The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 13, 1973, Image 1

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Up and Down
The Avenue ?
Bj Don Moffatt
BLM Fire
----------- --------- ---------
Canyon Drivers .
Place at Speedway
Recycling Center
To Open Here
Then there is this talk about
Mill City will soon have a
the power shortage. That is
a shame, and if some of the recycling center. It will be a
agencies that have been again-1 place where residents can
st building nuclear power | bring their glass, tin cans
plants had been clamped down aluminum,
on, some of these power pro­ cardboard. The first dumping
ducing plants could have been date will be the first Saturday
on the line this fall, giving us in October and it is hoped tha
the power we need so badly people will realize the import­
If we are so short of power, ance of such a center and wil’
why all the highway lights be­ use it.
tween Portland and Salem.
The center is more than e
This is truly a waste, as it is mere tribute to the ecological
easier to drive using only car ’ movement It is a rapidly
headlights, than the glare growing necessity and mus'
the big energy users cause— soon replace the garbage
and I see more poles being dump.
put up in the face of the short­
age. Real puzzling isn’t it?
Who is behind all this expen­
—Because in the past 50
sive lighting. When the utility years the amount of solid
men had a big four-state bash waste produced each day by
in Boise, Idaho recently, one the average American has
of the things they thought more than doubled.
would reduce power usage
—Because at the present
was curtailing newsprint and
television time. There is such [ time each man, woman and
a shortage of newsprint now, • child throws away a ton of
that it is causing many of the . waste a year.
big papers to cut down on the I —Because we are running
size of their editions. If they I out of land in which to bury
want to save paper, why not I the garbage.
start in Washington, D.C. It
—Because each ton of pa­
takes Washington officials
reams of paper to say nothing. pers recycled equals 17 trees
Better cut out the nonessential that won’t have to be cut
things first
—Because it takes 16,000
kilowatt-hours of electricity to
refine one ton of aluminum
from ore. It takes just 87
kilowatt-hours to produce that
same ton from recycled alu­
minum. The above facts were
put out in bulletins provided
by the Eugene and Corvallis
recycling centers which are
but two of the over 250 re­
The Mill City Volunteer cycling groups in Oregon.
Firemen were called out at
Mill City’s center will be
6:30 last Wednesday evening
by the Mill City Junior
to fight a stubborn grass and
brush fire on the Athol Savage Woman’s Club. For the next
few weeks, articles will be
land just west of Mill City.
The fire of undetermined run in the Enterprise Instruct­
origin had some start when ing the public on how to pre­
pare the material for the cen­
the firemen arrived. They us­ ter.
The group is also sponsor­
ed the two big trucks and the
tanker in fighting the blaze.. ple a poster contest in the
According to firemen over
' school. Students
10,000 gallons of water were1 are asked to think of a good
name for the center and to
Fred Moore and Verl Mo­ make a poster illustrating the
berg brought in one of their name. There will be one win­
cats and built a trail around ner from each grade level and
the fire which enabled the
firemen to get it under control one name chosen from all the
before too much damage was entries.
done. The firemen were on the
The time to begin recycling
job until 10:30.
is now The race to consume
Mrs. Savage and daughter,
Rebecca, served refreshments all the world’s resources is
after the fire was extinguish­ nearing an end and there will
be no winners.
Wednesday To
Quell Brush Fire
. ,
.. i -
$4.50 a YEAR — 10c a Copy
■——— I
Local Resident Has Green Thumb
Saturtey night was the
End of ‘Beason Championship, •
for the drivers at the speed-'
Al McClelland of Lyons
took second in the “A” Dash
Trophy and second in the fast
Cliff Mahurin of Lyons won
the second heat, and finished
third in the main event.
George Fuller took fifth in
the fast heat, and fifth in the
main event.
Ernie Emerson of Stayton,
took a second in the trophy
dash and slow heat. Also,
fourth in the main event
In the super stocks, George
Bradbury of Stayton, won the
heat He also won the trophy
dash, heat and main event
last week.
Next Saturday is a $1500
purse. On Sunday is open
competition for the hobby
stocks, with a $1000 purse.
Time trials Saturday, 7:30; and
Sunday 1:30.
Point standings for the can­
yon area drivers are: Al Mc­
Clelland, second; Cliff Ma­
hurin, third; team drviers Jim
Leffler and Bill Emerson
fourth; George Fuller fifth.
The lack ot interest in the
western timber states by the
powers that be in Washing­
ton, D. C., makes me shudder.
Fire restrictions will remain
I’m referring to the tussock
effect indefinitely on 13
moth infestation which has
killed some 600,000 acres of million acres of national re­
timber in Eastern Oregon— source land in Oregon pro­
not only that, the moth Is still tected by the BLM, is was an­
nounced today by Archie D.
going strong.
