Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1973)
ED LEWIN Auctioneer, Inc. Complete Auctions Phone 769-5466 52nd Wedding ::: 2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Sept 27, 1973 Patje Bassett's Honored On 40th Anniversary Anniversary Celebrated Sunday Community Calendar Of Events Clare and Margaret Rush , were honored Sunday at a i dinner party marking their 52nd wedding anniversary at Phone 897-2772 Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor I the Salem home of Mr. and Wednesday, September 26 — u H Santiam Chapter, AARP, I Mrs. Kent Dunagan. Mrs. Dunagan is the former Diane meeting at the high school at Rush and the granddaughter 7:30 p.m. Installation of offic ers. of the honored couple. Host Garden Club Those present at the dinner Thursday, September 27— were Mr. and Mrs. Willis Du Boy Scout organizational The Mill City Garden Club nagan and two sons of Silver- meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the will meet next Thursday, Oct. I ton, Lyle, Dorothy, Kathy and Scout Cabin. The Santiam Memorial Hos 4, at the home of Mrs. Lowell Brian Rush of Salem, the hon- IOOF #144 meeting at the Cree, 215 S. E. Kingwood at pital Auxiliary Board of Dir I ored guests, Mr. and Mrs. lodge at 8:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. for a dessert lunch ectors met Thursday, Sept. 20, | Rush, and the hosts, Mr. and Card party at the Eagles after a two month summer eon. Mrs. Al Yankus will be Members and guests of the Mrs. Kent Dunagan. Lodge at 1:00 p.m. Public in- break, with 22 members pres co-hostess. A beautifully decorated an vited. i The members will be work Mill City Woman’s Club were niversary ent. cake was served and entertained Tuesday evening FOE #3384 Aerie and Aux- Hospital administrator, Pe ing on things for the federa at the home of Mrs. Arey Po the couple received lovely iliary meetings at the lodge tion meeting which the Mill ter Rochetto, told the board Rambo's Return From the hospital has increased its City club will be co-hostess drabsky. Assisting the hostess gifts and cards. at 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Rush were were Mrs. Dean Mowry and Colville, Washington patient load as well as a large with the Stayton club on Wed Mrs. Melbourne Rambo. i married 52 years Sept. 20 of Friday, September 28— Oct. 24 at the McNary Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rambo increase in outpatient care, nesday, Mill City-Gates American Mrs. Arthur Snow presided ' this year. Golf Club in Salem. since the new doctors have returned Sunday from Col at. the business session with Legion Post #159 and Aux Members not planning to ville, Wash, where they at been practicing in Stayton. attend are asked to notify one | Mrs. Ralph Youmans, secre- iliary meeting at the IOOF tended funeral services for They will continue having of the hostesses by Wednes j tary and Mrs. Lawrence Doble, Hall at 8:00 p.m. doctors on emergency call. He her uncle, Harley Champ of treasurer in their respective day morning, Oct. 3. Monday, October 1— also reported there are sever Salem. Mr. Champ died last offices. Women ’ s volleyball 7:00 to by Glenn Humes week as the result of a car ac al doctors interested in com All those attending the 9:00 p.m. at the grade school ing to Stayton at a later date. cident while he was enroute meeting were given name tags Santiam’s Wolverettes are It was announced the auxil to Yuma, Ariz. The driver of and each one selected their Renee Brown, Lynn Bodeker. gym. Round Robin Pinochle Club the other car involved in the iary is planning to reactivate I seating for the evening by 1 Lynne Larson, Susan Henness, meets at the home of Mrs. collision was arrested on the junior and senior cheer- finding a person with a match i Patti Spurgeon, Bonnie Shep- Mel Rambo at 7:30 p.m. ette program. Also, the new Thursday, September 27 drunken driving charges. ing design drawn on tags. | herd, Kim Kirsch, Sandra Mr. and Mrs. Rambo accom draperies ordered by the aux Meat Loaf Mrs Mowry was given the Blackburn and Kim Couey. Tuesday, October 2— panied Mr. and Mrs. Byron iliary have been installed. Homemade Bread and green light from the club to Mill City Jr. Woman’s Club Wednesday the 19th, the G. The membership committee i Champ of Stayton to Colville. Butter act as their representative A.A. went on a bottle drive. will meet at the home of Mrs. is planning a morning coffee Despite weekend driving, the Buttered Com when attending meetings in even if it did rain. Larry