IT’LL PAY TWO WAYS! IDANHA Army Seeks DETROIT Non-High School MEHAMAi Mrs. Jonn Teeters 4—The Mill City Enterprise, Thur»., September 6, 1973 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897-277« MILL CITY, ORE. 973M Jeannie Owen and daugh­ ter, Nancy Pruitt, returned Published at Mill City, Marion County, Ore. every Thnnatay By Boots Champion home Saturday. Aug. 25. They Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Postoffice at Mil) If you are looking for that left by car June 10 for Johns­ City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. certain fall floral arrange­ town, N. Y. where they were The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility ment, drop into Detroit Patio Army recruiters can start guests at the home of Mrs. for errors In advertisements. It will, however, reprint Gift Shop, and look over our pursuing _____ __ __.......... ............ the non-high school fine assortment of made up graduate again after a period Owen’s brother. The ladies without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an arrangements. We also have a of restricting enlistments in also visited with another advertisement which Is In error if The Enterprise is at fault colorful assortment of dried, category in order to build brother’s family and spent a An independent newspaper, dedicated to the development flowers for "do-it-yourself ar-. a higher quality all-volunteer lot of time seeing the places of the timber industry and agriculture in this area. of interest especially in the rangements. 36 army. MEMBER A wild rumor circulating in __ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER But __ the 17 year old ........... non-high ; Washington, D. C. area. Be­ the Upper North Santiam Can- school graduate will still be fore leaving for home they Oregon yon that a body was found in discouraged from joining up went to Florida where they truwiucn SUSTAINING Newspaper W the Boulder Creek area. because the army still does not visited a sister, who Mi's. ® MEMBtR — 1973 Publishers that FBI officials are making want the young high i.'hool Owen had not seen for 14 Association In investigations in the area, is | “dropout.” In fact he will be years. They also did a lot of false. A call to the local FBI encouraged by the recruiter sightseeing on the way home. office in Salem, and to the to stay in school at all costs SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mrs. Joe Jones and daugh­ state police, confirmed that and finish his education. How­ ter, Mrs. Ron Kowalis, and Marion-Linn Counties, per year -------------- >4.50 they knew nothing about ever, after the prospect gradu­ daughters Athena and Serena Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year .... >5.00 an incident of this nature. ates or turns 18, the recruiter of Klamath Falls came Tues­ Outside Oregon, per year ............. -............ .>5.50 Cecil Worden. Detroit, who is free to enlist him. day, Aug. 28. for a couple of was taken to Salem Memorial Selectivity has become a days visit at the home of Mrs. ......... Editor and Publiaher Hospital by Idanha Rural Fire necessity to maintain the Jonea’ mother, Mrs. Jennie GEORGE LONG .............. Protection District ambulance army’s health. A few months Moe. and with other relatives. RAYMOND E. PRESLER ................................. Printer Tuesday of last week for me­ ago, the army recruiting Mrs. Moe returned to Klamath NORMA LONG................ ..... Society and News Editor dical attention, was released command put a 70/30 ration I Falls with them. .............. Local News Editor ROSE CREE .................... Saturday. He is now recuper­ i on the number of high school ......... .... Local News Edito* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ader MARY KELLY ................ ating at home. E vings ' graduates versus non-gradu- I and daughter, Amber, return CORRESPONDENTS Clause (Steve) Wiebe, De­ ates so that 70% of the young ed Saturday, Sept. 1, from a ............ _......................... Boots Champion troit, is confined to Salem people enlisted per month had two weeks trip to Colorado Detroit-Idanha ................... .............................. Betty Kalle Memorial Hospital for medi­ to have a high school diploma when they visited with her Gates ........... ........ ..