S—The MUI City Enterprise, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1973 ated when the work is com-I city, with the boy getting processed — 19; incidents re pleted .The pay would be $3 school credit for the exper- ported — 58; complaints re The Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements per hour, six hours a day, five ience. Moved by DeMain to ported — 14; accidents report days a week, no holiday bene allow the school’s request for ed — 1; money received: Expert Craftsmanship—Fast Service, Too fits, to be paid from revenue a boy to assist the street man (fines)—$213.00. sharing funds. Moved by for credit. After much discus Council President Howell Brunner, seconded by Carcv sion as to the city’s liability, instructed the recorder to insurance responsibility, and to hire a man for the park, $3 write a letter of thanks to per hour, 6 hours per day, 5 other questions to be asked the Otto Koeneke for his years of authorities. Council service as director with the days a week, approximately school FOR QUALITY FURNITURE I 80 days. Passed with all aye man DeMain withdrew his mo fire department and his dedi I votes. tion. Councilman Brunner will cated service to the city plan Collision with Ambulance It Pay« To Take A Drive Out To REGULAR MONTHLY Moved by Carey, seconded investigate the matter fur Driving home from work, , COUNCIL MEETING: Octo by Brunner to go with the ther and report to the council. ning commission. THE COUNTRY STORE WITH THE Harold crashed into an ambu ber 10. 1973. Council President Howell Councilman DeMain report governor’s recommendation to lance at a busy intersection. The regular monthly council I conserve on energy and not ed on the condemnation of the relayed Wayne Taylor’s re In short order he found him . meeting of Oct. 19. 1973 was light the Christmas tree lights buildings at 233 S. E. Hazel. quest for digging of test holes kind of self facing a charge of “fail i called to order by Council at First and Broadway this He requested that the recorder to determine the Complete Home Furntehings — We Special Order ing to yield the right-of-way ' i President Howell with Coun- year. Passed with all aye notify the owner of the prop ground for sewer lines. Moved to an emergency vehicle." erty at 289 N. E. Alder that by DeMain, seconded by I cilman Brunner, Carey and votes. But in court, Harold came DeMain present. Councilman Councilwoman Carey dis the fire chief is investigating Brunner that the engineer be up with the following facts 1 Wills and Mayor Bate excused cussed the progress being the property. The recorder present when the test holes in his own defense: The minutes of the regular made towards a bicycle safe was also instructed to write are dug and that the city pay 1) That the traffic light council meeting of Sept. 12. ty course for the school chil the Small Homes Administra the costs from revenue shar had been in his favor; 1973 and the supplemental dren, sponsored by the city tion about the condition of the ing. Passed with all aye votes. 2) That he had not heard budget hearing of Sept. 17, and police department. An property at 5th and Cedar. On Hwy. 22 at Sublimity-Aumsville Jet. 749-2t< the siren because he had his 1973 were read and approved. instructor has been contacted, The recorder read the police Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 p. windows up and his radio on; OPEN Tues, thru Frt. 10 till 5:30; Sat Qoee at 4 report: traffic citations — 8; m. Orville Brown and Jack but no date has been set. and; Councilman Brunner dis traffic warnings — 8; munici Closed Mondays Convenient Terms Pyle of Santiam Cable-Vision Respectfully Submitted: 3) That he had not seen were present to request an in- cussed the school’s request to pal citations: adult — 3: juve OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Judith Bogle the ambulance until the last , crease of $1.00 „„ per _____ month in have a boy student work with nile —0; jail record: prisoners moment, because other cars I ____ 7e7"rates Jan" the street man at no cost to the lodged — 0: court record: cases Recorder ____ ’* effective" ____ ... r __ i, were obscuring his vision. 