Urban at 7:30 p.m. travelers had no difficulty ob for all interested ladies in the Applesauce her capacity as state federa the finished Wednesday, October 3— Everyone taining gas. Very' few service canyon area. Further informa Ice Cream tion conservation chairman. Santiam Rebekah Lodge course, as Santiam’s first I tion on the date and place of stations were closed and not Milk Mrs. Mowry spoke on her cross country team completed #166 meets at 8:00 p.m. at the the coffee will be announced until they returned to Port Friday, September 28 recent attendance at a San its first meet. Floyd Peterman IOOF Hall. later. land was any limit noted. Fish Crisps Francisco meeting regarding1 finished second of a field of North Santiam Chamber of The ways and means com- French Fries the energy and oil crisis. She 1 twenty-three. Santiam’s other Commerce Board of Directors mittee is planning a mini said people must face the fact runners were: Doug Babbitt, meeting at the Riverview at Son Arrives At Taylor bazaar and bake sale later in Green Beans Cinnamon Rolls that there is a real shortage 9th, Gary DeMain 12th, Chuck noon. Home Friday, Sept. 21 the year. Orange Juice m these areas. Conservation Hollinger 15, and Bill Tippitt, The auxiliary is contemplat Milk Sponsored as a public service and higher prices must be ex 16. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tay i ing buying a piece of equip » Monday, October 1— pected and dealt with. lor, Jr., of Aumsville, are an Friday, honor society held a Meat Hash Mrs. Doble, ways and means meeting and talked about the nouncing the birth of their ment for the emergency room Corn chairman, showed the seasonal I i Christmas dance. first child, a son, born Friday, which would be used to re All Bran Muffins gift items which may be pur Sept. 21, at Salem General move foreign matter from a Mary Mann was appointed Orange Juice chased from the club, through as the new points chairman Hospital. Mrs. Taylor is the badly mangled or burned area Oatmeal Cookie her. former Roberta Brewster of of a patient. This would be for GAA. insurance Agency, Inc. purchased with money from Milk A tentative date of October Mill City. Friday, the sophomore class several memorials. Tuesday, October 2— 19 was set for a baked food sponsored a victory dance af 493 Third Street, Stayton The baby weighed 9 lbs. 3 I Meat Balls sale with exact time and place ter the game. There was a ozs. and has been named Whipped Potatoes to be announced later. Remember Us For Your. Patrick Allen. good turn out. Harvard Beets It was announced that the Grandparents are Mr. and | Life and Health Hot Rolls Junior Woman’s Club is set Mrs .Emmett Brewster of Mill Ice Cream ting up a re-cycling center in City and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Insurance Why don’t YOU subscribe Milk Mill City. It will be open on neth Taylor, Sr„ of Aumsville. Oct. 6 and members were urg- to The Mill City Enterprise T Santiam Rebekah Lodge Wednesday, October 3— Phone 769-631 I Spaghetti ' ed to promote and participate ■ #166 met in regular meeting Carrot and Celery Sticks in this project. Sept. 19, with noble grand, Cinnamon Toast Edith Mason gave a timely i Mrs. Dave Barnhardt, presid- Mixed Fruit reading on “17 Ways to Kill i ing. Come In And Get Acquainted Milk Your Club”. Each one present I Communication was receiv- gave a highlight on a summer from Mrs. James Versteeg, Thursday, October 4— 261 Broadway Ph. 897-3178 ' I ed Chili Beans experience. Joining the club district deputy president of Buttered Toast 1 Tuesday evening were Olga (Dist. 7A, that she will pay TAPESTRY RUGS Fruit Jello I Adair and Anne Mueller. A ' Santiam Rebekah Lodge #166 Ice Cream J guest for the evening was | an official visit Oct. 3. An in NEEDLEWORK KITS I Virginia Jaquette. Others at Milk vitation was read from Pearl tending included Helen Kim Rebekah Lodge #47 of Leban Friday. October 5— YARN—NEEDLES—Instruction Barbeque Hamburgers mel, Margaret Snow, Teresa on to attend their 100th anni Green Beans Saalfeld, Antonia Thomas, versary celebration Oct. 18 at Applesauce Evelyn Pfoertner, Daisy Geu- 8 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. Hall in Starting Classes In Knit and Crochet Chocolate Cake dess, Mayme Reed, Ruth Cum Lebanon. An invitation to at- Milk mings, Jennie Cauble, Ellen i tend the 50th anniversary re Day and Evening Pepperoni, Combination, Canadian Bacon Lundquist, Lettie Swan, Lil ception for Otto Limbecks on lian Peck, Edith Mason, Kate ' Sept. 