Brings DETROIT Thanksgiving Families Together IDANHA i GATES r ! I LOCALS The MIO City Enterprise, H iutm I hv , N ov . 29, 1973 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Joyce Presler — 897-2787 I I DETROIT — Many homes in PHONE 897-2772 MILL CITY. ORE, TOM Dinner guests Thanksgiving P. O. BOX 348 the Upper North Santiam Can Spending Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Published at MUI City, Marion County, Ore. every Thanday. yon were the setting Thanks with Walter and Tom Thomas. Al Yankus were her two sis Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Poetoffice at Mu! ters, Mrs. Theodore Adams. Sr. City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Due to so many other ac giving Day for the gathering Sr. were Toni’s mother and from Vancouver, from Portland, and Mrs. tivities during the month of and out of state to be with brother November and December, of families and friends. Others Wash.. Mrs. Jessie Zieler and I The Church of Jesus Christ Charles Donaldson from Maple The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility Elvin ______ Marlor. Walter’s sister there will be no Deanha PTC traveled to mid-valley towns____ Valley, Wash.. her two for errors In advertisements. It will, however, reprint of Utter Day Salat» Valley. Wash.. meetings, it has been announc families and friends at home. from Maple > nephews, Mr and Mrs. Theo without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an George J. Rolfe gatherings Mrs Peg«' Donaldson spent ed. dore Adams. Jr. and Jana and advertisement which is In error if The Enterprise is at fault Phone 7695417 Driving to Centralia. Wash- Thursday and Friday with the Miss Janice Hanson of Sei Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. An Independent newspaper, dedicated to the development Bi anch President — 585-4442 mar. Calif, enplaned for her Wed. to observe the holiday Thomases Meetings at Stayton Branch Andy Adams. Kelly, Andrea. of the timber industry and agriculture in this area. home Monday following a with relatives and friends were Ray and Viola Foster spent Chapel - Westown Subdiviaon Tom and Aaron, and their son- weeks visit at the Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Thanksgiving Dey at the home Priesthood Meetings___ 930 in-law and daughter, Mr. and They returned home Satur of Fern and Don Johnson in Sunday School _____ 1030 Mrs. James Bryan and a home of Mr. and Mrs Earl Oregon (Mike) Michaelson and fam- day evening. I Sacrament Meeting _ 6:00 friend, all from Portland. Mr. Newspaper Among other travelers were Gates. Relief Society Wednesday 103® and Mrs. Bryon took all of the Uy Gael and Leonora Cutsforth Publishers Tom Ottenwess and Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomas traveled to Gervais for a fam MIA Wednesday____ 730 children up to play in the Ronald, who Association garet McQuirk of Burns spent son and son. ily gathering at the home of Primary Tuesday _____ 43® snow. Mrs Donaldson remain drove to Prineville, for a fam the Thanksgiving holidays vis ed at the Yankus home until Gary and Dorothy Cutsforth. SUBSCRIPTION RATES iting area friends. Tom was ily gathering at the home of Also attending was their son, Saturday to visit with her __M5C seriously injured in a logging Mrs. Thomasson’s sister and Lynn Cutsforth and Vicky Marlon-Linn Counties, per year_________ brother-in-law and sister truck accident the later part brother-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Moore from Lyons. ....16.00 Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year ..._ of June. He was hospitalized Joe Beltram. Mr. Thomasson’s Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Har Outside Oregon, per year .45.50 Tom and Marlene Hirons. in a Burns hospital for three mother. Mrs. Mary Thomas ici.ii o s guuoto *vri x iianno^i * 1115 ----------------------- lan ’ guests for Thanksgiving son. returned home with them (living at the end of Gates Hill months. were her mother. Mrs. Alice [ GEORGE J^ONG Road near Elkhorn) with their for an extended visit Watson and their grandson. RAYMOND E. PRESLER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feyer- children. Vicky, Debbie and Billy Watkins, from Salem. NORMA LONG________ harm and family drowe to Wes traveled first to Salem ST CHRISTOPHER