________ ....... ________ Eva Bressler cal attention. A report said in hand GED (General Edu­ I parents, the Wallace Robert­ Lyons ----- ---- ....... .... Mrs. John Teeters • Jean Roberts possible surgery may be slat­ cation Development) scores sons, and other relatives in Mehama------- ed. did not qualify an individual the Akron area. A $42,000 project on the for this group unless state is­ Mrs. Chris McDonald was KNOW YOUR Holiday Visitors at new intake on Marion Creek sued. The remaining 30% con­ hostess at her home Wednes­ for water supply to the Marion sists of those who achieved a day afternoon, Aug. 29, to a TRAFFIC LAWS Forks Fish Hatchery got un­ ompiled by the O regon T raffic Williams' Home As the daylight hours diminish and the nights grow long­ derway here recently. The high grade on the Armed few old friends for a surprise S C afety C ommission Test. party honoring Mrs. B. L. er. (and colder) the demands on fuel supplies, accelerate. This project is scheduled for com­ Forces Qualification DETROIT — Holiday visit­ Oregon law makes it illegal provides us with the opportunity to help conserve our energy i pletion about Nov. 1, a spokes­ Those who couldn't pass stood Kirsch on her birthday. Pres­ ors at the home of Mr. and supplies by reducing our normal use both at home and at man at the hatchery said Sa­ little or no chance of ever ent for the afternoon were for any person to operate a Mrs. Jake Williams were being able to enter the army. Mrs. Kirsch, Mrs. Raymond motor vehicle during the time work. turday. Contractor is Jim But now that has changed. Branch, Mrs. Edward Titze, his driver’s license is suspend­ their two daughters and By setting the furnace temperature control a few degrees Weaver of Union. Oregon. husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ In order for the all volun ­ Mrs .Leonard Wallen, Mrs. ed. lower while you are home, and down to 65 degrees upon re­ Labor Day holliday visitors Pettie ot Eugene and Mr tiring. some fuel can be saved. Using the washing machine, at the Frank Hancock home teer army to make it, a change [ Jennie Moe, Mrs. Larry Kim The penalties, upon convic­ ert dryer, and dishwasher with maximum loads saves electric: were th?ir son and daughter- in policy had to be made. sey, Mrs. J. M. Teeters, Mrs. tion, for driving while sus­ and Mrs. Ted Johnson of Centralia, Wash. While the army was satisfied Harold Longfellow and power. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth with the high caliber indivi­ granddaughter, Tonya, and pended are: Sunday the Williams and Make it a habit to turn on only those lights needed for Hancock (1) A sentence to jail of immediate use. and turn off the radio or TV when you are Portland. and son Kevin of dual that was joining, there the hostess. Mrs McDonald. not less than two days nor their family drove to Lapine in Central Oregon where they just weren’t enough of them Guests Tuesday, Aug. 28. at not actively viewing or listening. Weekend visitors at the to fill the manpower require­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. more than one year. were dinner guests at the love­ Promote the use of car pools in your neighborhood for home (2) In addition to the jail of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle ments needed. So it was the Howard Fletcher were Mr. ly summer home of Mr. and picking up children at school, the Y, the club, or when you and family were Mrs. recruiter who was hurting by and Mrs. Richard Maestas and sentence, a fine of up to >1,000 Mrs. Vurl Beck. This was the go to work. It not only saves on gas, and money, but saves Rogers can be imposed. Roger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. not being able to sign up a lot the first time the Williams had Fletcher’s l ___ -___ , grandson. your time as well. (3) In addition to a jail Clyde Webber of Eugene. of willing prospects just be- Steven Maestas, all of Salem sentence and a fine, the law seen the Becks in a number These are a few of many ways you can save on energy _ this fall and winter. They will result in actual dollar savings Other visitors were Mr. and cause they didn’t finish high and Mrs. Frank Ryfiak of requires that a court shall of years. Mrs. Kelly Facchini and son, school. as well. South Gate, Michigan. either impound the vehicle Joshua, of Lebanon. While Does this mean that quality Bonnie Christensen arriv­ r here the Facchini’s also called 1 is going to go down now? Not ed Thursday. Aug 30, from driven by a suspended driver For Quality Job Printing call or suspend the registration of on Mrs. Irene Paullin. j so. according to Lt. Col. James Lemoore Naval Air Station in the vehicle. The suspension of The Entei prise, 897-2772. Visiting here recently for alj T. j_. Brenner, commanding of- California for a few days of the registration results in the week at the home of Mrs. (ficer for army ’ recruiting in leave at the home of her SEE OUR SELECTION OF loss of the license plates for Edna May were Mrs. Mima the state _ of _ Oregon. “Our mother, Mrs