City Enterprise The S econd C lass P ostage P aid , M ill C ity , O regon volume xxvm It Ain't All Roses (by George Long) ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREliUN S F AST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND NUMBER 38 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 Wolverines Register First Victory Wishing Forest Service i Schedules Timber i I Sales In October I | During the regular Mill City for the first six months and, DETROIT — Two timber Council meeting Wednesday, with the council approval, be Fourteen residents of the sales with an estimated Sept 12., the council voted to raised to $550 the remaining City of Mill City turned out, 10,200,000 board feet of Willa hire Arthur Sprague as the six months. at the hearing of the federal: mette National Forest tim In other action, the city fourth fulltime police officer revenue sharing money. There Santiam held Sherman ber, , ij is » skucu slated w to go go vn on sate sale HI in was a lot OI hcxu uucluiou mci on the recommendation of the adopted a resolution forming of discussion on tne the ' ouinuini fourth police officer and a County to only 93 total yards, October at Detroit Ranger ■ Police Chief Don Gillenwater a circle sewer system. The < I and Police Commissioner reason given for this action Is man for the city park. Al-1 (no yards passing) and scored' Station. Sealed bids will be though every item on the pub- ! the only points they needed I received at the office of the ' Arthur (Dale) Howell. This to better handle the money lished budget was discussed, I in the third quarter to capture Detroit District Ranger Sta- I position is to be paid with and to keep it separate from ' revenue sharing funds and Is all other funds. felt that these two items drew their first win of the season, tion for both sales, up to and . h« most mnrt attention ri,,rin0 1 for a one year period only, I A recommendation read a.m., follow- follow the during th«' the' 8-0 8-0. The came game was played at not later than 10 a.m.. «tartincr nn October 1 1. Thp on Friday, Sept. 14. ed immediately by oral bid starting on The nf- of- ' ! from the Mill City fire depart- hour and a half that the resi- ' Moro ” With 3:10 left in the trird ding. Miss Rae Blum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David flcer will receive $500 a month ment on the fire hazard of a dents kept the council busy quarter, Craig Blackburn vacant residence at 233 S. E. explaining the budget. T.he Straight Creek ®11111 Mehama, pets the Shetland pony hoping to be smashed into the end zone Hazel St. drew council appro Qwin itbe lucky (winner of the pony. Jane Wagner, the grand- The residents were told be I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner won the pony. val of it being condemned for fore they left that the council from two yards out to put San 3,100,000 board feet of timber, - future use. would take under considera tiam ahead 6-0. David Plotts is scheduled for October 1. Lo- | The council accepted a pav tion all the pros and cons that then passed to Frank Bryant cated approximately three | Large Crowd Attends Fair for the two point conversion, miles south of Marion Forks, | ing bid for Myrtle Street from I were brought up at this meet via Straight Creek Road, it North Santlam Sand & Gravel ing on the different ways the giving Santiam an 8-0 lead. Coach Gibson felt the team consists of 2600 MBF of Doug Co. of Stay ton. They were low citizens would like to see this gave a great effort .The strong bidders at $1,915.00. las Fir advertised at $94.70 per i money spent. points of the game for San thousand, and 500 MBF of I know it is no easy task i tiam were their kick-offs and Western Hemlock and other being a councilman and there i | punting. However. DETROIT — The regular Gibson coniferous species advertised monthly meeting, Sept. 11, are very few people who will ““i‘ed out Craig' Bladcbum "J.11 £ singled out * Craig Blackburn at $79.66 per M. Included in even consider doing t . u’“ • 1973, of Detroit City Council 8 1 1 and Frank - Bryant as - being the sale is 183 acres of all was called to order by Mayor thankless job. but one thing i k to the victory. Blackbum species logs priced at $2.76 per Cliff McMillan at 7:30 p.m. 7: I had 20 rushes for 74 yards and acre, which the bidder is re member, is that they are ** to I Bryant had four punts for 145 quired to purchase. Western Council members present represent “all” the people of yards and three pass recep Hemlock and other conifer were Tena Michaelson, Harold Mill City, not just one small tions for 32 yards. Roth and Joe Arsenault. There ous species will be sold at a | group or how they themselves were 17 citizens present Also Santiam’s next game will fixed rate . want to handle things. in attendance was city attor be at Mill City on Sept. 21 at Bachelor Timber Sale, lo ney Ralph Wyckoff and audi During the discussion the 8 p.m. against Knappa. Knappa cated approximately 10 miles tor George Carlisle, both of park came under a lengthy