I* • I 2—The MIO City Enterprise. Thursday. Oct. 11, 1973 Brd Or Bunch Club Rev. Richard Custer Speaks At Presbyterian Meets At Schaffer Church Last Sunday Filling the pulpit at the Home Monday Night 'UJomatú- P<Mf& Mrs. George Flook i Honored On Her . Ninetieth Birthday I Presbyterian Church las: Sun The Bid cr Bunch Pinochle day morning was the Rev. Mrs. George Flook celebrat Santiam Memorial Hospital Richard Custer, assistant pas nub me: Monday evening at (STAYTON) Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor ed her 90th birthdav on Oct I Phone 897-2772 tor at the First Presbyterian the home of Rilla Schaffer NAUE — To Mr and Mrs. 3 Church in Albany It was an Dessert was served by the | She was born at Scio, Oct. Michael L .Naue. Stayton, a nounced that next Sunday. hostess. Mrs Scnaffer, to 3, 1883. Seventy years ago, she daughter, Monday, Sept 24. Girl Of The Month Boy Of The Month Oct 14, the pulpit will be fill members and guest, Evelyn moved to the Santiarr. Canyon Pfoertner, before the evening ed by the Rev. Ed Patterson, I where she taught school at the director at Santiam Lodge, of cards. Minto (above Gates) in a Joyce Trout won high prize. who has spoken here before dwelling house for two years Edna Gordon received low and I upon several occasions. and then taught school for two Hattie Fencl won the pinochle Other announcements made veers at Gates. The Mill City Garden Club by John MacGregor included Carol Cree was the winner of In 1907. she was married to met Thursday at the home of a Tuesday evening meeting of the door prize. George Flook. who passed The club will have their Mrs. Lowell Cree with Mrs. the session, with all elders re , away in 1965 .He was a logger next party October 22 at the Al Yankus as co-hostess for i and worked in the woods un quested to be present by Car’. the 12:30 dessert luncheon. Kelly: regular choir rehearsal home of Gladys Podrabsky. til he was 80 years old. The hostesses used the Hallo at 7 JO on Wednesday even Mrs. Flook has lived in the ween theme for decorations, ing; and the usual 1:30 p.m i same house the past 50 years Thursday, October 11— meeting of the Presbyterian Fishers Celebrate Santiam Canyon Home Ex Mrs. Ervin Peterson presid- i and in this area for 70 years. i Women’s Assn, on Thursday tension meeting at 10:00 a.m. ■ ed at the business meeting. She and her daughter, Mrs. afternoon. Oct. 11 at Fellow Wedding Anniversary > Final plans were made for the Robert Johnson of Eugene, are at the Gates Clubhouse. Les David Murhammer ship Hall. I district federation meeting the only two charter members son in “Chopstick Cookery’’. Melissa Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fisher re World wide Communion was I.O.O.F. -144 meets at the which will be held :n Salem Santiam High School chose of the Mill City Christian observed during last Sunday cently celebrated their wed on Wednesday, October 24, at David Wilbur Murhammer. Church who stall retain their lodge at 8:00 p.m. Melissa Lawrence has been ding anniversary at the home chosen Girl of the Month for McNary Golf Course This morning’s worship service. Pinochle party at 1:00 p.m Boy of the Month for Septem membership here. of their son-in-law and daugh September. is a junior will be a “sit down” luncheon ber .He is a junior this year. Mrs. Flook was one of nine at the Eagles Lodge. ter, Mr and Mrs. Bill Summit, at Santiam Melissa High School. She for $2.25 plus 25c for regis His parents are Mr. and Mrs. children, only three are still FOE =3384 Aerie and Auxil and small son, Billy, in Mc is the daughter of Mr. and tration. Mrs. Larry Doble and Robert Johnson of Gates. ED LEWIN living, the oldest, the young iary meetings at the hall at Minnville. They were surpris Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence. Mrs. Lowell Cree were ap David has been a basketball est and the middle one. All 8:00 p.m. Auctioneer. Inc. ed when the other daughter, pointed by the president to statistician, he received