G. V. Christen­ the period specified. The own­ 1 BEST THINGS IN LIFE Covey and sons David and [ mental category standards sen. er of the vehicle involved is Danny of Florence. are still going to remain high, Can ITATI TARAI responsible for all costs relat­ Arriving here Sunday at the • but there's little logic to as- A BILL ALLMAN ed to this process. home of Irene Stout for a ' sume that just because a man Phone 769-5729 weeks visit was Mrs. Stout’s 11 doesn’t have a high school di­ QUALITY JOB PRINTING The Oregon law citations INIURANCI brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. ploma means that he's a low i are ORS 482.620, 482,650, 715 1st— Stayton Phone »17-2772 With A 5 Year Warranty Program I 482.990 and 484.222. Clarence Lund of Kingsman, mentality individual. That •fe Insurance Company Ariz. | just isn’t true.” The yard at the Idanha home I The army, as well as the of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wilker- other services, has found that [ , son was the setting last Thurs- many of its best soldiers never I . day for the annual get- graduated from high school. ( ’ acquainted school picnic. CATALOGUE ORDER STORE They have skills that can be I Four year old Brian Fields, put to good use in technology I son of Mrs. Barbara Fields, cal areas where a high school1 Phone 897-2785 Mill City, Ore. sustained a severe cut to his diploma is not the only ans­ hand Monday when he fell wer. Many of these people while carrying a glass of pop. then become motivated enough It took about five stitches to , to want to go back to school close the wound. and finish their educations A Salem man was taken to while in the army and even Hospital pursue technically oriented Salem Memorial Emergency Center, after he studies for college credit later fell down an embankment in on. the Kenny Creek area. He was While the past few months David Lee Towry, 23, of 5604 have provided the army with Tumbleweed Circle, N. E. Sa­ a more educated breed of re­ lem. Attendants of the Idanha cruits than ever before, it al­ Rural Fire Protection District so made them realize that if Ambulance said he sustained the all-volunteer army is to a broken shoulder The ambu- become a reality it must be 1 lance was called to the scene willing to gamble on the of the accident about 7:45 p.m. young individual who for one Saturday night. • Use your car ashtray reason or another, was not motivated in school. The army I also realizes its responsibility • Burn trash carefully when it enlists the non-high 1 school graduate. It must try • Drown your campfire j and provide this individual I with a skill that will not only make him productive to the Consider your army but will provide him with the incentive to want neighbor J to continue his education. KELLY LUMBER SALES If the army realizes its re­ “The political pot never sponsibility in that way then mill city . crebdm those in the community who boils much. The old apple­ Phone 897-2610 question their motives might sauce is only warmed over.” take a second look. The army just could be providing the impetus needed with job skills and training to make a future civilian more produc­ tive, rather than just another lonely figure in the unemploy­ ment line. ■ Graduates Again !■ ADMIRAL TV's WESTERN AUTO YOU HAVE TO OO MORE THAN KNOCK ON WOOD in Building Supplies Think First of Kelly Lumber Sales J S+ay+on, Oregon Cooks Grocery Store To Have New Owners Now Hiring On All Shifts DETROIT — John Cook, owner of Cooks Grocery Store, said new owners of the store will take possession of the business October 1. They are Mr an.d Mrs. Joe Dowels of Hood River. 3 P.M.—11 P.M Long Operating Season — Late November Registrations Taken At Plant Personnel Office Washington Street, Stayton, Oregon Wages As Per Union Contract For Information Call 769-6361 Office Opens 7 A. M. An Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Cook has been in the store business for nearly 27 years. He opened his first store in the old town of De­ Kiir OUR troit in 1947. Following the STATE GREEN construction of Detroit Dam. a new store was constructed on Detroit Ave. here and has been continuously in opera- tion. Thf long and friendly serv- Frank Lumber Co. U. S. Plywood-Champion Papers, Inc icc of the Cooks will be miss- Mill City, Oregon Idanha—Lebanon, Oregon ed, but we wish the new own­ ers success in their new ad- j foung & Morgan Timber Company Stout Creek Lumber Co. venture. Mill City—Idanha, Oregon Lyons, Oregon—Mill at Mehama Mr. Cook said he and his wife Doris are retiring from ' Wills Shingle Mill business and hope to do some i Intermounta’n Trucking, Inc. traveling in the future. Mill City, Oregon Lyons, Oregon