is a good passing team and south of Idanha, via Coopers The Mill City Lions Club Salem, and this reporter. discussion and Councilman should prove to be a good Ridge Road to Bruno Meadows Monday night started making City recorder Ruth Thomas Howell told the group that if | test ucsu for Santiam’s fine passing Road, is slated for October 11. for their annual Birth The 34th annual fair and turkey dinner was en- son read the minutes of the plans a certain amount of money is ■ , defense. ______ Santiam defeated The sale involves 3400 MBF day Calendar sales drive. at the LVons Grange Fair, Saturday, Aug. 14 meeting and gave a President Dick Blakely an not spent there to take care of Knappa 14-12 in a quarterfinal of Douglas Fir advertised at J0^00 bY it, the park would revert back 1 game two years ago. $113.89 per thousand, and! September 15. The turnout was so great that even the treasurer’s report The mi nounced that Harry Nelson to the state and county be- j Santiam 0 0 8 0 8 3700 MBF of Noble Fir and display tables Jhad to be cleared for people to eat off nutes were approved as read. will be chairman this year, cause the city had used match ‘ ' ■ S. C. 0 0 0 0—0 other coniferous species adver from. Enterprise Photo A lengthy discussion in re with other members assisting gards to a former city record him with this huge task. ing federal funds to purchase tised at $91.00 per M. er, and the unauthorized use it. In other words, when you As everyone in Mill City Included in the sale is 99 Visitors At Fair of city funds held the council, knows, that is all but those use any federal funds, there acres of all species logs priced auditor and city attorney busy moving here recently, the is always strings attached. at $201.58 per acre; which the answering questions. NUTS TO THEM! Let them bidder is required to purchase. birthday calendar sales is the Disturbed and concerned I main money-making project keep their money and if we citizens directed most of their want a park or whatever, it for the Lions. These funds questions to the city attorney are mostly used for sight con might be, build it ourselves, and auditor. There seemed to servation, which is the main the way we want it, and to The Santiam JV’s opened be some concern whether the goal for the club. Other funds heck with them. their 1973 football season by former recorder was bonded. go towards local projects. It dropping a game to the Scio That is just like the council Mayor McMillan assured the was decided that it will be hn ing the fourth police officer JV’s 22-0 at Allen Field Mon group that she was bonded, necessary to raise the price of with revenue sharing money. day, Sept. 17. and instructed the city attor the calendars to $2.25 instead j Scio tallied their first score Ha! Sure, his salary is paid ney to contact the bonding of $2.00 .This is the first raise out of revenue sharing money, I in the first quarter and the ing of Administrative School1 company to find out what re the club has made since calen but what about his fringe two point conversion was good. District 129J held Thursday I course the city has in collect dars have been sold—nearly benefits and all the other They added a touchdown in evening, Sept. 13, the board | ing the appropriated monies, 20 years. The price of the cal the second quarter jumping on items it takes for an addition approved KGAY radio station ' and added auditor and attor endars has gone up nearly al man. More miles on the top 14-0. They rounded out the to broadcast playbacks of the ney expenses. every year since. It was also police car, more insurance, scoring in the fourth quarter Santiam High School football | Auditor Carlisle gave a re stated that when salesmen etc. When it all boils down, ■ by scoring another touchdown games on the day following port on the city ’ s financial call to take the calendar order, this fourth police officer will ; and a two-point conversion. the games. status and said the audit residents should have the Despite the loss, there were cost the residents of Mill City The budget calendar was Mrs. Pearl Rice, of the Scio Grange, prepares to showed a shortage of $2,173.80. $2.25 ready to pay when order an additional several thousand many fine performances by presented for the forthcom- The city attorney suggested dollars out of the general j Santiam. Coach John Jerrim ing year but no action was enjoy the turkey dinner at the Annual Lyons Grange that the council consider ed. Fair Saturday night where the serving line was as long Preaident Blakely stated fund which I feel could be | singled out Vince Andermatt, taken until the October meet bringing action to recover the that the club should take used for other things of more; Steve Hampton, Dan Legassie, ing because of House Bill 2263. as the list of foods served. Enterprise photo monies. care of local projects prior to benefit to the city. I don’t' Rick Lady, and John Bogle as The board was advised Mayor McMillan read a let contributing to the program think that we are so crime having