I can't see what took so long Craft, BLM state director.
The restrictions ban smok­
for Secretary of Agriculture
his ing outside of vehicle and open
and get out here and take a 1 campfires on all BLM admin­
look, however it shouldn’t istered land east of the Cas­
have even been necessary, I cade Range. More fire patrols
when the people of Eastern are being added immediately
Oregon, including the forest I to help enforce these restric­
service tried to impress their j tions.
thick skulls of the magnitude i According to Ken Burk­
of the disaster. And I also holder, ELM protection chief,
wonder just where the preser­ two factors are creating a
vationists were when this was “tight” situation for federal
going on. They were sitting and state fire control agencies.
“’Hie weather forecast is for
tight on their idea that DDT
would kill a few birds and be hot, dry. conditions and in­
detrimental to the health of creasing threat of lightning
people and game. What a Storms,”
fire crews,
folly. What do they think will I
happen to the birds and game composed largely of students
in this huge devastated acre- ■ and teachers, are returning to
age. It will be impossible to school. Loss of these crews
log that much area in a sen- will really be a disaster if we
sible manner. It has created a get a “fire bust” such as we
real fire hazard, when we had had two weeks ago,” he added.
Both Craft and Burkholder
such a dry year to begin with.
It would appear that the EPA urged hunters and others tra­
and about 90% of the other veling in the timber and grass­
lands of the state to be care­
damphool government agencies ful
with fire. Federal and
dealing with air and water
state laws make persons re­
pollution should be sacked. sponsible
for a wildfire liable
They have been a real detri- j for the costs
of putting it out.
ment to the progress of our
107,000 acre
country. True, they have done
some good in getting industry have burned so far this yea-
to clean up their mess, but , in Oregon, and another thre>
surely there could have been or four weeks of fire seasor
a better way. Just think how remain,” said Burkholder.
little DDT it would have tak­
en to kill the tussock moth
when the Infestation just'
started, say in an acre or two
Now it is just stupid. Think
what it has done to the sus­
tained program in that area.
Firemen Called
Santiam Loses First Home
Football Game To Marist
The highly ranked Marist Santiam endzone from the two
Spartans held Santiam to 26 yard line. The point after pass
yards total offense, as they. failed. Marist again scored in
trounced Santiam 20-6. The the third quarter when John
loss broke Santiam's 18-game Teller caught a 20 yard floater
winning streak that started In from Ray Paiement In the end
the middle of the 1971 season. zone. Paiment then scrambled
Marists’ first score came in for the 2-polnt conversion.
late in the first quarter when giving Marist a 14-0 lead.
Santiam’s only score came
Bob Saraceno lunged into the
late in the third quarter when
David Plotts capped a scoring
drive by connecting with
Jerry Grant for a 26 yard
touchdown pass. The PAT run
Marist added their last six
points when Willie Kerns
The Mill City Lions Club smashed into the end zone
kicked off their fall season by from ten yards out.
having a potluck steak fry in Paiement's PAT pass fell
the city park Monday night. short of its mark.
One of Santiam’s downfalls
Each meihber brought his own
steak, and the committee had was its offensive line. With
Mrs. Wilbur Harlan stands beside her
set up the planned potluck for four new offensive linemen on
tomato plants by her home to show the
the line, Santiam could not
the balance of the meal.
height they have grown. Mrs. Harlan
The wives were invited to make the right adjustment
stated she planted them the last week of
the first meeting.
Also, Marist had a fast defense
President Dick Blakely stat­ unit and an overall outstand­
May and they have been growing steadily
ed there would be no formal ing ball club.
ever since. They now reach seven feet six
business meeting, and the
Santiam got a good punting
inches. She attributes their lengthy
growth to the shade in the afternoon and
The next regular dinner Bryant. Filling in for the In­
the warmth from the house. They also
meeting will be held at the jured Jerry Shepherd was
have a good crop of green tomatoes on the
Frontier Monday night at 6:30 Brian Jones who played well
vines and she is hoping for some ripe to­
p.m., and all Lions are urged in his first starting assign­
matoes soon j —Mill City Enterprise photo
to attend as some of the plans ment.
for the year will be formulat­
Coach Gibson felt the de­
fense was outstanding, espe­
ed at this time.
cially the secondary with Le­
land Ohrt, Craig Blackburn,
Mike Andermatt, and Jerry
The kick-off of new Camp
Grant putting in excellent
<'ire programs in the Linn
performances. Leland Ohrt
District began Sept 12.
played an exceptional game,
The Canyon Leaders Assn,
This Friday and Saturday,
nil have their first meeting
accounting for 13 tackles.