MISSION Billy stayed with his grand ROSE CREE___________ I DATSUN SERVICE Newport for a family Thanks and spent part of Thanksgiv Detroit parents from Wednesday eve MARY KELLY_________ giving dinner and visit at the ing Day with his parents, Nor- Sunday Mass 10:30 am. ning until Sunday when his AND REPAIR CORI home of Mrs. Feyerharm’3 val and Lucille Hirons. then father and little brother. Ed Holy Dav and First Fridav AR W«rt Guaranteed and ye« • mother. Mrs. Lucille Bruck went to Sheridan to her par win Watkins and Michael came 5.30 P M Detroit SATE 3®% «■ Salem Price. ner. They returned hctne Sa ents. Don and Neoma Remolds for dinner and then took him turday night. Mrs. Feyerharm before returning home. home. Call 897-2062 noted that most motorists Wednesday to Friday was ELMER TRIPP were observing the new speed spent by Doris Rogers in Al Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lake law. and that there were no bany visiting Glen and Audry had as guests Thanksgiving, gas stations open on the holi Musty and their family. AN UNSOUND PROPOSAL Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lake, Visiting Clare and Margaret « day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles French, Rush on Thanksgiving Day Mrs. Pemal Anderson and Opie Clark. Ketchum-Jenkins Wed were from Salem, Mrs. Liz LYONS UNITED Wright. Mr and Mrs Lyle METHODIST CHURCH In Reno Nevada Rush and Kathy. Brian Rush. list Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sth and Ash St. DETROIT — Reno. Nevada, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dunigan, Al Yankus was a dinner guest Phone 859-2540 was the setting for the wed and Alan Sommers. of Mrs. Frances Alban and Rev. Arthur Hansen ding of Miss Patricia Ann Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness Welcomes you to come as Mitchell in Salem. Ketchum and Claude F. Jen- traveled xxovcxcu to xxx„«xx... Albany to » be with kins on Nov. 24. it was an- j Keith and Doris Henness and you are. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Mnise en- nounced here this week. ' their grandchildren Terry and I tertained Thanksgiving at a Catherine's Catholic The bride is the ihe daughter of uf — Ronnie. They later returned family dinner for his parents. You'll find out when Masses Every Sunday EL-. Mr. and ar.d iLs Mrs Lloyd Ketchum. ( ’ home and spent part of the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Muise from 9:00 A. M. you have a claim. Sr. of Detroit and Mr. Jenkins I evening with the Clare Port Orchard. Wash.: her mo Holy Day and First Friday is the son of Floyd Jenkins of' Henness family. ther, Mrs. Florence Timm, 730 P. M. You can help yourself a- Stayton. Following a wedding Guests at the home of Mr. their son. Mr and Mrs. Alan void costly mistakes in the trip in Nevada and California, and Mrs. Burrel Cole over Church Services — 930 am. Muise and a friend. Steve Ow amount of auto coverage the young couple will make Thanksgiving were Burnett Sunday School — 1130 a m ing from Corvallis: their son- ARBITRATOR Cole. Brent Cole, manager of First Christian Church in-law and daughter. Mr. and you carry if you talk over their home at Gates. the Sprouse-Reitz store in Port Bible School. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Richard Kenline and your needs with your in Angeles. Wash.. Mike Cole, Morning WorshiD 11:00 am Oliver, and her two sisters, Extension Group dependent insurance agent. stationed with the navy at Youth meeting at 630 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blackbum. Because — as many people To Hold Luncheon Woodby Island, Wash., and Evening Services 7 p. m. Sandra. Craig and Roy. all of discover too late—--all poli IDANHA — A potluck Larry and Charlene Larimer Bible Study each Wednesday Mill City and Mr. and Mrs. cies do not cover all risks. luncheon will set the stage for from Lebanon, 1030 A. M. and 630 P. M. at Kenneth Weathers and five And the attitudes of dif a Christmas party when mem Thanksgiving at Harold and the Church. Senior High Youth children from Dexter ferent companies toward bers of the Deanna Home Ex- j Mary Wilson’s was held on meets 4 p. m. Junior High I meet at the Saturday. Their son and fam- meets 3 p. m. „ ...... Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bastu- claim payments vary quite tension group Idanha home of Mrs. Allan ily, Robert and Hazel and boys scheck and family from Seattle widely. Dec. 4 at 10:00 am. Rory and Roger were there Mehama Community Church spent the weekend at the home As an independent agent, Benton. will be an exchange along with Hazel’s mother, Frank Schultzwohl. Pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cree we represent several insur of There gifts, and entertainment. Mabel Wells from Eugene, gifts, and Anthony. On Saturday Sunday school 9:45 a. m. ance companies. This means will be provided by playing1 Nellie Allen also attended, Morning Worship. 11 a. m. evening. Mr. Bastuscheck ac- j we can pick and choose a- bingo. Attending Thanksgiving Evening Services 730 p. m compamed Don Cree, Frank PU3MC with Betty Kelle were her mong insurance companies Stromquist and Virgil Trout to parents Hollis and Katherine Portland to the Trailblazers OFFICI to find the one that pro Santiam Chapel « Turnidge from Mill City, her basketball game. vides the best coverage for Assembly of God neice and husband, LJoyd and you. i Phone 8592644 Lyons and Sue Stinson from Lyons, Warren H Cornelius, Pastor Mrs. Herbert Peck, who was We, have a free booklet her sister and friend from hospitalized last week due to Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. “How To Avoid Costly Mis PEOPLE’S RIGHTS THREATENED Rar°lyn HBrejCha Mor^ Worstdp U ¿clock, a stroke, is reported as doing takes In Auto Insurance.”' and Dav. n Risner, her son( •» > /'Vmrfki nm uirji «*«■» I somewhat better and able to Congress is considering legislation which is intended to that is yours for the ask Louis Kelle from Salem and PJD '■ | be pushed around in a wheel- guarantee organizational and collective bargaining right» to his friend, Annie Peterson ^X^r^T ing. Just call or write for | chair at Salem Memorial Hos- Estate and local public employees. Actually, If it is passed. from Salem Miss Peterson ’ s M10we€k Services Wei, 7 pjn. I from Salem. your copy. There’s no ob Chris Barker Anyone desiring counsel and _____ _________ I the rights of public employees would be impaired and the pub- ligation. Funeral services will be 1 mother, Mrs. Colette Peterson . lie interest would be damaged. also from Salem was present. conducted Friday, Nov. 30, at. The bill would eliminate secret ballot elections on whether u». at the honle of Mr an£j Ray and Joyce Presler spent 11 am. at Sunset Hills Chapel or not the employee wishes to be represented by a union if— Thanksgiving Day at her par | Athel Savage and Terry were in Portland for Chris Barker, j Mm City Presbyterian i Mr and Mrs. Donovan Moffatt, to quote the language of the bill — “credible evidence” that 86. who passed away Tuesday ents, Mr. and Mrs Mike B. majority want union representation is shown to an all- Phone 897-313® Porter in Salem. Also there IMike Mark and Rick, Mrs. a powerful morning at his home. commission created for this purpose . ,x.~ x Penny x Por- Adult Bible Oasa 10:(N a m. I Vee Golden and Mr and Mrs. was her neice. Miss Mr. Barker lived at 224 S. E. ter from Woodbum and her i Morning W Dialup Public employees would have rights far exceeding 11:00 a m. i Richard Brown. Kris and Ka- Hazel, Mill City. Survivors in Nursery for young children trina of Salem Mike Moffatt working for private employers: they could demand final elude the widow. June. A com grandmother. Mrs. Christina under competent supervision. left Monday for Fairchild AFB settlement of disputes by arbitration (a right which would Gaub from Salem. Later her plete obituary will be publish brother and family, Gary and in Spokane where he will be be denied to the public employer), there would be no judicial ed in next weeks paper. review of certification of employees; and uni rm would have Trova Porter. Christopher and until Dec. 20 Free Methodist Chaurch jurisdiction over all but federal public employees. Mikel from Eugene arrived. North MUI City The federal government would, if this proposed law is I On Monday. Nov. 26. Paul Rev. John DeMaia Merissa Golden, daughter of passed, be allowing a single arbitrator to undermine the sov and Elydia Smith gave a din 10.00 a. m Sunday School Mr and Mrs David Golden of ereignty of a state or local legislative body and to bind the ner in