Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1973)
is 6—The MUI City iiiterprise, Thursday, August 16,1978 WANT TO BUY TIMBER Elk Permit and Cougar PUBLISHED SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Small or large tract» Tag Applications Due OF THE STATE OF OREGON CLASSIFIED RATES Advertising in The Mill City Enterprise Oregon hunters have less FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN Department of H Mlle West ef Mehama, Ore. to apply for antlerless elk Domestic Relations permits and cougar tags. In ) GALVANIZED ROOFING order to be eligible for the In the Matter of the ) 2H" corrugated. 4V corru drawing, applications must be Dissolution of the ) gated custom cut to length. received by 5:00 p.m. on Aug. Marriage of Ask about our new lower 21 at the game commission’s FRANKLIN P. SUMMERS. ) ) prices. Sublimity Building Portland headquarters. The Petitioner ) Supply, 769-2174. public drawing will ge held ) at 10:00 a.m. on Aug. 31. SEPTIC TANK and drainfield ) and The game commission re installation. Gravel, Topsoil. minds hunters that applica ) Bulldozing Free Estimate. tion for elk permits should be PATRICE ANN SUMMERS, ) Low rates. L M. Walker, made on the forms provided Respondent ) Lyons. 869-2436. 50tf when they purchased their elk SUMMONS DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT— tag. Cougar tag applications TO: PATRICE ANN SUM should be made on the special $3.25 per gallon. Sublimity MERS, the above named Re Building Supply. Phone 769- tag application card also avail spondent able to all license agencies. 2174. 19tf IN THE NAME OF THE( Some 83 cougar tags will be OF OREGON, you are WESTERN AUTO now has issued for a season extending STATE hereby required to appear I from Dec. 1 through 31, but Cuprinol Wood Stain and answer the Petition filed Preservative. Good for the tags will be limited to and you in the above en-1 houses, lawn furniture, etc. more specific areas than has against bob M c D onald Stayton titled court on or before the 1 been true in past years. See the samples at your Mill expiration of four weeks from City Western Auto Store, tfc GENE SYKORA Stayton the date of the first publica tion of this summons; if you If the number following NUMBER ONE prefinished Miscellaneous MARSHALL POWELL Lyons paneling. All 4x8 sheete I your name on The En fail so to appear and answer, petitioner for want thereof $2.69 and $3.49. Sublimity JERRY COFFMAN Mehama NEED AN Adding Machine?— Real Estate Building Supply, Sublimity terprise label reads will apply to the above entitl electrically operated, just ed court for the relief prayed Phone 769-2174. 46tf FOR SALE — 4-bedroom, two overhauled $75.00. 897-3198. 8-73 it's time to send for in this petition, to wit: | MARK McKAIG Stayton story older home in Gates. 34p LET US do your glass work a check for renewal. Dissolving the marriage of JERRY GROVE Stayton On 3/4 acre, fruit trees. 897- We cut window glass to your the parties; awarding the care, KEYS MADE WHILE YOU 2815. 35 measurements. We will in custody and control of the CHUCK MORTINSON Albany WAIT. Better get an extra stall the glass in frames minor child of said marriage FOR SALE — Ideal Mobile key made for your house brought to the store. Mill to the Respondent; awarding DAVE WRIGHT Stayton home set up. All carpeted, or automobile today, Bring City Hardware, Phone 897- the personal property in the appliances and Franklin your key with you. Mill 2977. sitf possession of the respective Fireplace included, on Oak City Hdwe., Mill City. tf parties to said parties; such St.. Gates, Ore. Phone 897- TO BUY—10 Feed other relief as the court may 2063. 33 THINKING about a new TV? WANTED er Calves. Phone 897-2784. deem equitable and just. NOTICE OF Check Western Auto. Ad 33p This Summons is published Bl'VERS we have BUDGET HEARING miral or our own Truetone. The City Council, City of by order of the Honorable C. ■ Listings we need Color and black and white. ALUMINUM Screen Doors Offices Coast-to-Coast We stand behind what we complete with hinges, latch Mill City, will hold a meeting R. Johns, Judge of the above National Advertising Brings sell. Terms available. High set, grill and door closer, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall entitled court made and enter BUYERS from everywhere way 22, Ph. 897-2785. tfc $12.50. Sublimity Building on Monday, Aug. 27, 1973, for ed on the 20th day of July,1 Call Today Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf the purpose of setting up the 1973, directing publication of REMOVE SOIL and Stains supplemental budget of Re- this Summons once each week • STROUT REALTY, Inc. from carpets wtth Rug-Mate LOANS on ____ Real Property Sharing J funds. Any for four consecutive weeks in 1 w — on venue _____ ____ ___ Vivian M. Kealen, Manager Stain Removing Shamnnn nnn a ___ I | person wishing to speak for the Mill City Enterprise, a Shampoo j. Homes ____ w .... .