Salem Man Injured Snow Plowing GATES Detroit Hiqh School Hears About Trip Cl“b Near Marion Forks THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Joyce Presler — 897-2707 P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897-2772 MILL CITY, ORE. 973M FORKS — A Sa Of Streets Okayed lem MARION Harold and Mary Wilson Honor Roll Named DETROIT — At a recent man was injured Thurs meeting of Detroit Woman’s Published at Mill City, Marion County, Ore. every Thursday. day evening of last week, in a j visited their son-in-law and Detroit High School nine Civic Club, it was decided that Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Postoffice at Mill daughter, Don and Helen By Detroit Council Creek one car accident near Tunnel I the group would hold their City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1878. weeks honor roll: on Highway 22 East of Carey tn Stayton on Nov. 15 annual Christmas party Dec. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility and Mary was surprised with SENIORS DETROIT — The regular Marion Forks. 4.0 5 at Detroit City Hall. Bonnie Young for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint a venison dinner in honor of meeting of Nov. 13, 1973, of 1345 Westley Hansell of 4.0, I” other business, the club without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an Susan Nightingale Detroit City Council was call- I Manzanneta N. E. Salem, was i her birthday. 3.5 discussed the collection of advertisement which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault Ray and Joyce Presler spent Randy Roth ed to order by Mayor Cliff Mc taken by Idanha Rural Fire 3.2 Campbell Soup labels to be An independent newspaper, dedicated to the development Robin Wilkerson this past weekend in La Millan at 7:40 p.m. Council Dist. ambulance to Salem Me-I 3.2 sent to Salem to purchase of the timber industry and agriculture in this area. members present were Tena morial Hospital Emergency Grande. They stayed with Connie Layman 3.2 audio-visual equipment for Michaelson, Joe Arsenault, Unit about 7:30 p.m. Thursday. friends while Ray spent time C'oleen Lynn 3.0 Faye Wright and Salem NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Harold Roth and David Wild, | Ambulance attendants said with the Oregon National Ronnie Lynn Rick Monroe 3.0 Heights schools 6th graders. There were nine citizens pres- ’ his vehicle plunged over an guard unit there. Oregon 3.0 Collection cans have been Doris Rogers spent this past Cherry Nickles ent Newspaper embankment and that the ve placed in Cooks Grocery and] Adeana Tompkins 3.0 City recorder, Ruth Thom- | hicle was not found until some Thursday through Saturday Sherlyn Publishers Detroit Super Market. Dead 3.0 asson, read the minutes of the four hours later. The report a ith her sister, Mrs. Odette JUNIORS White line is Dec. 8. Association Oct. 9 meeting and gave a said Bob Johnson discovered Kobers in Portland. While Kelly Boeckstiegel It was announced that the treasurer’s report. The min the vehicle with Hansell still there she went to painting and Lola Mohr club’s annual community cal SUBSCRIPTION RATES utes were approved as read. in it. Ambulance attendants tole class. endars will be distributed be Marion-Linn Counties, per year------------- Patty Tower The Stayton Welcome Wa A discussion followed on a said Hansell sustained possible fore Jan 1. Well Wishers held their Kevin Hills new recreational building be rib fractures and multiple gon The evening’s program in Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year ..... SOPHOMORES luncheon at the home of Joyce I bruises and abrasions. ing constructed next to the 1 cluded the showing of colored Outside Oregon, per year Becky Lynn Cause of the accident was Presler. Attending from Stay Doug laundry. Harlan Miller, owner picture slides of the Holyland GEORGE LONG _______ __ Editor and Publisher Kirk ton were Pat Langkabel, Ja of the building, failed to not learned, but a report said nice _____________ Printer and Greece by Mr. and Mrs. RAYMOND E PRESLER Greg Adams Wilson. Ellen Curry. Joy and the highway was slushy specify what type of recrea Society and News Editor Henry Hiebert. The pictures NORMA LONG............. .. Debbie Bittner Thomas and Toni Roush. Katy that it was raining. i tional building it would be ____ Local News Editor were taken by the Hieberts ROSE CREE ..... ......... ..... Anita Hills Joyce. Linda Gooderham and ____ Local News Editas when he applied for his per number 854-3728. while on a trip to Israel and MARY KELLY________ Leah Isham were here from Aprel Kiser mit A motion was made, sec Greece earlier this year. Eichen- Kerry Carter In other business, Henry Sublimity. Geneva CORRESPONDENTS onded and carried that he be Hiebert. owner and operator of burger from Scio also attend- Mike Hancock The club recently completed Detroit-Idanha ...................... ........................ Boots Champion permitted to continue with the the a stepping stone and gravel Canyon Collection Service, ed. After lunch was served, FRESHMEN Gates _______ ........____________ ___________ Joyce Prester construction. 