30 at 2:00 pjn. at the or Mushroom Come In and Register Now Doble, Nell DeWitt, Mary 1 Church of Christ in Stayton Slim nasties Class Youmans and the hostesses. was also read. Eat it Here or Orders To Go First nominations of officers Be Sure To Register For Our Prize Drawing was held and the following Started Wednesday names were placed in nomina The Slimnastics class being Juanita Brumbaugh tion: Mrs. Luther Yates, noble grand; Mrs. Otto Weidman, re offered this year through the cording secretary; Mrs. Walter Chemeketa Community Col Tells Of Her Recent Thomas, financial secretary; lege adult education courses and Otto Koeneke, treasurer. held its first session Wednes- Trip To Brazil The refreshment committee day, Sept. 26, at 7:00 p.m. at MEHAMA - The Women’s for Oct. 3 is Mrs. Clara Doher the grade school gym. The ty and Mrs. Velma Harrison, first week and next week, the Fellowship of the Mehama 134 Wall Street Ph. 897-2592 Following the meeting, re- classes will be on Wednesday Community Church held their freshmen ts were served by only from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. monthly meeting Tuesday Anne Mueller, Proprietor Mrs. Eldon Hutchenson and Thereafter, the remainder of evening, Sept. 18, with 19 la-, the ten-week course will be dies attending. A special guest' Mrs. Irl Plymale. STORE HOURS—10 - 5 Mon. thru Fri held on Tuesday and Wednes was the Fellowship’s Mission day of each week from 7:00 to Daughter Juanita Brumbaugh, Marilyn Club Sale Set 8:30 p.m. 10-2 Saturdays who is a senior at Western Mrs. Doug Suckling is in- Baptist Bible College in Sa For Friday Sept. 28 and the cost of the lem. Miss Brumbaugh spent | Marilyn Club will hold struetor course is $10.00. Those attend last summer in Brazil and their annual sale Friday, ing registered at the first ses showed some of the articles Sept. 28, at the home of Mrs. sion. she brought back with her and Charlie French S. E., Third told about the people and con St. starting at 10:00. ditions there. The Mehama Phone 897-2442 Mill City Items suitable for gifts, bak women are helping to sponsor [ ed foods, produce, good used Miss Brumbaugh who is plan clothing etc. will be for sale. ning on being a teaching mis-' The sale will continue on sionary. Saturday if any items are Hostesses for the evening MILL CITY ENTERPRISE left. were Mrs. Alan Slater and Authorized Catalog Mrs. Donald Bult. The next meeting of the fellowship will Sales Merchant Store I be Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 good tasting pm.. All ladies of the com munity are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett were guests Sunday evening, Sept. 16, of their daughter and Watch For Our Special son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Auctions at 1050 Wilco James Lemert of Eugene, for dinner at the Colonial House Road, Stayton. in Salem. The occasion was honoring Mr. and Mrs. Bassett on their fortieth wedding anniversary. Also attending were Mr. and i Mrs. Marshall Snyder of Sa- ' lem who were married at the j same time as the Bassetts. The Bassetts’ and the Sny- I ders double wedding cere- ! mony was performed in Van- I couver, Wash., Sept. 16, 1933. Hospital Auxiliary ,Mn-Lowe"Cree To Holds First Fall Meet Womans Club Meets At Podrabsky Residence Tuesday Santiam Ripples MADISON & DAVIS Rebekah Lodge 166 Nominates Officers The MALT Shop Now Featuring KNIT KNACK DEPOT Get Your Car Tuned Up Now! For Carefree Fall Driving Vern’s Shell - Towing Log Scale Books SAVE WE $1OQ° HAVE VI-DAYUM VITAMINS $199 TWO 19" Colored TVs Marked Down To « *286“ Special 30 tablets free with the purchase of 100 i I Through Saturday Only Reg. $3.49 Ends Oct 3, 1973 from the makers of SIMILAC* Infant Formula Also Ask For Your Christmas Catalog MILL CITY PHARMACY at your Mill City Canyon Area Sears Store Shop By Phone 897-2348 160 N. 1st. Mill City "Your Gift Headquarters'' I Frank Stromquist, Owner Phone 897-2812 Mill City, Oregon Pinochle Party at Eagles Hosts 6 Tables Many have been attending the Thursday afternoon pino chle parties at the Eagles Lodge. Last week six tables were in play. The parties be gan at 1:00 with refreshments served during the afternoon Senior citizens are especially invited to come and enjoy these parties. Last weeks winners were Mrs .Frank Blazek who won both high and pinochle and Mrs. Mel Rambo received low. High for the men was Don Moffatt and receiving low score was Pete Brusasco. Why don’t YOU subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise ?