Christmas Wonderland of Sounds by AUDIOVO ATRIP to the MARDI GRAS or an Audiovox 800RC 4 Speed Full Size Changer • Diamond stylus • Tinted Dust Cover • Simulated Walnut grain base WITH snwo * ŒUMK CARTRIDGE Headquarters far all your electronic needs! Mill City TV 538 S.E. First Hill City, Oregon 97360 897-2626 REGISTER HERE TO WIN THE MARDI GRAS TRIP or MAJOR PRIZE RULES and REGULATIONS 1. Print your name, address, city, state annd telephone number on 3 A. Deposit entry blank for Audiovox 800 RC 4 speed changer at 4 participating store B Print your name, address, state, telephone number and name of 5 Deposit at mi Store NAME ADDIES! CITY RHONE -- j, & 13 1 Employees of any participating merchant or advertising agent] are not eligible to participate 6 Ave., Vernon, California 90058 JÇ r No purchase is necessary. This contest is void in the states th| prohibit such drawings store where you received the entry blank for TRIP TO THE MARDI GRAS and mail direct to Audiovox Corp., 2801 South Santa Fe Prizes are subject to all state and local ordinances Winner mJ pay all local, state, and federal taxes the entry blanks. Drawing of TRIP TO THE MARDI GRAS to be held a February 4, 1974 by Audtovox Corporation, Vernon, California Winners need not be present to win and will be notified by All entries to be post marked and received no later than JanuaR Audiovox Corporation regarding TRIP TO THE MARDI GRAS and by your local dealer regarding Audiovox 800 RC 4 speed changer 31, 1974 7 Drawing of Audiovox 800 RC 4 speed announced and drawn by your local dealer. Supplement to the Mill Cltv Ente*prre changer shall b