Tasting Party
bat the new flu.
classmates from her gradua­
••The FDA has ordered the tion class of 1943 of Girls’ to prayer on their selection of Scheduled for Stayton
nation’s bakeries to double Polytechnic High School in Pastor Prociw.
Miss Alice Smith, pianist,
The Stayton Christian Wo­
the iron content of white Portland in Salem Tuesday for
bread, beginning in April, lunch and an afternoon of and member of public commit­ man’s Club is inviting all in­
1974, because studies show reminiscing. The three even tee, gave a talk on require­ terested women to a tasting
that Americans don’t get had their picture* taken, not i ments of a pastor. Lyle Basey, party at Mrs. Roy Christen
enough iron in their diet. having seen each other for 30 i youth president, welcomed sens, 1732 Sixth St. Stayton
But the medical profession years. Included in the reunion Pastor Prociw on behalf of the The party is Wed., Dec. 12
12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
is criticizing the order on the group were Mrs Earl Smith youth group.
Pastor and Mrs. Prociw are
Featured will be tasting and
grounds that research thus 1 Irene) of Corvallis, where her __
of Praire Bible In-
far doesn’t prove that more husband^ is onthe Acuity at, graduates
of Canada. Mrs. Prociw sharing recipes and Mrs
Steve Grant, soloist, will en­
iron In bread is effective or OSU. Mrs Frank McIntyre |
was studying to be a concert tertain. Inspirational speaker
even safe.
(Drene) of Portland, whose organist.
will be Mrs. Rodger Huff, a
husband is a carpenter, and
The Prociws have moved to young
Esther Chailender, whose hus­ Lyons from La Pine and have
band is a Mill City police of­ three cnildren. Donald, six, Gresham.
Nursery service will
Daniel, four and Deborah. available free of charge.
two months.
Reservations are necessary
Mrs. Scott Oliver (Viol*),
and should be made by those
who recently moved to the If the number following planning to attend and re­
Paradise Island Trailer Court
quiring nursery
service by
Phone «97-2812
in Salem, was reported to your name on The En­ calling Martha Poole,
have suffered a back injury
or Esther Let son.
Your Home Town
label reads 2079,
and at present is at the St terprise
5379, before Dec. 10.
Drug Store
Bernard’s Nursing Home at 12-73 it's time to send
The club is a group of
650 Locust N. E. in the Keizer
denominational women
a check for renewal.
meet once a month.
Wedding Anniver.
Not many Oregon citizens | fice 1* at No. 206 Commercial
are swept up in Income tax | Bldg., Salem, Ore. 97310,
preparation matters at this jphone 378-4034.)
season, but among those who
Only in recent days have
the application forms been
—At least 700 income tax completed and printed. Mrs.
consultants and tax preparers Blundell and her assistant,
applying for newly-required Prudy Matthews have begun
state licenses.
mailing them.
There are
eight separate
Blundell, her staff (of one)
and the new Oregon State parts or variations of the ap­
Board of Tax Service Exam­ plication for use depending on
iners, trying to spread the the type of application needed.
A consultant is one thing, a
word about the new law.
The law is a consumer-pro­ preparer another. Then there's
tection measure of the 1973 an associate, etc. etc.
The first time around, just
legislature, but the big infor
mation effort now is aimed at to be safe, the agency will
tax preparers rather than con­ probably bundle up the whole
kit and mail to each of those
That’s because many persons requesting forms. Within a
who help others make out week Mrs. Blundell hopes to
their personal income tax have the application forms al­
forms, for a fee, haven’t yet so available at state revenue
learned they must have a offices throughout Oregon.
For the most part those per­
license to perform such serv­
sons who prepared taxes for
ice in 1974.
Somehow the legislature de­ another within the past year
cided to make the law effec­ will not have to take an exam­
tive Jan. 1, 1974, rather than ination but they will have to
Jan. 1, 1975, as originally get licenses by Jan. 1. The
written. From a standing start license fee is $20 or $30 de­
a board had to be appointed, pending on type of license.
application forms prepared,
Attorneys, public account­
examinations devised.
ants, certified public account­
The whole idea is to make ants don’t have to get licenses.
sure only persons qualified by
Other persons planning to
experience and continuing edu­ first time or after a lapse of
cation will be allowed to do do tax work next year for the
personal income tax work for over a year must not only get
a license but also must pass
Although it estimated 2,500 an examination.
persons would have to be li­
After the initial signup of
censed, the new tax service
examiners’ board
found it tax preparers and tax consult­
couldn’t get a list of tax con­ ants this Jan. 1, any new ap-
sultants and preparers from plicatint will have to show
the state income tax offices or 60 hours of instruction in tax
anywhere else. The feeling is law, theory and practice. Re­
there may be many hundreds newal applicants will have to
“out there” due for a shock if show 80 hours of instruction
they find out too late they in the preceding three years.
need a license, maybe even an
Members of the Board of
Tax Service Examiners, all
The 700 known tax profes­ experienced tax consultants,
sionals are those who have al­ are Laurence J. Scheer, Mil­
ready called or written the waukie, chairman; Raymond T.
new state agency to request Dillon, Portland; Norma J.
application Fountain, Salem; Michael La
forms. (Mrs. Blundell’s Board Sala, Eugene, and Gary W.
of Tax Service Examiners of- Lindland, Klamath Falls.
Pharmacy Topics
Reception Honors
New Pastor Sunday
Happiness Is
Shopping A+
Sundlay 12-4 p. ,m. —Friday Nights 'HI 9
Phone 897-2785
MID City, Ore.