S econd C lam P ostabs K ip , mill C ity , VOLUME XXVin NUMBER 39 Up and Down The Avenue By Don Moffatt Onto« Enterprise ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREGON’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 John Kohls Tells C. of C About Power K/s/7 At High School PP&L Asks Public Has New Owners I see where the Capital Journal in Salem again in an editorial defended the EPA in I John Kohls of PP&L gave their stand on refusing to let an informative talk to the New owners of the Donut forest service use DDT to curb Hut in Mill City are Mr. and the damage by the tussock North Santiam Chamber of I Mrs. James Gundersen and moth to our forests, To me Commerce members at their ' family. the EPA’s decision on not let- first fall meeting held in Me ting us use DDT to kill the hama last Wednesday noon. The four came to the area ' three years ago when Mr. tussock moth is a lot worse He told about a few years age Gundersen was transferred mess than Watergate, as bad. when power representatives from Astoria State Forestry to as that is. Why defend a gov were urging people to use Mehama State Forestry Dept. ernmental agency when they more electricity, now they are asking everyone to curtail the [He is employed as a forestry have been so hardnosed on I technician at Mehama. this issue. I wonder just what use of energy, especially the i Kimberly, age 10, attends the Salem newspaper, and I wasting of power. The present shortage of think it is a pretty good one 1 Mill City Elementary, and would do, if the moth were power has been caused by “a Walter, age 7, is in second Recruiting officers from all branches of the Armed grade at Gates. eating up their advertising I slippage of hydro-facilities. lineage? They would probably 1 Part of this has been caused Services were at Santiam High School Tuesday, Sep Mrs. Gundersen runs the set up as much fuss as the tim by the lack of a heavy snow tember 18, talking with the junior and senior students shop during the week and is ber interests in Eastern Ore pack last winter and also lack in observance of Armed Forces day. Ogden Photo assisted by her family on Sa of rainfall this summer.” The gon and Washington. turdays and afternoons. The shop is open Tuesday through The Journal is against any City of Eugene had planned on an atomic power plant but crash legislation that would Saturday from 9:00 to 5:00 Santiam JY Team stampede legislation that la this was voted down, so PP&L They feature donuts to go or To Play JFK Saturday to eat at the shop with coffee, ter could be classified as bad picked up that load from their legislation. A lot of that type Centralia plant. Many of the milk or pop. Afternoon Here has come out of Washington, plants have been held up for Mrs. Gundersen’s parents, The Santiam Junior Varsity D.C., even when not under any years for various reasons and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson from football team will have their pressure. I would consider the this has been bad when there next home game this Satur Salem, will be helping occa ravaged 600,000 acres of tim i has been such a drought, he sionally. day, Sept. 22. said. j ber plenty reason to take a The Donut Hut was purchas They will play JFK at 2:00 The coal fired steam plant good hard look at the use of ed from Mr. and Mrs. Jack p.m. Saturday afternoon on DETROIT — According to DDT. Congressman Wendell at Centralia has not been able Allen Field. This will be their Marshall who built the shop Wyatt introduced legislation I to operate to capacity because a report, if plans continue on second game. and business last year. They schedule, skiers at Hoodoo to use DDT to stop this tus some of the system did not have moved to McMinnville. sock moth infestation. He come up to ecological stand Ski Bowl (Santiam Pass area) didn’t even suggest that wide ards. He said PP&L is doing will enjoy a new day-lodge spread use of DDT be sanc its best to meet these stand and another chair lift next year. tioned. Even if it did come to ards. Hoodoo Ski Bowl Corp, re- ' Kohls said that recently that, it couldn’t be much worse than the loss of that there was about 93% of nor cently approved $150,000 for I timber when we need it so mal power being produced, construction of a new lodge but right now generating ca which corporation president, badly. DETROIT — Double mis It takes a good long time to pacity is only 92.5%. He also Harvy Fox says “will be a fortune befell a West Linn duplicate of the existing stated that a lot depends upon produce trees of marketable lodge.” He said the new facil couple whose pickup camper size, and once the tree is kill normal rainfall this fall. was destroyed by fire on The company now is work ity will look the same on the Highway 22", jbout 1V4 miles ed it should be harvested im DETROIT — Former Detroit outside and will feature ex ing to get people to cut down mediately. The Journal also (scale ramp) west of Idanha city recorder, Mrs. Judy Van- panded eating facilities in on power that is normally be thinks the EPA is immune Fleet, was arrested Friday in I Saturday. from political pressure. Hog ing wasted. “Cut off the lights side. He noted, however, they Salem on a charge of theft Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kayser ’ s wash. Show me one govern that are