4.0 sidewalk on the west side of Lyons ............. ___________________________ Eva Bressler asked that he be allowed to Doris Rogers gave a demon- Jessie Lynn A discussion on snow plow increase collection rates. He stration on tole painting. 3.5 the city hall. The walk leads Mehama____ __________ Mrs. John Teeters - Jean Roberta Jordian Weaver ing. Council agreed that Har cited higner costs for gas. tires, 3.3 to the back door. Thanksgiving was America’s Steven Higginbothum i old Hill’s offer to plow snow operational costs of truck and version of the harvest festivals Mike Mohr 3.31 ------------------------- '•YOUR LAND this winter at the same cost as cat, county dump and fran of the ancient Semitics tribes. Teri Stedronsky AND MY LAND" last year, be accepted. Mayor chise fees. Council approved The celebration was confined Cindy Smith 3’1 Detroit Womans Club McMillan announced that the the increase in rates, effective mainly to New England until Ellen Rogers 3 Slates Bazaar state highway department Jan 1. 1974. 1863. when it grew into the plowed city streets free of The rate increase will be all-American feasting day. Boots Champion DETROIT — Detroit Wo- charge during the recent snow. , $4.00 for a second can for resi- complete with lavish dinner Santiam Canyon Clause (Steve) Wiebe of I man ’ s Civic Club has slated The early snow caught other $3.00 per can per month and recipes Following is a typical Detroit was admitted to Sa Nov. 28, for their annual available equipment stranded dential, and $3.00 a can and1 Thanksgiving menu of the Study Group Meets lem Memorial Hospital Thurs ' Christmas Bazaar. The event in the mountains. 65c for additional cans for! Victorian era. 1870-1900’s: Raw day of last week. A report said the will be held in the social room GATES — Members of __ Henry Hiebert gave a report businesses. The rate has beeni Oysters, Broiled Rockfish, Egg he would undergo major sur on the number of loads of fill $2.50 a month for residential | Sauce, Potato Balls. Roast Santiam Canyon Study Group of Detroit City Hall from 10:00 by Haxel Hayes gery Tuesday. met Thursday, Nov. 8. at the a.m. to 3:00 p.m. dirt hauled to repair city and 50c per can (extra cans) Turkey. The Texas Rangers Stuffing, Giblet Gates Community Clubhouse. Alice Cram was released Anyone wishing to donate streets. Eleven ten-yard loads for businesses. Gravy, Browned Sweet Pota The topic was “That All Broke articles for the bazaar is wel- Along about the early 1800’s from Santiam Memorial Hos- were hauled at $1.50 per yard. Mayor McMillan read a let toes. Baked Squash, Cranberry the vast productive land of pital, Stayton. Monday eve- Discussion on Patton Addi ter of resignation of council Jelly, Sour Grape Jelly. Feeling and What To Do | come, a spokesman for the Texas was having a bad time. ning. She will be staying with Project leaders club said. Interested persons tion —in regards to supplying president, Tena Michaelson. Moulded Spinach, Venison About It”. To the south was that easily Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marsh while were Mrs. Wallace Hovey and maY contact bazaar chairman water. No action was taken. Council accepted the resigna Pasty, Ham baked in Mrs. Virgil Lewis. forded Rio Grande River recuperating. Mrs. Cram frac Ruth Thomasson. Also a discussion on the city’s tion. Cider, Mince Pies, Pumpkin mure where Spanish, Mexicans, In tured her ankle in a fall at Guests were Mrs. Edna Cul 1 The bazaar will feature present water system on what The council then took a se Pies, Fruit. Coffee and Hygeia lison '! Christmas (, gifts ____ * dians. outlaws, everybody her home about two weeks and Mrs. Lucy Schultz, homemade should be done and what can cret vote on two applications Sparkling Lithia Water. could come and go taking with ago. , Christmas candy and breads. who became a member. be done to improve the sys left over from a recent vacancy Mrs. Cora Harmon passed I A special guest was county them everything they could Nils Bittner was released tem. on the council. Mrs. Joyce away on Sunday. Nov. 18 at1 committeewoman, Mrs. June lay a lariat on. To the north from Portland’s Emanuel Hos It was suggested that water Christ was appointed and the Sublimity nursing home was Indian territory (later pital Friday, and is now re commissioner. Dave Wild’s “sworn in” by mayor Cliff Our condolances to her dau-I Mennis, who was present to New Daughter Born Oklahoma) where the cattle cuperating at home. assist the group in planning a telephone number be put in McMillan, as a’ council mem- ghter, Mrs. Clyde (Pearl) ! rustlers once across the line DETROIT — Mr. and Mrs. Dude Alley, who had been spring tour. the paper since he has an un I ber. She was also appointed Oliver of Gates. . were safe. Louisiana on the i confined to Salem Memorial Bud Howard of Salem are re Members present were Mrs. listed number at this time. I president of the council. A typical recipe for Thanks-1 Gerald Caryl, Mrs. Gael Cuts- ceiving felicitations on the > east was full of questionable ‘ Hospital for three weeks, and Please make note of this Mayor McMillan instructed giving cake as it appeared in forth. Mrs. George Ditter. Mrs. birth of a daughter, born Nov. characters who came into