Sept. 14-15, will mark the
Vednesday, Sept 19, at the
Santiam’s next game will
The Junior Woman’s Club opening of a new and unique
be against a strong Sherman
ome of Judy Holman at 1:30 is getting ready for it’s annual
County team. Last year San­
amp Fire leaders and assist- Junior Miss Tea which will be shop in Mill City when Mrs.
AJ1 cub scouts, and boys in­ tiam beat Sherman County
nts are needed. Mrs. Gale held Monday, Sept. 17 at 4:30 Ann Mueller opens the Knit
Larson, acting president of p.m, in the high school home Knack Depot at 134 Wall St. terested in becoming cub easily, winning by over 30
he leaders group, said anyone economics room. All senior The building formerly housed scouts, their parents and any points. This year though,
nterested in helping in Camp girls from the Mill City and a shoe repair shop for many interested persons are invited Sherman County will have a
to attend a meeting at the strong defense and a big line.
Fire, or with some special Detroit areas and their mo­ years.
The historic old depot was Scout Cabin Wednesday even­ The game will be played at
-kill who would like to share thers are especially invited to
Moro Friday night beginning
t with the various camp fire attend as well as any sopho­ receptly purchased by Mill ing, Sept. 19, at 7:00 p.m.
It is hoped enough adults at 8:00.
groups, are especially invited more or junior girls who think City attorneys, Davis and
Corderman, and leased to Mrs
0 0 6 0— 6
o attend the meeting.
they might be interested when Mueller who dubbed it the will attend this meeting so Santiam
that dens can be organized Marist
Many new ideas and pro­ they become seniors.
6 0 8 6....20
Knit Knack Depot.
and activities set up for the
grams have been added this
Slides will be shown by
Mrs. Mueller has been in­ cubs. Den mothers and a cub
zear. First graders are now Jerry Vanderpool who is vice-
ble to become Bluebirds and president of the Junior Miss volved in all types of needle­ master are needed. If there
'ourth, fifth and sixth grad­ Assn, of Oregon, and last craft for over 30 years and are no volunteers to help with
ers are now called Adventure year’s junior miss, Iris Hamp­ will have many beautiful gar­ the boys, the scouting program
ments on display. Prior to will have to be discontinued in
Flyers have been distributed ton, will also be present.
moving to Mill City, Mrs. this area.
it school, but if any girl did
The club has decided that
not receive one, and is inter­ they will proceed with the Mueller was employed as a
ested in Camp Fire, she may pageant which is usually held claims adjustor in Los An­ Officers Installed by
geles for many years.
■all Mrs. Larson.
in November, only if five or came to Mill City early this Amerxan Legion Post
more girls decide to compete. year to join her husband,
Officers of the Mill City -
Bern, who opened the Malt Gates American Legion Post
Shop which was recently sold #159 and the Delbert Reeves
to Neal and Corinne Stewart. Post #7 of Silverton were in­
The Knit Knack Depot will stalled in joint ceremonies at
A board of directors meet­
handle Bernat yarns, rugs the Silverton Post Monday ing of the N. Santiam Cham­
and needlework, as well as evening, Sept. 10.
ber of Comm, was held in Mill
imported yarns, kits, Boye
Installing officers were Don City last Wednesday noon.
Jean Davidson was elected needles and accessories. Em­
president at the first meeting broidery supplies and canvas Eva, past national executive Following the reading of the
correspondence, it was decid­
of the Santiam Booster Club. for creative designs will also committeeman, and George ed
to hold the first general
Jim Wright was elected vice- be available. Classes will be
at The Riverview in
president and Carol Ohrt sec­ available if there are enough al executive committeeman. meeting
The color guard were mem­ Mehama, with Harold Wiltse
retary-treasurer. A general interested.
tn charge of arrangements.
bers of the Lebanon Post
Additional quarters have
The Mill City City Council i business meeting followed.
The fact sheet on the area,
Officers installed for the
will meet Monday night, Sept. I Booster jackets are now be­ been leased to add yard goods Mill City-Gates Post were T. which is sent out on request
17 at 8:00 to hear any resident' ing ordered and orders can be and notions and Mrs. Mueller A. Daugherty, commander; by the chamber has been un­
who wishes to speak for or ¡ placed at Mill City Pharmacy hopes that someone with sim­ Paul Swope, adjutant; Sam der discussion for several
against the federal revenue Cost is $7.70. Booster cushions ilar interests will join her in Bibler, finance officer; Peter months, and the new fact
sharing budget which was' and Santiam High School de- < th*s venture.
, . .