not essential,” Kohls might change the inside as | pickup caught fire about 3:30 of $2,173.80 in city funds, ac work progresses. told members. He is under the mental agency that isn’t under Installation of a new chair | a.m. on the roadside after cording to state police. impression that if everyone political pressure. The local government’s lift will begin a program i they fed gasoline to the car- works to eliminate waste, that fund shortage was first re , burator in an attempt to start Even with the upcoming the area may get by without which calls for two other lifts ' the vehicle, Idanha firemen ported to the city council, to be constructed in coming drastic cuts to industrial and power shortage staring us in years. Fox said the corpora said. The camper and truck Sept. 11, following a special the face, there are still some residential users. During the business meeting tion is expanding the facil were engulfed in flames when audit by George Carlisle of ecologists and government firemen arrived. According to Salem. agencies who are blocking the which preceded the dinner, ities “because we don’t want a report, a millright, getting Mrs. VanFleet, who has to be over-crowded. ” Dennis Frank gave some in building and use of various I eff shift from one of the mills been residing at 1535 Com- He said the new facilities types of power plants. Some formation on the cutting of fir in Idanha, drove the couple mercial St. SE Salem, was re claim they are too noisy. So trees along the right of way. may be in use for the 1974- back to their home at 3215 S. corder from September of maybe they do make a little At the last board meeting, 75 skiing season. Fairview, West Linn, follow 1972 until she resigned June noise. Maybe there may be a Gene Fief of Mehama stated ing the fire. Kayser, a young 12. A number of city checks little smoke in the air—but a letter should be sent to the mechanic, accompanied by his were written to and signed by with the coming of winter, the highway department to ask' wife and mother returned Mrs. VanFleet. Her husband, rains cleanse the air pretty them to quit cutting the trees about 10:00 a.m. Saturday Paul VanFleet, resigned from on the right of way and just frequently. I would rather morning to retrieve a box of the city council earlier this have a little smoke in the clean up the brush. When Mr. tools after the vehicle had month, due to other pressing air, than sit around with the Frank talked with highway of I cooled. duties. He is employed by the ficials, they said they had not mill production curtailed and One important way to re Thieves had made off with state parks division here. Of ordered the small trees on the also have the furnaces shut cycle glass is to see if you can the tools. ficers said no further arrests off part of the time. These right of way cut. There evi use the jar or bottle yourself are expected in the case. people who are hollering the dently is some lack of commu again. It may be right for next Mrs. VanFleet was arraign nication between department loudest now, would really set ed before Marion County Dis- year ’ s jelly or canned goods. up a howl if they start freez-. heads. ' trict Court Judge Albin Nor- The next board meeting will Glass should be separated by ing their fannies this winter, blad who released her on her color . . . clear, green, blue and also if they have to shut | be held at the Riverview at and | own recognizance pending a brown together. Wash noon, Oct. 3. off their televisions, and ra ■ preliminary hearing on ths them as you would your drink dios. Time will tell us a lot of first degree theft charge Wed- ing glasses and set them into things this winter. paper sacks, boxes or what . nesday, Oct. 3. > Detroit Mayor Cliff McMil- ever. Try not to break them No matter how you feel I lan said “the money short- because you or the workers at about all the mess in Washing 1 age plus the special $2,900 the center could be cut. Re ton, D. C„ I still think we It was announced this week audit is hurting the city fi move all aluminum and metal should give the president cred that Girod’s Hilltop Super DETROIT — Detroit, scor- it for the good things he has ing in all but the final period, parts but you don’t need to Market would go back to their nancially”. He said, “it is hop ed that the money can be re worry about taking the paper done since being in office. He rolled to a 48-20 win over Mo | winter hours of 8:00 a.m. to covered. did get our prisoners of war hawk in Casco League eight- off. Newspapers can simply be I 7:00 p.m. Monday through Sa- home. He did get most of the man grid action Friday after- stacked and when you get a } turday, Sundays 9:00 a.m. to troops out of Vietnam, even noon. bundle, tie them well with 6:00 p.m., Monday, Oct. 1, 1973. with all the opposition he has Jim Girod, owner of Hilltop 0—48 twine. Detroit .. .24 16 8 gotten from the democratic Market, stated the store would Mohawk .. 0 6 0 14—20 Tin cans need to be rinsed, controlled senate and house. I I go back to the longer hours in Detroit — Rick Roth 50 pass certainly do not agree with a from Randy Roth (Rick Roth paper labels taken off, both | May of next spring. This is ends removed and flattened. lot of his actions, but I do from Randy Roth) Monroe 10- The recycling center will ■ being done to help conserve on think we should give him run (Monroe run), Hill 68 pass open the first Saturday in Oc j the electric power shortage credit for the good he has ac from Randy Roth (pass fail tober. Mrs. Don Huckeby is I during the winter months. complished. I think he did ed), Monroe 5-run (Monroe right in not going along with I run), Monroe 30-run (Adams chairman of the center which A 10% increase in garbage the minimum wage increase. I pass from Roth), Monroe 30- is sponsored by the Junior collection rates, including a Woman's Club. Forget about the inflationary run (Monroe run). new franchise fee, was ap aspects of raising wages for Mohawk — Lane 70 pass proved Wed., Sept .19 by the this segment of the working from Coats (run failed), Or Linn County Board of Com Snowmobile Enthusiast! fa freat WÎVCS class. What I say is if we con cutt 1-run (Lane run), Moore missioners. tinue to increase wages for 20 pass from Coates (pass To Form New Club The new rates will be ef this type of work, we will eli failed). fective Oct. 1 for those collec The Mill City Lions Club minate a lot of jobs. What DETROIT — Several snow met Monday evening at the tors outside of incorporated Detroit will host Triangle about the high school students Lake Friday, Sept. 28. Then, mobile enthusiasts, residing cities. The new rate includes a Inn. who do part time work. Will on Oct. 5, Valsetz will play in the upper North Santiam Frontier Harry Nelson, chairman of 3% franchise fee to be paid they be able to get the jobs? Detroit here. Both games are Canyon would like to form a the Birthday Calendar sales, quarterly to Linn County. I think not. I can’t see people slated for 3:00 p.m. snowmobile club, if enough in issued the work sheets to all The franchise fees collected paying $2.00 an hour or more terested persons can be found members and urged them to will be used to purchase for yard work. This is just one to organize a club. have them completed by Oct. specialized equipment and ad thing. How about farm work Applications Being Persons residing in the 8. Anyone not contacted by a ditional land for the operation ers. Can they earn $2.20 an Accepted For Carrier North Santiam Canyon from There member of the club may order of sanitary landfills. hour hand picking crops? Applications are now avail Stayton to Marion Forks, are one by calling at the Mill were no changes made in the able at the Lyons Post Office1 asked to please contact the City Enterprise, Sears or Wes solid waste collectors’ area Detroit Dam-Weather for a substitute Rural Carrier following for further informa tern Auto Store. boundaries. ■ for the Lyons Post Office. tion, if interested. President Dick Blakely an Residents residing outside Pool Jim King, Detroit—854-3538; nounced that the meeting of the city limits of Mill City in Max. Min. Elev Pep 1 Completed applications will be Sept. 19 64 55 1525.69 0.23 accepted until Friday, Oct 12, Fred Taylor, Idanha -854-3478; I Monday, Oct. 8, would be la Linn County will be charged or Harold Hills, Detroit—854- dies night and that district go the extra 10%. Sept. 20 62 53 1524.47 0.81 1973. All qualified applicants will 3441. Bud Cline of Mill City Dis vernor. De; Howarth, of Sa Sept. 21 63 52 1523.30 0.65 If enough people are inter-| lem would make his official posal said that those residents Sept. 22 65 50 1522.87 0.43 receive consideration for em Sept. 23 58 51 1522.80 1.02 ployment without regard to ested in the snowmobile sport, | visit at this meeting. Lion would be raised 30c per month Sept. 24 59 53 1523 J* 0.91 race, color, national origin, a special meeting will be slat-, President Dick Blakely also per can. Mr. Cline stated that Sept. 25 58 49 1524.30 L14 sex, political affiliations, or ed to organize the club, a [ urged all members to bring, these rates are set by the Linn spokesman said. I guests at this meeting. | County Commissioners. Total Pep. for Week ...... .5.19 any other non-merlt factor. Hoodoo Ski Bowl Plans New Day Lodge Next Year Early Morning Fire Total Loss To Pickup Former City Recorder Char With Missing Funds Glass, Newsprint And Tin Needed Hilltop Market Will Return To Winter ! Detroit Topples 1 Mohawk 48-20 Hours Mon., Oct. 1 To Conserve On Electric Power “Customer response to PP&L’s voluntary conserva tion program is encouraging, but a giant effort by all elec tric users is needed to assure avoidance of mandatory cut backs this winter,” Don C. Frisbee, board chairman, said today. PP&L began a concentrated communications and customer call program in August asking industrial, commercial and residential users to cut back electric consumption by at least seven percent. “Up to August of this year, when we began our conserva tion efforts, the energy con sumption level was running seven percent ahead of last year. Currently the increase is down to three percent. So, what we are experiencing is a four percent reduction from normal electrical use,” Frisbee said, “and we can point to customer conservation efforts as the reason for this reduc tion.” “The encouraging thing Is that a trend is developing. However, an accelerated con servation effort by PP&L cus tomers during the next two months is vital, if we’re going to reach the goals,” the utility head emphasized. During the past month, util ity representatives have met with