Handcraft Shop Now Open In Lyons MEHAMA Mrs. John Teeters Mr and Mrs. Earl Taylor went to Portland Tuesday, Nov. 20, and were guests at the home of her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis during the Thanksgiving holidays, return­ ing home on Sunday, Nov. 25. Guests Friday, Nov. 30, at the Taylor home were her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Del Rice of Salem. Dorothy Christensen return­ ed from California Tuesday evening, Nov. 27. She left here Stayton Invitational Wednesday, Nov. 21, to spend W L Thanksgiving with her son-in- Name of Team 6 Team #1 .................. 10 law and daughter, Mr. and Madison Davis ___ 10 6 Mrs. Bob Reid at Lemoore. Dery 8 Trk 8 She also visited with her son, I Cammack 8 Ins........ . 8 Stuart, who is a student at I Santiam Cafe 9 7 ......... California State Polytechnic | 11 5 University at San Louis Obis-J N. S. Real Estate High individual game — I po, and with her sister, Susee Edith Davis 201; high indivi­ I Engdahl, and children of dual series — Lillian Meeker Healdsburg. high team game — N. S. , Mrs. Edward Titze entered 502; Real Estate 531; high team | Salem Hospital, Memorial series — Team *1 1494. Unit, Monday, Nov. 26, and I underwent bone surgery on her foot Tuesday. She is con­ Tuesday Pin Pals valescing very satisfactorily. L Name of Team W Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Teeters G&B Trk. 0 16 moved last week from the mo­ 2% bile home at the J. T. Tye Highland Trk. ... 10 6 place to a house on the old Girod’s ............. ... 9 7 highway below the ball park. Team -8 ............ 8 8 A large group was present State Farm .. 8 8 for the potluck dinner follow­ Girod’s Hilltop .... 7 9 ing the morning worship serv­ Pat’s Pill Box .... 4 11*4 ices at the Mehama Commun­ Dick & Carol’s ... 3 13 ity Church Sunday, Dec. 2. A High individual game — congregational meeting was Dodie Stormer 193; high indi­ held after the dinner. vidual series — Eunice Round I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walz 502; high team game and were guests Sunday at the series — G&B Trucking 807 I home of their son-in-law and and 2214. 1 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Splits — Yvonne Hills 5-10, Keasey in Corvallis. Pat Stinson 5-10, and Shirley Hill 5-7. LYONS — “The Owls Neat” a new handicraft shop opened on Dec 1 in Lyons, located at 811 Main St. They feature handcrafted items and will have hobby materials after Christmas. The shop is operated by Muriel and John Cimino who will be moving to this area soon. They are only open weekends now and welcome anyone to come in and browse around and get acquainted. HOMEOWNERS SAVE BILL ALLMAN Phone 769-S729 715 1st—Stayton Stop Burning Money Bring your attic insula­ tion up to six inches and save up to $100 on heating costs. FIBERG l AS Owens-Coming is Fibe KELLY LUMBER SALES, INC. Hwy. 22 East City Limits PHONE 897-2610 Mill City, Ore. Bank Debits Up In Linn County LYONS by Eva Bressler Mrs. Eunice Kellogg from Virden, N. M., was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing, Mrs. Kellogg was a resident of this area some 30 years ago. A B. Culwell and son, Les­ lie, from Bend were Saturday overnight guests in Lyons. A. B. stayed at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lydia Culwell, and Leslie was a guest at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue. An assembly was held at the Mari-Linn school Friday, Nov. 30, with Hal Bateman, a ven­ triloquist and handwriting analyst, doing the entertaining Mrs. Ethel Huffman and Mrs. Gladys Kuiken were Sa turday visitors in Lyons. Mrs. Kuiken was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kuiken and Mrs. Huffman a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Grimes. Teachers from Maril-Linn School in Lyon? attended a workshop in Scio, Monday eve­ ning, D"c. 3, on reading test scores. The basketball team from Mari-Linn will attend a bas­ ketball Jamboree at Jefferson Junior High Monday night. Mrs. Herman Morgan re­ turned home Saturday from the Santiam Memorial Hospital following surgery the first of the week. The Lyons extension unit will hold their Christmas party Thursday, Dec. 6, at the city hall. Each one is to bring material to make corsages —pipe cleaners, glue, and scis­ sors. Also, gifts of mittens and caps to be sent to the Fairview Home in Salem. Teachers and students at Mari-Linn school are working on their annual Christmas program which will be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 18, at the school gym at 7:30 p.m. Santa will appear with treats for the children. The Lyons Garden Club will hold their December meeting on Wed., Dec. 12, at the United Methodist Church dining room. Roll call will be answered by a holiday recipe exchange. Installation of offi­ cers will be held, followed by their Christmas party and gift exchange. Hazel Wirth and Doris Roy will be hostesses. Everyone is invited to join Bank debits for the six­ teen reporting banks including Linn County were up in Octo­ by Glenn Humes ber, 1973, compared to Octo­ Last week on Monday the ber 1972, the U. of O. Bur. of Business Research has report­ seniors looked at caps and gowns for graduation. Pictures ed. Debits for October 1973, to­ were taken for the annual of taled $149.643,000. For Septem- the clubs and cross country 904,000 and for October 1972, team. After school, the Pep ber, 1973, the total was $126, Club had a work night. the total was $115,441,000. I Tuesday, Honor Society held Oregon, with 426 banks re­ a meeting and talked about porting, had a percentage in­ the dance. Wednesday, after school, crease of 18.3 in October 1973, as compared with Sept. 1973, there was an all-District and a 45.4% increase in Octo- r'-t- Teachers meeting at the grade ber 1973, compared with Octo- school. Friday, club meetings were I ber 1972. Total bank debits for Octo- held. The Chess Club met and TIRED OF WAITING Months I ber 1973, came to $9,780,826,- played chess. GAA talked for your business forms to 1000. For September 1973, the about going bowling and hav­ come to you. Try the expert total was $8.270,880,000 and ing pizza. The junior class printers at The Mill City 1 for October 1972, the total was met and talked about the bas- Enterprise. Just a telephone betball concessions. After club I $6,729,142,000. call to 897-2772 will put the meetings, there was a pep as- efficient and fast printers at sembly. your service. honor society Friday night, put on a Toy Drive Dance i from 8:00 to 11:00. There was • a good turnout. Saturday, Dec. 1, there was a Tri-River Basketball Jam­ boree at Regis High School. Some of the senior’s went to Stayton to take the entrance I exams for college. the Senior Citizen Christian 9—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1978 Fellowship Group at the San­ tiam Chapel, Assembly of and Lisa were Thanksgiving Christmas Potluck Set God Annex, on Tuesday. Dec. dinner guests at the home of 11, at 11:00 am. There will be his sister and husband, Mr. and For Senior Citizens a potluck luncheon, music and Mrs. Harold Porter of Aums­ The Santiam Christian Sen­ ville. guest speaker. ior Citizens group will have a Friends in Lyons who Weekend guests at the home Christmaa potluck dinner at watch the program The Price of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kim- 11:00 a m. Tuesday, Dec. 11. Is Right” on Wednesday af­ ery and family was their son, The Christmas potluck will ternoons were happy to see FA Tony Kimery who is sta­ be at the Santiam Chapel An­ Mrs. Brenda Luebke of El tioned with the U. S. Navy nex in Lyons and all senior Monte, Calif., the former Miss at San Diego., Calif., and Mrs. citizens are welcome. Brenda Johnson of Lyons, ap­ Kimery’s mother, Mrs. Thelma Mrs. Helen Davis of Salem pear on the program. She was Phillips of Portland, who is will be the guest speaker. lucky to win a car and various spending some time there for Anyone needing transporta­ other items. tion may call 859-2305. medical treatment. Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Shuck were their granddaughter and husband, See Us For Your Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ott, and two sons, Stacy and Andrew, from Belview, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ronsin from Mil­ waukie and Miss Elma Shuck from Portland. We Have Sizes To Fit All Vehicles Mr. and Mrs. William Prich­ ard are announcing the birth of a new grandson, Travis Holden, born to their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prichard of Tillamook, on Tuesday, Nov. 27. He has an older brother, Tracy Jay. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Prichard of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Holden of Tillamook. Phone 897-2786 Mr. and Mrs. Jan Grosso from Big Timber, Mont, spent 508 N. E. Santiam Blvd. Mill City several days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er­ nest Grosso. Jan is employed with Stromberg-Carlson Co. and was transferred to Corbett, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnett and his mother, Mrs. Esther Barnett of Silverton, returned home Sunday morning from Troy, Kans., where they visit­ ed relatives. Lawrence (Larry) Nydegger left Friday for Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., where he will be stationed for some time with the army national guard. He is the son of Mrs. Marcelle Nydegger. Dr. David Probert with his Pacific Power Presents wife and daughter, Linda, from Sacramento, Calif, spent1 Friday and Saturday follow­ ing Thanksgiving at the home narrating of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whaley. Mrs. William Grimes and, her mother, Mrs. Effie Nydeg-1 ger of Salem, were Wednesday luncheon guests in Stayton at the home of Mrs. Douglas Don’t miss Barrow, a daughter of Mrs. Nydegger. "A story of special interest to Mrs. Harry Elmer of Albany is spending this week with railroad buffs" her mother, Mrs. Percy Hiatt. Mrs. Melvina Franklin WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1973 spent the Thanksgiving week­ end in Portland at the home KRKT 12:15 p.m. 990 on your dial of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Franklin and family. KWIL 4:40 pun. 790 on your dial 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis TIRE NEEDS At Competitive Prices FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service R&R Chevron Service Nelson Olmsted Stories of Pacific Powerland HOW TO GET A FABULOUS NEW ROOM WITHOUT PAYING PREMIUM PRICES! IBS n B B OSI Why don’t YOU subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise T a a o □ □ □ SATWE Lift brazier, g* SuUUW a BBdlwlf IVlIvJ Be your own interior decorator . . . why not? We’ll give you a FREE copy of “Let’s Live Color,’ the colorful, new 32 page booklet that’s loaded with decorating ideas for your home. We’ll also help you find the right paint colors, too in Tru-Test Sat-N-Hue Latex Wall Paint. You’ll love Sat-N-Hue. It’s so thick ... so creamy. Won’t run or drip. Goes on super- easy Dries in minutes to a rich, low sheen that’s fully washable. Enjoy a colorful new room that you’ve created yourself! Come see / B B I B B b B a a a a i You're BIGGER in a Small Bank* STATEWIDE BANK *more important too! ✓ f I Western Security Bank We Take A Personal Interest In You TELEPHONE 565-5512 • MEMBER FDIC FIEF'S TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Phone 859-2257 Mehama, Ore. See mir 1244» Custom-mixed Colors including 1974 “House & Garden” Magazine selections! ORDERS TO GO Phone 769-5311 Stayton, Oregon State Street Office: State 8, Liberty • Candelaria Office: 2715 Commercial S. t. Broadway Office 2955 Broadway N. E. • Lancaster Office 750 Lancaater Drive N E. dank mobile locations in Aumsville, Lyons, Sublimity and Turner