honor of Suzie Lewis, 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Tacoma. Wash, spent a week legislative body to a course with which it may». their granddaughter, and dau 5 p. m. Evening Worship visiting at the home of Debbie Within a few years it is estimated that 20% of the work ghter of Virgil and Janet Lewis Golden, daughter of Mr. and force will be employed by a governmental agency. The num of Gates, on the occasion of Mrs Charles Golden ber of strikes by government employees increased ten-fold Calvary I attessa Ctarrh her twelveth birthday. Suzie between 1965 and 1970 and the number is growing each year Stayton was surprised later in the eve If the bill becomes law, the possibility could arise in ning with a cake decorated in First Ave. and Fern Ridge Rd. Mr. and Mrs. David Golden which every conceivable aspect of the public employers Rev. Norbert Dey, Pastor her honor and the arrival of and Ron from Tacoma, spent operations and policies could be decided by arbitration, has Delmar and Kay Syverson Sunday School___ 9:15 a m. a week with her parents. Mr. tening the day when the public is further removed from the ' with their children Diane, Worship Service _.. 1030 a ni and Mrs. A M. Davis, elk I concept of government by the people. ' Terry and Randy. Miss Lewis's hunting in the Roseburg area. for • X I brother Paul also attended the They reported having no luck. dinner and party. Thanksgiving dinner guests WEDDING at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I STATIONERY Womans Club Party Clyde Golden were Mr. and Mrs. David Golden, Merissa Dec. 5 at City Hall and Ron from Tacoma. David has just returned from two DETROIT — Hosting the weeks of survival training annual Christmas party of the 5:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m. with the U. S. Air Force be Detroit Womans Civic Club tween Fairchilds AFB at Spo Dec. 5, will be Mrs. Larry kane, Wash, and the Canadian Poole. Mrs. Keith Kramer and border. Mrs. Robert Guerin I The event will be held in the Guests of Mrs. Sylvia Don- social room of Detroit City Midnight till 2:30 a. m. can Thanksgiving were her Hall at 7:00 pm. The evening's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. All You Can Eat program will include a buffet and Mrs Earl Gooch from dinner, exchange of gifts and Salem Highlight of the day bingo for entertainment. for them was a telephone call Members are being remind from the Gooch’s daughter and ed to bring canned goods for son-in-law, Major and Mrs. the annual Christmas baskets John Cloyd. Major Cloyd is for needy families. I stationed in Kansas with the I I air force. W I Not all car insurance policies are alike. OBfflMRfES Jerry Pittam Insurance Be Sure And Your Table Now <--------------- New Years Eve We will be serving dinners from New Years Eve Buffet Call 897-2960 For Reservations New Winter Hours Wed. & Thurs., Dinners Served 5 ’till 11 p.m Friday and Saturday 5 p.m. 'till I a. m. Sunday Buffet 5 p.m. 'till 11 p.m. CLOSED—Monday and Tuesday DAN & DINAH’S Gates, Oregon ! Restaurant To Close ! For Repa'nting Cedars I DETROIT — The (Restaurant will close Sunday night at 9:00 pm. and remain closed until Jan. 4. it was an- I nounced this week. Bob Layman, co-owner and manager, said the closing of the establishment is to allow minor repairs and the repaint Canyon Conservative Baptist Rev. Don Prorviw ing of the interior. Phone 850-2790 The bar will close Monday 5th A Cedar, Lyons with tentative plans to reopen Friday. This is to permit ma- I Hoy Deeter. Youth Pastor Phone 859-2956 jor repair of restrooms. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. An employee’s dinner will Morning Worship 11 a.m. be held following the closure Training Hour, 6:00 p.m. of the restaurant Sunday night. Linda Budlong at a Thanksgiving dinner at her apartment in Salem Pres ent were, Mrs. Helen Saucier from Mt. Angel., her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Budlong, and her grandfather, S. G. H.gdon from Mill City, and her brother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs. Mike Glover of Salem S. G. Higdon recently spent several days at the Salem Me morial Hospital for tests and observation. Evening Service. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer time 7 pm. HEJOG RAVING hv tUl ii a