the three of them were together Iriday, October 12— „„a Mrs. v».. | I She has in Wolverettes. dJici son—in-lcURr, «Mr. ¿md 0-« been , * serve at the registration desk math award last year. This Sunday for a family celebra Complete Auctions , cm»«** Sophomore Class , Presi- Merle S. ewart, were also pres- GAA, , *7 n T Mill City-Gates American and Mrs. Nell DeWitt will year he is track and field tion. aent and r*ep Band. Las: Mr fh. I dent and Pe P Band La5: Phone 769-5466 ent for the occasion. Legion Post =159 and Auxil give the address of welcome. manager and football statistic | February she was chosen girl She had three children. iary joint meeting at 8:00 The Summits recently mov Watch For Our Special ed from Albany, where Bill of the month. This year she Mrs. Marie Tolbert has made ian. George “Si” Flook. who p.m. at the I.O.O.F. Hall. the name tags and Mrs. Doris Pep Club president. He plans to major in math makes his home with his mo October 15— Auctions, at 1050 WUco had beer, attending school, to i I is She plans to be a beautician Rogers and Mrs. Jennie Cau- or science at a four year col ther. Mrs. Robert (Gwendo Monday, McMinnville where he is em-i Lions Club dinner meeting Road. Stayton. ble will make the cookies for lege but hasn't chosen a lyn) Johnson of Eugene and and take her training in Sa ployed as a sanitary engineer at the Frontier Inn at 6:30 p.m the social hour before the school. lem. Jack Flook who passed away AF&AM =180 lodge meets meeting. The ladies made up two years ago. She has three at the IOOF Hall. the table favors following the grandchildren and three great Marilyn Chapter 145 meet lug. Mill City and Stay- Women’s volleyball at the grandsons. grade school gym, 7:00 to 9:00 ton Garden Clubs are co-hos- Scheduled For Mrs. Jack Flook and her p.m. tesses for the meeting. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Cal FOR QUALITY FURNITURE 1 Round Robin Pinochle Club Special Meeting Those who plan to go are Shinn. Georgie and David meets at 7:30 p.m. at the home Marilyn Chapter =145 held asked to contact Mrs. Lloyd 1+ Pays To Take A Drive Out To I Susan Elizabeth Jenkins of from Fairview, Calif, came of Mrs. George Davis. the October meeting at the Girod no later than Friday, last Friday and left for their THE COUNTRY STORE WITH THE ( IOOF Hall Monday evening. Oct. 19, so that transportation Portland, daughter of Mr. and homes Tuesday October 16— Tuesday morning . Mrs. Donald George Jenkins A number of officers were may be arranged and reserva Mill City Woman’s Club Sunday a family dinner of Mill City, became the bride unable to attend because of tions made for the luncheon. i of Roger N. Neustadter of honored Mrs Flook with Mr. meeting at the home of Mrs. sickness and some were away An interesting program has Portland, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and Laurence Doble at 8:00 p.m Complete Home FurnUungs — We Special Orderi I on hunting trips. been arranged. Reports from daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leo Russell, Mrs. Hany- Claude Smith, chairman of the various clubs will not be Kurt Naustadter of Eugene, at their a simple but impressive cere Weinkful and Jeffrey from Mason and Mrs Herbert Peck, the home endowment fund given. mony at 2:00. Sunday after Eugene coming to join the im co-hostesses. committee of the Grand Chap family for a birthday Mrs. Peterson appointed ter of Oregon was present and Mrs Faye Ver beck and Mrs. noon, Oct. 7 in the Mill City mediate Wednesday. October 17— Presbyterian Church. The Rev dinner. showed some outstanding North Santiam Chamber of Else Alien on the nominating In the afternoon, her sister, Richard Custer of the Albany colored slides of the home Commerce noon meeting at Mrs L. B Harris from Dallas committee to report at the from the beginning until the November meeting when elec Presbyterian Church perform and her nephew. Mr. and Mrs. the Riverview. the ceremony before close Santiam Rebekah Lodge On Hwy. 22 at