large use customers showing them ways to reduce power consumption. “Their response has been outstanding. Many large industrial and commercial customers have recorded savings between 15 and 35 percent,” Frisbee said. Large use customers have been responsible for our suc cess to date. The schools, re tail stores and the pulp and paper industry have been very cooperative. What is needed now is a surge of support from residential customers,” Frisbee said. He urged residential custo mers to: During the day set your thermostat at the lowest com fort temperature. At night, or when away from home, lower it at least 10 degrees to save energy. Use hot water with care — especially in baths, showers, dishwashers and clothes wash ers. The hot water tank is a large consumer of electricity. Reduce all home and office lighting and use of electric ap pliances. He cautioned employees and customers not to relax their conservation efforts. “Even if the region meets its peak and firm load requirements during this critical winter period, it will take at least another year of above average precipitation to fill the reservoirs and re turn the region to the accus tomed levels of hydro genera tion. Detroit City Budget Revised By Council DETROIT — A special pub lic meeting was held Monday Linn County Boosts evening at Detroit City Hall, Garbage Collection Rates In County Lions Club Members in order to supplement the city’s budget. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by budget chairman, Verna Ketchum. Four members of the budget committee were present and members of the city council. Also present, was this reporter and one citizen . It was deemed necessary to revise the budget, due to prob lems stemming from improper “bookkeeping” after the 1973- 1974 budget was approved. Due to failure of a former city recorder not presenting last years revenue sharing form to the city council, the budget committee and council had to fill out forms for both last year and this year. At an earlier public meet ing and council last week, it was decided and passed by the council that monies received from revenue sharing, would be used to purchase a new wa ter pump and equipment. The $2,635 received includes a holdover from last year, which must be kept in a separ ate fund. Date on a public hearing on the budget will be announced later. Loggers Fall To Santiam Wolverines The Santiam Wolverines, led by junior quarterback David Plotts, overpowered the Knappa Loggers, 38-7, in a non-league game at Mill City on Friday. David Plotts scored four touchdowns, passed for an other, and kicked two extra points against Knappa. He also collected 102 yards on kickoff returns, 35 yards on punt returns, 50 yards on rushing, and passed for over 40 yards. Santiam’s first score came early in the first quarter when David Plotts scrambled in from two yards out He then kicked the extra point. Six minutes later, Craig Black burn smashed across the goal line from a yard out, giving Santiam a 13-0 first quarter lead. There was no scoring in the second quarter. Five minutes into the sec ond half, Jerry Grant collect ed a 20 yard pass from Plotts to give the Wolverines a 19 point lead. The PAT kick was good. Another five minutes elapsed before David Plotts scampered around the left end for a 12 yard touchdown run. Halfway into the fourth period, Jim Wright capped a 42 yard scoring drive by pass ing a TD pass to David Plotts. Knappa then came up with their only score of the night on a 79 yard pass play to Leo nard Bjornstrom from John Barendse. Then Knappa kick ed off to David Plotts who, with the help of good block ing, ran 82 yards for the final touchdown of the night Santiam’s rushing yardage came from the senior running back, Craig Blackburn. He picked up 149 yards on 14 rushing attempts. Jim Wright played a good game as the substitute quar terback. He passed for 45 yards and he was successful on two out of three passes. He al so ran for 41 yards on only four carries. Jerry Grant also put in a fine performance both offen sively and defensively. He caught a touchdown pass and had numerous tackles on de fense. Santiam 13 0 IS 12—38 Knappa 0 0 0 7—7 Chemeketa Services Explained At Dinner Rich Moore, counselor, and Mike McClain, Instructor at Santiam High School were among 85 mid-Willamette Val ley high school representatives participating in an informa tional session on Chemeketa CC Thursday, Sept. 20 at a dinner meeting in Salem. Jerry Martin, curriculum di rector of McMinnville school district, was master of cere monies for the evening. Those attending were told about Chemeketa programs and services currently available to them. Following the panel discus sion, Chemeketa President Paul F. Wilmeth discussed new and projected programs, enrollments and accreditation. Clarence Caughran, direct or of research and publications at Chemeketa, reviewed infor mational services available to local schools such as slide pre sentations, brochures and speakers. Boy Scouts To Hold Organizational Meeting Thursday An organizational meeting for boy scouts will be held Thursday (tonight), Sept. 27, at the scout cabin at 7:00. John Jerrlm and Jepson Lonnquist will be co-scout masters for the troop this year. All boys who have been scouts, and boys who want to be scouts are invited to attend the meeting