Garden Club Dec. 6 New Pastor Brings Cubed Jello Fruit Salad Thanksgiving Message The Mill City Garden Club Ice Cream t:: will meet next Thursday, Dec. Milk The annual Thanksgiving 6, at 12:30 p.m. at the Presby­ Monday. December 3 Wednesday. December 5 Service held for all faiths at terian Church's fellowship hall Pizza Chili Beans the Community Church this for their annual Christmas Spinach Buttered Toast year under sponsorship of the party and installation of of­ Fruited Jello Applesauce Mill City Ministerial Associa­ ficers. Chocolate Chip Cookie Chocolate Cake tion was an inspiration to Milk Milk Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Following the 12:30 dessert those who attended Phone 897-2772 Tuesday December 4 Thursday, December 6 luncheon, there will be a gift The newly-elected pastor of Macaroni and Cheese Stew the Christian Church, the Rev. exchange among the members. Hot Batter Bread Homemade Bread and Butter Richard Halstead, delivered Hostesses include Mrs. Wal­ Red Jello and Bananas the appropriate and well-re­ ter Thomas. Jr., chairman, and Ice Cream In December tor ceived message, with others Milk Mrs. Jennie Cauble. Mrs. Fern SAVE GAS from the various churches Cannon, Rebekah Lodge Mrs. Walter Thomas, STAY HOME for COFFEE Friday. December 7 uniting in the service as fol­ Sr. and Mrs. Doris Rogers. Santiam Rebekah Lodge Regular Hamburgers i DONUTS with FRIENDS lows: Rev Donald Dishong, French Fries Mrs. Irene Pease and John =166 met in regular meeting host pastor, gave the invoca­ Officers to be installed in­ Pineappue Upside-down (Hank) Howsden were mar­ Nov. 21 with noble grand. Donut Hut tion, the benediction, and led clude Mrs. Rogers, president; w > ■ d Cake ried Friday. Nov. 23. at Van­ Mrs. Dave Bamhardt, presid­ For Orders ( all 897-2751 Santiam Memorial Hospital the singing of the hymns, Mrs. Cauble, first vice-presi­ ing. Milk couver. Wash. SILBERNAGEL — To Mr. with Mrs. Dishong accompany­ dent: Mrs. Kate Doble, second Due to the light pre-Thanks­ Officiating at the early af ­ T and Mrs. Theodore J. Silber­ ing at the piano; Everett Lake vice-president; Mrs. Velma giving attendance, the grab ternoon ceremony in the Van­ the Free Methodist Church Harrison, secretary; and Mrs. couver Chapel was Dr. Robert bag for the education loan nagel. Scio, a daughter. Satur­ of gave the morning prayer; Don Marie Tolbert, treasurer. day. Nov. 10. fund will be held Dec. 5. D. Paulay. Legassie, a senior at Santiam ___ __ ____ __ The month of November is Standing with the couple [ High School, read a paper he | were Mr. and Mrs Joe Yost'of I the official education loan fund • ■ TT-- . ■ ,1 ■. ... month. The education loan Mill City- Thanksgiving; and John Mac- j Following the ceremony, the fund is available for loans to I | Gregor of the Presbyterian. wedding party enjoyed a din­ any qualified student who has I , Church read from the scrip-! completed one year at an ac- j ner in a Salem restaurant be­ | ture. credited college and desiring I fore returning to Mill City. Have you experienced the I A vocal duet was presented The new Mr. and Mrs. Hows­ a loan toward the completion den are planning a trip to Cali­ of his education It becomes problem of shopping for the by Mrs. William Shepherd, Jr. due and payable after reason­ kids’ Christmas presents with' and her daughter, Bonnie, en­ fornia in December. able completion of said educa­ them along? Does daddy take titled "Fill My Cup” with the them to the candy counter' tion. Humane Society Dec 5 will be degree night while mommy heads for the. former playing the accom­ and practice was set for Nov. toy department to buy the' paniment on the auto-harp. Thursday. November 29 Sponsoring Bazaar presents? A group of NCC students 29 and Dec. 4 Pinochle party at the Eagles Giant wreaths framing ani- If your children are between from Eugene, guests at the Lodge at 1:00 p.m. Public in­ Hutchinson was elect­ mal cut outs will be the key­ ed Eldon the ages of two and eight, the Richard Freeman home, at­ note at the Willamette Valley’s tion. to membership by initia­ Chemeketa Community Col­ tended the united service. In­ vited. Regular $17.95 NOW FOE =3384 