Sublimity-Aumsville Jet. 749-29751 present time. Many changes tion will be held: Installation ed John Harris, Brian and Kris relatives and a few friends. have been made. =166 meets at the IOOF Hall will be at from Gaston and her brother, the December Mrs Lee Ross was the or OPEN Tues, thru Fri. 10 till 5:30; Sat Close at 4| A special meeting will be ganist for the sen-ice, and tne Mr. and Mrs Ted Sims from at 8:00 pm. held October 22 at which time meeting. Closed Monday's Convenient Terms sanctuary was decorated with Corvallis came and all enjoyed Mrs. Toni Thomas gave a Mrs. Gale Wilson, associate OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Sponsored as a public service cake grand matron, will be present report on the Bird Committee large baskets of white and birthday Mrs. Flook says many for the annual school of in The contest this year will be yellow gladioluses and daisy changes have been made in the for the two fifth grade classes chrysanthemums struction. since she has lived Refreshments were served at the school. The theme chos The lovely brunette bride, canyon here She didn’t think she’d following the meeting by the en has been “Plant a Tree for who was given in marriage by ever live long enough t» see Moore family, Mr. and Mrs. ’73”. Judging will be next her father, wore a floor-length so many changes She is in Insurance Agency, Inc. gown of candlelight chiffon April and the judges will not Danny Moore. Sr., their son pretty good health and keeps over taffeta with a smocked be told the names of the con and daughter-in-law, Murry 493 Third Street, Stayton testants They will be judged bodice, long sleeves, and a fuL house for her son and herself and Jane Moore and their dau Authorized Catalog and still attends church quite by numbers, First second and skirt. Her headpiece was fash Remember Us For Your. ghter, Marilee Lyness. third prizes will be given in ioned of white baby roses, and regularly. Life and Health Sales Merchant Store The only two people she each room .Each contestan: her bouquet was made up of Surprise Shower will write a short essay tell- white rosebuds and baby remembers as being here when Insurance she moved to the canyon are Honors 'Father-To-Be ing the reason why they chose breath. The honor attendant for her Herbert Schroeder and Floyd the tree for planting, such as Dinner guests Saturday Phone 769-631 I sister was Sally Jenkins who Shepherd. evening at the home of Mr. shade, food, nesting purposes, was gowned in a full-lengtn etc. for birds. and Mrs Don Cree and An Several letters were read dark brown velvet dress and thony were Mr. and Mrs carried a nosegay of yellow Frank Stromquist and family. complimenting the club on the roses and baby-breath. lovely tote bags they made As they were finishing din Serving as best man was ner, guests started arriving, that were presented to the of Gary Neustadter of Eugene, all male, and after the ladies ficers and delegates at the brother of the bridegroom, and children left for the even federation convention held in Dennis Jenkins of Salem, ing, Don hosted a surprise Salem last June. Hostesses for the November brother of the bride, ushered ' Fa’Jier-to-be” shower honor the guests to their seats. ing his dinner guest, Frank, I meeting will be Mrs Ruth Mrs. Donald Jtenkins, the Brownstone and Mrs. Martin i the local druggist bride’s mother, wore an at PLUS Hansen at the Brownstone The evening was spent in- tractive beige street-length , formally and the honored home near Lyons. A dessert suit of cashmere with rose luncheon will be served at I guest opened his gifts and re 12:30 print and matching jacket. Her freshments were served. corsage was of pink baby ros Mrs. Velma Harrison receiv A number of gifts were sent the door prize, a box of es For Your Husband On The Purchase of Any by those unable to attend. At ed The bridegroom's mother, tending were Frank Strom tulip bulbs Mrs. Kurt Neustadter, wore a I Attending were: Mrs. Glen quist. Jerry Pit tarn. Stanley lovely sleeveless dress of dark I Chance. Loweh Cree, Mike Shelton and Mrs. Wilbur Har brown linen, accented in Through October 13th McClain. Allen Haywood. lan. both former members who white, with her pink baby Douglas Suckling and the host were guests, and Mrs. Ruth rose corsage. Brownstone. Mrs. Jennie Cau- If your husband does not weigh enough. Borrow Don Cree. Following the ceremony, the ble. Mrs Eleanor Corning, Someone Else«: John Fohl Volunteers his weight 4:00 reception at the Colonial Mrs Nell DeWitt, Mrs. Katie Shop By Phone 160 N. I «t. House in Salem war attended by a large group of relatives Mrki. 897-2348 Mill City CATALOGUE ORDER STORE . j.II r , . Harrison. Mrs Dorothy Peter- and friends honoring the new Phone »7-2785 Mül City, Ore. ly weds. Cutting the tiered Mrs. Can- wedding cake were two close --------------------------------------- ! non. Mrs Toni Thomas, Mrs friends of the bride, Jo Anne I Marie Tolbert. Mrs. Faye Ver- Anderson and Jan Henderson, beck and the hostesses, Mrs. both of Portland, and asked to pour the coffee was Mary Jen ■ Yankus and Mrs. Cree. kins of Salem, sister-in-law of the bride. Punch was also served, and an attractive buf I Kellys Attend Salem fet was made available for the guests. The large reception room I Postmasters Meeting Stayton, Oregon was decorated with arrange | Mrs Charles Kelly accom ments of yellow and white panied her husband to Salem daisy chrysanthemums and I on Wednesday, Oct. 3, when yellow roses, and Cindy Carl he attended a meeting of post son was in charge of the guest- , masters at the Salem Post Of book. fice. She paid a visit to an For going away, the bride 134 Wall Street Ph. 897-2592 I aunt, Mrs. Lafe Hill, who is a wore a red cabieknit three 7 A.M.—3 P.M., I resident at the Willamette Lu- piece suit with black patent 3P.M.—Il P.M., 11 P.M.—-7 A.M I theran Home near Keiser, and leather accessories. The young Class»« In Knit and Crochet was surprised to find her in couple plan to be at home at the infirmary where she had 1913 S .W. Canby St in Port Now Being Held Day and Evening been for several weeks. land following a two-weeks Mrs. Hill’s sister, Mrs Mae honeymoon trip into Mexico Come In and Reg.«ter Now For : Dodge who had shared a dou The bridegroom is divisional Registration« Taken At Plant Personnel Office ble apartment with her. pass merchandise manager in home Needlepoint ed away a few weeks ago. but furnishings for the Meier & Washington Street, Stayton, Oregon another sister. Mrs. Cora Van Frank Company in Portland, Norwegian Knitting and Irish Knitting i Pelt, still lives at the home and the bride is the former I in her apartment. Oregonian Shop buyer for all Wages As Per Union Contract Classes will Start When 6 or More Sign up While Mrs Kelly waited for of the Meier & Frank Com the bus to return to town, Mrs. pany stores in Oregon. Lora Mason a former local Mrs. Neustadter is a gradu RUGS — TAPESTRY resident who lives at the Lu ate of Santiam High School in theran Home now. came along Mill City and the U of O in NEEDLEWORK KITS and they enjoyed a brief visit. Eugene Mr Neustadter is a Mrs Vivian Koenig, a former graduate of South Eugene Office Opens 7 A. M. An Equel Opportunity Employer Y ARN—NEEDLES—Instruction school teacher here, also High School and the U. of makes her home there now. Pennsylvania whetje he at STORE HOI RS—](>-5 Mon. thru Fri. 10-2 Sat. but was understood to be away tended the Wharton School of at the time Finance. Mrs. Lowell Cree Hosts Garden Meet a a l Community Calendar Of Events z si Jenkins-Neustadter Wed Sunday, Oct. 7 BIG SAVINGS ANN’S Furniture & Antiques 1 MADISON & DAVIS We Are Celebrating Our First ANNIVERSARY Come In And See Our SAVE ON A PAIR $2QOO Large Selection Of Give You 5c per lb GinS AND TOYS WASHER or DRYER Lay-Away Now Subscribe to The Mill City tnteronse STAYTON CANNING COMPANY Now Hiring On All Shifts Long Operating Season—Late November For Information Call 769-6361 WESTERN AUTO KNIT KNACK DEPOT