™».® up a to - $5,000. Phone Gates, Oregon 97346 —x— '*769^687y — —— ,'~Eve¿Ín® _ . or against any or an items of newspaper published and of Rent electric shampooer $1. | stayton P. O. Box 516 a,,.„ Catalog Store, e*— , I 769_584ß Western Auto the budget may attend this general circulation in Marion Phone 897-2164 telephone 897-2785. 33 | meeting and his views may be and Linn Counties. Oregon. , Your Local Dealer for Chevrolet Cars and REMODELING and general' adaa - p OAT Date of first publication, I ;------ “77 I ORDER your pickling cukes expressed. By order of the now. Betty Bostwick 288 S I Common Council of the City Aug 16. 1973. Trucks and Sport King, Kit, Open Road, repairs. Complete kitchens.! GARAGE SALE — August 15, 16 and 17 at 170 S. E Ivy. ; W Ivy, Phone 897-3125. 35 of Mill City. Date of last publication, Sept. bathrooms, and additions. Mill City. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 1 -------------- - ------------------ ----- Trailers, Campers, Motor Homes. 6, 1973. CaU 859-2760. 16tf JUDITH BOGLE p.m. Childrens clothing < I INTERESTED IN MONEY? — City Recorder DAVIS & CORDERMAN womens knit dresses, lots: Look into the benefits of 2- Bdrm. Mill City $13,500. (Published in the Mill City Attorneys for Plaintiff of books, some furniture, | membership in the North 3- Bdrm. 2 story. Gates. Thursday, Aug. 16, P. O. Box 311 dishes, playpen and other ! Santiam Federal Credit Enterprise $17,250. Mill City, Ore. 97360 misc items. Phone 897-2433 I Union. Credit Union services 1973.) 3-Bdrm. Gates. $14,950. 33 | are available to anyone in 3-Bdrm. Mill City, $11,840. ------------------------------------ —— | the Stayton area and the 3-Bdrm 3.34 ac. $14.000. EXCELLENT, efficient, econ general canyon to and in Also, Acreages Available. omical. Blue Lustre, carpet cluding Idanha. Our cur-' TERMS AND ALL cleaner. Rent electric sham- rent interest rate is 514% , OFFERS CONSIDERED pooer $1. Mill City Hard on Pass Book Accounts plus ware, telephone 897-2977. 33 Stayton Appliance limited life insurance, and each account is insured to FOR SALE — Shetland Pony Service JOHN W. REID. M. D $20,000. Ask for Matt Martin . . . see at Ann’s Furniture 10:00 A. M. or Lois Baller at 769-2146, Phone 749-2975. 33 Serving the Hantinm or come into the office of Physician and Surgeon 1050 Wilco Road Stayton, Ore Canyon Area. BOAT FOR SALE: 14 ft. Rie- Drushella Real Estate and Bankrupt Properties and Open (.'onsigniiH'nte nell with 75 HP Evinrude, ask for the North Santiam ( MUI City, Oregon Servicing All Major TRUCKS and TRAILERS EZ load tilt trailer $1,200 Federal Credit Union. Brand Appliance» 1969 Ford Pickup %-ton 1966 International I Phone 897-2746 or see at 721 think of SEE WESTERN AUTO for 1966 GMC Pickup 1954 Ford Truck N.E. Alder, Mill City. 33 1972 El Camino your appliance needs. All 1965 Scots Recreational DRUSHELLA'S 440 John Deere Cat DARN and FENCE Redwood merchandise with excellent Trailer I Drushella Real Estate w/bucket stain $1.98 gal. White in guarantee. Highway 22. Ph I 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton 242 E. Florence — Stayton 897-2785. tfc terior Latex wall finish TOOLS and EQUIPMENT Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 $2.99 gal. Sublimity Build Band Saw & Stand Insect Fogging Machine & Salesman — Gates, Oregon ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph Jointer & Stand 15 gal. Insecticide Call day or evening. 769-2174 17tf 36” Wood Lathe & Set Belt & Disc Sander of Knives Butane Torch ♦ Gas, Oil and Electric Weed Sprayer «4 HP 110 V Motor Forced Air Heating Little North Fork • 2 HP 220 V Motor Tool Chest w/misc. tools Systems 2—B.K.W. House Dryers 375’ nver frontage and an old cabin. $24,000 terms ♦ Sheet Metal Duct Systems ♦ See Us for Free Estimates available. OFFICE Secretarial Chairs Portable Electric Certified LENNOX Dealer Please call anytime 897-2111. Weddle Funeral Home Typewriter 3-Drawer Letter size File STAYTON Royal Manual Typewriter Cabinet w/storage REFRIGERATION Modern Funeral Service Casio ( alculator compartment “We Service What We Sell” Copiers 3—Legal Size 4-Drawer 207 3rd St. Call 769-5323 Oregon Stayton Underwood Adding Filing Cabinets Real Estafe Machine 3—4-Drawer Letter Size Stayton Septic Service 528 N. E. Santiam Blvd. Mill City. Ore. Other Office Machines File Cabinets Automotive 2—Metal Desks 2-Drawer File Cabinet SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE — 1971 175 Yama Office Chairs 2—Stands I CLEANED ha Enduro with many extras Berry's Shell Service Swivel Arm Chairs Book Ends and 1970 Yamaha 125 MX 4-Drawer letter Size File Floot Mat I 24-HOUR TOWING MILL CITY I w new rebuilt engine. Ph. Cabinet w /safe & Misc. Office Supplies, Desk 897-2228. 