Aerie and Aux­ Humane Society eighth annual planning meet­ lege early childhood education cluded were Del Harris of iliary meetings at the hall at 1 holiday bazaar scheduled for ing The of official Colorado Springs. Colo.. Mark the United Nation’s club has found an answer to 8’00 pjn. Saturday and Sunday. Dec. 1 Pilgrimage A Small Down Payment Will Hold Youth will be your dilemma. The students Goff of Buhl. Ida.. Sandy Jack- and 2 at 610 Cottage St. N. E. held Nov. for 25 at the IOOF will provide a drop-in child ‘ son of Los Angeles, Calif., Si- Monday, December 3 Your Selection Until December 20 Salem. Hours for the bazaar Temple in Salem Women’s Volleyball at the All interest­ care service Saturdays. Dec. 1,1 I meon Zebedee of Micronesia in will be 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ed members are invited 8 and 15 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 the Marshall Islands, and Es- grade school gym. 7:(M> to 9:00 to at- FREE GIFT WRAPPING both days. I ther and Paul Freeman. Leroy pan. p.m. tend. Toys and games for two and Round Robin Pinochle Club The service will be offered ■ Shepherd is also a student at Mrs. Otto Weidman, chair ­ four footers abound including man of the firemen’s dinner at the Chemeketa child devel-1 I NCC and attended Thursday meets at 7:30 p.m. at the home crocheted smiley rugs for small committee, reported on the opment center, located at the I 1 morning. of Mrs. Al Yankus. animals, pungent catnip mice, dinner and thanked the mem­ north end of the campus. For' Mill City Masonic Lodge dog coats and a large selec­ bers for their cooperation and 50c per hour per family, they I . -180 meets at IOOF Hall at tion of toss toys appealing to a special thanks to Mrs. Albert will provide music, storytime,1 Sandilands Speaking at,73» Pm canine and feline alike. games, supervised free play, On the gift list for home or Carr for her clever table de­ creative activities such as mak­ Presbyterian Church Tuesday. December 4 769-2762 Stayfon ! Mill City Jr. Woman’s Club personal use are a wide selec­ corations. Christmas crafts and a ing Mrs. Barnhardt requested It has been announced that i meeting at 7:30 pan. at the tion of ceramics, wall hang­ that the members remember snack. Your children will be the speaker at the Presbyter- home of Mrs. John Wills, ings. tree ornaments, knits and supervised by college students crocheted items as well as that, on Dec. 5, they are to who have chosen early child-' ian Church next Sunday, Dec. Wednesday. December 5 tempting “goodies” to stock bring their gifts and bingo hood education as a career, un- J ' 2. will be Dr. R. Sandilands. a North Santiam Chamber of your freezer for entertaining. prizes for the IOOF Home der the direction of the Che­ ■ medical missionary from the Commerce board of directors Camerouns in Africa. He has noon meeting at the Riverview Co-ordinator for the bazaar The Dec 19 meeting is the meketa day care staff. birthday meeting honoring all is Mrs. Karen M. Schroth The club chose the project been the guest in the pulpit Inn. I who have their birthdays in here a number of times pre­ Santiam Rebekah Lodge the last quarter. Dec. 22 is the to provide a public service and viously. and his work has re- -166 at 8:00 p.m. at the I Thanksgiving in Boise potluck dinner and gift ex­ encourage people to visit the I I ceived some support from this IOOF meets Hall. college facilities. Money earn ­ change for all branches of the : Mrs. Alfred Ward, Sr. took church. the Wednesday evening bus order, their families and ed will be used to finance club Speaking here last Sunday’ Sponsored as a public service projects. to Boise. Ida., where she spent guests. Otto Koeneke announc- j was Dr. John Nevin of Tigard, Parents are asked to bring a By the Thanksgiving holiday at ed that, due to the fuel short­ who has retired from the sack lunch for their youngsters age. the heat in the hall will I the new home of her son-in- Multnomah Presbyterian law and daughter. Mr. and be turned off. except for regu­ —milk will be provided. Addi­ Church in Portland. He was Mrs. Tom Phillips, Becky, and lar scheduled meetings. All i tional information