then transferred to Woodland I the city recorder to write a “The Ladies World”. Novem James Donahue. Mrs. Glenn 13, at a Salem hospital. She . New Orleans and high-tailed it Park Hospital, Portland, was . ietter of appreciation to Mrs. ber of 1892: Sift two pounds Henness, Mrs. Donald Hurst, weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces at ; to the free open country. And released from the hospital and a half of flour, in which Mrs. Virgil Lewis, Mrs. Fern birth and has been named Me to the west lay New Mexico, last week. He underwent back DATSUN SERVICE i Michaelson. There was some discussion mix three teaspoonfuls of bak the urftnown quantity. surgery at the Portland hos Mrs. Wallace lissa Ann. AND REPAIR on increasing the wages of city ing powder, cream three Thompson, Out of all this was born the pital. and is now recuperating Maternal grandparents are . Hovey, Mrs. Reva Reveal and recorder and substitute recor pounds of sugar and one of Mrs. Elsie Martin. AH Work Guaranteed and you Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Bud) Texas Rangers, a unique group at the McMinnville home of Whiteley of Detroit and pater of men. SAVE 30% on Salem Price« der. It was suggested that this butter together, add eighteen his mother. Mrs. Roberta Lady. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Dona be considered in next years eggs and beat five minutes: hue were hostesses. In 1823 Stephen Austin ask Mrs. Cliff (Pat) McMillan nal grandparents are Mr. and • budget. Call 897-2062 add half a pound of blanched Mrs. Howard, Sr. of Salem. ed for volunteers from among' who had been hospitalized at Meeting adjourned at 10:45 and chopped almonds, a tea- peal. Bake two hours. Doesn't Mrs. Howard is the former lhe men of his colony (where the U of O Medical Hospital, ELMER TRIPP p.m. I cupful of preserved lemon this sound delicious? Robin Whiteley. the City of Austin now stands) | is now confined to Salem Me- to form a troop of scouts and morial Hospital. Her condition fighters. Ten young men offer is reported to be critical. ed to join. Austin called them Rangers for their duty was to range the region on horse-back Snowmobile Club To when they had time off from Atttend Convention farm work. They were not to DETROIT — At a recent kill, but to bring the bad men meeting of the North Santiam to justice if possible. Snowmobile Club, plans were First, of course, there were made to attend the state snow « 1 the Indians, who had to be mobile convention slated at brought under control—Those Diamond Lake, Dec. 1-2. Apaches, tough hombres and In other business, by-laws growing tougher. Give the were accepted and Harold Hills Rangers five minutes and they and Henry Hiebert were ap were on their trail. pointed to make arrangements Then came the cattle rust- for future snowmobile trips. lers, the horse thieves, the Mrs. Shirley Lawrence was hide and leather stealers. appointed in charge of refresh There were six companies ments on the outings. of Rangers by this time, each Mrs. Harold (Yvonne) Hills with a capable leader. All the selected as historian. men were crack shots (you was There were some thirty have to be when you buy your snowmobile enthusiasts in at own ammunition). tendance. After the Civil War there were hundreds of homestead Guadalupe Mountains. The Texas Ranger Service ers pouring in and dozens of bandits. The sheriffs were is more than a hundred years spread too thin. Bank robberies old. They are now part of other were becoming common, and law-enforcement bodies. But $ ,. when the railroads came in, they still bear proudly and well the name of “Texas Ran there were robbers on them. gers". , H»sa»t tj( tXPSNOTTURF T planned '.. JBl 7 The wind whistled cold and PERCENT PLANNED FOR: hsj i iw? > mi *44» wild through the brush and ¡U CATEGORIES f Ex PChlOtTUftES UMtVOtf cactus. The company of Ran SCORIES ¡A) -•M Ï 5 gers riding thorugh the wil tO MU&I r derness along a river on a gray >JRPOSE AND day with their buckskin jack jk-Ni RA GOv ets tigtly buttoned and their ' t hats pulled down over their heads stopped to make camp. They did not mind the cold 12 greatly. They were hardy men, %l HÍAttM used to the out of doors. At the head of the troop rode Capt. John J. Tumlinson % with some of the men close up around him friendly and neighborly. There were sixty % men in the company, volun teers the captain had raised % from scattered ‘ settlements. _______ - X. They wore no uniforms, just the stout everyday clothes Suddenly one of the guards took firm hold of his Win chester. There was something in the thick brush! By 1880 the rangers had chased most of the desperadoes over into New Mexico where they hid in such places as the DETROIT IDANHA Santiam Grange to Hold Christmas Party »«s* lift* 3 I LYONS — Santiam Valley I Grange will hold their Christ mas party and gift exchange J at their meeting Dec. 7 with a Christmas potluck supper to be served preceding the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The meat will be furnished by the I grange. Lloyd Sletto, Giles Wagner and Pat Moore are the committee in charge. A gift exchange will be held ■ and Santa will appear for the children.