a good game. This there will be an election on ter of resignation from coun outlined by Lions Internation ridden that we need a police' year’s team is made up of October third to determine cilman Paul Van Fleet. Mrs. officer for every 375 residents freshmen and sophomores, who will represent the teach LYONS — The 34th Annual usual turkey dinner was serv Michaelson moved to accept al.The city has asked the Lions of Mill City. whereas, in past years juniors ers in consultation with the Santiam Valley Grange Fair ed from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and, the resignation and it was sec have dominated the team. board; whether it will be a was held Saturday afternoon after serving 280 adult and 50 onded by Arsenault. Motion Club for another trash can, to Santiam 0 0 0 0— 0 member of the Santiam Edu and evening, Sept. 15. The junior dinners, the program carried. Mr. VanFleet resigned be placed near the Malt Shop on Broadway St Gale Larson Scio 8 6 0 8—22 cation Assn, or a committee at and drawing for prizes was due to other pressing duties. Adult Ed Classes said he would furnish the bar large. held. McMillan also read a letter rel. The Lions Club will paint Wesley Jahn was appointed Giles Wagner gave the wel from Gov. Tom McCall per- and install it as soon as pos Scheduled For Area to represent the school board come to the guests with Ed taining to conservation mea- sible. in consultation with the teach Bell of Stayton acting as mas sures. The mayor stated that The Chemeketa Community District Governor Des Ho ers for the next school year. ter of ceremonies. Ted Sims, this would be about ten per- warth of Salem will be a guest College will be offering sever In other action, Gerald Pit- slate grange master, was the cent across the board on at the next meeting. This will al adult education classes this tam was re-appointed to the guest speaker of the evening, everything. term for people in the Mill be ladies night, according to DETROIT — Plans to build budget committee for a three In other business, a recoin- President Blakely- followed by Jim Todd of Me City, Gates and Detroit areas. I A hunter safety course will year term. a second day lodge and a hama, magician, who furnish mendation was made that a Mr. Jahn advised the board be conducted next week, Sept, ed the entertainment. The coordinator for these____________________________ fourth-chair lift at Hoodoo Ski stop sign be installed on the it is now possible to hold ' 24, 25 & 26 in room three at classes in these areas is Bid ¿owl in the coming year were corner of D St. and Detroit An interesting program was Sanders who will act as lia-, discussed Monday night at the school elections on the follow ' the Mill City Elementary furnished with music, song Ave. Street Commissioner ison person for Chemeketa CC. j annual meeting in Salem of ing dates: the third Tuesday in [ School. The classes will be and dance. Miss SUsan Kra Harold Roth was instructed to February; fourth Tuesday in ; from 7 to 9 each evening and Adults interested in com- Hoodoo Ski Bowl Corp, mer, outstanding junior look into the matter, and, also pleting their high school re- j In other business, the corp- March, first Tuesday in May, ' are open to all ages. granger of Oregon, spoke to check on a “washout” on Applications may be picked quirements may attend GED oration re-elected officers second Tuesday of June, fourth briefly and Miss Cindy Fieck, I Center St. in the Fischers area. prep classes at Santiam High headed by Harvey Fox, presi- Tuesday in September and the • up at the Sportsman’s Center presented a Hawaiian dance. Camp " first Tuesday after the first ! or Mill City Pharmacy. These A complaint was aired by School Monday evenings, 7-10. dent, and directors. most talanted junior granger. • forms must be signed by the Rosemary Edminster, owner p.m. These classes begin Sept.1 Reports indicated a success- Monday in November. It was announced the serial . parents and turned in by the Both young ladies will com- and operator of Satina’s Bou 24, and are offered by Che-1 f“l season for 1972-73 at Hoo- pete at the national conven- i student at the first session. levy expires this year and the tique Salon. She said water meketa CC. Classes are taught doo Ski Bowl and Willamette Instructor for the course is tion held in Nebraska in No- was turned off without notifi for adults and are based on in- Pass despite one-third less levy for 1974-75 was discussed. William vember. Approximately 2,000 day Bogle. Anyone wish Also, during the meeting, it dividual study for anyone to skiing time than usual because Drawings for various prizes cation, which left her and her students were expected to en- improve his education in ba-1 °f light snow. Fox said the was noted that Mike McClain ing further information may were held throughout the customers in a very bad pre 1 roll for fall term classes at dicament. Mrs. Michaelson, sic skills. (Math, Science, En- season brought a small finan- will run a cross country track call him at 