of Latter Day Batata George J. Rolfe Phone 78M417 Bi «nch President—585-4443 Meetings at Stayton Branch Chapel - Westown Subdlvlaon Priesthood Meetings ___ MX) Sunday School_____ 1030 Sacrament Meeting _ 630 BeUef Society Wednaaday IMO MIA Wednesday ____ 730 Primary Tuesday _____ 436 Kirk Wirick, Sr. Word was received by the Louis Verbecks of the death Saturday, Dec. 1, of their dau­ ghter’s father-in-law, Kirk Wirick. Sr. of Sonoma, Calif., whose family lived in this vic­ inity a number of yean ago. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Funeral services were scheduled for Tuesday afternoon in Sonoma, and the Kirk Wirick family (Marlene Verbeck) of Reedsport, plan­ ned to attend. Mr. Wirick was 76 yean of age and had operated a large lumber yard with his son, Wayne, in Sonoma until September of this year when it was sold. When the Wirick family was here, they lived in the Fox Valley area where the two youngest children, Wayne and Carol, attended school, later coming to the high school in Mill City. The family at­ tended the local Christian Church. Surviving Mr. Wirick are his wife, Nome; five sons, Don Alvin, Ralph, Kirk and Wayne; one daughter, Carol; and a step-daughter, Mary; also a number of grandchild­ ren. Mortuary last Friday for Chris Barker, 80, of 234 S. E. Hazel Street who passed away in a Salem hospital last Tuesday. Mr. Barker had been in poor health for some time. He was a retired plasterer and a mem­ ber of the Operative Plasters of Oregon and the Eagles. Private interment was in the Sunset Hills Memorial Park in Portland. The family suggests contributions to the cancer so­ ciety. Survivors include the wi­ dow, June Barker of Mill City; two daughters, Mrs. Thelma Stubbs, Nehalem, and Mrs. Beatrice Nutt of Whittier, Calif., and three sons, Gerald Marquez, Donald Marquez and Chris Barker Del Roy Marquez all of Port­ Funeral services were held land; one grandchild and three Mill City Enterprise in Portland at the Sunset Hills great-grandchildren. 3—The MUI Qty Eaterpriae, Tlwday, Bee. «, Ì9T9 Get Your Car Tuned Up Now! For Carefree Winter Driving Vem’s Shell - Towing Phone 897-2442 ST CHRISTOPHER MISSION Detroit Sunday Mass 1030 am. Holy Day and First Friday 530 P. M. Detroit S. W. Ivy SL MIS CKy G. M. Richardson, Pastor U a. m. Wortaip service. 7 P-m. Tuesday prayer meet LYONS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8th and Ash St Phone 859-2540 Rev. Arthur Han—w Welcomes you to come as you are. St. Catherine*« Catholic Masses Every Sunday MX) A. M. Holy Day and First Friday 730 P. M. Ctareh SarvteM — »30 ut Sunday ScheM — ¿lXB aan. Bible School a. m. Morning Worship 1130 a.m Youth wissttM at «3» » a. Evening Services 7 p. m. Bible Study each Wednesday 1030 A. M. and 630 P. M. at the Church. Senior High Youth meets 4 p. m. Junior High meets 3 p. m. “John Kohls and I want to talk to you about your electric bill and conservation.” À ’ Today’s tight power situation continues to call for energy conservation and points up the need for new generating plants like Centralia and plants under construction such as Trojan, Jim Bridger and others. * Free Methodiet Chare» North Mill Cfty Bov. )ohs DeMata 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Phot Rev. Sunday School ___ Worship Service _ What does this mean? The cost of power at Centralia, at Trojan, at Jim Bridger and other scheduled plants will generally exceed the revenues they will produce at present rate schedules. These new plants mean higher power costs. And...a new impact on your electric bill. So with growth In demand...the upward pressure on our electric rates becomes overpowering. the average price you paid for power declined as you used more electricity. This reflected our costs. As a matter of fact, the price of residential power to our customers declined about 35 percent from 1940 to 1968. Is there anything you can do to dampen this upward movement? New technology, larger, more efficient power plants, and improved operating methods had a lot to do with the descending price. But., .in the last few years, the cost of new plants has skyrocketed. And there are four basic reasons why. 1. Our rivers are delivering about all the firm electrical energy they can. From here on out, rs new steam plants with high operating costs. 2. Money costs have gone out of sight. And interest and other money costs are the largest single element in power costs. Yes. How? By extending the everyday conservation measures you are taking during the current critical energy period Into the coming months and years. In short...by maldng energy conservation a routine part of our daily Ilves. We see no way of keeping your electric rates from moving up. But with continuing energy conservation.. .together we can keep them from going through the roof. 3. Essential pollution control equipment has added tO percent to the construction costs of new steam plants. RM. Phone 8M-2966 Sunday School »46 ajn. Morning Worship 11 am. Training Hour, 630 pm. Evening Service, 7.00 pm. Wednesday evening Bible 1 study and prayer time 7 pm.’ > 4. Inflation...which has hit everyone...has really whacked your utility in the vital area of construction costs. As an example, new steam plants are costing three to four times more per kilowatt compared to 15 years ago. The People at Pacific Power Mm Qty