1974. Reasons given for the requested increase were in creased costs for material and compliance with an FCC rul ing on equipment required. The company has five years to comply, with an estimated cost in Mill City of $20.000.00 Council president, Howell, stated that the city attorneys 1 were studying the franchise I and that the council would 1 take the matter under consi- 1 deration. The request would I be on the agenda at the Nov. 14 meeting and an answer from Under these circumstances the council at that time. the court could find nothing Gordon Hobbs, president of negligent in Harold’s conduct Judco, Inc., who handled the and dismissed the charge. financing of Rutledge Homes’ Traffic codes geenrally do five houses on S. E Linn Blvd. give special privileges to am- was present to inquire about bulances. However, these priv- the curbs and sidewalks re- iliges are not absolute. In case quired on the ... property, Mr- of a collision between an Howell discussed the problems ambulance and a private car, of elevation changes of the the court will weigh the entire ( county that the engineer is situation on its merits. , J studying. He stated that Mr. Furthermore, ambulances Taylor would be present at the have privileges only when next council meeting with con tnere is (or at least appears to cise plans, and that the matter be) a true emergency. would be on next month’s Thus, in another case, an agenda. Mr. Hobbs agreed that “Home heating, regardless ambulance that was merely it was the builder’s responsi returning to its home office bility to install the curbs and of the fuel, is the largest energy was held not entitled to go sidewalks, but that they user. But there are savings through a stop sign. shouldn’t be responsible for And an ambulance trans- the blacktopping. There was right at your fingertips! During porting a patient to the hospi discussion about the advisa tal, with no apparent need for bility of waiting for the the day, leave your thermostat haste, was held not entitled to county to start the proposed at the lowest comfortable disregard a red light. realignment of the highway Still, in most situations, the before constructing the curbs setting. And at night lower it ambulance’s right-of-way will and sidewalks. I be upheld. One indignant citi Warren Goffin asked for a at least 10 degrees for additional zen decided this preference survey to be recorded of the was a form of unfair discrim property he traded with the energy savings’.’ ination against the motoring city at S. W. 8th and Spring public. But when he challeng St. Moved by Brunner, sec ed it in court, the judge held onded by DeMain to ask Clark that he had no kick coming. ; and Groff to do a survey of Col. Wytt’s His Name “The grant of special privil the Spring Street property, re eges to an emergency vehicle” cord the survey in Albany, said the judge, “is a proper ex I with the city to pay % the ercise of the police power of costs of the survey and the the state. When human life owner to pay the other half. may be at stake, prompt per Passed with all aye votes. formance of the duties impos “It isn’t easy to stay in hot water... The recorder read a letter ed upon drivers of emergency from Mary Bondurant con your water heater is the second largest vehicles is imperative.” cerning the property that was condemned on S. E. Hazel St energy user in your home. To save Moved by Carey, seconded by Brunner that the recorder energy, take shorter showers or be given authority by the half-full baths and use your clothes j council to bill the Central Sewer District for the bond washer and dishwasher only when 1 and interest payment. Passed with all aye votes. you have a full load’’ ED LEWIN Moved by Brunner, second Auctioneer, Inc. ed by DeMain to pay the bills read in the amount of Complete Auctions as $9,833.31. Passed with a roll Phone 769-5406 I call vote with all aye votes. Councilman Brunner re- Watch For Our Special I quested the hiring of a man Auctions at 1050 Wilco , to work in the park. The job I would be for not more than I Road, Stayton. two months, and to be termin- i Qty Council Minutes BIG SAVINGS ANN’S Furniture & Antiques ’ ten...SHUN! These three energy-saving tips will make your home Energy Corps headquarters! GOING HUNTING YOU CAN HAVE 515,000.00 Accident Insurance And $1,500.00 Medical Expenses 3 Days 7 Days Larger Coverage or More Days Are Available Don't Go Without Accident Insurance don’t have to hear a bugle call to know when it’s time for lights out. Please remember to turn off all lights you don’t need. But we don’t recommend turning off lights required for safety or security. (And don’t forget to turn off the radio and TV when nobody’s paying attention to them!)” You can save energy in many other ways, too. Just remember to... use what vou need, but save all you can! CPP4L 1973 k/e Give Personalized Service The People at Pacific Power Madison - Davis INSURANCE AGENCY. INC Ph. 769-6311 Stayton