34 Excellent Business or residential site—50' x 100'—2 storage compartment Files Phone 854-3361 We will meet all coinpetit Bedroom home, utility room, washer and dryer hookup. FOR SALE — 1970 Ford To ELECTRICAL Detroit, Oregon ive Price« and servk* Natural Gas heater, city water. Corner property. Several Extension Cords 12 — Meter Bases rino, Excellent running con Satisfaction Guaranteed Full Price .............. —...... $7,500 dition, only 24,000 miles on Nails Switch Boxes Microphone Wire Angle Iron Ph. 769-6659 Stayton it. 351 engine, auto. Needs 82’ x 100’ LOT. All utilities available................... $2,100 Quantity Light Bulbs 2—16’ Extension Ladders body work. Price $975. Will WE SELL BETTER Switches, Fasteners, Aluminum Ladder take older cars as part pay MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. Connectors, Couplers, 8’ (.adder 4’ Ladder CARS FOR LESS ment. First house on left, LIST NOW. We Sell A Dimmers, Wall Plates, Quan, of Electrical Wiring east of Grants Restaurant on Clips, Fuses Lighting Fixtures Complete Line of Hwy 22. Mise. Electrical Parts Hasrhozrd Heaters Wall Heaters Plastic Pipe Lots of Items Not Mentioned ( opper Tubing Flex Pipe Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr. Gates, Ore. Spot Lights Flood Lights Pipe and Fitting» Churches, bazaars, suppers, For Rent bake sale, etc., will be run under special announcements classification with a mini FOR RENT — Bachelor Apart mum charge of 75c per ment, single only, $55 per insertion. month, utilities included. Fifteen cents per line each 751 N. W. Santiam Blvd., insertion, No advertisements Mill City 897-3135 33 accepted for less than 75c per week Minimum charge FOR RENT — Furnished one bedroom apart. $80 mo., in for Cards of Thanks $1.00. cluding utilities. $25 depos Count five words to the line it Phone 897-2701 or 897- in ordering your ad. Telephone 3154. 28tf 897-2772, MUI City or maU your advertisement to The Mill FOR RENT One bedroom up City Enterprise, Mill City, stairs apartment. Water and Oregon 97360. garbage service furnished No pets $60 mo. $20 deposit 268 S. W. Kingwood. Phone Real Estate Wanted 897-2861 31tf WANTED — Small Acreage FOR RENT — Two bedroom near Mill City, Gates or Duplex in Gates. Ideal for Lyons. 2 to 4 acres. Call 769- older couple. Reasonable. 3248 or 897-2772 and ask 897-2088. 34p for Ray Presler or write, 170 E Washington St., Stay ton, Ore. 97383. to haul your log». STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. than two weeks left in which Brings Results—Try It Every Week NEW Car or Truck ? USED Car or Truck ? Check With One Of These Salesmen Before You Buy! We Buy Good Clean Used Cars FOR CASH JOHN LUCAS Chevrolet Stayton - 769-2126 AUCTION BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY <- - - - - - Sunday, August 19 Phone 769-3261 HEATING Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise $4.50 per Year Read it Every Week DAVID M. REID Prompt Service MISCELLANEOUS MILL CITY LARGE LOT -Garage, nice location, 3-bedroom home. Kitchen and bathroom just remodeled. Dining room, nice size living room. Only $13,000.00. 100 x 100 ft LOTS—Mill City—$2,000 and up. LOTS in Gates. Small down, owner will carry. $2,000 and up. Dr. and Mrs. Dave Thomp son and staff of Canyon Den tal Clinic would like to thank all those who helped make last Wednesday night’s open house a success. Thanks for the warm welcome to Mill City. Dr. and Mrs. Thompson and Staff Biack-out Cloth Coffee Pot Bulletin Board Waste Baskets Stool Table Caulking Gun End Table Tool Chest Clock Steel Fence Posts Cups Sign Boards 3—14” Tires Shovel tc Rake Tire Chains If you are looking for good useable merchandise DON’T MISS THIS SALE Preview Saturday, August 18 Terms of Sale* CASH or CHECK Lunch Help Wanted Ed Lewin Auctioneer Inc. HELP WANTED- Woman for part time work. Wilson’s Hatchery. Phone 859-2134 393-1268 769-5466 Auctioneers: Ed Lewin and Gene Lewin 29tf JOHN LUCAS CHEVROLET INC Plumbing Supplies 120 Wert Hollister Street American Standard Phone 769-2126 STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME For Plumbing Service Call 897-2799 Guaranteed W or kmanahlp Moffatt Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Licensed Plumbing and Heating Contractor MID City, Oregon