may be ob­ accompanied by Mrs. Nevin, Tommy, returning home Sun­ special meetings should be re- I tained by calling 585-7900. ex­ and plans to return again in Insurance Agency, Inc day. In spite of arriving sev­ quested no later than a day in | tension 335. the near future. eral hours late, due to the bad advance so the hall can be Mention was made Sunday 493 Third Street, Stayton Pacific Power Presents weather and other difficulties, heated. Christmas Motif for that on Jan. 1, 1974, a new Follow-mg the meeting, re- it was an enjoyable visit. Presbytery will take over in Remember Us For Yow. The Phillips family, former­ freshments were served by Bid or Bunch Club Oregon, the first meeting to Mrs Bamhardt Mrs. Carol Brosig was hos- Life and Health ly of Superior, Mont., recently j tess for the Bid or Bunch Pi- be held in Eugene. Until the moved to Mr. Phillips’ home narrating Insurance town of Boise where he is with Outside My Window i nochle party at her home change over, the local church Monday evening. The Christ­ will continue to be a part of the Hoff Lumber Co. Their Lord! mas motif was used in the the Willamette Presbytery. Phone 769-6311 new home is on an acreage The rain! table decorations. about six miles out of the city What a downpour! r. Hattie Fencl received high, in a suburb called Eagle. What a torrent! Carol Cree was low, and Jean Mrs. Ward is in her twen­ Will it never cease? Davidson won the pinochle tieth year of working at the Ji/ST ARRIVED Don't miss prize. | Stayton Cannery where she is From my quiet room The members drew names a supervisor, and was recent­ The day seems almost as one "A story about a very unusual king for their Christmas party ly put on as a “regular” rather With the night. which will be Dec 10 at the of farm ng" than a “seasonal” worker. The clock on the wall home of Carol Cree This will Is a liar. be the last party until January. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Moore. The darkness of the day FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1973 Sr. have gone to Florida where Belies the hour. For a bit of peace. they plan to spend most of the winter. They made the trip by Oh! Lord’ 1 W’ind tossed, tangled. train. They formerly lived in You haven’t changed the We have a large selection to çhoose from The somber threads of the Florida. firmament? rain What goes on behind the Stream steadily down {MMMMMMMMWWWWWMMMMMMMNVWWWWMMNMMAAMMWW mantle Unceasingly. Around and overhead? Weave and re-weave, Cross and re-cross; The last bright leaf has But make a pattern without shivered reason From the Dogwood tree. Bourne from afar Swished away by the wind. By sullen clouds lose its identity with its From the sea. over the hills. fellows They will in time return to the wood, crushed by the their origin CATALOGUE ORDER STORE rain. When or how. Lord, I do not know. Phone 897-2785 I watch from my quiet room. In my quiet room MW City, Ore. I accept the things I cannot see. The tree across the way. The things that are, Tossed willy nilly: The things that are to be. "Lord, what have I done To be so shaken? The sun once more will cheer fcf Drink and Be Merry It this a prank? the land. Or Am I at fault? Only you, Lord. I’ve done my work. Can change the dark to light. And now would settle Evelyn Pfoertner ■ Pease - Howsden !>ari;e’ Sc’’ed“led ’ Christmas Shopping Relief Available Womens Fashion Boots a Community Calendar Of Events $1199 11 Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel MADISON & DAVIS Nelson Olmsted Pacific Powerland New Sofa For The Family 1 I1 At Christmas Time TOYS - HARDWARE - TV's and FURNITURE GIVE YOUR WESTERN AUTO Appoùil'ivieMt Now Family Photographs PHOTO PORTRAITS TODAY! OPEN Twedays thru Friday 10 a-m. — 5 pom. Evenings by appointment FREE Dennis The Mennis KNIT KNACK DEPOT Big Pencil With The Purchase Of A BANANA SPLIT Ph. 897-2592 See Our Selection Of See Us For Gift Certificates RUGS — NEEDLEPOINT — CREWEL KNITTING — CROCHETING Phone 769-3120 375 N. 3rd Ave. We ALSO HAVE JEWELRY Order Now For Christmas Delivery Stayton, Ore STORE HOURS—10-5 Mon. thro FrL 10-2 Sat ORDERS TO GO Queenj Phone 769-531 I Stayton, Oregon Scrum pdillyishus