Willie, first vice-commander; sheet with the changes sug­
published in the Aug. 30 issue ' cals can be purchased also.
I Visit the Depot during the E. O. Wirtanen, second vice­ gested was finalized at this
1 grand opening and be sure to commander; Charles Barney, meeting.
of the Mill City Enterprise.
Anyone having any ques- • Next meeting will be Sept. register for the prize draw­ sgt. at arms; Don Dishong,
Gene Fief of Mehama talk­
tions on any part or all of I 21 after the Knappa game.
chaplain; Gunter Cline, histor­ ed about the cutting of the
this budget may appear and
ian; and Percy Mulligan, serv­ small trees along the highway
ask them at this time.
Stolen Pickup
ice officer.
right of way. The highway
The city council at their
A potluck dinner served by crews recently cut everything
Found Above Dam
meeting proposed to spend
the Silverton Post preceded down, detracting from the ap­
$18,000 on public safety (this
DETROIT — A 1973 pickup the installation.
pearance of the road, accord­
included law enforcement and
truck stolen Thursday of last
ing to Fief. He was asked by
fire department); environ­
week from Monmouth was re­
President Jim Tedrow to draft
The Patronesses of Cheme­ covered Friday of last week in Two Building Permits
mental protection received
a letter to the highway depart­
83,000; public transportation, keta Community College in­ the Detroit Reservoir just Issued In M II City
ment to be read and discuss­
$14,675; summer recreation vite the public to join them in above the dam, state police
ed at the next chamber meet­
program $3,000; social serv­ kicking off the 1973-74 col­ said.
ed two building permits dur­ ing.
ices for the aged $1,000; finan­ lege year and welcoming new
It was found by a fisherman ing the month of August total­
John Kohls of PP&L will
cial administration $1,500; for faculty at a steak feed Friday, in about four feet of water. ing $5,150.
have the program at the next
Sept. 21.
Police said there was no evi­ One for a metal shed for general meeting. He will talk
supplement the city budget
Chemeketa Careers dence of anyone having been 3150 and $5,000 for an addi­ on the present or coming pow­
already passed last June.
Committee is co-hosting the in the truck when it rolled tion to a home.
er shortage.
dinner which will begin with down into the water.
a social hour at 5:30 p.m. The
Detroit Dam-Weather charcoal-broiled steak dinner Monmouth.
will follow at 6:30 p.m.
Max Mln. Elev Pep
Peg Drager, chairman of the
57 1536.34 0.00 I patronesses,
Sept. 5 97
54 1535 97 000 Houck, Chemeketa's coopera­
Sept. 6 82
The Gates City Council Terrace, pending resolution of
Sept 7 62
50 1535.36 000 tive work experience coordin­
Thursday accepted the resig­ some legal technicalities.
49 1534 07 0.07 ator, are co-chairmen for the
Sept. 8 59
49 1533.78 000 dinner party which will be
Sept. 9 71
DETROIT — A decline In nation of council member Ber-
Authorized Earl Moreland,
Sept. 10 86
53 1533.46 0.00 held at Midge’s Meadow (Mrs. enrollment at Detroit High niece Evans after three years water commissioner, to nego­
53 1532 80 000 Houck’s country home), 695 and grade school was an­ of service.
Sept 11 92
tiate for Insurance coverage of
Mayor J. Howard Jenks the city’s water tank, pump
Total Pep. for Week ....... 0 07 Winding Way S.E. Salem.
nounced here this week by the
Committee members for the schools administrative office.
house and contents.
party include members Grade school this year has an ing Mrs. Evans’ vacancy to
Heard presentation of a new
If the number following I dinner
of the patronesses and careers enrollment of 105 students contact him. She listed person­ zoning map outlining residen­
your name on The Err committee, both volunteer or- compared to 136 last year.
In other action, the council: tial, commercial, industrial
High school 62, compared to
| ganizations which support the
Passed a resolution authoriz­ and public use land zones from
terprise label reads college and its programs. 78 last fall.
bids to install larger wa­ Morgan White, planning com­
9-73 it's time to send Members come from through­ School is only in its second ter mains in District 1, East mission member. No action
out the college’s trl-county week and a few more may en­
Gates and District 2, Riverside was taken.
a check for renewal. 1 district.
roll, school officials said.
Lions Have Steak
Fry In Park Monday
CampFire Programs
To Get Underway
City Budget
Hearing Set
for Monday
Junior Miss
Tea Planned
Booster Club Elects
New Officers
New Business To
Open Here Friday
Meeting Next
Wednesday Night
Tree Cutting
Discussed by
C of C Board
Chemeketa College
To Have Steak Feed
Resignation Opens City of
School Enrollment Gates Council Member Post
Down At Detroit