897-2093. evening. of the council, ex Chemeketa Community Col glish, Writing, Reading, etc.),cial loss but could have been team this current school year Judging the exhibits were president if there are enough members. plained that emergency oc lege Monday, Sept. 17. The A certified teacher will help , a real disaster Jim Hays, Marion County ex curred in the an eltys Copies of classroom sched water sys anticipated total represents a anyone learn or review the1 Also discussed Monday tension agent, Mrs. Dorothy tem on the Brietenbush, and 26 percent increase over fall ules, class sizes, teacher hand basic skills needed to pass the night was a new chair lift for Christensen and Gertrude was the reason the citizenry term last year. GED tests. Instruction is free Willamette Pass, estimated to books, curriculum handbooks Weidman. and student body handbooks Registration for returning not notified. and persons may enroll full-| be three years away, Mrs. Maymie Crouse of were A Slimnastics class will be were presented to the board students began Monday with extended Mayor McMillan time or part-time, and enter members and discussed. among the Chemeketa Com- Crowfoot held the lucky num his regrets for the inconven- new student registration and the program at anytime. Re i I i munity College adult educa ber for the basket filled with ience, and said, in the future, orientation to be conducted gistration will be completed Booster Club to Meet tion courses to be offered this fancy work and household notification will be made on Tuesday, Wednesday and goods and Mrs. Charoletta water shut-offs if possible to Thursday. Students may regis on the first visit. After Knappa Game Kindergarten Opens year. The ten week session will (Robert) Thacker of Mehama all business operations. ter through October 5. The Santiam Booster Club Other offerings for adult begin Wednesday, Sept. 26, at won the afghan. Mrs. Ted Forty-four new instruction will meet in room three at the Wi+h Nine Attending Meeting adjourned at 10:10 education classes include the Santiam High school Friday 7:00 p.m. at the grade school Nystrom guessed the weight p.m. al and supportive staff will following: Tole painting I— evening, September 21, after be on hand for the opening of DETROIT — Deanha Kin gym. For the first two weeks, of the bull, with 1260 her classes Monday, Sept. 24. They Tue. 11-2, Gates Comm. Cntr., the Santiam-Knappa football dergarten opened here Mon- the class will be held on Wed guess, which was right on the ' day with an enrollment of nesday evenings only and will I r ose .Eva Bressler guessed the Detroit Dam-Weather include 35 new personnel and $15; Slimnastics--Tue. & Wed. game. nine replacements. The president is inviting all nine. They are: Scotty Able- run from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Be number of bottle caps in a 7-8:30, Mill City Grade School Pool Two programs have been interested persons to attend , man, Jill Hopson, Timmy ginning the first week in Oc large jug. Her guess was 4,129 Kiev Pep Max. Mln. Gym. $10; Fundamentals of this meeting and help promote , Houck, Kristy Carney, Becky tober. ____ , __ the _____ class will be held and there were 4,114 caps in added this fall: food service Real Estate—Mon. 7-10. San more ideas and new thoughts i St ormer, Carol VanFleet, Tuesday and Wednesday of the jug. The shetland pony Sept. 12 79 55 1531.44 0.00 and insurance. The college has 51 1530.05 0.00 I also added new facilities, in- | Douglas Ellis. Joshua Weaver, each week from 7:00 to 8:30 was won by Jane Wagner, Sept. 13 81 tiam High School, Rm. 2, $27; for the club. granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. Sept. 14 73 51 1528.73 0.00 II eluding a college center, food j and Tommy Funk. p.m. Coffee and cookies will be Typing I—Tue. & Thurs. 7- Giles Wagner. Sept. 15 65 50 1528.43 0.00 1 service facility, health educa- Kindergarten is being fi served to those attending the 8:30, Santiam High School, meeting. There are still some nanced through a government 49 1528 05 0.00 • tion building, classrooms, ad- instructor cost or me course i There were many interest Sept 16 76 Rm 9, $15; Typing n—Tues. & Booster cushions and jackets program this year. Patrents are will be $10.00. Those planning ing articles on display at the Sept. 17 78 51 1527 65 0.00 • ministration building, physical 53 1526.37 0.11 i education field and shower Thur. 7:30-9, Santiam High available to those who wish required to register their to attend the course may re- fair and prize winners will be Sept. 18 71 Total Pep. for Week ...... .0.11 locker building. children at the school to purchase them. gister at the first class session. I announced next week. School, Rm 9, $15. I Detroit City Council Asked To Recover Missing Money Lions To Start Calendar Sale Drive Soon JVs Dropped By Scio 22-0 School Board Grants Lyons Grange Fair Draws Large Crowd Hoodoo Mans Fourth Chair Lift I SafetyCourse ¡Scheduled Chemeketa Enrollment Expected Up Slimnastics Class Being Offered Here I I